Professional Publications
Manuscripts submitted or in preparation
- Moore,
A. L., Damania, S. P., Hayward, J. L., Henson, S. M., and S. V.
Hodge. The dynamics of loafing, thermoregulation, and territory attendance
in a seabird colony. In preparation.
- Henson, S. M., and J. L.
Hayward. A nonautonomous matrix model of seabird
movement. In preparation.
- Hayward, J. L., Henson, S. M. Tkachuck,
R., Tkachuck, C., Johnson, C. K., and B. G.
Payne. Predicting numbers of loafing gulls close to Pacific and Atlantic
breeding colonies. Auk.
- Hayward, J. L., Henson, S. M., Banks, J.
C., and S. L. Lyn. Modeling appendicular bone
growth in juvenile Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens).
In preparation.
- Cushing, J. M., Henson, S.
M., and C. C. Blackburn. Multiple mixed-type attractors in competition
models. In preparation.
- Hayward, J. L., Galusha,
J. G., and S. M. Henson. Foraging behavior of bald eagles at a marine bird
colony and seal rookery in Washington.
In preparation.
- Cushing, J. M., Henson, S.
M., and L.-I. Roeger 2007. A competition model
for species with juvenile-adult life cycle stages. Journal of Biological Dynamics. Submitted.
Refereed papers
- Henson, S. M., Dennis, B., Hayward, J. L.,
Cushing, J. M., and J. G. Galusha. Predicting the dynamics of animal
behavior in field populations. Animal
Behaviour. To appear.
- Cushing, J. M., Henson, S.
M., and L.-I. Roeger 2007. A competition model
for species with juvenile-adult life cycle stages. Journal of Biological Dynamics. To appear.
- Henson, S. M., Galusha, J. G., Hayward,
J. L., and J. M. Cushing 2007. Modeling territory attendance and preening
behavior in a seabird colony as functions of environmental conditions. Journal of Biological Dynamics. To
- Desharnais,
R. A., Costantino, R. F., Cushing, J. M.,
Henson, S. M., Dennis, B., and A. A. King 2006. Experimental
support of the scaling rule for demographic stochasticity. Ecology Letters 9:537-547.
- Henson, S. M., Hayward, J. L., and
S. P. Damania 2006. Identifying environmental
determinants of diurnal distribution in marine birds and mammals. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68:467-482.
- Costantino,
R. F., Desharnais, R. A., Cushing, J. M.,
Dennis, B., Henson, S. M., and A. A. King 2005. Nonlinear stochastic
population dynamics: The flour beetle Tribolium as an effective
tool of discovery. Chapter 4 in Population
Dynamics and Laboratory Ecology, R. A. Desharnais
(editor), Academic Press, New York.
- Damania,
S. P., Phillips, K. W., Henson, S. M., and J. L. Hayward 2005. Habitat
patch occupancy dynamics in Glaucous-winged
Gulls (Larus glaucescens)
II: A continuous-time model. Natural
Resource Modeling 18:469-499.
- Phillips, K. W., Damania, S. P., Hayward,
J. L., Henson, S. M., and C. J. Logan 2005. Habitat patch occupancy
dynamics in Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens)
I: A discrete-time model. Natural
Resource Modeling 18:441-468.
- Hayward,
J. L., Henson, S. M., Logan,
C. J., Parris, C. R., Meyer, M. W, and B. Dennis 2005. Predicting numbers of hauled-out harbour seals: a mathematical model. Journal of Applied Ecology
- Desharnais,
R. A., Edmunds, J., Costantino, R. F., and S. M.
Henson 2005. Species competition: uncertainty on a double invariant loop. Journal of Difference Equations and
Applications 11:311-325.
- Cushing, J. M., LeVarge, S., Chitnis, N.,
and S. M. Henson 2004. Some
discrete competition models and the competitive exclusion principle. Journal of Difference Equations and
Applications 10:1139-1151.
- Henson, S. M., Hayward, J. L. Burden, C. M., Logan, C. J., and J. G. Galusha 2004. Predicting
dynamics of aggregate loafing behavior in gulls at a Washington colony.
