This chapter is an analysis of Hesburgh’s speeches from the 80s. These include the following: the Alumni Reunion Talk in 1983, the Edward Frederick Sorin Society on March 23, 1984, and a speech to the Alumni Reunion Banquet in 1986.
Hesburgh gave a speech at an alumni reunion weekend at the University of Notre Dame in 1983. He acknowledges the presence of the alumni and reminds them that the weekend celebration is not about buildings; it is about the quality of life of the alumni. He tells them that it is important for them to come back to the source and be renewed. He recalls a story of an alumnus who, after he messed up his life, came back and visited different places on campus. The man confessed that the experience had changed his life and that he would return to his home and make things right with his family and revive his business. Hesburgh tells them of the unexpected visit by the U. S. Ambassador to England and how, at the end of his visit, he gave a quarter of a million dollars to the University because of the enthusiasm he saw on campus. Two Harvard University professionals who were visiting the University during a graduation exercise echoed a similar sentiment. Hesburgh tells the alumni that these were blessings from the Mother of God that reach the inner being to bring out something better in all those who study and live at the University. He reminds the alumni to be thankful to God that the University of Notre Dame has touched them.
In Hesburgh’s “Alumni Reunion Talk,” 11 pentadic sets were identified. The pentadic terms and dominant terms for each are identified below.
Pentad 1, located in paragraph 2 of page 300, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Alumni
Act: Coming back to campus
Agency: Rebirth
Purpose: To get renewed
Scene: Notre Dame campus, lakes, tower, dome, bells, the grotto, and the church
The agents are the alumni who have come back to campus (act) to get renewed (purpose). The agency for the renewal is rebirth that takes place by walking around the campus, lake, tower, dome, bells, the grotto, and the church (scene).
Agency is the dominant term in pentad 1 (Table 79). The agency-agent ratio suggests that the agency of rebirth requires the agent of alumni. Rebirth is a return to the origins that alumni experience when they return to their alma mater. The agency-act ratio suggests that the agency of rebirth requires the act of coming back to campus, a strong connection in that rebirth for alumni must happen where it originated--on the campus. The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of rebirth requires the purpose of getting renewed in that it is logical that renewal is a result of rebirth. The agency-scene ratio suggests that the agency of rebirth requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame campus, lakes, the tower, dome, bells, the grotto, and the church; these are the places that were instrumental in what was initially established.
The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of getting renewed requires the agency of rebirth because rebirth signifies renewal.
Pentad 1 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 2, situated in paragraph 2 of page 300, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Alumni
Act: Coming back to ideas
Agency: Rebirth
Purpose: To get renewed
Scene: Source (church, ideals, faith, etc.)
In this metaphoric pentad that duplicates the physical pentad 1, alumni are the agents who have come back (act) to the source (scene) that is represented by the church, ideals, faith, and the like. The purpose is for them to get renewed through the agency of rebirth.
The dominant term is act in pentad 2 (Table 80). The act-agent ratio suggests that the act of coming back to ideas requires the agent of alumni. This is a weak connection in that anyone can come back to ideas, not only alumni. The act-agency ratio suggests that the act of coming back to ideas requires the agency of rebirth; renewing or revisiting ideas is a kind of rebirth. The act-purpose ratio suggests that the act of coming back to ideas requires the purpose of getting renewed in that revisiting ideas often prompts a recommitment to what those ideas represent. The act-scene ratio suggests that the act of coming back to ideas requires the scene of the source, which is the church, ideals, faith, and the like. The source is the place where the ideas originated.
Pentad 2 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of rebirth requires the purpose of getting renewed because renewal is a process of rebirth. The agency-scene ratio suggests that the agency of rebirth requires the scene of the source.
Pentad 3, situated on paragraph 3 of page 300, through paragraph 2 of page 301, consists of the following terms:
Agent: An alumnus
Act: Came back to the University of Notre Dame
Agency: An awakening
Purpose: To redeem himself and be renewed
Scene: Halls, chapel, the grotto, lakes, and Corby Hall
The agent is an
alumnus who came back to the University of Notre Dame (act) through the agency
of an awakening for the purpose of redeeming and renewing himself by visiting
the halls, chapel, the grotto, lakes, and Corby Hall (scene).
Purpose is the dominant term in pentad 3 (Table 81). The purpose-agent ratio suggests that the purpose of redeeming oneself and being renewed requires the agent of an alumnus. There is no connection in this ratio because anyone can be redeemed and renewed without being an alumnus. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of redeeming himself and being renewed requires the act of coming back to the University of Notre Dame. This is logical if the original state was acquired from the University of Notre Dame; renewal means reconnection with the source. The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of redeeming oneself and being renewed requires the agency of an awakening in that there must be a realization of a need to seek a solution. The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of redeeming oneself and being renewed requires the scene of halls, chapel, the grotto, lakes, and Corby Hall. These are places where one can be in communion with one’s inner self.
