Frequently Asked Question

Quiz: Asking DLiT to create your quiz or exam in LearningHub
Last Updated 2 years ago

If you would like the DLiT Helpdesk to make your quiz or exam in LearningHub, please send the answer key file (containing questions and answers) to Also please answer the following questions and copy and paste this information in the request:

Name of LearningHub course space (ABCD 123-001) _________________________
Your name ___________________________
Name of quiz or exam __________________________
Topic or week where it is to go in your course in LearningHub ___________________________
What day and time to start and end the exam ___________________________________
How many minutes students are allowed to work on the exam _______________________
How many attempts students can have _______________________________
How many points each question is worth __________________________
How many points the exam is worth _______________________
If you would like the answers shuffled within each question ________
If you would like the questions shuffled in the quiz _________
If you would like students to review the correct answers after the exam is closed _______
If you want students to use Lockdown Browser while taking the exam ___________
Any other settings _____________________________________________________________

Please allow 1 week for the quiz to be created.

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