Andrews University Agenda News and Events at Andrews University en-us Copyright 2024, Andrews University Wed, 4 Sep 2024 18:11:00 +0000 Wed, 4 Sep 2024 18:11:00 +0000 Video Lecture with Maestro Herbert Blomstedt <p> Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best and attend an interactive lecture by world-renowned conductor Maestro Herbert Blomstedt. He will discuss a video performance, when he conducted &ldquo;Ein Deutsches Requiem&rdquo; by Brahms with the Danish National Symphony and Chorus. Hot beverages will be served in the lobby following this event. Admission is free.</p> Wed, 13 Feb 2019 11:48:39 +0000 Staff Worship: Hermeneutics for "Dummies" <p> Many of us resolve in the new year to be more consistent in our personal Bible study. For this month's worship, Richard Davidson, professor of Old Testament interpretation in the Seminary, will present a hands-on session on how lay people can use simple professional methods to get more out of the scripture passages during our personal study. Bring your Bible and a pen. In Davidson's words, &quot;I'm excited about the chance to share this passion of my heart in a winning and winsome manner!&quot; Handouts will also be available.</p> Thu, 17 Jan 2019 15:12:16 +0000 Staff Worship <p> You are invited to join us for Staff Worship on Thursday, Oct. 25, at 8:15 a.m. in the Seminary Chapel.&nbsp;</p> <p> The speaker will be Carlisle Sutton,&nbsp;director of Community Engagement, Integration &amp; Service.</p> <p> We look forward to seeing you for a time of inspiration and fellowship.&nbsp;Hourly employees are invited to stay clocked in for this worship experience. &nbsp;</p> <p> Please mark your calendar now for Staff Worship on November 29 and December 20.</p> Thu, 11 Oct 2018 14:43:24 +0000 Staff Worship <p> You are invited to join us for Staff Worship, Thursday, June 28, at 8:15 a.m. in the Seminary Chapel. The worship talk is titled &quot;At the Heart of the Lion.&quot; The speaker will be Heather Day, assistant professor of communication in the Department of Visual Art, Communication &amp; Design. Heather&nbsp;is a published author, lively speaker, and devoted wife and mother. &nbsp;</p> <p> We look forward to seeing you for a time of inspiration and fellowship (hourly employees may stay clocked in during this time).</p> Wed, 20 Jun 2018 12:42:45 +0000 Sharing Our Heart in Prayer <p> We want to invite God's presence into our work, our offices, our campus, and our homes, and will be intentional about praying together over these prayer requests at monthly Staff Worships. All are welcome to join in our prayer time immediately following Staff Worship. If you would like your campus colleagues to pray for you, please add&nbsp;a prayer request or a praise in the Comments section below. All employees are encouraged to include the praises and requests found here in your worship time in your department, also. &nbsp;</p> <p> &quot;Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.&quot; Romans 12:10</p> Thu, 01 Mar 2018 17:29:40 +0000 Monthly Staff Worship <p> All staff are invited to begin the work day together for our monthly worship. Constance Gane, professor of Old Testament and curator of the Horn Museum, will present the worship thought this month.</p> Wed, 31 Jan 2018 23:06:07 +0000 Monthly Staff Worship <p> Rahel Wells, 2018 Augsburger Award recipient, will share how celebrating personal feast days has enriched her teaching, and enriched her spiritual journey.</p> <p> All staff are invited to attend Staff Worship for a time of inspiration and fellowship (hourly employees may stay clocked in during this time).</p> Wed, 31 Jan 2018 23:05:04 +0000