Pentad 3 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Elements of the Pentad |
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 4, located in paragraph 1 of page 302, through paragraph 2, line 7, on page 302, consists of the following terms:
Agent: U.S. Ambassador to England
Act: Gave a quarter of a million dollars to the University of Notre Dame
Agency: Recognition of enthusiasm on campus
Purpose: To save the world by trained intelligence, competence, piety, commitment and enthusiasm together
Scene: The University of Notre Dame campus, full of enthusiasm
The agent is the U.S. Ambassador to England, who gave a quarter of a million dollars to the University of Notre Dame (act) through the agency of recognition of enthusiasm on the campus of the University of Notre Dame (scene). The purpose is to save the world by training intelligent, competent, pious, committed, and enthusiastic people.
There is no controlling term in pentad 4 (Table 82) because only agency-scene and scene-agency ratios are featured. The agency-scene ratio suggests that the agency of recognition of enthusiasm on campus requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame campus, full of enthusiasm in that there must be enthusiasm on campus for it to be recognized. The scene-agency ratio suggests that the scene of the University of Notre Dame campus, full of enthusiasm, requires the agency of recognition of enthusiasm on campus because this is a unique characteristic of a university campus.
Pentad 4 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 5, located on paragraph 2, line 7, of page 302, through paragraph 3 of page 302, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Hesburgh, Father Ned Joyce, Jim Frick, Father Jerry Wilson, Father Philmore, and others who were young and foolish
Act: Increased university budget 13½ times
Agency: Short space of time
Purpose: Do what could never be done before
Scene: The University of Notre Dame
The agent is Hesburgh, Father Ned Joyce, Jim Frick, Father Jerry Wilson, Father Philmore, and others who were young and foolish who increased the university budget 13½ times (act) over a short space of time (agency). The purpose is to attract the best people and to do what could never be done before. The scene is the University of Notre Dame.
The dominant term in pentad 5 is purpose (Table 83). The purpose-agent ratio suggests that the purpose of doing what could never be done before requires the agent of Hesburgh, Father Ned Joyce, Jim Frick, Father Jerry Wilson, Father Philmore, and others who were young and foolish. Doing what could never be done before requires agents who are young and foolish and do not have the experience to know that something cannot be done. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of doing what could never be done before requires the act of increasing the university budget 13½ times. Doing what could never be done before requires an amazing, dramatic, unusual act, and it is here--an increase of 13½ times in the university’s budget. The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of doing what could never be done before requires the agency of a short space of time. This is a weak connection because doing this could have taken a long time just as well as a short time. But at least there is a match between an amazing act and a time frame that makes the act even more amazing and unusual. There is congruity in that both point to something very unusual. The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of doing what could never be done before requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame. Doing what could never be done before could be done anywhere, not only at the University of Notre Dame. But Hesburgh clearly sees similitude between the two in that most universities would not try to achieve this purpose--it is too unrealistic. But the University of Notre Dame did. Again, there is congruence here if not the same direct results evident in most of the other ratios in the other pentads.
Pentad 5 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 6, situated on paragraph 4 of page 302, consists of the following terms:
Agent: The University of Notre Dame
Act: Built $200 million facilities
Agency: Our Lady, hearts and dedication of Jim Freck, Ned Joyce, and others
Purpose: To build facilities that are unmatched in most universities on this earth
Scene: The University of Notre Dame campus
The agent is the University of Notre Dame that built facilities worth 200 million dollars through the agency of Our Lady and the hearts and dedication of Jim Freck, Ned Joyce, and others. The purpose is to build facilities on the University of Notre Dame campus (scene) that are unmatched in most universities on this earth.
Act is the dominant term in pentad 6 (Table 84). The act-agent ratio suggests that the act of building $200 million facilities requires the agent of the University of Notre Dame. This is a weak connection in that $200 million facilities can be built anywhere, not only at the University of Notre Dame. However, only a major university with excellent resources could do this, so the suggestion here is that the University of Notre Dame is such a university. The act-agency ratio suggests that the act of building $200 million facilities requires the agency of Our Lady and the hearts and dedication of Jim Freck, Ned Joyce, and others. To build $200 million facilities requires divine assistance and the hard work of many people. The act-purpose ratio suggests that the act of building $200 million facilities requires the purpose of building facilities that are unmatched in most universities on this earth. Buildings worth $200 million are likely to be virtually unmatched on university campuses. The act-scene ratio suggests that the act of building 200-million-dollar facilities requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame campus. Such facilities could be built on other university campuses, but, again, the suggestion being made here is that to build such buildings requires a very special university, and the University of Notre Dame qualifies as that kind of university.
The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of building facilities that are unmatched in most universities on this earth requires the act of building $200 million facilities because such buildings require a lot of money that other universities may not be able to afford.
