9 |
19th century music. |
11 |
73 amateur radio today. |
1 |
A Journal of Church and State |
1 |
AA project review |
1 |
AA projects review |
9 |
AAOHN journal : official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses |
13 |
AARP the magazine |
2 |
ABA banking journal |
1 |
ABA journal |
5 |
Abr-Nahrain : an annual under the auspices of the Department of Semitic Studies, University of Melbourne |
1 |
Academe : bulletin of the AAUP |
11 |
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges |
1 |
Academic therapy |
11 |
Academy of Management journal |
18 |
The Academy of Management review |
4 |
Accountancy |
2 |
The Accounting review. |
15 |
Accounts of chemical research |
1 |
Across the board |
4 |
Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica |
2 |
Acta physiologica Scandinavica |
1 |
Acts and facts |
18 |
Addiction |
24 |
Addictive behaviors |
1 |
ADEA official guide to dental schools / American Dental Education Association |
1 |
Administration in social work |
3 |
Administrative management |
27 |
Administrative science quarterly |
39 |
Adolescence |
3 |
Adult education quarterly. |
5 |
Adult learning |
2 |
Advanced materials & processes |
1 |
Advances in acarology |
2 |
Advances in child development and behavior |
1 |
Advances in educational administration |
1 |
Advances in educational productivity |
1 |
Advances in mathematics |
1 |
Advances in protein chemistry |
1 |
Advances in research on teaching |
79 |
Advent review, and Sabbath herald |
13 |
Adventist heritage |
187 |
Adventist review |
1 |
Adventist today |
271 |
Adventists affirm |
9 |
Advertising age |
18 |
Adweek. Midwest advertising news |
9 |
1 |
Africa South of the Sahara |
8 |
Africa theological journal |
1 |
African affairs |
2 |
African American review |
6 |
African arts |
1 |
Africa |
1 |
Agency sales |
3 |
The Agricultural education magazine |
3 |
AIDS education and prevention |
13 |
Air & space Smithsonian |
1 |
Air traffic control exam guide |
6 |
Airbrush action |
17 |
Alberta journal of educational research |
1 |
Alcohol health and research world / National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism |
4 |
Alcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism |
7 |
Alcoholism treatment quarterly |
19 |
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research |
6 |
Almanac of business and industrial financial ratios |
1 |
Alternative higher education |
2 |
Amerasia journal |
3 |
America's best colleges |
10 |
American annals of the deaf |
2 |
The American archivist |
11 |
American artist |
9 |
American baby |
1 |
American Baptist quarterly |
9 |
American bee journal |
4 |
The American behavioral scientist |
1 |
The American Benedictine review |
11 |
The American biology teacher |
3 |
American business law journal |
24 |
American cinematographer |
1 |
The American city & county |
1 |
The American city |
1 |
American country houses of today |
9 |
American craft |
11 |
American demographics |
1 |
The American economic review |
4 |
The American economist |
13 |
American educational research journal |
9 |
American family physician |
1 |
American forests |
2 |
American fruit grower |
2 |
The American gardener |
1 |
American handbook of psychiatry |
5 |
American health |
13 |
American heritage |
9 |
The American historical review |
3 |
American history illustrated |
8 |
American history |
1 |
American Hospital Association guide to the health care field |
2 |
American imago |
2 |
American Indian art magazine |
411 |
American journal of archaeology |
18 |
American journal of botany |
51 |
The American journal of clinical nutrition |
3 |
American journal of clinical pathology |
2 |
The American journal of distance education |
6 |
American journal of education |
17 |
American journal of epidemiology. |
24 |
The American journal of family therapy |
1 |
American journal of health behavior |
1 |
American journal of health education / American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance |
1 |
American journal of human genetics |
21 |
American journal of infection control |
2 |
The American journal of medicine |
3 |
American journal of mental deficiency |
31 |
The American journal of nursing |
18 |
The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association |
4 |
American journal of orthopsychiatry |
8 |
American journal of pastoral counseling |
5 |
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation |
3 |
American journal of physics |
2 |
American journal of physiology |
74 |
The American journal of psychiatry |
7 |
The American journal of psychology |
17 |
American journal of psychotherapy |
34 |
American journal of public health : JPH / American Public Health Association |
3 |
The American journal of Semitic languages and literatures |
5 |
The American journal of sociology |
24 |
The American journal of sports medicine |
3 |
American journal of theology & philosophy |
7 |
American journal on mental retardation : AJMR |
4 |
American libraries |
5 |
American literary realism, 1870-1910 |
46 |
American literature; a journal of literary history, criticism and bibliography |
1 |
The American mathematical monthly : the official journal of the Mathematical Association of America |
10 |
The American midland naturalist |
9 |
The American music teacher |
1 |
American music |
12 |
The American naturalist |
3 |
The American nurse |
3 |
The American organist |
1 |
American photographer |
3 |
American photo |
1 |
The American political science review |
1 |
American Presbyterians |
1 |
American printer. |
37 |
The American psychologist |
8 |
American quarterly |
3 |
American record guide |
3 |
The American scholar |
10 |
The American school board journal |
6 |
American scientist |
4 |
American secondary education |
4 |
American sociological review |
6 |
The American spectator |
3 |
American speech |
2 |
American string teacher |
5 |
American Suzuki journal |
4 |
American teacher |
1 |
American transcendental quarterly |
4 |
American vegetable grower |
3 |
The American West |
1 |
American wholesalers and distributors directory |
6 |
America |
1 |
An almanack for the year of our Lord ... / by Joseph Whitaker |
2 |
Analecta bollandiana |
1 |
Anales de la literatura espanola contemporanea |
1 |
Andover Newton quarterly |
104 |
Andrews University Seminary studies |
3 |
Angewandte Chemie |
9 |
Anglican theological review |
1 |
Annals of dyslexia : [an interdisciplinary journal of the Orton Dyslexia Society] |
29 |
Annals of internal medicine |
3 |
Annals of surgery |
7 |
Annals of the Association of American Geographers |
2 |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
20 |
Annual meeting seminar papers |
5 |
Annual of advertising and editorial art and design |
1 |
Annual of display & commercial space designs in Japan |
2 |
The Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society |
16 |
Annual of the Department of Antiquities |
2 |
Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute |
3 |
