Andrews University Agenda News and Events at Andrews University en-us Copyright 2025, Andrews University Fri, 14 Mar 2025 12:15:00 +0000 Fri, 14 Mar 2025 12:15:00 +0000 25 Years of Service: Rod Church <p> Rod Church is celebrating 25 years of service to Andrews University. It is important to slow down and take notice of this achievement as it only comes by once for some of us. He has joined the ranks of the elite &ldquo;service to Andrews members club.&rdquo; Welcome!</p> <p> For as long as I have known Rod, he has been the manager of Lithotech. For several years I would stop at Lithotech on personal business and when Rod waited on me he was so friendly, courteous and helpful. He always made sure that the product I was picking up was the correct one and gave great information on possible substitutes to think about. His staff were watching him, and they have treated me in a similar manner.</p> <p> As I transitioned into my current position and worked more closely with Rod, he has been great to work with through the budget process and reviewing monthly financials. He keeps me informed of large new jobs that are coming to Lithotech as well as their equipment needs. There are times that we would meet by happenstance in front of a local restaurant and have impromptu meetings about what is the latest news for Lithotech.</p> <p> Rod is a man of many talents. Just recently I discovered that he is part of a music group. His musical group happened to be at a local church and performed a couple of wonderful songs for the congregation. It turns out he is part of a very musical family. It is very interesting the things we discover, even after we have known someone for a while! What other talents lay hidden that we are not aware of yet? I plan to look more closely at those around me to find these hidden gems, so thank you Rod for being a great example for all of us!</p> <p> As you continue in your service to Andrews University, it is my hope that you continue to achieve the goals that you are striving for. Thank you for your leadership in your area. Congratulations!</p> Sat, 05 Mar 2022 20:03:49 +0000 25 Years of Service: Randy Graves <p> Randy Graves has dedicated his career to Adventist education&mdash;first as a K&ndash;12 teacher and administrator and, for the last 25 years, as a valued employee of Andrews University. Randy has served Andrews University in many capacities&mdash;as coordinator of the Andrews University/Griggs University program and, eventually, as the vice president for Enrollment Management. Currently, he is the founding director of the Bridge to Success Program, a program designed to make admission to Andrews University accessible to more students and to support those students once they arrive on campus. Randy acts as advisor, teacher and coach to these students&mdash;roles that are comfortable to him because he has performed these same functions for generations of academy students, and for the student workers, recruiters and staff members who have reported to him over the years.</p> <p> Randy is a gentle, kind and loving person. No one can ever remember him being cross or meanspirited.&nbsp; I think the best way to understand what Randy Graves has contributed to Andrews during his 25 years is to let his colleagues share their experiences:</p> <p> <strong>From Stephen Payne</strong>: I was happy to have a front row seat&hellip;and to see how Randy combined a passionate commitment to the relational aspects of working with others (both on campus and throughout the territory Andrews serves; I often call him, with great affection and respect, &ldquo;Uncle Randy&rdquo;) but also to the details and processes that were required to make all of that work&mdash;and to make it work even better. That combination of skills is rare, and I and Andrews University consistently were blessed by what vision, passion and purpose Randy brought to his job.<br /> <br /> It's been exciting to see this latest chapter in his life, too, where he focuses on inspiring and transforming the lives of students who might not otherwise be admitted to Andrews...but who show potential. &ldquo;Uncle Randy&rdquo; has shown the passion to do that careful work, and best of all, to have great success with exactly the kind of &ldquo;student with potential&rdquo; that Andrews University seeks to inspire. Randy now walks alongside and carefully leads those students to success, just as he did in a variety of leadership roles he fulfilled and transformed while he worked in Enrollment Management.<br /> <br /> Again, on a purely personal level, I&rsquo;m a better person because of the journey that Randy and I have shared, beginning decades ago over a pivotal meal at a Mexican restaurant, a great setting to build community and vision.</p> <p> <strong>From Tony Yang</strong>:&nbsp; Humility is a big part of Randy&rsquo;s character. There were plenty of situations when arrogance and self-centeredness would have been acceptable&mdash;maybe even expected&mdash;but he rose above that and led with a humble spirit. I greatly admire that sort of strength.