Pentad 6 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 7, situated in paragraph 1 of page 303, through paragraph 2, line 7, consists of the following terms:
Agent: We (Hesburgh and others at the University of Notre Dame)
Act: Added to endowment (and passing other schools on the endowment list)
Agency: Slowly, imperceptibly, and in accelerated fashion
Purpose: To maintain the spirit of faith
Scene: The University of Notre Dame
Hesburgh and others at the University of Notre Dame slowly, imperceptibly, and in accelerated fashion (agency) added to the endowment and passed other schools on the endowment list (act) to maintain the spirit of faith (purpose) at the University of Notre Dame (scene).
Act is the
dominant term in pentad 7 (Table
85). The act-agent ratio
suggests that the act of adding to the endowment and passing other schools on
the endowment list requires the agent of Hesburgh and others at the University
of Notre Dame. Passing other schools on
the endowment list requires people of unusual talent, and those are the kind of
people at the University of Notre Dame.
The act-agency ratio suggests that the act of adding to the
endowment and passing other schools on the endowment list requires the agency
of building slowly, imperceptibly, and in an accelerated fashion. Passing other schools on the endowment list
requires that the passing be done slowly and in an accelerated fashion. There is no other way to do it--he has
covered them all--fast and slow. The act-purpose
ratio suggests that the act of adding to the endowment and passing other
schools on the endowment list requires the purpose of maintaining the spirit of
faith. The act-scene ratio suggests that the act of adding to the
endowment and passing other schools on the endowment list requires the scene of
the University of Notre Dame. Passing
other schools is only possible for very select schools, and the University of
Notre Dame is such a school.
The purpose-agent ratio suggests that the purpose of maintaining the spirit of faith requires the agent of Hesburgh and others at the University of Notre Dame. Maintaining the spirit of faith requires people who have a faith, and Hesburgh and others at the University of Notre Dame are such people.
Pentad 7 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 8, situated in paragraph 2, line 7 of page 303, through paragraph 1 on page 304, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Father Hesburgh
Act: Gives mass Sunday nights
Agency: Campus visits
Purpose: To get pulse of campus, to receive greatest grace
Scene: Residency halls
The agent is Father Hesburgh, who gives mass on Sunday nights (act) through the agency of campus visits to residency halls (scene). His purpose is to get the pulse of the campus and receive the greatest grace.
The dominant term in pentad 8 is purpose (Table 86). The purpose-agent ratio suggests that the purpose of getting the pulse of the campus and receiving the greatest grace requires the agent of Father Hesburgh. This is a weak connection in that others can get the pulse of the campus and receive the greatest grace--not only Father Hesburgh. Because he is the president of the University of Notre Dame, however, he would want to stay in touch with the pulse of the campus; because he is a priest, he would want to receive grace. There is congruence between purpose and agent. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of getting the pulse of the campus and receiving the greatest grace requires the act of giving mass Sunday nights. This is a weak connection in that there are other means of getting the pulse of campus and receiving the greatest grace. Very few activities would allow Hesburgh to do both at the same time, however, so there is a connection between purpose and act. Few other acts could fulfill this twofold purpose. The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of getting the pulse of campus and receiving the greatest grace requires the agency of campus visits in that without such visits, one cannot get the pulse of the campus. The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of getting the pulse of campus and receiving the greatest grace requires the scene of residency halls. Visiting other parts of the campus can achieve the same results, but the residency halls are likely to be places where Hesburgh gets the most information about the lives of the students.
Pentad 8 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 9, located on paragraph 2 of page 304, consists of the following terms:
Agent: University of Notre Dame students
Act: Praying
Agency: Sitting and bundled up in places of prayer
Purpose: To pray out of the inner spirits of their hearts
Scene: The grotto
The University of Notre Dame students perhaps pray more than Hesburgh prays (act) as they sit and bundle up in places of prayer (agency) to pray out of the inner spirits of their hearts. The scene is the grotto and other places on campus.
The act is the dominant term in pentad 9 (Table 87). The act-agent ratio suggests that the act of praying requires the agent of the University of Notre Dame students in that this is expected in Catholic schools such as the University of Notre Dame. The act-agency ratio suggests that the act of praying is congruent with the agency of sitting and bundling up in places of prayer. The act-purpose ratio suggests that the act of praying requires the purpose of praying out of the inner spirits of their hearts, which is an expected experience when praying. The act-scene ratio suggests that the act of praying requires the scene of the grotto. This is a weak connection in that praying can take place anywhere, not only at the grotto. A grotto, however, is a place for prayer, so there is an appropriate and expected relationship between act and scene.
The agency-act ratio suggests that the agency of sitting and bundling up in places of prayer requires the act of praying because this is acceptable behavior in such places. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of praying out of the inner spirits of their hearts requires the act of praying. Praying has to do with reaching the inner spirit.
