© Please note: Shirley Freed owns the copyright for the dissertation below. You may download and print one copy for educational purposes only. These pages may not be duplicated, distributed, redistributed or republished in any manner without express permission from the author.
Since change (the learning of a new teaching method) is a process,
not an event, and requires on-going observation to understand
what actually takes place, the chosen research design is a focused
ethnographic approach. The process is described in terms of the
person(s) going through the change and the context of the change.
The description of the context includes the cognitive states of
the teachers, their working conditions, their level of utilization
of a direct instruction approach to reading (ECRI), and details
acquired through observations and interviews.
The research was accomplished in three phases:
Phase One: Observation and description of one teacher, using ECRI
methods and her/his students a pilot study.
Phase Two: Observation and description of 15-20 teachers learning
how to use ECRI as part of the course work in EDTE492 and EDTE436
the summer of 1990 at Midwest University.
Phase Three: Follow-up and description of utilization of the methods
taught during the summer. The teachers were studied during the
1990-91 school year.
In studying the process of change as teachers experience learning
an instructional strategy, the most appropriate method would be
a qualitative methodology. As Bogdan and Biklen (1982) clarify,
qualitative researchers are not concerned with products, they
are concerned with processes and the meanings which people attach
to their lives. The interest of this study is in the process of
change as it is affected by specific contexts: e.g., high conceptual
level or difficult working conditions.
Another reason for using a qualitative design is that it matches
the process of implementation. Both require interpretation. Carson
(1983) states that
for teachers, implementation is an interpretative act . . . [which]
depends upon the teacher's stock of knowledge and beliefs about
how children learn, what society wants, what the future will be
like and the teacher's understanding of the organizational context
of their work. . . . The interpretative act is the effort by the
teacher to fuse the horizon of the curriculum plan as text, with
the horizon of teaching as a lived experience. (p. 20)
Aoki (1983) suggests that implementation has been viewed primarily
as an instrumental action and as such teachers are reduced to
beings-as-things. In contrast, he believes implementation should
be portrayed as "situational praxis." He uses "praxis"
in the contemporary sense meaning reflection and action. In this
framework "implementation is constituted by the inter-subjective
actions of beings-as-humans, oriented towards interest in mutual
understanding, and . . . seen as competance in communicative action
and reflection" (p. 16). Going beyond the immediate level
of interpretation, the teacher discovers his/her own reality.
Thus, a qualitative design humanizes teachers and permits their
subjective reality to become the focus. The analysis of collected
data is also an interpretative activity, so in this study both
the researcher and the teachers are involved in interpretation.
From the earlier chapters, it is clear that reformers, staff developers,
and researchers of the change process are centering their attention
more and more on teachers. As they do so, they need data which
describe the teachers' world as they (teachers) view it. This
can best be acquired through the methodologies of qualitative
research participant observation and interviews. These techniques
have the potential for providing answers to the questions posed
by this study.
Features of Qualitative Research
Case Studies
One of the common forms of qualitative research is the case study.
This form of inquiry provides special opportunities to understand
an individual's reality. "Instead of explanations based upon
statistical associations between operationally defined constructs,
interpretations are drawn directly from actual circumstances,
events, behaviors, and expressed sentiments as played out daily
by people in the context of their work" (Sirotnik, 1989,
p. 95). Some of the characteristics of case studies are given
Smith (in Merriam, 1988) suggests that a bounded system is necessary
for a case-study approach. By this it is meant that "a specific
phenomenon such as a program, an event, a person, a process, an
institution, or a social group" (p. 9) is needed for the
case study. Lincoln and Guba (1985) believe that "no inquiry,
regardless of which paradigm may guide it, can be conducted in
the absence of a focus . . . [and] such focusing establishes the
boundaries for a study; it defines the terrain, as it were, that
is to be considered the proper territory of the inquiry"
(pp. 226, 227). Wilson (1979) uses the term particularistic to
describe case studies. This suggests that the study focuses on
a particular situation, event, program, or phenomenon. Shaw (1978)
has said that case studies
concentrate attention on the way particular groups of people confront
specific problems, taking a holistic view of the situation. They
are problem centered, small scale, entrepreneurial endeavours;
data is collected by being on the spot with expectations and directed
vision, but there is a readiness to reconceptualize the problem
as the data accumulates and to take account of the broad slice
of social reality. (p. 2)
Another descriptor of case studies used by Stake (1981) is
that they are heuristic. This means that the case study brings
new light to the situation being studied. It may indicate new
relationships, confirm known entities, and extend the known. Wilson
(1979) also uses the term longitudinal as a characteristic of
case studies. Studying a specific phenomenon over a period of
time allows the researcher to study the interaction of variables.