Annual review of biochemistry |
1 |
Annual review of information science and technology |
1 |
Annual review of materials science |
4 |
Annual statement studies |
1 |
Annual survey of American law |
3 |
ANS, Advances in nursing science |
2 |
Anthropos |
1 |
The Anti-slavery record |
1 |
The Antioch review |
1 |
Antiques & collecting magazine |
4 |
Antiquity |
21 |
Anvil |
15 |
The AOPA pilot |
14 |
AORN journal |
14 |
Aperture |
1 |
Appalachia : journal of the Appalachian Regional Commission |
1 |
Applied language learning |
1 |
Applied optics |
3 |
Applied psychological measurement |
1 |
Approach / Washington University, School of Architecture |
6 |
Appropriate technology |
1 |
Apuntes |
1 |
Arc. |
1 |
Archaeologia Bulgarica. |
1 |
Archaeological news |
4 |
Archaeology and Biblical research |
7 |
Archaeology |
3 |
Architects, contractors, engineers guide to construction costs |
6 |
Architectural design : A.D |
8 |
Architectural digest. |
3 |
The Architectural forum |
3 |
The Architectural index |
8 |
Architectural record |
9 |
The Architectural review |
3 |
Architectural science review |
3 |
Architecture Australia |
3 |
Architecture in perspective |
8 |
Architecture |
2 |
Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau : AIT |
3 |
Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of mathematics. Archives mathematiques |
2 |
Archiv fur Musikwissenschaft |
2 |
Archiv fur Orientforschung |
3 |
Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte. Archive for reformation history |
2 |
Archiv orientalni : journal of the Czechoslovak Oriental Institute, Prague |
3 |
Archives de sciences sociales des religions |
1 |
Archives of environmental health |
25 |
Archives of general psychiatry |
4 |
Archives of neurology |
2 |
Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery |
27 |
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation |
2 |
Archives of psychiatric nursing|Arch. psychiatr. nurs |
4 |
Ariel |
8 |
Arizona highways |
7 |
The Arizona quarterly |
1 |
Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma tourbook : an annual catalog of selected travel information / AAA |
3 |
The ARRL handbook for radio amateurs |
6 |
Art & design / Architectural Design Publications |
5 |
The Art bulletin |
1 |
Art directors' index to illustrators |
1 |
Art directors' index to photographers |
7 |
Art education |
4 |
Art in America |
2 |
Art index |
10 |
Art journal. |
10 |
Artforum international |
9 |
Arthritis and rheumatism |
1 |
Arthritis care and research : the official journal of the Arthritis Health Professions Association |
5 |
ARTnews |
1 |
Arts & architecture |
2 |
Arts and activities |
1 |
The Asbury seminarian |
7 |
The Asbury theological journal |
1 |
Asha : a journal of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
11 |
The Asia journal of theology |
2 |
Asiaweek |
2 |
Astronomy |
4 |
24 |
The Atlantic monthly|The Atlantic |
27 |
The Atlantic Union gleaner |
2 |
The Atlantic |
2 |
2 |
Audio |
2 |
Audubon |
4 |
The Auk |
2 |
Australasian record |
1 |
Australia handbook |
9 |
Australian biblical review |
8 |
The Australian journal of education |
10 |
The Australian journal of physiotherapy. |
12 |
Automotive engineering international |
1 |
Automotive industries |
1 |
Automotive industries |
6 |
Automotive news |
28 |
Aviation week & space technology |
1 |
Awake! |
1 |
AWHONN lifelines / Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses |
2 |
Aztlan |
3 |
Babel |
49 |
Backpacker |
3 |
Balance |
2 |
Bangalore theological forum. |
3 |
The Banker |
2 |
Baptist history and heritage |
1 |
The Baptist quarterly |
1 |
Baptist reformation review |
1 |
Barron's guide to graduate business schools |
3 |
Barron's guide to medical and dental schools |
7 |
Barron's national business and financial weekly |
1 |
Basic communication course annual |
19 |
Basketball digest |
10 |
Behavior modification |
14 |
Behavior therapy |
1 |
Behavioral neuroscience |
1 |
Behavioral science |
6 |
Behaviour |
3 |
Beit Mikra |
1 |
The Best American essays |
5 |
The Best American short stories and the Yearbook of the American short story |
1 |
Best's review (Life-health) |
1 |
Best's review: Property/casualty Insurance |
1 |
Best's review |
38 |
Better homes and gardens |
9 |
Better investing. |
3 |
Bible and spade |
13 |
Bible review |
8 |
The Bible today |
15 |
The Bible translator |
17 |
The Biblical archaeologist |
41 |
The Biblical archaeology review |
6 |
Biblical interpretation |
6 |
Biblical research |
16 |
Biblical theology bulletin |
2 |
Biblical viewpoint. |
69 |
Biblica |
1 |
Bibliographic guide to music |
6 |
Bibliotheca orientalis |
68 |
The Bibliotheca sacra |
20 |
Biblische Notizen |
21 |
Biblische Zeitschrift |
52 |
Bicycling |
1 |
Biennial survey of education in the United States / Federal Security Agency, U.S. Office of Education |
1 |
The big book of minority opportunities : the directory of special programs for minority group members |
1 |
Biofeedback and self-control |
9 |
The Biological bulletin |
2 |
Biological journal of the Linnean Society |
24 |
BioScience |
1 |
Birnbaum's Canada |
1 |
Birnbaum's Caribbean |
1 |
Birnbaum's Chicago |
2 |
Birnbaum's France |
1 |
Birnbaum's Great Britain |
2 |
Birnbaum's Hawaii |
1 |
Birnbaum's Ireland |
1 |
Birnbaum's Italy |
1 |
Birnbaum's London |
1 |
Birnbaum's New York |
1 |
Birnbaum's Paris |
1 |
Birnbaum's South America |
2 |
Black art |
14 |
The black collegian |
47 |
Black enterprise |
2 |
The Black perspective in music |
7 |
The Black scholar |
1 |
Blueprint |
197 |
BMJ : British medical journal/ British Medical Association |
31 |
Bon Appetit |
1 |
The book of golden memories |
1 |
Book review digest |
2 |
Book review index : cumulation |
7 |
The booklist / American Library Association |
12 |
Boston |
3 |
The Botanical review. |
4 |
Boundary 2 |
1 |
The Bowker annual of library and book trade information / sponsored by the Council of National Library Associations |
3 |
Bowker's complete video directory |
1 |
Brahms studies |
15 |
Brain : a journal of neurology |
6 |
Brain and language |
6 |
Brethren life and thought |
48 |
Bride's |
2 |
Bridges |
33 |
British heritage |
2 |
The British journal of animal behaviour : official journal of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour |
10 |
The British journal of educational psychology |
1 |
British journal of educational studies |
18 |
The British journal of nutrition |
55 |
The British journal of psychiatry |
4 |
The British journal of psychology |
11 |
The British journal of social work |
1 |
The British journal of sociology |
2 |
British medical bulletin |
4 |
British medical journal |
10 |
Brittonia |
2 |
Broadcasting & cable |
1 |
Buddhist-Christian studies |
2 |
Building and environment |
4 |
Building construction cost data |
7 |
Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society |
8 |
Bulletin - Council for Research in Music Education |
1 |
Bulletin / National Vocational Guidance Association |
1 |