Pentad 9 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 10, situated in paragraph 3 of page 304, through line 26 on page 305, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Center for Social Concern
Act: Teaches students how to care
Agency: Graciousness and joy
Purpose: To love God by loving our afflicted neighbors
Scene: All over the country and the world
The Center for Social Concern is the agent that teaches students how to care for the less fortunate through the agency of graciousness and joy for the purpose of keeping the world glued together all over this country and in the world (scene).
Purpose is the dominant term in pentad 10 (Table 88). The purpose-agent ratio suggests that the purpose of loving God by loving our afflicted neighbors requires the agent of the Center for Social Concerns. Other agents can do this, but the Center for Social Concerns clearly is devoted to such loving. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of loving God by loving our afflicted neighbors requires the act of teaching young people how to love in this way, which is happening with the students at the University of Notre Dame. The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of loving God by loving our afflicted neighbors requires the agency of graciousness and joy in that these are the qualities necessary to show God’s love. The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of loving God by loving our afflicted neighbors requires the scene of all over the country and the world. The afflicted who need to be loved are located all over the country and the world.
The act-scene ratio suggests that the act of teaching students how to care requires the scene of all over the country and the world. Students are in all these places, and those who need care are all over the country and the world.
Pentad 10 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 11, located in paragraph 1 of page 305, through page 306, consists of the following terms:
Agent: The University of Notre Dame
Act: Touched the inner being
Agency: Spiritual reality, faith, commitment, and enthusiasm
Purpose: To go out and make the world a better place
Scene: A special place, the University of Notre Dame campus
The agent is the University of Notre Dame that touched the inner being of people’s lives (act) through the agency of spiritual reality, faith, commitment, and enthusiasm at a special place, the University of Notre Dame campus (scene). The purpose is going out and making the world a better place.
The agency is the dominant term in pentad 11 (Table 89). The agency-agent ratio suggests that the agency of spiritual reality, faith, commitment, and enthusiasm requires an agent with these qualities, and Hesburgh suggests the University of Notre Dame has them. The agency-act ratio suggests that the agency of spiritual reality, faith, commitment, and enthusiasm requires the act of touching the inner being, which is expected behavior. The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of spiritual reality, faith, commitment, and enthusiasm requires the purpose of going out and making the world a better place. The connection here is that these qualities must be applied to make the world a better place. The agency-scene ratio suggests that the agency of spiritual reality, faith, commitment, and enthusiasm requires the scene of a special place, the University of Notre Dame campus. Other places offer spiritual reality, faith, commitment, and enthusiasm besides the University of Notre Dame, but it is the special kind of place that embodies these qualities.
Pentad 11 of the Alumni Reunion Talk
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
The dominant terms in the 11 pentads of “Alumni Reunion Talk” are:
1. Act: Coming back to ideas (Table 80)
Built $200
million facilities (Table
Added to
endowment (and passing other schools on the endowment list) (Table 85)
Praying (Table 87)
2. Purpose: To redeem himself and be renewed (Table 81)
Do what could
never be done before (Table
To get pulse of
campus, to receive greatest grace (Table
To love God by loving our afflicted neighbors (Table 88)
Agency: Rebirth (Table 79)
Spiritual reality, faith,
commitment, and enthusiasm (Table
Of the 11 pentads, two dominant terms emerged--act and purpose. Both are dominant four times, while agency is two times. One pentad had no controlling term.
“Edward Frederick Sorin Society” was a group of alumni committed to giving $1,000 or more annually to the University; Hesburgh addressed this group during a weekend meeting on the campus of the University of Notre Dame on March 23, 1984. Quoting Father Sorin, Hesburgh wanted the alumni to feel “totally and completely welcomed.” He gave them an overview of the activities that were planned for them, promising them a busy weekend. Among other things, they would attend a French dinner and watch a film, “The University,” which will help them see what is happening on campus, a story that each one of them will help to write. He invites them to take the time to understand what is happening on campus.
In Hesburgh’s “Edward Frederick Sorin Society,” three pentads were identified. The pentads and dominant terms for each are described below.
Pentad 1, situated in paragraph 2 of page 307, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Many people
Act: Give mightily of themselves
Agency: Enormous dedication
Purpose: To make this place what it is
Scene: University of Notre Dame
The agents are many people who give mightily of themselves (act) through the agency of enormous dedication for the purpose of making this place what it is. The scene is the University of Notre Dame.
The dominating term in pentad 1 is agency (Table 90). The agency-agent ratio suggests that the agency of enormous dedication requires the agent of many people. Many dedicated people do make a difference in whatever needs to be done. The agency-act ratio suggests that the agency of enormous dedication requires the act of giving mightily of oneself; the amount of dedication will equal the act of giving. The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of enormous dedication requires the purpose of making this place what it is in that dedication focuses on an achievable goal and an ideal toward which the dedicated are working. The agency-scene ratio suggests that the agency of enormous dedication requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame. This is a weak connection in that dedication can be found at many universities. Given that Hesburgh sees the dedication of the agents as unusual, however, the scene--University of Notre Dame--must be worthy of this dedication.
