Andrews University Agenda News and Events at Andrews University en-us Copyright 2025, Andrews University Sat, 15 Mar 2025 13:50:00 +0000 Sat, 15 Mar 2025 13:50:00 +0000 25 Years of Service: Marsha Beal <p> An award titled &ldquo;years of service&rdquo; could not be more aptly named for an employee like Marsha Beal, for she has truly spent 25 years of her career being of service to others at Andrews University. She has dedicated her time, skills and heart to those placed in her care.</p> <p> While some may think Marsha is new to Campus Safety, she&rsquo;s actually only returning to the fold, first working here in 1993 as a dispatcher/office manager. Since then, Marsha worked for the Center for Distance Learning (2003&ndash;2011) and then the School of Distance Education (2011&ndash;2022), and in 2022 returned to Campus Safety, this time as our compliance lieutenant.</p> <p> Through her career Marsha has been dedicated to education, both in developing herself through multiple degrees/certifications and then teaching others; from students in the classroom, to faculty on online learning tools, and even helping train new hires at new employee orientation or in customer service/Advanced Connections. And now back at Campus Safety, she&rsquo;s teaching our entire campus community on how to be safe, both in our daily work and in an emergency.</p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <strong>From Randy Siebold:</strong>&ldquo;I speak for many faculty and untold students when I say; We are grateful for your creative, timely and faithful service to Andrews University. Your many successful efforts have not gone unnoticed and unappreciated.&rdquo;</p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <strong>From Janine Lim: &ldquo;</strong>I know God continues to use you to impact global Adventist education. May you always know how precious you are to Him, to Andrews, and to everyone you serve.&rdquo;</p> <p> But Marsha&rsquo;s passion for education does not stop at our classrooms or offices, it extends to our future students and church leaders involved in Pathfinders.</p> <p> <strong>From Jennifer Burrill:</strong>&ldquo;In the outside-of-work realm, Marsha commits tons of time and energy to leading a very vibrant Pathfinder club. The children love and respect her. Her leadership is inspirational and brings children from all over the district due to her unique leadership style. She has the perfect blend of accountability, humor and love. The number of lives she has impacted for Jesus in her role in church cannot be counted.</p> <p> At work, Marsha brings the same energy and humor. She is not hesitant to share ideas and collaborate and is a team player. I&rsquo;ve appreciated her contributions on Staff Senate.&rdquo;</p> <p> Through her 25 years Marsha has demonstrated an impressive work ethic and even taken us to new territory&mdash;from helping Campus Safety start our first 24/7 dispatch operation in the 90s, to being the first director of the University&rsquo;s Center for Digital Learning &amp; Instructional Technology in 2003. Through it all, what has consistently stood out the most? That Marsha commits her entire self to the task, her humanity and her faith.</p> <p> Marsha is quick to volunteer to cover someone&rsquo;s shift, make a meal to share, or even bring some emotional support through her Norwegian Elkhound, Harrison. Marsha will stop everything to make sure someone has a listening ear or even a shoulder to cry on. No matter how small or large the matter, Marsha is quick to take it to God in prayer. Regardless of the topic, Marsha asks of herself and others that we consider the personal impact, that our decisions and actions reflect the care and grace shown to all of us by our Maker.</p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <strong>From Lori Adler:</strong>Marsha has been a true best friend to me for the past 38 years. In so many ways, she is my kindred spirit, my soulmate. We trust each other with our secrets, our joys, our sorrows and our lives. We plan on spending eternity being best friends, and I count myself so very blessed!!</p> <p> I&rsquo;m not sure that we&rsquo;ll be able to get Marsha to stay for another 25 years and miss out on her future retirement, but I am sure that for every year that she stays, the University will be richly blessed.</p> <p> Congratulations, Marsha, on 25 years! It&rsquo;s an honor to be part of your story and I&rsquo;m excited to see the next thing that God will accomplish through your service.</p> Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:55:06 +0000 25 Years of Service: Ivan Davis <p> &ldquo;A blessing to our campus&rdquo; is how student Shannon Huang describes Ivan Davis. His 25 years of service at Andrews University have seen him function as a coach of the Andrews University Cardinals women&rsquo;s basketball team, the editor of &ldquo;FOCUS,&rdquo; the Writing Program director, and most recently, the director of the Writing Center, in addition to serving as a teacher, advisor, mentor and colleague. Ivan juggles these various responsibilities with aplomb, with others characterizing him as &ldquo;unfailingly generous,&rdquo; unselfish, committed, deeply invested in his students&rsquo; writing development, and in the words of student Nora Martin, &ldquo;intelligent&hellip;and unfailingly kind.&rdquo;</p> <p> Ivan is known for modeling an impressive work/life balance for his colleagues. Beverly Matiko notes how he is always ready with &ldquo;pleasant conversation about family, travel, sports, camping, dog-training, and many other topics,&rdquo; while Scott Moncrieff observes how Ivan &ldquo;is very devoted to the wellbeing of his wife and kids, personally, athletically, academically.&rdquo; Vanessa Corredera notes how this commitment to balancing the personal and professional has been incredibly helpful to her, helping her feel equally comfortable talking about the kids as discussing pedagogical strategies. A fan of camping, smooth jazz, travel and sports, Ivan brings good cheer, dedication and genuine warmth to the Department of English.</p> <p> He also offers a dedication to writing and rhetoric to those around him. Ivan received his PhD from Ball State University, where he examined &ldquo;the network of influences and collaborators who helped to shape the thinking of Fred Newton Scott.&rdquo; After joining the Department of English in 1997, Ivan dedicated himself to the department&rsquo;s writing program, keeping &ldquo;his colleagues updated on composition theory and pedagogy,&rdquo; a mentorship that, as Meredith Jones Gray shares, has encouraged others, including her, to &ldquo;try new approaches and [develop] a renewed energy&rdquo; in the writing classroom.</p> <p> Ivan has championed writing transfer and &ldquo;writing-about-writing&rdquo; as the cornerstone of the composition curriculum at Andrews, and this is also the focus of his current scholarship. In addition to inspiring students with his engaging classroom presence, Ivan mentors them in a range of ways, whether by helping them find writing internships or through his individual writing draft conferences, in which he provides &ldquo;hours of expert counsel to develop writers,&rdquo; according to his office next door neighbor Scott Moncrieff. In fact, former student and current colleague Brian Urias credits Ivan &ldquo;for my interest in rhetoric and composition &hellip; he definitely made important contributions to who I am as an educator today.&rdquo; He has also been instrumental in making the Writing Center &ldquo;a keystone for this campus&rdquo; in the wake of Bruce Closser&rsquo;s retirement.</p> <p> Perhaps Beverly Matiko says it best when she observes how Ivan &ldquo;models in his own writing the power of clear, direct, unpretentious communication,&rdquo; a gift to his students, mentees and colleagues alike.</p> <p> Congratulations, Ivan, on 25 years of dedicated service to Andrews University.</p> Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:49:34 +0000 25 Years of Service: Deborah Everhart <p> We are pleased to celebrate the 25 years of outstanding service rendered to Andrews University by Deborah Lynn Everhart, the longest-serving employee in the history of Andrews University Press, the Adventist church&rsquo;s primary academic publishing house, of which she has been editor for all those years.</p> <p> Debi is the epitome of the dedicated Andrews employee: loyal, hardworking to a fault, and yes, longsuffering. Gracefully but persistently avoiding the limelight, she displays a gentle contentment to render her service quietly and faithfully in the perfect order of her small corner office in Sutherland House, performing truly vital work that has influence all around the Adventist world.</p> <p> The influence of that work was recognized recently at the annual meeting of Adventist scholars in Denver, Colorado. She was honored for these 25 years of overseeing every detail of the content of nearly 90 books from Andrews University Press, many of them authored by a large number of scholars in the hall.</p> <p> That detail of her work on each of those books includes, among many other things:</p> <ul> <li> Receiving the manuscript, determining its suitable technical condition in regard to so-called scholarly apparatus.</li> <li> Identifying and communicating with peer reviewers and cajoling them to get their reviews submitted on time and getting them very modestly recompensed.