Interactive Online Asynchronous Teaching

Interactive Online Asynchronous courses use minimal real-time interaction via video, and instead use online tools such as forums, recorded audio, recorded video, and interactive content to deliver primarily asynchronous instruction to students who are separated from the instructor. Learning activities have specified due dates. Regular, substantive, teacher-led, and meaningful interaction both with the instructor and with fellow students is expected. Real-time interaction via video is minimal and either optional, scheduled individually, or scheduled at a time convenient for all students. No additional penalties or extra work are created for missing a live session. There are no on-campus requirements.

The resources below can assist you with your asynchronous online teaching.



  • Online Exam Guide: How SDE proctoring works and how to design assessments and exams for proctoring


  • OLC Quality Course Teaching and Instructional Practice Scorecard - Benchmark your online teaching with the full scorecard or the subcomponents
  • Sample syllabus delivery description: This course follows an interactive online asynchronous format and has [i.e. weekly Sunday night] deadlines. You are expected to login regularly during the course to participate in the online discussions and interact with the professor and fellow students.

Storyboards for learning and course design

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