Pentad 1 of the Edward Fredrick Sorin Society
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
The agent-purpose ratio suggests that the agent of many people requires the purpose of making this place what it is because transforming a place is a work of many people. The act-purpose ratio suggests that the act of giving mightily of themselves requires the purpose of making this place what it is because dedication leads to success.
Pentad 2, located in paragraph 2 of page 307, consists of the following terms:
Agent: You (the people participating in tomorrow’s program)
Act: Going full blast
Agency: Panoply of experience, film, mass, sermon
Purpose: To make you feel a part of this place
Scene: The University of Notre Dame campus
The agent is you the people participating in tomorrow’s program that will go full blast (act) through the agency of panoply of experience, film, mass, and sermon for the purpose of making participants feel a part of this place, the University of Notre Dame campus (scene).
Agency is the dominant term in pentad 2 (Table 91). The agency-agent ratio suggests that the agency of panoply of experience, film, mass, and a sermon requires an agent who participates in these experiences. The agency-act ratio suggests that the agency of panoply of experience, film, mass, and a sermon requires the act of going full blast in that one needs to get fully involved to experience something. The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of panoply of experience, film, mass, and a sermon requires the purpose of making participants feel a part of this place, which is what these experiences are meant to do. The agency-scene ratio suggests that the agency of panoply of experience, film, mass, and a sermon requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame campus. A source must provide the experience, and that source here is the University of Notre Dame.
Pentad 2 of the Edward Fredrick Sorin Society
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 3, situated in paragraph 4 of page 307, consists of the following terms:
Agent: You
Act: Helping to write the Notre Dame story
Agency: Marvelous experience
Purpose: To belong to something rich and deep in its meaning
Scene: America
The people are the agents who are the writers of the Notre Dame story through the agency of marvelous experience for the purpose of belonging to something rich and deep in its meaning in America (scene).
Act is the dominant term in pentad 3 (Table 92). The act-agent ratio suggests that the act of helping to write the Notre Dame story requires an agent who writes the story. The act-agency ratio suggests that the act of helping to write the Notre Dame story requires the agency of marvelous experience in that one must have experienced something to be able to write a story about it. The act-purpose ratio suggests that the act of helping write the Notre Dame story requires the purpose of belonging to something rich and deep in its meaning. A good story derives from rich and deep meanings, not simplistic, superficial formulas. The act-scene ratio suggests that the act of helping write the Notre Dame story requires the scene of America, an appropriate congruence because this is where Notre Dame is situated.
Pentad 3 of the Edward Fredrick Sorin Society
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals strong
The dominant terms in the three pentads of “Edward Frederick Sorin Society” are:
Agency: Enormous
dedication (Table
Panoply of
experience, film, mass, sermon (Table
2. Act: Helping to write the Notre Dame story (Table 92)
Of the three pentadic sets identified, agency was dominant two times, and act was dominant in one pentad. The dominant term in this address is agency.
Hesburgh’s speech to the Alumni Reunion Banquet in 1986 was one of the last addresses he presented to the alumni as president of the University of Notre Dame before he retired in 1987. Thus, he declares at the beginning of his speech that he wants to be a little nostalgic after all his years as president of the University. Hesburgh recounts how, in 1952, John Cavanaugh invited him to assume the office of president, and the first decision he made was to choose Ned Joyce as vice president. Hesburgh and Ned Joyce blended their different administrative skills for 34 years to make the University what it was. He attributes their success to the alumni for their enormous support as they contributed 86% of the money raised during fund-raising campaigns. He is quick to say that he expected them to give more on the present campaign. He reminisces on the visit by a world leader who after his visit, sent a check of a quarter of a million dollars; Dr. Schweitzer, who gave up many opportunities in life to spend 40 years in Africa; and a visit by an Archbishop from Paris who marveled at the prayer life of students on campus. He concludes by stating that the 34 years he and Ned Joyce have spent at the University of Notre Dame were worthwhile. He appreciates associating with the alumni and helping them grow toward goodness.
In Hesburgh’s “Alumni Reunion Banquet,” nine pentadic sets were identified. The pentadic terms and dominant terms for each are identified below.
Pentad 1, situated in paragraph 2 of page 308, through line 7 on page 309, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Hesburgh and Father Ned Joyce and other administrators
Act: Blended administrative skills
Agency: Different approaches to problems
Purpose: To make the University better
Scene: 1952 to present
The agents are Hesburgh and Father Ned Joyce and other administrators who blended their administrative skills (act) through the agency of different approaches to problems for the purpose of making the University better (scene).
The agency is the dominant term in pentad 1 (Table 93). The agency-agent ratio suggests that different approaches to problems required agents who have different administrative styles, which Hesburgh, Father Ned Joyce, and the other administrators did. The agency-act ratio suggests that the agency of different approaches to problems requires the act of blending administrative skill; when styles differ, they must be blended if people are going to work together effectively. The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of different approaches to problems requires the purpose of making the university better in that this gives the University more options for effectiveness. The agency-scene ratio suggests that the agency of different approaches to problems requires the scene of 1952 to the present (1986). This is a weak connection in that using different approaches to problems can be done at any time, although congruence exists because different approaches were used during this time period.
