© Please note: Shirley Freed owns the copyright for the dissertation below. You may download and print one copy for educational purposes only. These pages may not be duplicated, distributed, redistributed or republished in any manner without express permission from the author.


1. Margaret A. Szabo
2. Human Subjects Review Board
3. Teacher Consent Form
4. Principal Consent Form

Teacher Consent Form

As part of a research effort in the School of Education, a study is being conducted on teacher change processes while learning a new strategy. It involves the observation and reaction of teachers as they go through the process of learning the ECRI method of reading instruction this summer.

As a way of describing the context within which each teacher is operating, inventories of Gregorc's Mind Style, Piagetian operational levels, Hunt's conceptual levels. will be taken. There are no known risks or discomforts associated with these procedures.

While there may be no direct benefit to you at this time for participating in this project, we are hopeful that we will learn something that will help teachers implement new strategies more effectively and with less frustration.

All information collected will be held in strictest confidence. While this information may be published, at no time will your name be used. In addition, you are free to terminate this consent at any time and withdraw from the project without prejudice. If you have any questions concerning this project or this consent, please feel free to call Shirley Freed at 471-6746 or Dr. Green at 471-3577.


I, , hereby consent to participate in the

project described above. I have read and understand this

statement and I have had all my questions answered.

Date: Signature:


Principal Consent Form

As part of a research effort in the School of Education, Andrews University, a study is being conducted on teacher change processes while learning a new strategy. It involves the observation and reaction of teachers as they go through the process of learning the ECRI method of reading instruction.

As you realize, has been practicing the ECRI method in her classroom. Through interviews, inventories, and observations, we would like to collect data on the process she is going through to implement this change.

The data will be collected primarily from and her students, however, your viewpoint and that of some other teachers in your school may be needed and appreciated. All information collected will be held in strictest confidence and at no time will your name be used in publications. You understand that your participation in this research is voluntary and if at any point you have questions, these may be addressed to Shirley Freed at (616) 471-6746 or Dr. Green at (616) 471-3577.

While there may be no direct benefit to you at this time for participating in this project, we are hopeful that we will learn something that will help teachers implement new strategies more effectively and with less frustration.



I, , hereby consent to participate in the

project described above. I have read and understand this

statement and I have had all my questions answered.

Date: Signature:
