Andrews University Agenda News and Events at Andrews University en-us Copyright 2025, Andrews University Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:22:00 +0000 Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:22:00 +0000 25 Years of Service: Dayle Birney <p> Dayle and I were hired by Andrews University three months apart in 1995. His welcome-to-the-department gift to me was an unassuming brown paper lunch bag on my desk. I opened it to find it contained a little live snake. My scream gave him all the reward he, and his co-conspirators, could have wanted. His practical jokester side is disguised so when you first meet him you are charmed by his good humor and don&rsquo;t-sweat-the-small-stuff attitude.</p> <p> His folksy manner disguises an in-depth knowledge of crop production, soil and plant science, manure management, farm machinery, and welding. And then there&rsquo;s his techy side which has come to the aid of our faculty many times as we have struggled with getting the classroom computers, projectors (both fixed and mobile), DVD players, etc. to all communicate with each other. He helped me on multiple occasions as I was learning the ins and outs of Excel spreadsheets.&nbsp;</p> <p> Dayle&rsquo;s student workers have all said how much they liked working for him and how much they learned while doing so. He has the rare ability of being able to take complex topics and break them down so that others can easily understand them. He is a natural teacher, patiently explaining some process or how a piece of farm equipment functions. We were able to bring this talent of his into the classroom a number of times as he taught &ldquo;Forage Crop Production,&rdquo; &ldquo;Field Crop Production&rdquo; and &ldquo;Farm Machinery&rdquo; classes to the agriculture majors.&nbsp;</p> <p> One word to describe Dayle would be &ldquo;helper.&rdquo; He is there to help whenever needed from tech assistance to help baling hay or plowing snow or solving problems. Andrews University is fortunate to have such a generous, kind man dedicate 25 years of his life to making the world around him a better place.</p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:37:59 +0000 25 Years of Service: Larry Burton <p> Larry Burton joined the School of Education faculty at Andrews University in 1995, the same year he completed his PhD. Before coming to Andrews, Larry had served as a teacher and administrator in Adventist schools in four states. He has put his knowledge of the needs of students and teachers to good use for the past 25 years, training new generations of teachers, consulting with the North American Division, sharing research and championing best practices in all areas of education. Larry has served as assistant professor, associate professor and full professor; he was chair of the Department of Teaching, Learning &amp; Curriculum from 1998&ndash;2002, a program director within the department and assessment coordinator (readily acknowledged by all as Assessment Expert).</p> <p> Larry has also made many contributions to the broader Adventist community. He serves as the editor for the Journal of Research on Christian Education and executive director of the Andrews International Center for Educational Research (AICER). He has participated in an extraordinary number of national and international conferences, workshops and seminars, sharing his knowledge of effective teaching strategies, assessment techniques and curricular design. In addition to his professional contributions, Larry cares greatly for the wellbeing of his students and colleagues. He is kind, considerate and treats everyone with respect. Larry livens up meetings with his colorful costumes and choice of headwear. He has a great sense of humor that has seen many of us through trying times.</p> <p> Two of his colleagues shared the following:</p> <p> &ldquo;Dr. Burton has blessed the TLC department with his years of wisdom, knowledge and skills. He has touched the lives of so many students and faculty during his years at Andrews University. Over the years, he has been instrumental in the strong accreditation and rankings our department has received.&rdquo;</p> <p> &ldquo;I am so much of who I am as a professor because of Larry Burton. From the early days of spending time discussing integration of faith and learning, to the introduction of &ldquo;theorizing as an act of faith,&rdquo; that has been so impactful on my own work&hellip; He is a lived example of joy-filled, rigorous Christian scholarship.&rdquo;</p> <p> Larry, you may have retired but please know that your influence at Andrews University has not waned one little bit. We have been blessed by 25 years of your dedicated service.</p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:37:50 +0000 25 Years of Service: Katherine Koudele <p> Katherine Koudele has had an expansive career ranging from active farming to the highest levels of animal science academics. Her children were young and under foot when Kathy shifted careers from a small-scale farmer to a full-time professor, coming home to Andrews where she had earned both her bachelor and master&rsquo;s degrees and where she was the first female employee at the dairy.</p> <p> These experiences helped frame a passion for animals taking her to Michigan State University for a PhD. After completing her degree, Kathy came back to the dairy of her youth and became a crucial part of the management team that built the dairy into an award-winning facility.</p> <p> Over her 25 years as an Andrews faculty member, Kathy built a highly competitive Animal Science &amp; Pre-Vet program, most recently applying that same passion and expertise to spearhead the Agriculture Education Center, breathing life back into the facility. The center is not only a gem for students and a destination for local evening walkers but a unique experience unseen in nearly all competitive animal science programs.</p> <p> Colleague Stan Beikmann shared the following: &ldquo;Kathy Koudele was my colleague for nearly 20 years in the agriculture department. Under the chairmanship of Tom Chittick, our academic team consisted of Kathy, Ralph Wood, Garth Woodruff and me. It was a team of harmony, growth and achievement for the department. Kathy was always the consummate professional and a superbly knowledgeable, organized and efficient teacher of animal science and pre-veterinary medicine. In a highly competitive field for student admissions to top veterinary schools, her students fared very well and today a number are practicing veterinarians. She has not only been a faithful and dedicated servant to the mission of this University, I see her also as a progressive impact on &ldquo;changing the world&rdquo; through faith and learning. It has been an honor and a joy to have been her colleague and still count her as a friend. Congratulations are well earned!&rdquo;</p> <p> Kathy, now as chair of the Department of Sustainable Agriculture and still deeply supported by her kids and her husband Ron, drives the horticulture and animal programs for academic excellence launching students into exciting new careers.</p> <p> Thank you, Kathy, for your 25 years of dedicated service to Andrews University.</p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:37:34 +0000 25 Years of Service: Desmond Murray <p> Desmond Murray is passionate about getting students (and anyone else) involved in authentic research experiences. Over the 25 years he has been teaching at Andrews, he has mentored hundreds, if not thousands, of students.</p> <p> The Andrews students who have been blessed by his mentorship have gone on to graduate school in chemistry as well as to work in Adventist academies around the country. Desmond has mentored student research in support of master&rsquo;s projects in biology as well as Honors.</p> <p> He has developed a very innovative curriculum based around synthesizing novel molecules that is part of the Berrien Math &amp; Science Center&rsquo;s program that serves high school students interested in science from Berrien and Cass Counties. To provide these students with a forum to present their research, he was the driving force behind a &ldquo;research celebration&rdquo; at the end of their senior year. This research experience has been recognized by parents as a highlight of the Math &amp; Science Center curriculum. In 2018, Desmond had the opportunity to work with American Chemical Society Publishers to edit a book on this topic with colleagues. His impact on education in the state has been recognized with a state-wide teaching award.</p> <p> Desmond has also been instrumental in growing the chemistry seminar series, leading an effort to rename the series for long-time faculty member, Dwain L. Ford. He has gathered speakers from a diversity of career paths, points in their career journey, and ethnicities. Desmond was instrumental in getting Nobel Prize winner Sir Fraser Stoddart to give a presentation on campus. He has long recognized the benefit of incorporating remote speakers in our program and actually published a paper, with campus colleagues, in 2011 on remote seminar presentations. When the pandemic hit, this well-oiled machine broadened the pool of our speakers and this spring we are hearing from people on the front lines of COVID vaccine development.</p> <p> Desmond actively engages with the local community beyond the Andrews campus. Several years ago, he coordinated the &ldquo;Socrates&rdquo; program where Andrews students would mentor students in the Benton Harbor schools. More recently, he was instrumental in organizing Andrews&rsquo; annual Change Day and he continues as an editor of the community newspaper, &ldquo;Benton-Michiana Spirit.&rdquo;</p> <p> Thank you, Desmond, for 25 years of dedicated service to Andrews University. Our community, campus and department have been blessed by and are a better place because of your work.</p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:37:18 +0000 25 Years of Service: Rhonda Peak <p> In 1995, Rhonda Peak started as financial manager for Ruth Murdoch Elementary School and Andrews Academy. After working in that position for a decade, she moved to Student Financial Services as the collection manager for non-current accounts.