Bulletin de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale |
2 |
Bulletin de la Societe de l'histoire du protestantisme francais |
5 |
Bulletin for Biblical research / IBR |
3 |
The Bulletin of historical research in music education. |
17 |
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research |
1 |
Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society |
1 |
The bulletin of the Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies |
1 |
Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. |
3 |
Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester |
3 |
Bulletin of the New York Public Library |
1 |
Bulletin of the Wildlife Disease Association |
3 |
Buried history : quarterly journal of the Australian Institute of Archaeology |
7 |
Business & professional ethics journal |
17 |
Business and commercial aviation |
2 |
Business and society review |
2 |
Business economics : the journal of the National Association of Business Economists |
3 |
Business ethics quarterly : the journal of the Society for Business Ethics |
3 |
Business horizons |
1 |
Business rankings annual / compiled by Brooklyn Public Library, Business Library Staff |
77 |
Business week |
3 |
BusinessWoman magazine : BW |
1 |
Byzantion; revue internationale des etudes byzantines |
1 |
Cahiers des religions africaines |
2 |
Cake decorating |
1 |
California agriculture |
5 |
California management review |
11 |
Calvin theological journal |
1 |
The Cambridge quarterly |
2 |
The Cambridge review |
1 |
The Canadian administrator |
35 |
Canadian Adventist messenger |
10 |
Canadian business |
3 |
The Canadian field-naturalist |
1 |
The Canadian forum |
14 |
Canadian journal of botany. Journal canadien de botanique |
2 |
Canadian journal of chemistry |
7 |
Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research = Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en dietetique |
16 |
Canadian journal of education. Revue canadienne de l'education |
1 |
Canadian journal of mathematics = Journal canadien de mathematiques |
5 |
Canadian journal of theology |
9 |
Canadian literature |
5 |
The Canadian nurse |
2 |
Canadian review of comparative literature |
44 |
Cancer nursing |
21 |
Canoe & kayak |
121 |
Car and driver |
28 |
Car craft |
43 |
Cardinal |
12 |
The Career development quarterly |
2 |
Career world / Curriculum Innovations, Inc |
1 |
Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States |
1 |
Cases in management and organizational behavior |
1 |
Catalog of Federal domestic assistance |
2 |
Catalogue of the ... exhibition of the Washington Architectural Club in the .. |
6 |
Catalogue of the architectural exhibition by the T Square Club |
3 |
Cather studies |
102 |
The Catholic Biblical quarterly |
4 |
The Catholic historical review |
8 |
The Catholic periodical and literature index |
1 |
CCCC bibliography of composition and rhetoric |
48 |
CCM : music, faith & culture |
2 |
Cedar trails |
1 |
Cell church magazine |
27 |
Cell |
1 |
Central Conference of American Rabbis annual convention |
1 |
Ceramics monthly |
2 |
Change |
5 |
Chaplaincy today |
1 |
Chaplaincy |
6 |
Chase's annual events |
123 |
The Chaucer review |
9 |
Chemical and engineering news : "news edition" of the American Chemical Society |
1 |
Chemical innovation |
10 |
Chemtech |
1 |
Chevrolet passenger cars & light duty trucks unit repair manual (overhaul) |
2 |
The Chicago Theological Seminary register. |
16 |
Chicago tribune magazine |
21 |
Chicago. |
9 |
Child & adolescent social work journal : C & A. |
11 |
Child & family behavior therapy |
6 |
Child & youth care forum |
3 |
Child & youth care quarterly |
23 |
Child abuse & neglect |
1 |
Child care quarterly |
45 |
Child development |
6 |
Child psychiatry and human development |
27 |
Child study journal |
8 |
Child welfare |
13 |
Childhood education |
34 |
Children and youth services review |
21 |
Children's Literature Association quarterly |
1 |
Children's literature review |
1 |
Children's literature |
3 |
Chilton's automobile repair manual |
9 |
Chilton's import car repair manual |
6 |
Choice |
8 |
The Choral journal |
36 |
The Christian century |
5 |
Christian education journal |
9 |
Christian history |
10 |
The Christian ministry |
1 |
Christian periodical index |
11 |
Christian scholar's review |
20 |
Christian single |
2 |
Christian social action |
5 |
Christianity & literature |
4 |
Christianity and crisis |
49 |
Christianity today |
1 |
Chromosoma |
3 |
Chronicle & newsletter / Historical Society of Michigan |
1 |
Chronicle guidance. Brief subscription |
17 |
The Chronicle of higher education |
1 |
Church growth bulletin |
3 |
Church growth, America |
1 |
Church growth. |
12 |
Church history |
2 |
Church musician today |
7 |
Churchman |
2 |
CIES newsletter / Comparative and International Education Society |
8 |
Circulation |
1 |
Cities of the world : a compilation of current information on cultural, geographical, and political conditions in the countries and cities of six continents, based on the Department of State's "Post reports" |
1 |
City profiles USA : a traveler's guide to major US cities |
5 |
Civil War history |
31 |
Civil War times illustrated |
5 |
Civil War times |
22 |
The Classicist / Institute for the Study of Classical Architecture |
8 |
Clavier |
7 |
The Clearing house |
7 |
CLEP : official study guide |
7 |
Clinical chemistry |
15 |
Clinical gerontologist |
109 |
Clinical laboratory science : journal of the American Society for Medical Technology |
2 |
Clinical social work journal |
12 |
Clinics in sports medicine |
5 |
CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal : journal de l'Association medicale canadienne |
2 |
Cobblestone |
4 |
College & research libraries news |
5 |
College & research libraries |
22 |
College and university dialogue |
11 |
The College Board scholarship handbook |
28 |
College composition and communication |
2 |
College costs and financial aid handbook / College Scholarship Service |
26 |
College English |
2 |
The College handbook |
5 |
College literature |
1 |
The College mathematics journal : an official publication of the Mathematical Association of America |
2 |
College music symposium |
4 |
College teaching |
1 |
Colloquium; the Australian and New Zealand theological review |
10 |
Columbia journalism review |
6 |
Commentary |
5 |
Commonweal |
13 |
Communication arts |
12 |
Communication education |
7 |
Communication monographs |
9 |
Communication quarterly |
4 |
Communication research reports : CRR |
13 |
Communication research |
29 |
Communication studies |
1 |
Communicator |
1 |
Communio viatorum |
6 |
Communio |
7 |
Community college journal |
4 |
Community development journal |
3 |
Community mental health journal |
1 |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B, Comparative biochemistry |
6 |
Comparative civilizations review |
1 |
Comparative drama |
2 |
Comparative education |
2 |
Comparative literature studies |
6 |
Comparative literature |
1 |