These characteristics are evidence that a case-study approach
to studying change is appropriate and gives results that will
benefit the educational community. The bounded system studied
is the process of change, the particular situation is the change
of teachers learning a direct instruction reading method during
the summer of 1990 and following. The study is longitudinal over
a period of approximately a year, including the three-week training
session. The results are heuristic, as expected, and certainly
can sensitize educators to the process of change from a teacher's
The Context
Overview of Context
Guba (in Butler, 1984, p. 4) stated that "human behavior
is rarely if ever context free," and it is because the context
or situational elements need to be considered that a qualitative-naturalistic
research design is used. In 1978, Hunt realized the importance
of context in planning inservice activity. He said planning "must
give first priority to the context the specific school, the specific
concerns of the teachers, and the specific relations among the
people engaged in the activity" (p. 240). He suggested that
the theory-to-practice process tends to ignore the context while
research-based programs are believed to be universally acceptable.
Butt (1984) believes that "prior to any sort of inter-vention
it would be imperative for the outsider to learn about the teachers
[sic] own professional reality, style, beliefs as well as functional
metaphors, images, and rules of teaching; to understand the personal
practical and professional knowledge and context within which
changes might be made, and successfully embedded" (p. 16).
Mishler (1979) also addresses the issue of context and shows that
the experimental approach is a "context-stripping" method
which leaves gaps in one's understanding of human behavior. He
proposes alternative approaches like qualitative research.
Defining the Context in This Study
Since researchers (the third section of chapter 2) have pointed
out certain teacher characteristics which are ubiquitous to change,
some of those characteristics are used to define the context by
which an individual relates to the process of change. This study
describes behavior in relationship to the various contexts in
which it is known to affect change, e.g., working conditions and
conceptual level. It also endeavors to expand the knowledge base
of staff development by focusing on cognition and the way different
cognitive patterns affect the learning of a direct instruction
reading approach.
While it is known that teachers can change (implement new strategies)
if they are self-actualizing and working in a democratic school
climate (Hopkins, 1990), it is not known what the change process
is like in those particular situations. If a teacher under difficult
working conditions is able to implement, one needs to understand
the process by which she/he was able to change.
Wilson (1979) states that learning from cases "involves getting
a feel for how things `come down' in schools, for sensing what
happens in improvement activities, and for generally extending
one's experience, thus gaining both the power and the sensitivity
to act" (p. 455). Learning a direct instruction method may
require drastic changes on the part of a teacher. In that process
of changing roles, beliefs, values, perceptions, preferences,
and behaviors, one needs an understanding of how the context affects
Therefore, I collected data on Gregorc's mind styles, Piagetian
operational level, Hunt's conceptual level, and Szabo's working
conditions (these instruments are described and documented below).
Since research has shown that conceptual level affects implementation
(Showers, 1984), an instrument to indicate levels of this construct
accepted in the field of educational research was used. Although
Hopkins' (1990) study used Gregorc's Mind Styles, no conclusions
were drawn concerning its relationship to implementation. I have
chosen Gregorc's Mind Styles hypothesizing that it may provide
explanations for observed behavior. For example, do teachers with
a dominance in sequencing (Gregorc) find it easier to learn a
direct instruction approach (with each specific step defined)
than those who are dominant in random ordering? A similar line
of reasoning was used in the choice of Piaget's Operational Levels.
It seems possible that an individual at the level of `formal operations'
according to Piaget may find it easier to implement an approach
which has many interrelated components. Instruments have been
chosen because of their research-backing, acceptance in the field
of education, and usefulness to the study.
As this study proceeded, I looked for patterns within each specific
context. For example, how do high operational level teachers relate
to change in comparison with low operational level teachers? Discovery
of the aspects of the change process which are unique to high
conceptual level, etc., was anticipated.
In summary, rather than describing the general behavior of an
individual who is seeking to learn a direct instruction reading
method, I studied his/her behavior in reference to his/her particular
context as defined by the instruments listed below.
