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V E R Y B A S I C S E A R C H - Grades 4 to 6 |
here is how to find them ( scroll up to the beginning ): find and click on < Illustrated Bible >
look for and click on < The Parables of Jesus >
go back to the beginning of "Searching for Bible References"
B A S I C S E A R C H - Grades 7 to 9 |
find and click on
< Translations >
we are looking for the King James Version [ = KJV ]
we are looking for the New International Version [ = NIV ]
< Bible Dictionaries >
take a good look at all the commentaries which are on the Internet!
start of search:
< Commentaries > ( = 21 Commentaries )
type shepherd in the box < Go >
[ = < x >< Back > ] |
A D V A N C E D S E A R C H - Grades 10 to 12 |
< Strong's Concordance >
< Search > find Psalm 32:1 < 07462 >
[ = < x >< Back > ]
< Bible Atlases & Maps >
< Salomon's Temple >
[ = 4 x < Back > ]
< Topical Index >
< Jesus and Immanuel -- an explanation? >
[ = 3 x < Back > ]
< Voice of Prophecy > Free Study Guides please note that there are over 40 of such Guides click here to go back to Searching for Bible References
S P E C I A L I Z E D S E A R C H - College / University |
< Greek Lexicons Hebrew > Back to < Searching for Bible References >
< > Back to < Searching for Bible References >
< > |
wolfhard touchard, m.l.s. retired reference & database librarian andrews university - january 2008