Pentad 1 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter
shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals strong connection.
The agent-agency ratio suggests that the agents Hesburgh, Father Ned Joyce, and the other administrators require the agency of different approaches to problems so they would make effective decisions. The act-agency ratio suggests that the act of blending administrative skills requires the agency of different administrative skills. Blending suggests differences in administrative skills that must be unified for effective administration. The act-purpose ratio suggests that the act of blending administrative skills requires the purpose of making the University better. Administrative skills are geared toward making universities better, and this was the situation with Hesburgh, Father Ned Joyce, and the other administrators. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of making the University better requires the act of blending administrative skills.
Pentad 2, situated on paragraph 1 of page 309, through line 7 of page 310, consists of the following terms:
Agent: We (Hesburgh, Ned, and numerous other people)
Act: Put their life’s blood on the bricks
Agency: Numbers regarding increases in budget, building, scholarships, and endowed professorships
Purpose: To make progress
Scene: 1952 to present (1986)
Hesburgh, Ned, and
numerous other people are the agents who spill their life’s blood on the bricks
(act) of the University of Notre through the agency of numbers regarding increases
in budget, building, scholarships, and endowed professorships. They do so to make progress from 1952 to the
present (scene).
Purpose is the dominant term in pentad 2 (Table 94). The purpose-agent ratio suggests that the purpose of making progress requires the agent of Hesburgh, Ned, and numerous other people. The efforts of many people are required to make progress. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of making progress requires the act of putting their life’s blood on the bricks--a metaphor for sacrifice--and to make progress, some sacrifices must be made. The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of making progress requires the agency of numbers regarding increases in budget, buildings, scholarships, and endowed professorships. Growth in these areas signifies progress. The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of making progress requires the scene of 1952 to the present (1986), and progress was made during that time period.
The act-agent ratio suggests that the act of putting their life’s blood on the bricks requires the agent of Hesburgh, Ned, and numerous other people. This is a symbolic act that only human agents can do and is demonstrated by the lives of Hesburgh, Ned, and numerous other people. The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of numbers regarding increases in budget, building, scholarships, and endowed professorships requires the purpose of making progress. These are the instruments that make progress real.
Pentad 2 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 3, located on line 7 of page 310, through paragraph 2 of page 310, consists of the following terms:
Agent: The people of Notre Dame
Act: Rise to the top
Agency: Marriages, family life, the quality of children, professions, and businesses
Purpose: To represent the University of Notre Dame in everything they do
Scene: All around the country
The agents are the people of Notre Dame who, by their marriages, family life, the quality of their children, professions, and businesses (agency), rise to the top (act). The purpose is to represent the University of Notre Dame in everything they do all around the country (scene).
Purpose is the dominant term in pentad 3 (Table 95). The purpose-agent ratio suggests that the purpose of representing the University of Notre Dame in everything they do requires the agent of the people of Notre Dame; this connection is logical and expected. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of representing the University of Notre Dame in everything they do requires the act of rising to the top in that they need to maintain the high performance standards that the University of Notre Dame represents. The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of representing the University of Notre Dame requires the agency of marriages, family life, and the quality of children, professions, and businesses in that these are the day-to-day involvements that will show the Notre Dame influence. The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of representing the University of Notre Dame requires the scene of all around the country, and graduates from the University of Notre Dame are represented all over the country.
The agent-purpose ratio suggests that the people of the University of Notre Dame require the purpose of representing the University of Notre Dame in everything they do because of their connection with the school.
Pentad 3 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 4, located on paragraph 3 of page 310, through line 2 of page 311, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Notre Dame Alumni
Act: Raised 86% of the fund-raising campaigns
Agency: Enormous, heartfelt, unprecedented support, pride, geared toward excellence
Purpose: To support the University of Notre Dame
Scene: This land
The agents are the
Notre Dame alumni who raised 86% of the funds generated in the fund-raising
campaigns (act) through the agency of enormous, heartfelt, unprecedented
support and pride, with the means geared toward excellence for the purpose of
supporting the University of Notre Dame in this land (scene).
Pentad 4 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
The act-agency ratio suggests that the act of raising 86% of the fund-raising campaign requires the agency of enormous, heartfelt, unprecedented support, and pride, geared toward excellence, because these are qualities needed to raise such amounts. The act-purpose ratio suggests that the act of raising 86% of the fund-raising campaign requires the purpose of supporting the University of Notre Dame because funds are raised for such purposes. The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of enormous, heartfelt, unprecedented support, and pride, geared toward excellence, requires the purpose of supporting the University of Notre Dame. These are necessary means of supporting the University.