</p> <p> Rhonda has worked hard to resolve accounts and negotiate settlements for balances owed. Her goal each year is to reduce the accounts receivables and to find creative ways to encourage account payoffs. Even though there are a high number of non-current student accounts, she is the only one in her area who is full-time but is assisted by a staff of student workers. She is a great supervisor and motivates them to stay focused and take ownership of their respective responsibilities so they can be better prepared to succeed in their future careers.</p> <p> Over the years, Rhonda has tried to automate more processes in order to improve efficiency. Even during the last year, we had record collection numbers in non-current accounts in spite of the pandemic. This is largely due to Rhonda&rsquo;s diligent labor. A few of her colleagues shared the following:</p> <ul> <li> &ldquo;With Rhonda, nurturing is instinctive. It&rsquo;s just what she does. Friends, family, colleagues, clients or student workers; if you need something, Rhonda is there to take care of you&hellip; She&rsquo;s the first one to feed you, listen to you, laugh with you, cry with you, pray for you, and advise or encourage you. This, understandably, makes her an amazing mother, grandmother, friend, supervisor and co-worker, but it also makes her an excellent collections manager.&rdquo;</li> <li> &ldquo;Rhonda is a joy to work with. She has become a wonderful friend who checks in often to see how I am doing.&rdquo;</li> <li> &ldquo;I admire her for being able to calm a client when they are frustrated, her ability to connect with them in a way that shows genuine care. Rhonda has been a blessing to the team, and she has made a difference in our past students&rsquo; lives.&rdquo;</li> <li> &ldquo;Rhonda Peak is a sweet and gentle soul, but strong when she needs to be. It is obvious she gets her strength from the Lord and from her family to whom she is fiercely devoted.&rdquo;</li> <li> &ldquo;Rhonda is such a pleasure to work with. She is always able to keep her cool as she deals with difficult situations. She has a special talent for the work she is doing for Andrews in the collections department.&rdquo;</li> </ul> <p> Thank you, Rhonda, for 25 years of exemplary service to Andrews University.</p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:36:52 +0000 25 Years of Service: Anna Piskozub <p> Anna Piskozub began working at Andrews University in the School of Education (SED) on May 30, 1995, after working for 15 years at the second largest international law firm in Chicago. Her first assignment, working for Jerome Thayer as the executive secretary for graduate programs, gave her broad exposure to graduate education. Under his guidance she quickly learned best practices in recording and supporting graduate programs and student progress toward completion of a degree. Anna also continued her own education, taking more than 90 undergraduate credits at Andrews (some of them in technology and business), earning a MS in nutrition and wellness in 2013.</p> <p> Working with graduate assistants, Anna developed databases to monitor student progress toward their degrees and communicate with them to keep them on track for graduation. Because of her concern for graduate students and her insistence on establishing systems to support SED administration, faculty and students, Anna was promoted by James Jeffery, then dean, to be the graduate services coordinator. As her knowledge of databases grew, Anna became a key resource person in the SED and the go-to person for report generation, interacting with the Office of Academic Records to ensure that graduate students met all graduation requirements. She was recently promoted to her current position of accreditation, assessment and graduate records officer. Working closely with Janet Ledesma, Anna helped to coordinate the recent and successful CAEP visit and report.</p> <p> Anna remains the expert on CEIS graduate policies and procedures, the person best able to produce reports, consult with on comprehensives and processes for thesis and dissertation review, and assist faculty as they advise graduate students. In addition, Anna makes use of her degree in nutrition and wellness. Not only does she teach an exercise class, but she is also a cheerleader for healthy habits&mdash;promoting exercise and a healthful diet. She has become an inspiration to all of us in CEIS.</p> <p> Most importantly, Anna is a committed Seventh-day Adventist Christian. She prays with and for students and faculty. Her greatest desire is for the University to make God central to all operations and model Christlikeness to students and colleagues. She is an invaluable member of our administrative committee and all the deans she has served under, including the current dean, recognize that we would not be able to serve students so well without her intelligence, support and dedication to Christian education.</p> <p> Thank you, Anna, for 25 years of excellent service!