</p> <p> <strong>From his colleagues in the Department of Teaching, Learning &amp; Curriculum</strong>: Randy has been a blessing to the TLC department. His knowledge, experience and insight in various educational settings has benefited our faculty and students. Randy&rsquo;s positive attitude, godly spirit and engagement with his students is just one of the many reasons that he is a good advisor and teacher. It is enjoyable to see his students come to his office on a regular basis to seek guidance, wisdom or just for some support. I have enjoyed Randy being a part of our faculty and sharing his love for education.&nbsp;</p> <p> President Luxton, who was Randy&rsquo;s supervisor for many years, told me that Randy is &ldquo;unshakeable, like a dog with a bone, when he believed something should happen but always for someone else&mdash;not for himself.&rdquo;</p> <p> Unshakeable is a good word for someone as steadfast and committed to doing the right thing as Randy is. I have had the pleasure of knowing Randy for many years&mdash;first when he was teaching in the Columbia Union and then as he began his work for the Andrews University/Griggs partnership. The number of students taking courses during Randy&rsquo;s time as adviser/coordinator doubled and Randy knew who those students were. He cared about them. If I had a question about anything or anyone, Randy would know the answer or he would find it, because he really did care about every person he touched. He has brought that same care, and patience, and, yes, love to the students he advises in Bridge to Success.</p> <p> Thank you, Randy, for 25 years of patient, loving service to Andrews University.</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2022 16:23:28 +0000 25 Years of Service: Kenneth Logan <p> &ldquo;I have appreciated Ken&rsquo;s commitment to excellence, including attention to the full picture down to the smallest detail. In Ken I have a supportive colleague and have appreciated his depth of experience as a collaborative musician. As a teacher I am always pleased to have his expertise and dependability as pianist as he accompanies and collaborates with my students. His playing gives the students a sense of security and adds a solidity to their performances.&rdquo;</p> <p> Ken has gained a reputation for his generosity with his time in helping students understand their assignments. As one former student (now a teacher as well) describes him, &ldquo;I liked that I always felt challenged by his classes. After all, to be challenged and to grow academically is why I came to Andrews! But it was more than the quality of his classes. I was impressed by the way he took time for students. I remember how he stayed up till midnight with five of us who were working at the computers on a Music Tech assignment that was due the next day. It wasn&rsquo;t a particularly difficult assignment, but all five of us had procrastinated and were running into things we didn&rsquo;t know how to do. One of us asked him for help, and before we knew it, hours had passed, and he was still there helping us at midnight! It&rsquo;s rare to find a professor who is willing to give that much of his time to help students. Whenever I asked him a question, he would take plenty of time to make sure I understood the answer completely.&rdquo;</p> <p> &ldquo;Thank you, Ken, for your years of service to our campus at Pioneer Memorial Church and the Department of Music. From the annual celebration of Feast of Hymns to your steady shepherding of musical and textual integrity, your leadership is felt in our PMC community here locally, but also around the world via our various broadcasts. Thank you for continuing to guide and mentor future organists, helping to secure these talents for next generations of church leadership. Both at Pioneer Memorial Church and the Howard Performing Arts Center our community is grateful for your steady creative output of new compositions, including as a performer at the keyboard. Thank you for all that you do.&rdquo;</p> <p> Congratulations, Ken, on 25 years of stellar service at Andrews University and the broader community.</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2022 16:12:32 +0000 25 Years of Service: Thomas Lowing <p> Thomas Lowing recently retired after serving as a full-time faculty teaching architecture at Andrews University for 25 years.</p> <p> Prior to teaching, Thomas participated in professional practice full-time for 15 years. After receiving his professional degree, he worked in Battle Creek, Michigan, as an intern architect, later becoming licensed as well as an associate at a firm in Kalamazoo, Michigan. During this time, he and his wife were raising three children.</p> <p> In the early 1990s he connected with Andrews through the Southwest Michigan Chapter of the American Institute of Architects via an invitation to present the design principles of the Americans with Disabilities Act that had recently become part of federal civil rights legislation.</p> <p> Then, in 1995, an experienced professional was needed to teach construction technology. He originally started teaching as an adjunct professor just two years after opening his own practice in the Kalamazoo area. He continued to consult in the profession and commute from Holland, Michigan, as an assistant professor in what was then the Division of Architecture, became an associate professor in the School of Architecture, and served as assistant dean of the College of Health &amp; Human Services for a year and a half while the School of Architecture &amp; Interior Design transitioned into its new home in the College of Health &amp; Human Services.