</li> <li> Getting those peer reviews appropriately presented for consideration by the university press board.</li> <li> Communicating with the author about the decision of the Board, and all the follow up for adjustments to content.</li> <li> And then the real work begins of getting the work thoroughly edited in painstaking detail, supervising the typesetting and proofreading the same way, registering it with the Library of Congress, supervising the production of the indexes, and getting ready for manufacture as a book.</li> </ul> <p> More than any other individual, Debi Everhart is the agent for getting the book from the author&rsquo;s mind to the printer. This is true of all those 25 years of titles, and particularly true with the recent publication of the monumental Andrews Bible Commentary.</p> <p> To accomplish all that, Debi is an expert at methodically using a professional &ldquo;To Do&rdquo; list, in a format she developed herself, that tracks every detail of the numerous tasks required by the several projects she is juggling all at the same time. While doing that, she is particularly helpful keeping the office environment running smoothly, reminding the staff of birthdays, keeping the staff&rsquo;s morning worship Bible reading meaningfully organized, and, more often than should be required, tactfully reminding her supervisor of items that he should have cared for long ago.</p> <p> It is with joyful obligation that we honor Deborah Lynn Everhart for 25 years of outstanding service to Andrews University, and to Seventh-day Adventist academic publishing worldwide.</p> Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:48:55 +0000 25 Years of Service: Esther Lonto <p> Esther Lonto began working as an accountant at Andrew University in 1998. At 25 years she is the longest-serving member of the Office of Financial Records. With this 25 years of service comes a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of Andrews University.</p> <p> Throughout her time at Andrews University, she has supported a multitude of accounting functions. Twenty-five years in University accounting equates to 300 month-end closings, performing thousands of reconciliations and suffering through 25 audits. It also includes participation in numerous training events and represents thousands of hours of assisting faculty, staff and student organizations with their accounting needs. These needs can range from answering simple procedural questions to researching and finding solutions for special transactional or reporting requirements.</p> <p> In her role as manager of the IDC system she has issued hundreds of IDC cards and trained and assisted a multitude of employees in their use of this system. Her responsibilities with regard to University banking have taken her through multiple bank mergers and takeovers requiring the mastery of new software systems and banking procedures. Working with bankers and University staff, each time Esther has faithfully shepherded the University through the chaos, all the while ensuring the safeguarding of University assets.</p> <p> Her experience in this area has been a helpful resource to Financial Administration as well, &ldquo;Esther is diligent and helpful when working with Financial Administration on certain operating banking questions. She knows the right places to obtain the answers needed for their questions.&rdquo;</p> <p> Through the years Esther has gone over and above in support of the International Food Fair, putting in extra hours in support of planning, seeing that tickets are ready, sales go smoothly, and participants are accurately credited with their earnings. She has been a consistent and reliable source of knowledge and support for that event.</p> <p> She has also had the opportunity to work with many student employees providing guidance and hands-on experience for burgeoning accountants.</p> <p> In 2009 she was awarded the Excellence in Service Award. Multiple employees expressed their appreciation of her willingness to answer questions.</p> <p> Recently, a colleague from another department indicated: &ldquo;I've worked with Esther on different projects during my 16 years here at Andrews University. I have always found her approachable and helpful in addressing my concerns. We have solved puzzles and challenges together, and she is always pleasant. I don't think I have ever brought up a challenge that she has not been able to solve or give me direction. We have implemented systems together that have helped our department function better with Financial Records. Esther is detail oriented, punctual, goes above and beyond. We also share a common team. Go Bears!