Frequently Asked Question

Gradebook: How to view suspended students in gradebook, to view all students, non active students
Last Updated 3 years ago

How to view suspended students in gradebook

By default, the gradebook displays only students with active enrollments. If a student drops a class he/she does not show up in the gradebook. The same is true for students who have been suspended from the course due to the fact that the course end date +30 days has already passed.

If you need to access grades in a class that has already come to an end, please follow the steps below in order to learn how to display suspended students, and their grades, in the gradebook:

1. Click on the gear icon located in the top-right area of your course's main page
2. Click on "Gradebook setup"
3. Click on the "Preferences: Grader report" tab
4. Go all the way to the bottom and change the "Show only active enrollments" field to "No"
5. Click the "Save changes" button\

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL (previous LearningHub version, but correct steps)

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