Auk 121:380-390.
- King, A. A., Costantino, R. F., Cushing, J. M., Henson, S. M., Desharnais, R. A., and B. Dennis 2004. Anatomy of a chaotic attractor: Subtle model-predicted
patterns revealed in population data. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences
- Henson, S. M., King, A. A., Costantino, R. F., Cushing, J. M., Dennis, B., and R.
A. Desharnais 2003. Explaining
and predicting patterns in stochastic population systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B
- Edmunds, J., Cushing, J. M., Costantino, R. F., Henson, S. M., Dennis, B., and R.
A. Desharnais 2003. Park's
Tribolium competition experiments: a
non-equilibrium species coexistence hypothesis. Journal of Animal Ecology 72:703-712.
- Dennis, B., Desharnais, R. A., Cushing, J. M., Henson, S. M. &
Costantino, R. F. 2003. Can noise induce chaos?
- Henson, S. M, Reilly, J. R.,
Robertson, S. L., Schu, M. C., Rozier, E. W. D., and J. M. Cushing 2003. Predicting irregularities in population
cycles. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
- Cushing, J. M., and S. M.
Henson 2002. A
periodically forced Beverton-Holt equation. Journal of Difference Equations and
Applications 8:1119-1120.
- King, A. A., Desharnais, R. A., Henson, S. M., Costantino,
R. F., Cushing, J. M., and B. Dennis 2002. Random perturbations and lattice
effects in chaotic population dynamics. Science 297:2163a.
- Henson, S. M., Costantino, R. F., Desharnais,
R. A., Cushing, J. M., and B. Dennis 2002. Basins
of attraction: population dynamics with two locally stable 4-cycles. Oikos
- Henson, S. M., and J. M.
Cushing 2002. Geometric transient
solutions of autonomous scalar maps. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 8:61-73.
- Henson, S. M., Costantino, R. F., Cushing, J. M., Desharnais,
R. F., Dennis, B., and A. A. King 2001. Lattice
effects observed in chaotic dynamics of experimental populations. Science 294:602-605.
- Desharnais,
R. A., Costantino, R. F., Cushing, J. M.,
Henson, S. M., and B. Dennis 2001. Chaos and
Population Control of Insect Outbreaks. Ecology Letters 4: 229-235.
- Cushing, J. M., and S. M.
Henson 2001. Global Dynamics of Some Periodically Forced, Monotone
Difference Equations. Journal of
Difference Equations and Applications 7:859-872.
- Dennis, B., Desharnais, R. A., Cushing, J. M., Henson, S. M., and
R. F. Costantino 2001. Estimating
Chaos and Complex Dynamics in an Insect Population. Ecological Monographs 71:277-303.
- Cushing, J. M., Henson, S.
M., Desharnais, R. A., Dennis, B., Costantino, R. F., and A. King 2001. A Chaotic Attractor in Ecology:
Theory and Experimental Data. Chaos,
Solitons and Fractals 12:219-234. (Invited
for the special issue on “Chaos in Ecology”.)
- Henson, S. M., 2000. Multiple Attractors and Resonance
in Periodically Forced Population Models. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 140:33-49.
- Hallam,
T. G., Lassiter, R. R., and S. M. Henson 2000. Modeling Fish Population
Dynamics. Journal of Nonlinear
Analysis, Series A 40:227-250.
- Henson, S. M., Costantino, R. F., Cushing, J. M., Dennis, B., and R.
A. Desharnais 1999. Multiple
Attractors, Saddles and Population Dynamics in Periodic Habitats. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
- Henson, S. M., 1999. A
Continuous, Age-Structured Insect Population Model. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 39:217-243.
- Henson, S. M. 1999. The
Effect of Periodicity in Maps. Journal
of Difference Equations and Applications, 5:31-56.
- Henson, S. M., Cushing, J.
M., Costantino, R. F., Dennis, B., and Desharnais, R. A. 1998. Phase
Switching in Population Cycles. Proceedings
of the Royal Society of London
B, 265: 2229-2234.