</p> <p> Tom is remembered with appreciation and admiration as expressed in the following comments:</p> <p> &quot;Tom Lowing is a colleague, friend and mentor.&nbsp;He is a model Christian steeped in professionalism in all he does.&nbsp; His influence at the School of Architecture, and Interior Design was profound. He is a most trustworthy individual and spiritual advisor to the students and faculty, alike. Give Professor Lowing a problem, and he gave you back uniquely logical solutions, that left you scratching your head and asking, &ldquo;Why didn&rsquo;t I think of that?&rdquo; (Mark Moreno, associate professor of architecture)</p> <p> &quot;Professor Tom Lowing exemplifies attributes of the ideal professor, someone who deeply cares about you and your well-being and will go above and beyond to ensure that you&rsquo;re taken care of whilst also pushing you to be the best version of yourself academically and within leadership. Everytime I am asked to describe Professor Lowing, I always say, he's the kindest person I know and that is as true today as it was seven years ago when I was in Structures class.&quot; (Wandile Mthiyane, alumnus)</p> <p> &quot;Tom will be remembered for his steady professionalism and his faith commitment. Our students and faculty were blessed by his ongoing efforts to connect our school with the local profession and its professional associations. He was a dedicated servant-teacher and truly modeled humility in his discourse. He was wise in exercising his professional strengths and always supported the best interests of our students. So many are grateful for his dedication towards continued professional advisement after graduation. I am indebted to him for his patience with us&mdash;his students and colleagues&mdash;and continue to be inspired by his gentle and convicted spirit. Tom, you helped build up our school as a godly place of architectural education. Thank you.&quot; (Andrew von Maur, professor of architecture)</p> <p> Congratulations, Tom, on 25 years of excellent service to Andrews University.</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:48:51 +0000 25 Years of Service: Mark Moreno <p> Since Mark Moreno began teaching at the present School of Architecture &amp; Interior Design, his contributions at Andrews University have been positively and undeniably transformative in the lives of students, parents and colleagues.&nbsp;</p> <p> The collaborative and Christian environment that Professor Moreno helps cultivate at the school has been so pleasant that we may have lost track of time along the way, and we are stunned that his tenure at Andrews University has been more than 25 years. Mark, we look forward to a shared belief by faculty and students that this is the halfway milestone and that you will be with us for another 25 years! Former colleague Tom Lowing says, &ldquo;Professor Moreno is the ultimate teacher, he sees the potential in everyone, and he seeks to learn first and teach second.&rdquo;</p> <p> The following quotes from two students suggest why Professor Moreno is a past recipient of both the Daniel A. Augsburger Excellence in Teaching Award and the Heart @ Andrews Award.&nbsp;</p> <p> &ldquo;I have never felt so heard and understood by any professor in my educational experience.&rdquo;</p> <p> &ldquo;He is one of the best pictures of God&rsquo;s character that I have been honored to experience in my life. I am both inspired and grateful.&rdquo;</p> <p> Mark&rsquo;s community impact is also very well known. As the founder-director of Renaissance Kids Architecture Camp, he has positively impacted more than 1,000 local and distance kids with creative and meaningful hands-on projects, championing their slogan &ldquo;we are building with kids to build kids up.&rdquo; Professor Mark Moreno has also generously and extensively used his studio classes over the years to serve community organizations in need of design services.&nbsp;</p> <p> Thank you, Mark, for 25 years of inspiring service at Andrews University.</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:47:05 +0000 25 Years of Service: Pedro Navia <p> Pedro Navia, professor of Spanish and Global Studies and chair of the Department of International Languages &amp; Global Studies, comes originally from Chile but is truly a citizen of the world. He received undergraduate and master&rsquo;s degrees in Spanish/romance languages and religion and completed his doctorate in Hispanic cultural studies from the State University of Puerto Rico.</p> <p> Pedro never stops encouraging his students to reach out and explore beyond their own borders as well. He founded and sponsors Makarios, a ministry in which Andrews students visit and present Sabbath programs in Spanish-speaking churches&mdash;more than 200 presentations to date. Pedro has also planned and led mission trips to Costa Rica and Puerto Rico and introduced students to the wider world through study tours to destinations such as Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Spain and Italy. As one of his colleagues says, &ldquo;Pedro Navia is entirely devoted to his students.