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The Andrews University Board of Trustees met for their annual fall Board meeting this past weekend, October 26-29, on the campus of Andrews University. University president, Niels-Erik Andreasen, met with faculty and staff on Monday, Oct. 29, to give the president's briefing.
The Board's agenda included reports from the President's Office, University Advancement, Enrollment Management, Student Life, the Provost's Office, Financial Administration and the President's Council.
The Board voted to accept the recommendation from the Office of the Provost and the Division of Architecture to change the Division of Architecture to the School of Architecture.Carey Carscallen (right), formerly director of the Division, is now dean of the new School. "This change comes about because of the growing status and reputation that the Architecture program has achieved in recent years," according to Carscallen. "The change helps preserve the autonomy required by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) and was supported by the 2006 accreditation visiting team. This change gives proper clarity and importance of its identity to prospective students, is more closely aligned with the majority of architecture programs in other institutions of higher education, and reflects its place among the other academic units of Andrews University, enabling it to prosper in its mission, both academically and financially within and outside of the University."
The architecture program began as an associate degree in the College of Technology in 1974. Full accreditation for the bachelor of architecture degree was received in 1987. In the spring of 2000 the Division received a full five-year accreditation and in July of 2002 the NAAB approved a nomenclature change from bachelor of architecture to master of architecture. There are 170 students currently studying for the degree. The Andrews University School of Architecture is one of five accredited architecture programs in the United States located at a Christian university.
Further business of the Board included a routine report from the external auditing firm, BKD, which provided an unqualified opinion, with no irregularities, on the financial practices of the University. The overall financial report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, given to the Board by Vice President Larry Schalk, showed significantly improved financial performance in operations as well as philanthropic support. Budget assumptions for the 2008-09 school year were also reviewed and approved, including a five percent increase in graduate and undergraduate tuition.
The report to the Board from the President’s Council outlined aggressive fund-raising plans to support the Center for Service to Adventist Graduate Education, strengthen undergraduate education, and development the new engineering program. The President’s Council made a request to the Board to begin plans for a new center for undergraduate education which is comprised of a new facility named Buller Hall and renovations to 60-year old Nethery Hall. Larry Schalk was authorized by the Board to begin developing financial plans to achieve this capital improvement project.
Provost Heather Knight presented the Board with a draft of the University’s new Strategic Plan which outlines the University’s strategic initiatives for 2007-2012. With Board approval, Knight will lead an administrative team in developing action steps and timelines to achieve the initiatives. An administrative retreat to begin this process is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov 14.
A number of faculty and staff appointments, chair appointments and promotions-in rank were voted by the Board.
Faculty Appointments
College of Arts & Sciences: Sonia Badenas, Instructor for International Language Studies; Mioara Diaconu, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences/Social Work; Maximino Mejia, Assistant Professor of Research for Nutrition; Silas Oliveira, Professor–Reference/ Database/Off-Campus Program Services Librarian
School of Architecture: Troy Homenchuk, Assistant Professor of Architecture
School of Education: Nancy Agentta, Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction Department; Faith-Ann McGarrell, Assistant Professor, Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Department
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary: Paul Zeljko Gregor, Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology; Darius Jankiewicz, Associate Professor of Theology; Thomas Shepherd, Professor of New Testament; Allan Walshe, Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Director, MA in Youth Ministry
University Schools: Kristine Balisciano, Instructor of Mathematics for Ruth Murdoch Elementary School; Carrie Chao, Instructor of Mathematics and Science for Andrews Academy
Promotion-in-Rank and Continuous Appointments
College of Arts & Sciences: Robert Moore, Professor to Professor with continuous appointment
Seminary: Skip Bell, Professor to Professor with Continuous Appointment
Cheryl Doss, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
Trevor O’Reggio, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
Cleon White, Vice Principal to Interim Principal. Andrews Academy
Chair Appointments
P. Richard Choi, Chair, New Testament, Seminary
Jerry L. Furst, Chair, Governing Board of Andrews Academy
North American Division Evangelism Institute (NADEI) Appointments
Liza Clouzet, Assistant Professor of Ministry and Chaplaincy, Christian Ministry, Seminary; Ron Clouzet, Professor of Christian Ministry and Pastoral Theology, Christian Ministry, Seminary
Director Appointment
L. Monique Pittman, College of Arts & Sciences, Director, John Nevin Andrews Honors Program
Staff Appointments
Ryan Clough, processor for Student Financial Services; Dan Hansen, director of development; Josip Horonic, systems manager for James White Library; Jennifer Janssen, Banner support & specialist for Information Technology; Zachary Juniper, assistant dean of men; Andre Morgan, web designer & developer; William Navalon, enrollment coordinator; Helen Susens, assistant to the registrar (academic records); Sarah Theoret, health professions marketing coordinator; Michael Villwock, manager of arboretum-grounds; Geoffrey Weithers, marketing director for WAUS.