© Please note: Shirley Freed owns the copyright for the dissertation below. You may download and print one copy for educational purposes only. These pages may not be duplicated, distributed, redistributed or republished in any manner without express permission from the author.


1. Definitions of coded segments

2. Sample of coded questionnaires

3. Table B-1 Occurrence of selected coded segments
Mind Styles

4. Table B-2 Occurrence of selected coded segments
Conceptual Level

5. Table B-3 Occurrence of selected coded segments
Operational Level (1)

6. Table B-4 Occurrence of selected coded segments
Operational Level (2)

Definitions of words used in coding

adapt - to change something, making it different from the model
given in training.

adjust - to recognize what has to be done differently in the use of
ECRI, eg. scheduling, material use etc.

agree - to make a statement of agreement, attach personal evaluation
to something, eg. I `like' this or that, I `agree' with --.

belief change - teacher documents before and after belief showing
how it has change or stated `yes' in answer to `Are you aware of changes in your beliefs?'

matched practice - any current practice which is similar
in ECRI, eg. presenting vocabulary words before reading.

memory - statements relating to the memorization of directives.

new idea - teacher shares a `new idea' but does not in any way
evaluate it does not say I `like' it or `believe' it.

new skill - teacher says he/she has learned a new skill,
eg. use of directives, positive reinforcement or questioning.

physical manifestations - teacher has physical signs of
stress, eg. stomachache, confusion, profuse perspiration etc.

practicality - teacher makes direct link with previous
practice by stating his/her prior knowledge/practice on the topic.

program concern - teacher states concern about certain
program aspects, eg. materials.

self concerns - teacher is preoccupied with whether "I can
do it," expresses concern about personal inability to do ECRI.

theory - teacher gives the idea he/she understands ECRI,
especially in relationship to results.

thoughtful evaluation - teacher questions aspects of the
program, sometimes self concerns but not with the idea that they may not be able to do ECRI (as in self concerns)

training aspects - teacher identifies aspects in training which
he/she does or does not like. Sample of coded questionnaires
1. Do you feel the ECRI method of instruction might work for you? Why? Why not?
yes, this program has shown proven results, I want my students to achieve same results. Increased reading levels.
2. How would you evaluate your performance in using the method so far? How did the students respond to your use of the method?
Good, need to work on speed and accuracy the children were responding and attentive.
3. Are there some concerns you have about the ECRI method?
yes, not having all the materials (books) to implement program effectively.
4. If you implemented this method, what changes would you have to make?
return books such as handwriting and spelling books. Purchase materials: overhead paper, spelling strips appropriate penmanship paper and chart boards.
5. What may be some results if you were to implement this method?
increased reading levels
6. Have you been introduced to any strikingly new concepts this week? How do you feel about them?
yes, penmanship, comprehension. I clearly understand a child must be taught. This programs teaches exactly what each child should know.1. How do you feel about the ECRI method of instruction?
I feel it is fantastic. I would like to use it in the classroom.
2. Do you think there are some parts that you might be able to use in your classroom? What parts?
yes, I have already used a similar method of write proof or correct in spelling and it works well. Introducing new skills words = excellent -
3. Are there some concerns you have about the ECRI method?
Yes, how to get all materials ready. This frustrates me just to think about it. In the long run I know it is not that time consuming but right at the beginning.
4. What aspects of ECRI or the training do you like?
I like that there is correlation in all the language arts area. That we are being shown how to do it and that we have to do it ourselves. This is difficult but it is the only way to learn to feel more comfortable doing it.
5. What aspects of ECRI or the training do you dislike?
Too much to learn at once.
6. Have you been introduced to any strikingly new concepts this week? How do you feel about them?
giving out points. I still feel somewhat frustrated. How can you be fair to all the children if you have a big room full of 28 or 50. You can't possibly see all you need to see to be fair in rewarding points.