Updated 4Jan98 for Winter 1998

Expository Biblical Preaching
Andrews University . Department of Religion . Keith E.K. Mattingly . GH206 . Phone 471-3187 . Home 471-3088




  1. Lecture notes. Maximum value will be gained by the student who takes careful notes, particularly in areas not covered in the texts.
  2. Attendance and discussion. Attendance is mandatory. Irregular attendance will adversely affect your grade.
  3. Reading. Note the sermon and textbook assignments as indicated in the COURSE CALENDAR.
  4. Writing. To enhance sermon preparation, daily writing of assigned paragraphs will be required.
  5. Sermons/sermonettes. Five(5) short (5min) sermonettes and two(2) full-length (20-25min) sermons will be written, delivered, and critiqued in rehearsals and field presentations.
  6. Pastoral Practicum. All theology and religion majors should register for RELP200, Pastoral Practicum. Homiletics students with other majors are expected to become actively involved in the Practicum program this quarter and preach at least two(2) times in one of the Practicum churches. Each student is to inform the professor of each speaking appointment in advance so that he can select which sermons to personally evaluate.
  7. Rehearsals. Sermons/sermonettes are to be rehearsed in the Pulpit Club and the Round Table, respectively.
  8. Quizes. As needed, brief quizes will check whether textbook and sermon reading is being prepared in advance.
  9. Exams. None--the delivery of successful sermonettes and sermons function as this course's exams.