Pentad 5, situated on paragraph 1 of page 311, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Famous world leader
Act: Gave a quarter of a million dollars to the University of Notre Dame
Agency: Recognition of enthusiasm on campus
Purpose: To build the enthusiasm some more
Scene: University of Notre Dame, full of enthusiasm
The agent is a famous world leader who gave a quarter of a million dollars to the University of Notre Dame (act) through the agency of recognition of enthusiasm on campus at the University of Notre Dame that is full of enthusiasm (scene). The purpose was to build enthusiasm more.
The dominant term in pentad 5 is agency (Table 97). The agency-agent ratio suggests that the agency of recognition of enthusiasm on campus requires the agent of a famous world leader. This is a weak connection in that anyone can recognize enthusiasm, not only a famous world leader. There is a congruence between these terms, however, in that the enthusiasm is so special that even a world leader with many important things on his mind recognizes the enthusiasm at the University of Notre Dame. The agency-act ratio suggests that the agency of recognition of enthusiasm on campus requires the act of giving a quarter of a million dollars to the University of Notre Dame in that people give to what interests them and captures their attention. The University of Notre Dame’s enthusiasm prompted such giving. The agency-purpose ratio suggests that the agency of recognition of enthusiasm on campus requires the purpose of continuing to increase the enthusiasm. When something like enthusiasm is so special and produces such extraordinary results, it should be cultivated.
The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of recognition of enthusiasm requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame, full of enthusiasm. There must be a Notre Dame with enthusiasm for that enthusiasm to be recognized.
Pentad 5 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 6, situated on paragraph 2 of page 311 through paragraph 3, line 9 of page 311, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Albert Schweitzer
Act: Dropped wonderful opportunities to be a theologian, concert organist, and great doctor
Agency: 40 years of service
Purpose: To serve the poor
Scene: Gabon, French Equatorial Africa
The agent is Albert Schweitzer, who dropped wonderful opportunities to be a theologian, concert organist, and a great doctor (act) through the agency of 40 years of service for the purpose of serving the poor in Gabon, French Equatorial Africa (scene).
The dominant term in pentad 6 is purpose (Table 98). The purpose-agent ratio suggests that the purpose of serving the poor requires the agent of Albert Schweitzer. This is a weak connection in that anyone can serve the poor, not only Albert Schweitzer. That he did serve the poor, however, creates consubstantiality or shared substance here. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of serving the poor requires the act of dropping wonderful opportunities to be a theologian, concert organist, and great doctor. Helping the poor requires personal sacrifice, which the dropping of these opportunities represents. The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of serving the poor requires the agency of 40 years of service, a congruence in that true service requires time. The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of serving the poor requires the scene of Gabon, French Equatorial Africa, in that this is one of the places that needs such service.
Pentad 6 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 7, located on paragraph 3, line 9 of page 311 through paragraph 1 of page 312, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Dr. Dooleys of today
Act: Tutoring, serving as big brother/big sister, caring for the old, sitting with the dying, helping Mongoloid children, looking out for minority children
Agency: Spirit
Purpose: To help the poor
Scene: This country and all around the world
The agents are the
Dr. Dooleys of today who tutor, serve as big brothers/big sisters, care for the
old, sit with the dying, help Mongoloid children, and look out for minority
children (act) in this country and all around the world (scene) through the
agency of the spirit. The purpose is to
help the poor.
Act is the dominant term in pentad 7 (Table 99). The act-agent ratio suggests that the act of tutoring, serving as big brother/big sister, caring for the old, sitting with the dying, helping Mongoloid children, and looking out for minority children requires the agent of the Dr. Dooleys of today in that there must be people with his qualities willing to do such tasks. The act-agency ratio suggests that the acts of service require the agency of the spirit in that this is the motivating factor of such activities. The act-purpose ratio suggests that acts of service do provide help to the poor. The act-scene ratio suggests that the acts of service require the scene of this country and all around the world in that the poor who need the service offered are found all over the world.
The scene-agent ratio suggests that the scene of this country and all around the world requires the agent of the Dr. Dooleys of today because the poor who need help still prevail all around.
Pentad 7 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 8, located on paragraph 2 of page 312 through paragraph 4, line 7 of page 312, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Jean-Mari Lustiger
Act: Impressed by young people fervent and full of idealism
Agency: Students praying and celebrating mass
Purpose: Unnamed
Scene: The University of Notre Dame campus
Jean-Mari Lustiger is the agent who was impressed by fervent young people full of idealism (act) through the agency of students praying and celebrating mass at the University of Notre Dame campus (scene). The purpose is not stated.