&rdquo;</p> <p> In addition to her work at the University, Esther has always been very supportive of the University Schools. She consistently has made herself available to help with field trips and parent-teacher organizations and has long been a supporter of the Junior Cardinals program.</p> <p> In all, year after year she has provided faithful, reliable, professional services to the University. Thank you, Esther, for your 25 years of commitment to Andrews University.</p> Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:47:29 +0000 25 Years of Service: Alfredo Ruiz <p> For 25 years, Alfredo Ruiz has served at University Apartments. Alfredo meets the difficult task of managing aging facilities for our graduate students and families with a positive attitude and a thankful heart.</p> <p> In addition to his role as director of University Apartments, Alfredo has served on the board of God&rsquo;s Abundant Pantry over the years, helping to ensure his residents have the resources they need to feed their families during their time at Andrews University. Alfredo manages to handle the stressors of his responsibilities with ease and grace, never letting them get him down or discouraged.</p> <p> He responds quickly whenever there is a need. He loves his residents and team members and treats everyone with kindness and respect. He is always willing to consider ways to help students whenever he is able to do so.</p> <p> Alfredo&rsquo;s team members share that &ldquo;He leads by example. He is always willing to listen and try to resolve the office problems, whether he is dealing with a resident or a worker. He is a good example of what a Christian is like, someone who is like Jesus.&rdquo; AND &ldquo;Alfredo is one of the best bosses I have ever had. I know I can come to him with anything. He gently instructs and corrects. And, he has the best sense of humor! We can laugh, joke, and tease each other (in a good way). I love working here and Alfredo is one of the biggest reasons!&rdquo;</p> <p> Alfredo is a strong man of faith who shows what it is to serve our Creator. He models what it is to work hard without expectation of reward. We are blessed to have the Christ-like influence of Alfredo in Graduate Residence Life as he goes above and beyond his responsibilities to truly impact the lives of our Andrews University students and families.</p> <p> Thank you, Alfredo, for 25 years of dedicated service at Andrews University.</p> Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:46:57 +0000 25 Years of Service: Lynelle Weldon <p> Lynelle Weldon has served as a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics since 1997 and as chair of the department since 2016. She is widely recognized for her dedication to students and was awarded the 2016 Daniel A. Augsburger Excellence in Teaching award.</p> <p> Yun Oh notes, &ldquo;She is an amazing teacher; her office is open to students who need extra help. I have learned a lot from her by watching her years of teaching at AU.&rdquo; Marian Prince agrees, &ldquo;Her continual and persistent habit of change and improvement has been a tremendous inspiration for me.&rdquo;</p> <p> Over the years, Lynelle has published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals and presented at professional conferences her research in abstract algebra, mathematical modeling and mathematics education. She also authored the instructor&rsquo;s guide for the widely used Stewart textbook &ldquo;College Algebra: Concepts and Contexts.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> <p> &ldquo;Lynelle and I have collaborated closely in teaching, service and research for over 20 years; I could not ask for a better colleague,&rdquo; says Shandelle Henson. &ldquo;She exemplifies the way of Christ and is a model of how to be a leader among colleagues.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> <p> As department chair, she has successfully managed a steady growth in the number of majors, in part due to her instrumental role in developing a new major in data science shared between the mathematics and computing departments. &ldquo;You have been an excellent leader of our department,&rdquo; expresses Joon Kang. She also serves as chair of the ACE Committee, overseeing Andrews undergraduate general education.<o:p></o:p></p> <p> &ldquo;She is amazingly organized, with a plan for nearly every minute of her packed days,&rdquo; notes Karen Johnson-McWilliams.</p> <p> &ldquo;You can count on her to make studied, fair decisions with a laser focus on helping students succeed,&rdquo; states Anthony Bosman.