Description of Instruments Used to Define Context
Gregorc Style Delineator
Developed by Anthony Gregorc, this style delineator is a self-analysis
tool that assesses two types of mediation abilities: perception
and ordering (Gregorc, 1982). Perception abilities emerge as two
qualities: abstractness and concreteness, while ordering abilities
emerge as sequence and randomness. By ordering 10 different sets
of words from 4 most like you to 1 least like you, a profile emerges
which shows four possible transaction ability channels: concrete/sequential
(CS); abstract/sequential (AS); abstract/random (AR); and concrete/random
(CR). Construct validity and reliability for the style delineator
may be found in Gregorc (1984).
Every individual "will be strongly oriented toward one, two,
or even three of the four style channels." A score above
26 indicates a dominance in that channel and signifies "that
those mediation qualities are powerful means of transaction"
for that individual (Gregorc, 1982, p. 14). Every individual has
some preference in each of the four qualities: concreteness, abstraction,
sequence, and randomness, but feels more comfortable when in circumstances
where they are able to function in their dominant mode.
Paragraph Completion Method (PCM)
Conceptual Level (CL) is a developmental construct which views
individuals on a continuum "of increasing conceptual complexity,
self-responsibility, and independence" (Hunt, 1977-78, p.
78). On a scale of 0-3, Conceptual Level is measured by a semi-projective
Paragraph Completion Method (PCM) (Hunt, Butler, Noy, & Rosser,
1978). Although Hunt would recommend standard ranges of scores
with low defined as 0-1.1, moderate CL as 1.2-1.9, and high as
2.0+, many studies define CL in whatever way is expedient for
their particular study (Miller, 1981). The measure consists of
five 2-minute timed responses to stems such as "when I am
not sure . . ." Using a 3-point scale, each response is rated
and the CL is the mean of the highest three scores. For example,
one response to the above stem may be "I just don't know
what to do." This response is rated "0" because
it indicates no tolerance for ambiguity or indecision. In contrast,
another individual may respond, "I try to look at all alternatives
[or] ask advice of knowledgeable persons. If still undecided,
I'll go with my intuition, or past experience, or desired results,
then make the necessary decision." This response is rated
"3" because the emphasis is "upon utilizing one's
own knowledge, finding information, and seeking as much advice
as the individual feels is necessary to arrive at a satisfactory
conclusion" (Hunt, Butler, Noy, and Rosser, 1978, pp. 26-28).
Information concerning construct validity and reliability can
be found in Hunt, et al. (1978).
The construct of Conceptual Level has been expanded to consider
matching instruction with CL. The premise is that low CL persons
(dependent on external standards and incapable of generating their
own concepts) should profit more from a highly structured approach
while high CL persons (capable of generating new concepts and
holding internal standards) should either profit more from low
structure, or be less affected by variations in structure (Hunt,
1975). In Miller's (1981) review of 29 studies of matching procedures,
19 showed main effects of CL; however, research designs were varied
and few were in typical classroom settings. Differences in instruction
are usually conceptualized by the degree of autonomy afforded
the learner. At the opposite ends of a continuum, one would expect
to find discovery student-centered approaches and didactic teacher-controlled
Showers (1984) found that high CL individuals transfer training
more often than low CL; however, CL is not so significant when
the teachers are coached. Showers found also that low CL-coached
teachers surpassed high CL-uncoached teachers in implementation.
An Inventory of Piaget's
Developmental Tasks (IPDT)
An Inventory of Piaget's Developmental Tasks (IPDT) is an experimental
inventory which was designed by Hans Furth, James Youniss, and
Bruce Ross at Catholic University to translate some of Piaget's
concrete and formal operational tasks into an objective, quick,
standardized paper-pencil format (Furth, 1970). It has been used
in studies of computer programmers (Cafolla, 1987-88), chemists
(Milakofsky & Patterson, 1979), and teacher educators (Reyes,
1987; Reyes & Alter, 1990). Patterson and Milakofsky (1980)
have reported on reliability and validity. The test has 18 subtests
each with four items. Teachers show mastery of a subtest by scoring
three or four of the items correctly. The subtests are further
arranged under five problem areas: classification, conservation,
imagery, proportional reasoning, and relations. Mastery of a problem
area is indicated by scoring all subtests under the problem area
correctly. Formal operational level is indicated by mastery of
five problem areas. A transitional level is indicated by mastery
of three or four problem areas and concrete operational level
is indicated by mastery of zero to two problem areas.