Complete book of medical schools |
3 |
Composition studies : freshman English news |
6 |
Computer graphics world |
50 |
Computer shopper |
4 |
Computers & education |
4 |
Computers and the humanities |
2 |
Computers in human services |
2 |
Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN |
7 |
Computer |
7 |
Concordia journal |
1 |
The Concordia pulpit |
6 |
Concordia theological monthly |
7 |
Concordia theological quarterly |
4 |
The Condor |
1 |
Congressional digest |
6 |
The Conrad Grebel review |
4 |
Conscience and liberty |
2 |
Conservative Judaism |
5 |
Consultant |
41 |
Consumer guide |
123 |
Consumer reports |
1 |
Consumers digest |
13 |
Consumers' research magazine |
2 |
Contemporary authors. New revision series. |
3 |
Contemporary authors; a bio-bibliographical guide to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television and other fields |
1 |
Contemporary drug problems |
3 |
Contemporary education. |
7 |
Contemporary educational psychology |
3 |
Contemporary family therapy |
7 |
Contemporary house plans : including Professional builder houses of the month ... / Bloodgood Architects |
2 |
Contemporary literature |
2 |
Contemporary physics |
11 |
Contemporary psychoanalysis |
1 |
Contemporary psychology |
2 |
Continuum |
3 |
Copeia |
11 |
The Cornell journal of architecture |
11 |
Corrections today |
8 |
Counseling and values |
14 |
The Counseling psychologist |
1 |
Counseling today : a publication of the American Counseling Association |
6 |
Counselor education and supervision |
7 |
Countryside and small stock journal |
1 |
County and city extra : annual metro, city, and county data book |
3 |
The Covenant quarterly |
2 |
The CPA journal |
5 |
CQ weekly |
17 |
CQ |
16 |
Crafts 'n things |
21 |
Creation ex nihilo technical journal |
19 |
Creation ex nihilo |
36 |
Creation Research Society quarterly |
9 |
Creation/evolution |
1 |
Credit manual of commercial laws |
9 |
Crime and delinquency |
1 |
Crime and social justice |
6 |
Criminology |
6 |
Criswell theological review : CTR |
8 |
Critical care nurse |
1 |
Critical care nursing clinics of North America |
8 |
Critical care nursing quarterly|Crit. care nurs. q |
3 |
Critical inquiry |
3 |
Critical review of books in religion |
5 |
Criticism |
5 |
Cross currents |
2 |
CRSI design handbook / Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute |
8 |
Crux |
11 |
Cuadernos hispanoamericanos |
2 |
Culturgrams : the nations around us |
1 |
Current anthropology |
1 |
Current biography yearbook |
1 |
Current developments in psychopharmacology |
1 |
Current health 1 |
2 |
Current health 2 |
3 |
Current history |
2 |
Current topics in developmental biology |
2 |
Currents in research : biblical studies |
12 |
Currents in theology and mission |
2 |
Currents |
3 |
Curriculum review |
43 |
Cycle world |
2 |
Daedalus : proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
1 |
Daidalos : Berlin architectural journal |
3 |
Danes on the move : Tomorrow's seating design today |
1 |
Death education |
3 |
Death studies |
1 |
Denver quarterly |
17 |
Der Spiegel |
2 |
Design annual |
5 |
Design from Scandinavia |
23 |
Design news |
1 |
Designers West |
5 |
Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal. |
5 |
Deutschland |
2 |
Developmental medicine and child neurology |
198 |
Developmental psychology |
1 |
Developments in digestive diseases |
20 |
Diabetes care |
14 |
The Diabetes educator |
4 |
Dialogue & alliance : journal of the International Religious Foundation, Inc |
1 |
Dialogue in instrumental music education |
1 |
Dialogue: a journal of Mormon thought |
10 |
Dialog |
10 |
The Diapason |
5 |
Didaskalia : the journal of the Winnipeg Theological Seminary = Didaskalia |
2 |
Die Musikforschung |
12 |
Diplomatic history |
1 |
Directory of American philosophers |
1 |
Directory of department stores & mail order firms |
2 |
Directory of discount & general merchandise stores |
4 |
Directory of financial aids for women |
1 |
The Directory of Michigan manufacturers / published by Michigan manufacturer and financial record |
1 |
Directory of public elementary and secondary education agencies |
1 |
Directory of research grants |
1 |
Directory of schools and professors of mission and evangelism in the USA and Canada |
1 |
Directory of theological schools |
1 |
Discipleship journal |
19 |
Discover |
1 |
Display & commercial space designs |
2 |
Dissent |
1 |
The door magazine |
16 |
Down beat |
2 |
The Downside review |
11 |
Dr. Dobb's journal : software tools for the professional programmer |
1 |
Dramatics |
3 |
The Drew gateway |
1 |
Drug abuse and drug abuse research |
1 |
Dumbarton Oaks papers |
2 |
The Durham University journal |
1 |
Early American literature |
4 |
Early child development and care : ECDC |
6 |
Early childhood education journal |
1 |
Early childhood education |
4 |
Early music |
2 |
The East Asia journal of theology |
1 |
Eastern horizon |
121 |
Ebony |
1 |
Ecological monographs |
3 |
The ecologist |
1 |
Ecology |
4 |
Economic botany |
2 |
Economic commentary |
1 |
Economic development and cultural change |
1 |
Economic geography |
1 |
Economic perspectives |
1 |
Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress |
1 |
Economic trends / Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland |
64 |
The Economist |
5 |
EContent |
4 |
Ecritures contemporaines |
2 |
The Ecumenical review |
1 |
The Ecumenist |
17 |
Edge TV [videorecording] / a co-production of IMS Productions, NavPress, Youth Specialties |
1 |
Editor & publisher international year book |
2 |
Editor & publisher market guide |
2 |
Editor & publisher |
12 |
4 |
EDRA; proceedings of the annual Environmental Design Research Association Conference |
2 |
Education and training in mental retardation and developmental disabilities |
2 |
Education and training of the mentally retarded |
5 |
Education and urban society |
8 |
The education digest |
1 |
Education statistics of the United States |
14 |
Education week |
22 |
Educational administration quarterly |
21 |
Educational and psychological measurement |
1 |
Educational facility planner |
5 |
The Educational forum |
31 |
Educational leadership |
12 |
Educational management & administration : journal of the British Educational Management and Administration Society|Educational management administration & leadership 1741-1432 |
1 |
Educational media and technology yearbook |
1 |
Educational rankings annual |
6 |
The Educational record |
14 |
Educational researcher : official newsletter of the American Educational Research Association |
11 |
Educational research |
1 |
Educational studies |
4 |
Educational technology research and development : ETR & D |
19 |
Educational technology |
1 |
Educational theory |
21 |
Education |
1 |
Educators guide to free internet resources |
1 |
Educators guide to free internet resources |
1 |
Educators guide to free science materials / compiled and edited by Mary H. Saterstrom |
14 |
Eglise et theologie |
1 |