</p> <p> Thank you, Lynelle, for your contributions to the College of Arts &amp; Sciences and congratulations on 25 years of service at Andrews University.<o:p></o:p></p> Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:46:29 +0000 30 Years of Service: Steve Atkins <p> In many ways, Steve Atkins has already provided a lifetime of service at Andrews Academy. But anyone who knows him knows that&mdash;30 years in&mdash;he has not lost an ounce of his passion or purpose. Steve continues to invest himself in his students, his church and his community, enriching lives in big and small ways as a mentor, colleague, teacher, Sabbath School leader and friend. He has a unique knack for keeping track of the details in and out of the classroom and offering consistent support and encouragement. As just one example, former students often receive Mr. Atkins&rsquo; familiar birthday greeting posted to Facebook or delivered in person: &ldquo;Congratulations on another revolution around the sun!&rdquo; Ever the teacher, it is not an accident that he manages to work an Earth Science reminder into each birthday wish.</p> <p> In the classroom, Steve blends hands-on education with traditional methods, integrating Christian faith into every lesson and challenging students to engage critically with their world and the perspectives informing science and biology. Students routinely comment on Atkins&rsquo; gentle and soft-spoken presence, a trait that has become a bit of local legend and school lore, prompting more than a few students to wonder if he&rsquo;s ever raised his voice. Most who know him, however, attribute his understated, humble disposition to his Canadian roots (eh?). Atkins&rsquo; commitment to Christian education has influenced generations of alumni, including his own two children, Ryan and Christiana.</p> <p> Not only does Steve &ldquo;inspire love, devotion, and respect in his students,&rdquo; as a former colleague noted, but his &ldquo;unfailingly kind and steady presence, listening ear, and support&rdquo; has made him an invaluable member of the teaching team. He&rsquo;s been a class sponsor, faculty representative to the school board and personnel committee, and unofficial &ldquo;official&rdquo; school photographer. One can only guess at the number of photos he has taken at school events, but he&rsquo;s worn out at least one camera and maybe even a hard drive or two. Steve&rsquo;s commitment to service is evident in his consistent presence at nearly every school event and the countless hours he&rsquo;s devoted to promoting Andrews Academy and its mission.</p> <p> As one parent put it, &ldquo;He has a heart for teaching, and he shows up with that mentality every day. He wants to see his students succeed, not just in his class but in the future, too.&rdquo;</p> <p> For your service, commitment, and contribution, we thank you, Steve.</p> Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:45:49 +0000 30 Years of Service: Dennis Gryzbowski <p> Dennis came to work in the Transportation department at Andrews University in September of 1992 as the assistant motor pool foreman and later assumed the position of motor pool foreman. His main responsibility is the supervision of the Transportation workshop, which maintains the fleet of Andrews University vehicles in good, clean and safe operating condition. He also helps with many other tasks that are necessary to keep Andrews moving. Dennis can often be seen at all times of the day or night helping with bus and truck driving, plowing snow and doing whatever is needed for any emergencies that arise.</p> <p> He has a genuine interest in the other employees and students who work with him. Over the years he has mentored many student employees and often maintains contact with them after they have moved away from Andrews.</p> <p> Elise says, &ldquo;I enjoy working with Dennis very much as he is always willing to step up and do whatever needs to be done. He willingly drives for bus trips, snow plowing in the middle of the night, and airport runs if needed, even though there is much work to be done in the garage. He views our work here at Transportation as a team effort and it is much appreciated.&rdquo;</p> <p> Mario comments, &ldquo;Dennis is an empathic friend that I can count on for an honest perspective even when the truth is uncomfortable.&rdquo;</p> <p> Thank you, Dennis, for 30 years of service to Andrews University where you have not only exceled in repairing and driving vehicles but have also taken the time to share your faith and expertise with coworkers and create an environment where students who work with you can learn the skills they need to go out and change the world.</p> Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:45:14 +0000