Szabo's Typology of Working Conditions
Developed originally with new teachers in high-school settings,
the framework provides a structure from which teachers may assess
their working conditions. The typology considers two aspects:
level of difficulty and level of support. In Szabo's (1989) study,
teachers perceived a high level of support in their working situations
when they were respected by the veteran teachers and administrators,
the administration provided avenues for safe help in planning/materials,
valued feedback was provided, and they participated in planning.
High levels of difficulty were associated with uncertainty about
employment status, number of preps or room changes, type of students,
and adequacy of written information (textbooks, guides, etc.).
Szabo found that a person in a situation of low support and low
difficulty was "ignored" whereas a teacher in a highly
difficult situation with low support was "tested." Those
teachers with high support and low difficulty were "nurtured,"
while those with high support and high difficulty were "coached"
(Figure 1). In assessing the teachers' working conditions, I used
a focused interview (Appendix A) and endeavored to define the
situation according to the criterion used in Szabo's study.
Level of Difficulty |
Low | High | |
Low | Ignored | Nurtured | |
High | Tested | Coached |
Figure 1. A typology of working conditions. (Figure based on Szabo's 1989 study).
Other Instruments
I acquired other information in this study by using Joyce and
McKibbin's Growth States (1982) and measuring Stages of Concern
about the Innovation by Hall, George, and Rutherford (1986). These
instruments helped broaden the picture of change.
Trustworthiness Issues
Comparison with Quantitative Research
First, all researchers are concerned with trustworthiness issues.
They want to believe that there is "truth value" to
their conclusions. Quantitative and qualitative researchers have
different ways of convincing their public that what they have
found can be trusted.
Lincoln and Guba (1985, p. 300) state that "the four terms
`credibility,' `transferability,' `dependability,' and `confirmability'
are, then, the naturalist's equivalents for the conventional terms,
`internal validity,' `external validity,' `reliability,' and `objectivity.'"
To be credible, an inquiry needs to have prolonged engagement,
persistent observation, and triangulation (explained in detail
below). The findings need to be approved by the individuals being
Concerning transferability, the naturalist cannot set up relationships
that can be generalized across different people, settings, or
time as the quantitative researcher attempts to do. The most he/she
can do is provide an adequate data base of the widest possible
range of information. It is the responsibility of those who read
the "thick description" to decide whether the data are
transferable applicable to their situation.
Dependability is similar to reliability. How consistent are the
findings? Lincoln and Guba (1985, pp. 316-317) suggest that "since
there can be no validity without reliability (and thus no credibility
without dependability), a demonstration of the former is sufficient
to establish the latter." However, they recognize this is
a weak argument and would encourage naturalists to increase dependability
by a process of replication which involves more than one researcher
or to have an auditor check the findings for accuracy in relationship
to the original data. This would involve an examination of the
process of the inquiry as well as the findings. Confirmability
is established when the auditor finds the product and the data
to be internally coherent. Guba (1981) suggests that triangulation
and the keeping of a reflective journal also add to confirmability.
The journal is a means whereby the auditor is able to track decisions
made by the researcher as he/she progressed with his/her study.
A naturalistic study has its own unique ways of establishing trust-worthiness.
The ones which I used in this study are described in the following
Specific Strategies for Increasing Trustworthiness
Any research design must have provisions built into the design
which make the research credible. In the final analysis, one first
needs to have confidence that the findings are of value and then
one needs to be able to convince the readers of this. The following
strategies add credence to my study.
1. Triangulation. Denzin (1970) suggests four different types
of triangulation: methods, data sources, investigators, and theories.
The different methods I used are defined in Table 1
(p. 70). Each of the main topics: working conditions, cognitive
process, and utilization are assessed in at least two different
ways. If the data did not agree, more investigation was necessary.
More than one source of data were used to verify, cross-check,
and provide negative cases. While I intended to be the primary
investigator, other individuals helped in data collection and
I compared the findings of different investigators. As I proceeded
through the process of data collection and data analysis, I was
aware of the different models of change and tried to ascertain
how my data fit the various frameworks discussed in Chapter 2.
2. Member Checks. The member-check concept is explained by Guba
and Lincoln (1981, p. 316). It is a way of endeavoring to verify
data collected and interpretations by having the original interviewees
read the analysis. It does not certify that all errors will be
discovered, but it does help verify the data. By the use of pseudonyms,
anonymity was guaranteed and sensitive material could be used.
3. Repeated Observations. Over a long period of time, observations
are viewed by Merriam (1988, p. 169) as another way to increase
the validity-credibility of the findings. I remained in contact
with the teachers in this study for approximately one year.