Agency is the dominant term in pentad 8 (Table 100). The agency-act ratio suggests that the agency of students praying and celebrating mass requires the act of being impressed by young people fervent and full of idealism. If one is going to be impressed by idealistic young people, students praying and celebrating mass are likely to create such an impression. The agency-scene ratio suggests that the agency of students praying and celebrating mass requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame campus in that this is expected behavior in a Christian institution such as the University of Notre Dame. The agency-agent ratio suggests that the agency of students praying and celebrating mass requires the agent of Jean-Mari Lustiger. There is no connection between the terms in this ratio. The agency-purpose ratio does not apply because the purpose was not stated.
Pentad 8 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Note. Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals
strong connection.
Pentad 9, situated on paragraph 4, line 7 of page 312 through page 314, consists of the following terms:
Agent: Hesburgh and Ned Joyce and the University of Notre Dame
Act: Turning out people who are loving and faithful
Agency: The help of a lot of people
Purpose: To cultivate the love of God and love of our fellowman
Scene: University of Notre Dame campus in South Bend, Indiana
The agents are Hesburgh and Ned Joyce and the University of Notre Dame, who are turning out people who are loving and faithful (act) through the agency of the help of many people at the University of Notre Dame campus in South Bend, Indiana (scene). The purpose is to create people who love God and love their fellowman.
Purpose is the dominant term in pentad 9 (Table 101). The purpose-agent ratio suggests that cultivating the love of God and of fellowman requires the agent of Hesburgh and Ned Joyce and the University of Notre Dame. This is a weak connection in that others besides these individuals can do this. However, they are depicted as people with the kinds of characters required to accomplish this purpose. The purpose-act ratio suggests that the purpose of cultivating the love of God and the love of our fellowman requires the act of turning out people who are loving and faithful in that these are the qualities needed to cultivate the love of God and humanity. The purpose-agency ratio suggests that the purpose of cultivating the love of God and the love of our fellowman requires the agency of helping many people. The purpose-scene ratio suggests that the purpose of cultivating the love of God and the love of our fellow man requires the scene of the University of Notre Dame campus in South Bend, Indiana. Although this purpose can be achieved anywhere, it is more easily achieved at a Christian institution such as the University of Notre Dame.
Pentad 9 of the Alumni Reunion Banquet
Ratios |
Agent |
Agent-Act |
Agent-Agency |
Agent-Purpose |
Agent-Scene |
Act |
Act-Agent |
Act-Agency |
Act-Purpose |
Act-Scene |
Agency |
Agency-Agent |
Agency-Act |
Agency-Purpose |
Agency-Scene |
Purpose |
Purpose-Agent |
Purpose-Act |
Purpose-Agency |
Purpose-Scene |
Scene |
Scene-Agent |
Scene-Act |
Scene-Agency |
Scene-Purpose |
Lighter shading equals weak connection; darker shading equals strong
The dominant terms in the nine pentads of “Alumni Reunion Banquet” are:
Purpose: To make progress (Table
To represent
the University of Notre Dame in everything they do (Table 95)
To support the University of Notre Dame (Table 96)
To serve the poor (Table 98)
To cultivate
the love of God and love of our fellowman (Table
2. Agency: Different approaches to problems (Table 93)
Recognition of enthusiasm on campus (Table 97)
praying and celebrating mass (Table
Act: Tutoring,
serving as big brother/big sister, caring for the old, sitting with the dying,
helping Mongoloid children, looking out for minority children (Table 99)
In the nine pentads identified in this speech, purpose was dominant five times, agency three times, and act once. The term that is controlling in this speech is purpose.
The following terms were found to be dominant in Hesburgh’s speeches from the 80s:
1. Purpose: To redeem himself and be renewed (Table 81)
Do what could
never be done before (Table
To get pulse
of campus, to receive greatest grace (Table
To love God by loving our afflicted neighbors (Table 88)
To make
progress (Table
To represent
the University of Notre Dame in everything they do (Table 95)
To support the University of Notre Dame (Table 96)
To serve the poor (Table 98)
To cultivate
the love of God and love of our fellowman (Table
2. Act: Coming back to ideas (Table 80)
Built $200
million facilities (Table
Added to
endowment (and passing other schools on the endowment list) (Table 85)
Praying (Table 87)
Helping to write the Notre Dame story (Table 92)
Tutoring, serving as big brother/big sister, caring for the
old, sitting with the dying, helping Mongoloid children, looking out for
minority children (Table
Agency: Rebirth (Table 79)
reality, faith, commitment, and enthusiasm (Table
dedication (Table
Panoply of experience, film, mass, sermon (Table 91)
Different approaches to problems (Table 93)
Recognition of enthusiasm on campus (Table 97)
praying and celebrating mass (Table
Table 102 shows the frequencies of the dominant terms in speeches from the 80s.
Summary of All Dominant Terms From the 80s
Pentadic Terms |
Frequencies |
Purpose |
9 |
Agency |
7 |
Act |
6 |
Agent |
0 |
Scene |
0 |
Hesburgh’s speeches from the 80s featured purpose as a dominant term most often, followed by agency, and then act. Agent and scene never functioned in this capacity in the speeches analyzed.