</p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:36:33 +0000 25 Years of Service: John Reeve <p> For the past 25 years John Reeve has been a passionate, hardworking and highly valued member of the Department of Church History in the Seminary. He is a beloved teacher, going the extra mile for his students, as demonstrated in their evaluations.</p> <p> No one has done more to advance the interest of the department in the last 10 years than John and he has an excellent working relationship with his colleagues. He is deeply admired for his passion, energy, and indefatigable work habit. &nbsp;John is the epitome of a Christian scholar, teacher and mentor.</p> <p> His colleague Denis Kaiser shared: &ldquo;My wife Angelika and I both got to know John&nbsp;Reeve&nbsp;as a very caring teacher who, when we were still students, took an interest in our academic, professional and personal development, something we were not really used to up to that point. We appreciate him as a passionate teacher and a role model when it comes to personal drive, vision, leadership (previously of the Department of Church History and now of the PhD/ThD program), and simple joy in learning and living. What struck us personally the most was how much of a nurturing mentor he is, how perceptive he is of talented, motivated students, how genuinely interested he is in people&rsquo;s wellbeing, and how he takes them in&mdash;comparable to a father figure&mdash;and gives them opportunities, feedback and connections for professional, personal and spiritual development. We are forever grateful to him, on behalf of many students, including us.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> <p> &ldquo;John&nbsp;Reeve&nbsp;was my professor, and he is now my colleague. John has been an inspiration for me as a human being, a Christian and a scholar. He is always in a good Christian spirit with a smile on his face. His passion for teaching, exploring new ideas, and encouraging his students and colleagues is an example for all those who have the privilege to know and work with him. I wish him all the best in his life and profession,&rdquo; says another colleague Abner Hernandez.</p> <p> Thank you, John, for 25 years of excellent service at Andrews University.</p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:36:11 +0000 25 Years of Service: David Sherwin <p> The visual medium and process of photography is part of Dave Sherwin&rsquo;s DNA. In this day and age, few professionals maintain such intense, long-term focus on becoming a craftsman of the highest quality. Dave Sherwin is that type of craftsman. Likewise, he is a craftsman of the classroom. Dave not only knows the craft of photography; he knows how to teach it to anyone who is hungry to learn. A stroll down the corridors of Harrigan Hall illuminates the effectiveness of his mentoring. Many times, I have walked past a huge and striking image hanging on the wall, and thought to myself, &lsquo;did a student actually do that work?&rsquo; Impressive.&rdquo;</p> <p> Bev Matiko, a long-time colleague, says, &quot;Dave's students speak so highly of him. They particularly appreciate his professionalism, his willingness to travel with them&mdash;when that was still possible&mdash;the networking he facilitates, and his affirmation of their creative work and career aspirations. As a colleague, I have appreciated Dave's unwavering student-focus, even when the challenges continue to be legion.&quot;</p> <p> &ldquo;Dave is dedicated to his students and will go above and beyond for them EVERY SINGLE TIME,&rdquo; states Diane Myers, assistant professor of graphic design. &quot;He spends countless hours helping them in and outside the studios to figure out lighting or camera issues, will go on photo shoots with them, and do ANYTHING to help them produce their best work. If you&rsquo;re lucky enough to catch him in his office, you&rsquo;ll notice the line-up of students outside his door waiting for his expertise, while he patiently works with them one-by-one. Students know they can count on Dave, and he never disappoints! I&rsquo;ve never heard of any other professor offer a student their personal vehicle to get the shot, but Dave has!&rdquo;</p> <p> &quot;Dave has not only been a wonderful professor to me personally when I was in undergrad, teaching me everything I needed to know to be successful, but he has become a fantastic colleague to work with and mostly a wonderful friend,&quot; says Jenny&nbsp;Shrestha. &quot;Dave is a workacholic, and he ALWAYS puts his students first no matter what and it shows. No matter how tired or exhausted he is, he always is willing to put you first in any situation and seems to have a positive attitude that keeps my spirits lifted. He sets an example to his colleagues of how to treat others with respect and shows us all what dedication and good work ethic looks like. It has been such a pleasure to work with him.&quot;</p> <p> Thank you, Dave, for your unwavering devotion to teaching the art of photography to hundreds of students at Andrews University for the past 25 years.</p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:35:50 +0000