The Eighteenth century : theory and interpretation. |
2 |
Eighteenth century life |
1 |
Ekistics |
5 |
El Croquis |
1 |
Electronic learning |
2 |
Elementary school guidance and counseling |
8 |
The Elementary school journal |
4 |
Elenchus of Biblica |
26 |
15 |
ELT journal / Oxford University Press in association with the British Council |
3 |
Emedia |
3 |
Emergency medical services |
3 |
The Emerson Society quarterly |
1 |
The Emmaus journal. |
10 |
Encounter |
1 |
Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations |
2 |
Energy and buildings |
5 |
English education |
1 |
The English historical review |
10 |
English journal |
6 |
English language notes |
11 |
1 |
Entrepreneurship theory and practice : ET&P |
3 |
Environment |
26 |
Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses : commentarii de re theologica et canonica / Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis |
2 |
Epworth review |
5 |
Equity & excellence in education : University of Massachusetts School of Education journal |
6 |
Erets-Yisrael |
5 |
Ergonomics : the official publication of the Ergonomics Research Society |
55 |
ERIC microfilm |
164 |
82 |
Esquire |
2 |
1 |
Essays in criticism |
1 |
Essays in literature |
71 |
Essence |
16 |
Estudios biblicos |
8 |
Eternity |
4 |
Ethics |
3 |
Ethnology |
1 |
Ethnomusicology |
2 |
The Etude music magazine |
7 |
Etudes theologiques et religieuses |
2 |
The Europa year book |
2 |
European directory of sustainable and energy efficient building |
13 |
European journal of clinical nutrition |
2 |
European journal of theology = Journal europeen de theologie = Europaische theologische Zeitschrift |
1 |
Evaluation quarterly |
2 |
Evangel : the British evangelical review. |
3 |
Evangelical missions quarterly |
26 |
The Evangelical quarterly |
14 |
Evangelical review of theology |
2 |
Evangelische Kommentare |
4 |
Evangelische Theologie |
1 |
Evangelizing today's child |
9 |
Everything you need to know to score high on the TOEFL |
1 |
Evolution : international journal of organic evolution |
4 |
Ex nihilo |
17 |
Exceptional children |
5 |
Exceptional education quarterly : EEQ |
9 |
The Executive educator |
11 |
Experimental parasitology |
78 |
The Expository times |
3 |
The Expositor |
1 |
Eyelevel : a critical journal of the visual arts |
15 |
FAA aviation news : a DOT/FAA flight standards safety publication |
8 |
Fact book on theological education |
1 |
Facts on File five-year index |
6 |
Faculty dialogue |
1 |
Faith and freedom |
8 |
Faith and mission |
1 |
Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers |
2 |
Faith and thought : journal of the Victoria Institute |
1 |
Families in society : the journal of contemporary human services |
27 |
Family & community health |
24 |
The Family handyman |
1 |
Family ministry : empowering through faith |
8 |
Family preservation journal. |
15 |
Family relations |
2 |
Family safety and health |
2 |
Family studies review yearbook |
10 |
Far Eastern economic review |
7 |
Farm journal |
26 |
The FASEB journal |
8 |
Fast company. |
3 |
FDA consumer |
1 |
Federal probation |
4 |
Feminist theology : the journal of the Britain and Ireland School of Feminist Theology. |
9 |
Fides et historia : official publication of the Conference on Faith and History |
5 |
Film comment |
2 |
Filologia neotestamentaria / Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Cordoba |
7 |
Financial aid for .. |
1 |
Financial management |
8 |
Fine woodworking |
1 |
Fire protection handbook |
3 |
First things : a monthly journal of religion and public life |
24 |
Flying |
1 |
Flyway |
7 |
Focus |
1 |
Fodor's fun in Jamaica |
1 |
Fodor's the Rockies |
1 |
Foi et vie |
2 |
Food culture & history |
5 |
Food management |
8 |
Foot & ankle : the official journal of the American Orthopaedic Foot Society |
50 |
Foot & ankle international / American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society [and] Swiss Foot and Ankle Society |
73 |
Forbes |
7 |
Foreign affairs |
2 |
Foreign language annals |
4 |
Foreign policy |
1 |
Formal methods for open object-based distributed systems |
71 |
Fortune |
1 |
Foundation grants to individuals / compiled by the Foundation Center |
2 |
Foundations |
1 |
France illustration, le monde illustre |
4 |
Frankfurter judaistische Beitrage |
1 |
French forum |
1 |
The French review |
5 |
Freshwater biology |
1 |
Frommer's Europe on $ ... a day |
7 |
Fundamentalist journal |
1 |
The Futurist |
4 |
GA document. Special issue |
3 |
GA Japan : environmental design |
1 |
4 |
Garden design |
1 |
Gender issues |
2 |
General construction ... costbook / BNi, Building News |
3 |
Genetic psychology monographs |
2 |
Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs |
8 |
Genre |
87 |
Gentlemen's quarterly : GQ |
14 |
Geological Society of America bulletin |
17 |
Geology |
13 |
Geriatric nursing |
34 |
Geriatrics |
2 |
German basic course |
45 |
The Gerontologist |
11 |
The Gifted child quarterly |
6 |
Gifted child today |
85 |
Glamour |
2 |
Golden cords |
8 |
Golf magazine |
59 |
Good housekeeping |
25 |
Gourmet |
6 |
Government and opposition |
14 |
Grace theological journal |
1 |
Graduate medical education directory |
4 |
Graduate study in psychology |
130 |
Graphic arts monthly : the magazine of the printing industry |
2 |
Graphis photo |
19 |
Graphis |
2 |
The Greek Orthodox theological review |
4 |
Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies |
6 |
Gregorianum |
4 |
Grounds maintenance |
2 |
Group & organization management |
1 |
Guide to competitions |
2 |
Guide to graduate education in urban and regional planning |
1 |
Guide to nonprofit GAAP |
1 |
Guide to undergraduate and graduate education in urban and regional planning |
18 |
Guideposts |
14 |
Guide |
26 |
Guitar player |
1 |
Hadashot arkheologiyot / Agaf ha-atikot, Misrad ha-hinukh veha-tarbut |
1 |
Handbook - National Association of Schools of Music |
97 |
Harper's bazaar |
8 |
Harper's |
21 |
Harvard business review |
7 |
Harvard educational review |
1 |
Harvard law review |
49 |
The Harvard theological review |
4 |
Health & social work. |
2 |
Health affairs. |
2 |
Health care for women international |
2 |
Health care management review |
4 |
Health progress |
1 |
Health psychology : the official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association |
4 |
Health services research ; HSR |
1 |
Health values |
1 |
Healthcare financial management : journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association |
47 |
Health |
1 |
Heart & lung |
6 |
Hebrew annual review |
6 |
Hebrew studies. |
15 |
Hebrew Union College annual |
1 |
Henoch |
1 |
Herpetologica |
10 |
Hervormde teologiese studies. |
1 |
Heythrop journal; a quarterly review of philosophy and theology |
15 |
Highlights for children |
7 |
Hispania |
1 |
The Hispanic American historical review |
2 |
Hispanic review |
9 |
History and theory |
6 |
History of education quarterly |
2 |
History of religions |
4 |
The History teacher |
11 |
