Developing an Global Campus Managed Course

Global Campus managed courses are created in partnership with the various academic departments. The department verifies faculty qualifications, approves the faculty, provides an on-campus course syllabus as a foundation, approves the textbook, and provides feedback on the course development. 

Global Campus managed courses go through a production process that includes:

  • a specific structured learning design process with the assigned Instructional Designer
  • collaborative course design between the Subject Matter Expert and Instructional Designer
  • credit hour verification
  • design for integrity of assessment
  • detailed editing by Global Campus Online
  • Global Campus Online building the course to ensure consistency of student experience across all Global Campus managed courses

Resources for the Global Campuscourse development process: 

Storyboards for the learning design step of Global Campus course development

  • Weekly storyboard [doc] or [xls]
  • Project based storyboard [doc]


  • Resources for ensuring regular and substantive interaction with the instructor

Standards and specific requirements for online courses


Resources from the library on integration faith and learning (Standard 1 of the AU Teaching Standards for Teaching Online)

Adventist Learning Community Course for CEUs: Faith Integration


How Online Exam proctoring works and how to design assessments and exams for proctoring

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