4. Audit Trail. Guba and Lincoln (1981, p. 122) explain the audit-trail
process whereby an independent investigator could come in and
reconstruct the process whereby categories were established and
decisions made. In the original field notes, I continually recorded
my own reactions and reflections on what I observed. I also included
decisions as the plan emerged. Establishing an audit trail increased
the dependability or confirmability of the study.
The Data
Techniques for Data Collection
The primary techniques which I used were:
1. The Ethnographic Interview. This interview sought to understand
the process by which teachers are able to learn a direct instruction
2. Participant Observation. This step required the researcher
to become involved as a participant observing the behavior of
the teachers who sought to learn the ECRI method under Dr. Eugene
Haskell's instruction the summer of 1990 when they enrolled in
EDTE492 Teaching Developmental Reading and EDTE436 Elementary
Language Arts Methods at Midwest University.
3. Measurements. Measures of mind styles, Piagetian operational
levels, Hunt's conceptual levels, and working conditions were
used to assist in defining the context of the study.
4. Questionnaires. During the three-week training it was imperative
that data be collected from all teachers, since I could not predict
who would implement ECRI. Because twenty-five teachers were initially
involved, I used a series of four questionnaires (Appendix A)
to gather data during the training.
Data were collected under the following main topics: the working
conditions of the teacher, the cognitive processing of the teacher,
and the utilization of the ECRI program.
1. In evaluating the working conditions of the teacher a focused
interview was used. Szabo's typology (1989) provided the framework
for a description of working conditions and observations validated
information acquired in an interview.
2. In describing cognitive processing, measures of mind style
(Gregorc, 1982), operational level (Milakofsky & Patterson,
1979), and conceptual flexibility (Hunt, 1977-78) were used as
well as participant observation to describe behaviors related
to cognitive processing.
3. The individual teacher's utilization of ECRI was assessed using
all three techniques: the Levels of Use interview (Loucks, Newlove
& Hall, 1975), a checklist of ECRI critical components, and
participant observation to validate data from the interview and
These data-collecting techniques are summarized in Table 1:
Interview Inventory Observe Working Conditions * - * Cognitive Process * * * Utilization * * *
The Data File
The data file was formed by a compilation of all pertinent information
concerning each individual. Results from the inventories, answers
to questionnaires, transcriptions of taped interviews, summaries
of telephone conversations, notes from observations, and reflections
of the researcher are organized into a chronological record of
events for each teacher. Also included in the data file are various
documents acquired from Dr. E. Haskell, the professor in charge
of the training. These include cards that each teacher filled
in on the first day of class, and answers to test items on two
different examinations. Each individual's profile also has examples
of the materials needed to teach using ECRI. This provided a picture
of the way the teacher has arranged the classroom to facilitate
the use of ECRI.
Organized in three volumes, the data collected during the summer
are incorporated in the first volume while the second volume contains
information related primarily to the four cases. In total, over
400 pages of transcribed interviews, questionnaires, and observations
make up this portion of the data file. Also, each teacher kept
a journal, the contents of which were coded in the original. Finally,
in the third volume, approximately 100 pages of documents are
used as supporting data in the case studies.
This format of individual characterizations facilitated the cross-comparison
of the different contexts. For example, the comparison of findings
of all high CL teachers validated the observations with respect
to one high CL teacher. These were then compared with low CL teachers.
In the same way, cross-comparisons were made with high operational
level, low operational level, and random and sequential mind styles.
Selection of Cases
In the selection of individuals for the case studies I employed
a system of purposive sampling (Patton, 1987). It was important
to have a wide variety of characteristics represented in the case
studies; therefore, experience, gender, race, conceptual level,
formal operations, and mind styles were considered. A number of
teachers were immediately deleted because they were undergraduate
education students and did not intend to implement ECRI in the
fall. Several more had never taught reading and had no intention
of implementing.
From the outset, I was concerned that my study not be an "appraisal
of non-events" (Charters & Jones, 1973). Since I was
studying implementation, I wanted to collect data on teachers
who were at least attempting the use of ECRI. Table 2 summarizes
the information which I considered in selecting the case-study
Of the 25 individuals who registered for the course, three dropped
out after the first week and two were so irregular in attendance
that I could not gather the necessary data from them. From the
remaining 20, I chose four teachers: Becky, Deana, Debbie, and
Tammy for my case studies. Although four men took the training,
only one, Ken, tried to implement ECRI; however, he indicated
he was overwhelmed with the amount of preparation involved and
discontinued after several weeks.