History today |
7 |
Holistic nursing practice |
6 |
Homiletic |
14 |
Horizons in biblical theology |
5 |
Horizons |
4 |
The horn book magazine |
1 |
Horticulture |
1 |
HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science |
2 |
Hospital management |
29 |
Hot rod |
39 |
House beautiful |
1 |
Housing |
1 |
How to be accepted by the college of your choice |
2 |
How to find out about financial aid and funding |
2 |
How to prepare for the GMAT, graduate management admission test [computer file] |
6 |
How |
1 |
HR focus : American Management Association's human resources publication |
3 |
HRMagazine |
9 |
Human communication research |
11 |
Human development |
3 |
Human ecology forum |
1 |
Human organization : journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology |
6 |
Human resource management |
1 |
Human services in the rural environment |
2 |
The Humanist |
1 |
Humor and cartoon markets |
1 |
The Huntington Library quarterly |
2 |
The Hymn |
1 |
The Ibis |
1 |
ID : magazine of international design |
2 |
Ideals |
3 |
Identities : global studies in culture and power |
1 |
IDOC international |
1 |
IEEE computer graphics and applications |
5 |
IEEE spectrum |
1 |
IEEE transactions on computers |
1 |
IEEE transactions on software engineering |
1 |
The Iliff review |
2 |
Illustrators |
1 |
Image--the journal of nursing scholarship |
10 |
Imago musicae |
4 |
Imanuel |
1 |
Imprint |
1 |
Improving college and university teaching |
11 |
Inc |
1 |
Independent school |
12 |
India today international |
4 |
The Indian journal of theology |
10 |
Industrial relations law digest |
10 |
Industry norms and key business ratios |
1 |
InformationWeek |
2 |
Initiatives |
1 |
Innovation : the European journal of social sciences |
3 |
Inquiry |
1 |
Inside the Vatican. |
1 |
Insider's guide to graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology |
1 |
The Insiders' guide to the colleges |
2 |
Insights : a journal of the faculty of Austin Seminary |
37 |
Insight |
5 |
Instructor 1999 |
5 |
Instructor : activities, insights and resources for teachers |
2 |
Instructor |
17 |
The Instrumentalist |
4 |
Interculture |
2 |
Interior design |
2 |
International building code / International Code Council |
3 |
International bulletin of missionary research |
1 |
International business |
1 |
The International collection of interior design |
2 |
The International design yearbook |
6 |
International education |
1 |
International financial statistics yearbook |
1 |
International jobs : where they are and how to get them |
1 |
International journal for parasitology |
4 |
International journal for philosophy of religion |
6 |
The International journal for the psychology of religion |
1 |
The International journal of accounting education and research |
4 |
International journal of American linguistics |
2 |
International journal of early childhood = Revue internationale de l'enfance prescolaire = Revista internacional de la infancia pre-escolar |
12 |
International journal of epidemiology |
1 |
International journal of family therapy |
1 |
International journal of frontier missions |
5 |
International journal of health care quality assurance |
7 |
International journal of health services |
25 |
International journal of intercultural relations : IJIR |
1 |
International journal of Middle East studies |
6 |
International journal of nursing studies |
2 |
International journal of religious education |
1 |
International journal of women's studies |
1 |
International management |
4 |
International nursing review : official journal of the Inernational Council of Nurses. |
3 |
International review of education. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft. Revue internationale de pedagogie |
20 |
International review of missions |
1 |
International review of research in mental retardation |
1 |
The International simulation and gaming research yearbook / SAGSET - The Society for Interactive Learning |
3 |
International social science journal |
1 |
International social work. |
2 |
International who's who in classical music |
4 |
International who's who in music and musicians' directory |
1 |
International who's who in popular music |
1 |
Internationale katholische Zeitschrift |
3 |
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau fur Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete. International review of Biblical studies. Revue internationale des etudes bibliques |
71 |
Interpretation |
4 |
Interpreting : international journal of research and practice in interpreting |
3 |
Invertebrate biology |
1 |
Iranica antiqua |
5 |
Iraq |
1 |
Irish architectural review |
3 |
The Irish theological quarterly |
10 |
Islam & Christian Muslim relations |
16 |
Israel exploration journal |
4 |
Israel oriental studies |
4 |
Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing |
1 |
Issues in mental health nursing |
1 |
IW/industry week |
2 |
Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum |
3 |
Jahrbuch fur Licht und Architektur = Annual of light and architecture |
87 |
JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association |
2 |
JEGP. Journal of English and Germanic philology |
2 |
The Jerusalem cathedra |
1 |
Jerusalem perspective : a monthly report on research into the words of Jesus. |
113 |
Jet |
22 |
Jeune Afrique |
14 |
The Jewish Bible quarterly |
15 |
The Jewish quarterly review |
3 |
Job seeker's guide to private and public companies |
62 |
Joe Weider's muscle & fitness |
1 |
JONA'S healthcare law, ethics, and regulation |
1 |
Journal - American Health Care Association |
3 |
THE journal : technological horizons in education |
1 |
Journal Era |
2 |
Journal for preachers |
1 |
Journal for Semitics = Tydskrif vir Semitistiek. |
2 |
The Journal for specialists in group work |
2 |
Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing |
12 |
Journal for the scientific study of religion |
15 |
Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman period |
17 |
Journal for the study of the New Testament |
48 |
Journal for the study of the Old Testament |
1 |
Journal for the study of the Pseudepigrapha |
28 |
Journal of abnormal psychology |
1 |
The Journal of abnormal psychology |
11 |
Journal of academic librarianship |
4 |
Journal of accountancy |
1 |
Journal of accounting & economics |
5 |
Journal of accounting research |
2 |
Journal of accounting, auditing & finance |
21 |
Journal of adolescence |
2 |
Journal of adolescent & adult literacy |
21 |
Journal of advanced nursing |
32 |
The Journal of Adventist education |
1 |
Journal of advertising research |
5 |
The Journal of aesthetic education |
3 |
The Journal of aesthetics and art criticism |
3 |
The Journal of African American history |
1 |
Journal of African history |
2 |
Journal of African studies |
4 |
Journal of aging & social policy |
1 |
Journal of alcohol and drug education |
13 |
Journal of allied health |
2 |
Journal of American college health : J of ACH |
5 |
