Self-Paced Online Teaching

Self-Paced Online courses are offered where instructional materials and examinations are provided by mail or electronic transmission to students who are separated from the instructor. Interaction between the instructor and the student is limited and is primarily initiated by the student. Self-paced courses may be delivered via paper; via electronic means such as email or a learning management system, or via DVDs, podcasts, streaming or similar one-way media transmission. Self-paced open learning courses are open for registration at any time and must be completed within 180 days of the start date. (This course type aligns with the federal definition for correspondence courses.)

At Andrews University, currently self-paced courses are not open to degree seeking students due to financial aid regulations. They are offered to guest students who are pursuing a degree at another institution, or who are interested in a course for continuing education. The flexible format allows students to start and progress at their own pace.

Undergraduate self-paced online courses are managed by the Global Campus.

The resources below can assist you with your self-paced online teaching.

Support for teaching Global Campus-managed self-paced courses: 

  • Automated emails to the student and teacher to support the open-endedness of self-paced
  • Student services team follows up with students who haven't logged in recently
  • Global Campus administrative assistant provides support for a wide variety of scenarios

The GradeMe block can help you track what needs to be graded. 

Subscribing to forums can help you know when something in a "blog" needs to be graded. 


Support for using LearningHub to deliver your self-paced course:


You can use Zoom to meet one on one with students in a self-paced course if you choose


Rubrics for the eight standards for teaching online at Andrews


Resources from the library on integration faith and learning (Standard 1 of the AU Teaching Standards for Teaching Online)

Adventist Learning Community Course for CEUs: Faith Integration

Integration of Faith and Learning


How SDE proctoring works and how to design assessments and exams for proctoring


Benchmark your online teaching with the full scorecard or the subcomponents. Note that some aspects may not apply to self-paced courses.

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