&nbsp;He wants to see his people thrive and therefore he dedicates much of his time to his students, in and out of class: talking, advising, and encouraging them to pursue their goals.&rdquo; For his commitment to his students in the classroom and beyond, Pedro has received the Augsburger Excellence in Teaching Award and the Bruce E. Lee Service Award.</p> <p> A current student testifies to the impact Pedro has had: &ldquo;Dr. Navia has dedicated his time here at Andrews not only to teaching students in the classroom but also acting as a mentor to provide us the tools to succeed as students, individuals, and representatives of our diverse communities. I can thank him for being the reason I will graduate with two degrees instead of one, for pushing me to take on leadership positions, for encouraging&nbsp;me to travel and fulfill my dreams. I know that I speak on behalf of all students who have ever sat in your office for advice when I&nbsp;say thank you for your dedication to our success.&rdquo;</p> <p> Pedro&rsquo;s professional pursuits are also his personal passions:&nbsp;travel and culture and the arts, such as film and creative writing. He is also an avid fan of soccer&mdash;<em>el f&uacute;tbol</em>, that is!&nbsp;Pedro is married to Elaine, and they have two children, Janine and Felipe.</p> <p> Thank you, Pedro, for 25 years of service to Andrews University!</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:44:49 +0000 25 Years of Service: Ricardo Norton <p> Talk to anyone who knows or works with Ricardo Norton, and the prevailing sentiment that is shared revolves around his sense of humor. Who among us who had our initial conversation with him didn&rsquo;t feel pranked by the end of the conversation, thinking he was about to say something that was profound, only to realize that the chatter was leading to a punchline? Or to walk past him and his wife as they sit on a bench near Lake Michigan at Silver Beach, only to hear him ask, &ldquo;Is that your daughter walking with you?&rdquo; when he undoubtedly knows that&rsquo;s your wife.</p> <p> Rare are the people one encounters of whom everyone thinks and speaks positively&mdash;especially if that person holds a position of prominence or who works in the high-pressure environment of higher education. But Ricardo effortless pulls it off; and in the process he maintains an even keel. Such a gift has served his administrative assistants, teaching colleagues, and mentees well&mdash;even more so during the stressful spell known as the COVID pandemic. And if anyone could have permission to be stressed in times like these, it would be Ricardo. It could be argued that no other professor in the Seminary carries teaching and administrative roles that compare to those he carries: teaching a full load, serving as director of the Institute of Hispanic Ministries <em>and</em> Director of the MA in Pastoral Ministry Program (Hispanic Track), coordinator of the Doctor of Ministry Spanish cohorts, and regularly engaging in the process of training lay leaders through the Seminario Adventista de los L&aacute;icos (SAL).</p> <p> Yet despite his passion for pastoral and lay training, he takes time to work out with his colleagues and treat his fellow professors to one-on-one lunch appointments&mdash;with no agenda at play other than to enjoy the fellowship and provide the space to get to know each other and their families on a personal level.</p> <p> Congratulations, Ricardo, on 25 years of exemplary service to the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University and the entire world church.</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:41:02 +0000 25 Years of Service: Ron Whitehead <p> Ronald Whitehead, through 25 years of ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, is recognized for his dedicated service to young people within and without the Adventist Church. With the Center for Youth Evangelism team, Ron supervises the development of resources, events, a support network for youth evangelism partners, and the application of current technology to youth ministry. The international Pathfinder camporees and youth congresses he has directed have inspired youth and adults around the world to become active ambassadors for Christ.</p> <p> Ron&rsquo;s colleagues have described him as a visionary, a leader, and a promoter of ministries for youth within the Church, which has resulted in hundreds of young people being committed to Christ in a living, vibrant way. He is a game-changer for God's glory and his ministry has inspired thousands of leaders around the world. Ron is a passionate, creative workaholic who eats/breathes ministry and is appreciated for empowering those who minister with him.</p> <p> Ron, God has immensely used your worldwide ministry to bless young people and inspire adults in their ministry for the young, and we sincerely thank you for your 25 years of service at Andrews University.</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:38:41 +0000