Andrews University online courses are offered in one or more formats. Read the details below to inform your choice of classes as listed in the Course Schedule or Registration Central. Watch the video above (or at this link) for a quick tutorial.
With no class attendance virtually, students pick the time of day to study, but need to log in several times a week.
Fixed start and end dates with fixed assignment and exam due dates.
These flexible online classes are eligible for federal financial aid
Open to guest and degree students; usually have section numbers 950-999
To view all courses of this type, filter the course schedule by Schedule Attributeinteractive online and by Instructional Methodasynchronous in the Term selected.
All Berrien campus course registration policies and Academic Calendar deadlines relating to the term or part of term in which the course is offered apply.
Lively interactive learning community; group projects and teacher meetings may be required.
Students attend classes at scheduled times through video conferencing.
Fixed start and end dates with fixed assignment and exam due dates.
Realtime online classes are also eligible for federal financial aid
Open to guest and degree students; usually have section numbers 950-999
To view all courses of this type, filter the course schedule by Schedule Attribute interactive online and by Instructional Method synchronous in the Term selected.
All Berrien campus course registration policies and Academic Calendar deadlines relating to the term or part of term in which the course is offered apply.
Lively interactive learning community; group project and teacher meetings may be required.
With 180 days to complete, these courses help students fill gaps and meet deadlines on other campuses. Schedule time to study in between your daily activities, vacations and holidays.
Open to guest or non-degree students (NOT degree students), who can select their own start date, with registration open year-round.
These student-paced classes are not eligible for federal financial aid.
To view all courses of this type, filter the course schedule by Schedule Attribute self-paced online; look for section number 901.
All Berrien campus course registration policies apply to self-paced online courses other than those reflecting specific deadlines. Registration for self-paced courses follows the Self-Paced Calendar.
The student-selected start date determines the term (spring, summer, fall) in which the class is recorded for transcript purposes.
Faculty support and encourage students who initiate contact as they each work at their own pace.
As the name suggests, this format includes some time where the faculty and students are physically separated and additional time where they are in the same location, i.e. this is a face-to-face class that has some face-to-face time replaced with extended online assignments or a short intense face-to-face time supplemented with online learning activities.
The online portion follows guidelines for the interactive online asynchronous or synchronous format; the face-to-face portion is often convened in a short, intense period