Data Collection for Case Studies
In addition to the data that were collected on all teachers in
the training session, in-depth interviews and observations were
conducted on the four teachers chosen for the case studies. While
an effort was made to establish an interview and observation schedule,
it soon became clear that taking time to create an atmosphere
of trust was more important than following a pre-arranged schedule.
This meant, for example, that with Becky I was unable to gain
entrance into her classroom for observation until November. She
had not implemented ECRI at the beginning of the school year,
and it took a while for her to feel secure enough to have me in
the room. With Debbie, I visited her classroom in September and
realized it was too soon since she had not really established
routines, so I adjusted my visits according to what appeared most
Teacher I Ex Ra G CL OL MS * Alerie I 17 C F L L CS-AS Barbara X S Sp F - M CS-AS o * Becky I 11 C F H L AS-CS Bonnie X S C F - L CS Carmen X S C F - M AR-CR Clarence X 4 C M - H CS o * Deana I 4 C F H H AR-CR o * Debbie I 1 B F H M AR-CR Harriet I 16 B F L M AR * Jackie I 4 C F H M CS-CR Janey X S C F - H CR-CS Joan I 10 C F H H AR * Joyce I 3 B F M L CR-AR Ken X 6 C M L H CS-AS * Lisa I 3 C F M H AR-CR Mary Lane X 7 B F - M CS-AS Randy X S C M - H AR-CS Ray X 5 C M - H AS-CS * Sophia I ½ C F L H AR o * Tammy I 1 C F L H CS-AS
* Reasonable Possibility had implemented and was still using
in October
o Final Choice for Case Studies
I Tried to Implement
Ex Experience in Years
Ra Race
G Gender
CL Conceptual Level
OL Operational Level
MS Mind Style
S = Student Sp = Spanish H = High
C = Caucasian M = Medium
B = Black L = Low
An outline of data collection for the case studies is given in Table 3. The observations represent from 3-5 hours in the classroom. These were taped sessions, and the tapes were used in helping to create an understanding of the progress made by the teacher in using ECRI. Each interview was from 1-3 hours and was transcribed to make up part of the data file. Interviews were primarily unstructured, however, a guide was used for the last two interviews. These are found in Appendix A with the questionnaires used during the training. Telephone conversations were summarized and were an important source of data since several of the teachers were 3-7 hours' drive from Midwest University. The case-study data were collected over ten months, beginning in June 1990 and ending in March 1991.
Name June-July August-December January-March Tammy Q Q Q Q I O T T O O I I T T I O Debbie Q Q Q Q I O T T I O I O T T I O Deana Q Q Q Q I O T I O I O O I I T T I O Becky Q Q Q Q I O T T T I O O I I T T I O Q = Questionnaire I = Interview O = Observation T = Telephone Conversation
Techniques for Analysis of Data
The data were interpreted analytically using coding, categorizing,
and discovering cultural themes. Cross-case analysis was also
done resulting in a multiple-case study. Using a procedure explained
by Yin (1984), I chose specific cases according to the particular
context which I wanted to focus on and used other cases as I endeavored
to search for patterns (described in previous section). Since
the primary purpose of this study was the description of a process,
there is limited statistical analysis.
In analyzing the data, a combination of techniques were used.
First, segments of the data file were coded using a process of
repeated readings and comparison with previously coded items.
An effort was made to develop definitions for each code. It was
then noted that these segments fell into several large categories
(Strauss & Corbin, 1990) representing themes which were verified
deductively by going back to the data to ascertain whether statements
fit the themes.
Using techniques suggested by van Manen (1990), deeper meanings
emerged. I used his "wholistic" and "selective"
approaches to make summary statements of large amounts of data.
For example, using the "wholistic" method I read through
one person's data file and tried to capture the essence of that
person's lived experience in a sentence or two. Using the "selective"
approach I identified what the person was really saying. For example,
Alerie said:
With so much repetition, I have wondered if the students are
able to react as robots and not really think about what they are
This segment had previously been coded "values" and
in brackets underneath, I wrote, "thinking is important to
this teacher."
Miles and Huberman (1984) suggest that when data are displayed
in some standardized format and are assembled coherently in one
place that "this is the first deep dive into cross-set analysis."