The Journal of American history |
1 |
Journal of American studies |
5 |
Journal of anthropological research |
5 |
Journal of applied behavior analysis |
8 |
The Journal of applied behavioral science |
4 |
Journal of applied electrochemistry |
7 |
Journal of applied physics |
1 |
Journal of applied physiology |
1 |
Journal of applied polymer science |
29 |
Journal of applied psychology |
36 |
Journal of applied social psychology |
2 |
Journal of archaeological research. |
2 |
Journal of archaeological science |
2 |
Journal of architectural and planning research |
1 |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
12 |
Journal of autism and childhood schizophrenia |
39 |
Journal of autism and developmental disorders |
8 |
Journal of bacteriology |
2 |
Journal of band research |
3 |
Journal of basic writing |
6 |
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry |
3 |
The Journal of behavioral economics |
10 |
The journal of behavioral health services & research |
4 |
Journal of Bible and religion |
2 |
The Journal of biblical counseling |
210 |
Journal of Biblical literature |
1 |
Journal of biogeography |
1 |
Journal of biomechanics |
7 |
Journal of black studies |
1 |
Journal of bone and joint surgery (A) |
4 |
Journal of bone and joint surgery (B) |
1 |
Journal of broadcasting & electronic media |
3 |
The Journal of business / the School of Business of the University of Chicago |
8 |
The Journal of business communication |
26 |
Journal of business ethics : JBE |
3 |
The Journal of business strategy |
2 |
Journal of calendar reform |
14 |
The Journal of cardiovascular nursing|J. cardiovasc. nurs |
1 |
The Journal of Caribbean history |
1 |
Journal of cellular physiology |
16 |
Journal of chemical education |
16 |
Journal of child language |
1 |
Journal of child sexual abuse. |
5 |
Journal of Christian education |
4 |
Journal of Christian nursing : a quarterly publication of Nurses Christian Fellowship |
1 |
Journal of church music |
8 |
Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology |
15 |
Journal of clinical child psychology |
6 |
Journal of clinical microbiology |
48 |
Journal of clinical psychology |
5 |
The journal of college admission |
13 |
Journal of college science teaching |
26 |
Journal of college student development |
8 |
Journal of college student personnel |
2 |
Journal of communication disorders |
18 |
Journal of communication |
1 |
Journal of community health nursing|J. commun. health nurs |
13 |
Journal of community psychology |
1 |
Journal of comparative family studies |
38 |
Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology |
2 |
Journal of comparative physiology |
2 |
Journal of comparative psychology |
91 |
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology |
3 |
Journal of consulting psychology |
3 |
The Journal of consumer research |
2 |
Journal of contemporary psychotherapy |
3 |
The Journal of continuing education in nursing |
53 |
Journal of counseling and development : JCD |
43 |
Journal of counseling psychology |
2 |
The Journal of creative behavior |
4 |
The Journal of criminal law & criminology/ Northwestern University School of Law |
4 |
Journal of cross-cultural psychology |
2 |
Journal of cuneiform studies |
2 |
Journal of curriculum and supervision |
1 |
Journal of Dharma.|J. Dharma |
3 |
Journal of drug education |
1 |
Journal of drug issues |
6 |
Journal of early Christian studies |
6 |
The Journal of ecclesiastical history |
13 |
The Journal of ecology |
2 |
The Journal of economic education |
1 |
The Journal of economic history |
13 |
Journal of ecumenical studies |
5 |
Journal of education finance |
1 |
Journal of education for business |
2 |
Journal of education for teaching : JET |
1 |
Journal of educational administration and history |
2 |
The Journal of educational administration |
2 |
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics : a quarterly publication sponsored by the American Educational Research Association and the American Statistical Association |
2 |
Journal of educational measurement |
69 |
Journal of educational psychology |
17 |
The Journal of educational research |
14 |
Journal of education |
5 |
The Journal of Egyptian archaeology |
12 |
Journal of emergency nursing |
5 |
Journal of employment counseling |
1 |
Journal of English linguistics |
1 |
The Journal of environmental education |
2 |
Journal of environmental psychology |
4 |
Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work |
6 |
Journal of experimental botany |
3 |
The Journal of experimental education |
8 |
Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition |
7 |
Journal of experimental psychology: general |
2 |
Journal of experimental psychology |
6 |
Journal of experimental social psychology |
5 |
Journal of faith and science exchange |
12 |
Journal of family issues |
5 |
The Journal of family practice |
2 |
Journal of feminist studies in religion. |
1 |
Journal of field archaeology |
21 |
Journal of gay & lesbian psychotherapy |
1 |
The Journal of general education |
2 |
The Journal of general psychology |
3 |
The Journal of genetic psychology |
1 |
The Journal of geography |
3 |
The Journal of geology |
25 |
Journal of gerontological nursing |
14 |
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation |
2 |
Journal of health & social policy. |
1 |
The Journal of health administration education. |
1 |
Journal of health care marketing |
1 |
Journal of health education/ Association for the Advancement of Health Education |
24 |
Journal of health politics, policy and law |
1 |
Journal of healthcare management : the journal of the Foundation of the American College of Healtcare Executives |
10 |
Journal of herpetology |
2 |
The Journal of higher criticism. |
20 |
Journal of higher education policy and management |
23 |
The Journal of higher education |
6 |
Journal of Hispanic/Latino theology / ACHTUS. |
3 |
Journal of historical geography |
8 |
Journal of historical research in music education |
13 |
Journal of homosexuality |
1 |
The Journal of human resources |
2 |
The journal of humanistic counseling, education and development |
11 |
The Journal of humanistic education and development |
5 |
The Journal of humanistic psychology |
3 |
The journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists |
4 |
Journal of industrial teacher education |
15 |
The Journal of infectious diseases : official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America |
4 |
Journal of intergroup relations |
3 |
Journal of interlibrary loan, document delivery & information supply |
3 |
Journal of Jewish communal service. |
21 |
The Journal of Jewish studies |
2 |
Journal of Latin American studies |
1 |
Journal of law & education |
2 |
The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics |
8 |
Journal of leadership & organizational studies |
5 |
The Journal of leadership studies |
33 |
Journal of learning disabilities |
1 |
Journal of linguistics |
3 |
