Are you using digital tools to support your in-person teaching? These resources will assist you.
At a minimum, please use the following in LearningHub (per the Provost and Faculty Senate):
LearningHub is the university learning management system, powered by Moodle. Support and helpguides available...
Our partner, the Center for Teaching and Learning, provides teaching assistance
Meet with faculty and staff from the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Center for Digital Learning and Instructional Technology, the Assessment Office, and the James White Library
Benchmark your use of LearningHub against the Online Learning Consortium scorecard for Digital Courseware Instructional Practice
Resources from the library on integration faith and learning (Standard 1 of the AU Teaching Standards for Teaching Online)
Adventist Learning Community Course for CEUs: Faith Integration
Integration of Faith and Learning in Online Education
Faculty Focus: Read articles about teaching strategies and educational technology in higher ed
Fostering Academic Success in Students with Mental Health Challenges
Storyboards for learning and course design