In Appendix B are examples of the clustering which such displays
permit. Having identified the occurrence of certain coded segments
for each person, I was able to unite that person's `profile' with
others to get a group picture. With this clustering I was able
to search for trends among sequential individuals in contrast
with random individuals, high conceptual level individuals in
contrast with low conceptual level individuals, and high operational
level individuals in contrast with low operational level individuals.
The teachers which I used in these clusters are those who had
implemented ECRI and were still using it in October 1990 (Appendix
B). Although nine teachers were available for these comparisons,
not all nine are on each table. Because I compared opposite extremes,
the middle teachers are not in the comparisons. The coded segments
were taken only from the four questionnaires given during training.
They did not include observation during training nor do they include
any data collection following the training.
Role of the Researcher
In qualitative research "the researcher is the primary instrument
for data collection and analysis" (Merriam, 1988, p. 52).
This was a role which I found both fascinating and frustrating.
As a participant observer, I registered for one of the 4-hour
courses which made up the three-week training session: EDTE492
Teaching Developmental Reading. Therefore, I came to the training
with a "dual purpose": to engage in all the activities
as a regular student and to "observe the activities, people,
and physical aspects of the situation" (Spradley, 1980, p.
54). This dual role was often complicated by another role that
of trainer. From the beginning some teachers thought I was one
of the trainers:
I wish to learn all the methods you present. I wish to make the
best grade possible because I need this course for certification.
(V. 1, p. 136)
From time to time I did actively play the role of a trainer,
checking off directives and doing evaluations of the skills section.
During this time, I was able to document some physical manifestations
which may not have been part of my observations had I not played
that role. However, at one point, I chose to no longer act as
a trainer because I felt it was putting distance between me and
those I had come to observe.
Maintaining the "insider/outsider" balance was a juggling
act for me through the entire three weeks. Spradley (1980) suggests
that "the participant observer . . . will experience being
both an insider and outsider simultaneously" (p. 57). As
an insider I was privy to criticisms and jokes about the trainers;
however, as an outsider, the trainers shared valuable information
with me. I remember one day when one of the trainers said to me,
"We just sent Clarissa (the other trainer) into that room
to observe, we could not stand it any longer the teachers are
going so slow!"
As an insider I experienced many of the same stresses the other
teachers had. I, too, had nightmares and found myself relying
on Diovol to settle my stomach. The fact that I am a certified
teacher was an asset to my role as participant-observer. I was
able to empathize with the teachers as they sorted through the
various aspects of the ECRI program, endeavoring to make sense
of it. I could respond to their concerns about how to collect
materials, how to gain approval from principals and superintendents,
how to grade a mastery approach, how to group in a multi-grade
situation, etc. Guba and Lincoln (1981) view empathy as "the
characteristic most applicable in any naturalistic study"
(p. 140).
I did not address the problem of researcher-effect until after
the three-week training. When teachers began to implement ECRI
in September and October, I regularly kept in touch with them
by telephone:
I'm so glad you called, you're just what I needed. I just do not
know how to organize my classes. I have four levels. (V. 2, p.
I called Shirley today, wanted to talk about grouping. (V. 2, p. 132)
I'm so glad you phoned because I have this problem. I do not know how to do the unit test. (V. 2, p. 141)
I knew I could not remain neutral when teachers were calling
for assistance. I recognized vividly that my influence would bias
the study, that teachers would, in fact, implement differently
had I not been a participant in their process of change. As one
Your visit, Shirley, renewed my enthusiasm for ECRI. I have now
had two conferences with students a small start, but at least
a start. (V. 2, p. 45)
I decided to handle this seeming conflict of interest by carefully
documenting all my conversations with the teachers. As Metz (1981)
points out, these possibilities for variability can be corrected
by "giving full and fair accounting of the instrument and
its use so that readers may perceive and allow for the various
biases which will inevitably creep into both the field work and
the later interpretation of it" (p. 1).
I realize I have interpreted this experience through my own world
view, values, and perspective, and that this is in agreement with
"one of the philosophical assumptions underlying this type
of research . . . that reality is not an objective reality; rather,
there are multiple interpretations of reality" (Merriam,
1988, p. 39).
Finally, the experience of "being the instrument" in
this study was a most satisfying one. Teachers assured me that
they "thought about their profession in a new way."
I discovered implicit meanings and have been sensitized to the
lived experience of myself and others as we implement new strategies
in our classrooms.