- Henson, S. M., 1998. Leslie
matrix models as stroboscopic snapshots of McKendrick
PDE models. Journal of Mathematical
Biology, 37:309-328.
- Cushing, J. M., Costantino, R. F., Dennis, B., Desharnais,
R. A., and S. M. Henson, 1998. Nonlinear Population
Dynamics: Models, Experiments, and Data. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 194:1-9.
- Costantino,
R. F., Cushing, J. M., Dennis, B., Desharnais,
R., and S. M. Henson, 1998. Resonant Population
Cycles in Temporally Fluctuating Habitats. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 60:247-274.
- Henson, S. M. and J. M.
Cushing, 1997. The Effect of Periodic Habitat Fluctuations on a Nonlinear
Insect Population Model. Journal of
Mathematical Biology, 36:201-226.
- Henson, S. M. 1997. Cannibalism
can be beneficial even when its mean yield is less than one. Theoretical Population Biology,
51(2): 109-117.
- Henson, S. M. 1996. Existence
and stability of nontrivial periodic solutions of periodically forced
discrete dynamical systems. Journal
of Difference Equations and Applications, 2:315-331.
- Henson, S. M. and J. M.
Cushing, 1996. Optimal parasitization in a
size-structured host-parasitoid model. Nonlinear
World, 3:1-18.
- Henson, S. M. and J. M.
Cushing, 1996. Hierarchical models of intra-specific competition: Scramble
versus contest. Journal of
Mathematical Biology, 34:755-772.
- Hallam,
T. G. and S. M. Henson, 1996. Extinction in a structured predator-prey
model with size-dependent predation. In: Differential Equations and
Applications to Biology and Industry. Proceedings of the Claremont International Conference in
Memory of Stavros Busenberg. (M. Martelli et al. Eds.) World Scientific Publishing,
River Edge, New Jersey.
pp. 173-180.
- Jaworska,
J. S., T. G. Hallam, S. M. Henson, W. R. McKinney
and R. R. Lassiter, 1995. Ecotoxicology of
predator-prey communities: an individual-based modeling approach. In:
Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment-Third Volume, ASTM STP 1218
(J. S. Hughes et al. Eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia.
- Henson, S. M. and T. G. Hallam, 1995. Optimal feeding via constrained
processes. Journal of Theoretical
Biology, 176:33-37.
- Henson, S. M. and T. G. Hallam, 1994. Survival of the fittest: asymptotic
competitive exclusion in structured population and community models. Nonlinear World, 1:385-402.
- Henson, S. M. and T. G. Hallam, 1994. Induction on closed, bounded-below
subsets of R. Nonlinear Times and
Digest, 1:143-147.
Book reviews
- Henson, S. M., 2006. Reviewed
“An Introduction to Difference Equations. Third Edition”, by Saber N. Elaydi. Journal
of Difference Equations and Applications, 12:959-960.
- Henson, S. M., 2006. Reviewed “Complexities: Women in
Mathematics”, B. A. Case and A. M. Leggett, Eds. American Mathematical Monthly 113:91-93.
- Henson, S. M., 2003. Reviewed “Mathematical Models in Population
Biology and Epidemiology”, by Brauer and
Castillo-Chavez. American
Mathematical Monthly, 110:254-258.
- Henson, S. M., 2001. Reviewed
“An Introduction to Difference Equations. Second Edition”, by Saber N. Elaydi. Journal
of Difference Equations and Applications, 7:751-753.
- Henson, S. M., 2000. Reviewed
"Difference Equations: Theory and Applications", by R. E. Mickens. Journal
of Difference Equations and Applications, 6:243-244.
Book chapters
- Costantino,
R. F., Desharnais, R. A., Cushing, J. M.,
Dennis, B., Henson, S. M., and A. A. King 2005. Nonlinear
stochastic population dynamics: The flour beetle Tribolium as an effective
tool of discovery. Chapter 4 in Population
Dynamics and Laboratory Ecology, R. A. Desharnais
(editor), Academic Press, New York.
Book manuscripts in preparation
- Mathematical Modeling in Biology. With J. L. Hayward.

Department of Mathematics / Andrews University / Berrien Springs, MI 49104 USA