The Strategy
The teaching strategy studied was the Ethna Reid method taught
at the Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction (ECRI) in Salt
Lake City, Utah. The ECRI method was started by Ethna Reid in
the 1960s. Working originally in a clinical setting, Reid later
analyzed the critical behaviors of effective teachers. These were
found to include abilities to elicit correct responses from non-responding
pupils, to establish high mastery levels of response with performance
and rate as criteria, to correlate language-arts activities to
increase responses and save time, to utilize effective management
and monitoring systems, and to diagnose and prescribe instantly
when errors or no responses occur (Educational Programs that Work,
1980). Since that time, Reid (1986) confirms, "ECRI has functioned
as a consulting firm and a developer-demonstrator project designed
to instruct teachers in the effective and efficient use of classroom
time. The center is built upon the belief that most, if not all,
students can learn to read and write successfully if they are
properly taught to do so" (p. 510). The program is planned
in such a way that it can be used with any basal program, but
the basal program needs reformatting for use. Students learn to
"read, write, and spell each word, understand its meaning,
and use it in sentences and stories (and) as they encounter it
in their reading exercises." What are the unique characteristics
of an ECRI classroom?
1. Teachers elicit overt, accurate, and rapid responses from students.
2. Teachers ignore negative behavior but strongly reinforce positive
behavior with a point system or some other measure.
3. Students practice until they have mastery of spelling lists.
4. Students read stories three times.
5. Teachers conduct individual conferences with some students
6. Discussion groups result in high-level questioning and responding.
7. Students are encouraged to use creative writing to use the
vocabulary words they have learned.
The ECRI program is recommended by Rosenshine (1983), Christenson,
Thurlow, and Ysseldyke (1987), and the U.S. Department of Education
(1982) as an alternative instructional strategy for handicapped,
minority, and normal children. Two doctoral dissertations (Hughes,
1983; Miller, 1983) showed no apparent advantages of using the
ECRI method. In Hughes' (1983) study, three ECRI teachers and
three basal teachers were used, and in the Miller (1983) study,
68 subjects were studied. Reid in an interview with Brandt (1990)
contends that "in recent years we've had teachers in about
800 new schools per year adopt the program. Our staff and certified
trainers offer inservice training to 5,000 or 6,000 teachers a
year" (p. 78).
In light of the research on direct instruction (see chapter 2),
because ECRI is listed in Educational Programs that Work (1987),
knowing that ECRI has a high proportion of the characteristics
suggested in Becoming a Nation of Readers, and realizing that
ECRI has many of the characteristics of teaching effectiveness
research, the study is based on ECRI for the following reasons:
1. It has reported phenomenal growth records. Brandt (1990) related
the progress of one girl who moved from first grade to fifth grade
in silent reading in one month and Liske (1990) in Sandy Lake
Elementary School told of two children who progressed from non-reading
to third grade in seven months.
2. It has been reported (Reid, 1986) to be successful regardless
of sex or race. This is significant since Campbell (1985) and
Erion (1983) have shown that girls have an academic advantage
over boys in the early years and numerous studies (Bowman, 1988;
Christensen, Gerber, & Everhart, 1986; Gregory, 1986; Magliocca
& Rinaldi, 1982; Smith, 1983; Tucker, 1980; Wright & Santa
Cruz, 1983) have found disproportionately high numbers of minority
children identified as disabled.
3. It is a `teacher control' method. This is defined by Hahn (1988)
to include initial skills instruction (to improve reading comprehension)
where the teacher explains, models, questions, and corrects. Many
studies (Darch & Kameenui, 1987; Hall, 1988; Judy et al.,
1988; Knight, Waxman, & Padron, 1989; Pearson & Dole 1988)
have found direct instruction more beneficial than other strategies
for skill-oriented subjects. Hahn (1988) has identified the relationship
between teacher control and direct instruction. He believes that
direct instruction implies the idea that learning comes through
some social interaction (teacher) before it becomes internalized
or student controlled. Direct instruction is most useful in sequential
learning and where lower level thinking skills are used. Also,
teachers seem to be more comfortable in a controlled situation.
Garner (in Hahn, 1988) found only three in eight teachers were
able to release responsibility for learning to the students. It
seems reasonable to use a method which teachers may more `naturally'
The method used in this study is a qualitative approach which
allowed for sustained observations over approximately a year.
The context of the change was established by various inventories.
Triangulation and member checks added credibility to this study.
The end result is the description of the process of learning a
direct instruction reading approach by several different individuals.