Journal of literacy research |
13 |
Journal of mammalogy |
6 |
Journal of management |
11 |
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics |
32 |
Journal of marital and family therapy |
1 |
Journal of marketing for higher education |
6 |
Journal of marketing |
51 |
Journal of marriage and the family |
1 |
Journal of mathematical physics |
5 |
The Journal of medicine and philosophy |
2 |
Journal of mental health administration. |
10 |
Journal of mental health counseling. |
1 |
The Journal of mental science |
1 |
Journal of midwifery & women's health |
5 |
Journal of ministry in addiction & recovery |
3 |
Journal of ministry marketing & management |
1 |
The Journal of modern history |
2 |
Journal of modern literature |
3 |
Journal of moral education |
2 |
Journal of multicultural counseling and development |
1 |
Journal of multicultural social work |
6 |
The Journal of narrative technique |
23 |
Journal of Near Eastern studies |
14 |
The Journal of Negro education |
1 |
The Journal of nervous and mental disease |
4 |
Journal of neurophysiology |
7 |
Journal of neuroscience research |
2 |
The journal of neuroscience |
19 |
Journal of neurosurgery |
2 |
Journal of non-white concerns in personnel and guidance |
20 |
Journal of northwest semitic languages |
1 |
Journal of nurse-midwifery |
1 |
The Journal of nursing administration |
29 |
The Journal of nursing education |
3 |
Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau |
3 |
Journal of nutrition education and behavior |
12 |
Journal of nutrition education |
6 |
The Journal of nutrition |
3 |
Journal of organic chemistry |
11 |
Journal of organizational behavior management |
27 |
The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy |
2 |
Journal of paleontology |
4 |
The Journal of parasitology |
1 |
The journal of pastoral care & counseling : JPCC |
6 |
The Journal of pastoral care |
2 |
Journal of pastoral theology.|J. pastor. theol |
4 |
Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners |
1 |
The Journal of pediatrics |
40 |
Journal of personality and social psychology |
24 |
Journal of personality assessment |
4 |
Journal of personality |
2 |
Journal of philosophy of education |
3 |
The Journal of philosophy |
4 |
The journal of physical chemistry. A |
2 |
Journal of polymer science. Part A-1, Polymer chemistry |
1 |
Journal of polymer science |
4 |
The Journal of practical nursing |
1 |
Journal of Presbyterian history |
1 |
Journal of Presbyterian history |
4 |
Journal of prevention & intervention in the community |
3 |
The Journal of primary prevention |
11 |
Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing |
9 |
Journal of psychology and Christianity |
33 |
Journal of psychology and theology |
18 |
The Journal of psychology |
26 |
Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services |
15 |
Journal of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy: RET |
9 |
Journal of religion & abuse |
20 |
Journal of religion and health |
1 |
Journal of religion, disability & health |
14 |
The Journal of religion |
2 |
The Journal of religious history |
2 |
Journal of religious studies |
3 |
The Journal of religious thought |
5 |
Journal of research and development in education |
2 |
Journal of research in childhood education : JRCE / Association for Childhood Education International |
5 |
Journal of research in music education |
49 |
Journal of research on Christian education : JRCE |
1 |
Journal of retailing |
7 |
The Journal of school health |
14 |
Journal of school psychology |
13 |
Journal of Semitic studies |
4 |
Journal of sex & marital therapy |
8 |
Journal of sex education and therapy |
1 |
Journal of singing : the official journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing |
1 |
Journal of small business management |
7 |
Journal of social history |
12 |
Journal of social issues |
2 |
Journal of social policy |
17 |
The Journal of social psychology |
2 |
Journal of sociology and social welfare |
2 |
Journal of southern African studies |
5 |
The Journal of special education |
5 |
Journal of speech and hearing research : a publication of the American Speech and Hearing Association |
12 |
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR |
8 |
Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness |
18 |
Journal of strength and conditioning research |
2 |
Journal of studies on alcohol |
8 |
Journal of supervision and training in ministry |
6 |
Journal of teacher education |
4 |
Journal of technology in human services |
2 |
Journal of tertiary educational administration |
48 |
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society |
17 |
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
8 |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
5 |
The Journal of the American College Health Association |
9 |
Journal of the American College of Nutrition. |
49 |
Journal of the American Dietetic Association |
24 |
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society |
3 |
Journal of the American Institute of Planners |
3 |
Journal of the American Musicological Society |
1 |
The journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society |
9 |
Journal of the American Oriental Society |
1 |
Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation |
14 |
The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society |
1 |
Journal of the Canadian Dietetic Association |
1 |
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions. II, Molecular and chemical physics |
56 |
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society |
3 |
Journal of the history of ideas |
1 |
The journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center |
1 |
Journal of the International Phonetic Association |
1 |
The Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society |
2 |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland |
2 |
Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses |
5 |
Journal of the West |
48 |
Journal of theological studies |
6 |
Journal of theology for Southern Africa |
3 |
Journal of theoretical biology |
3 |
Journal of thought |
3 |
Journal of translation and textlinguistics. |
2 |
The Journal of trauma |
6 |
Journal of urban history |
1 |
Journal of vertebrate paleontology. |
16 |
Journal of vocational behavior |
8 |
Journal of wildlife diseases |
10 |
Journal of youth and adolescence |
7 |
Journalism and mass communication educator |
8 |
Journalism and mass communication quarterly |
1 |
The Journalism quarterly |
2 |
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences |
3 |
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences |
1 |
JRB, journal of reading behavior |
2 |
Judaica; Beitrage zum Verstandnis des judischen Schicksals in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart |
12 |
Judaism |
1 |
Judicature |
2 |
Junior Missionary Volunteer handbook |
3 |
Kairos; Zeitschrift fur Religionswissenschaft und Theologie |
1 |
Katallagete |
1 |
Kerk en theologie |
2 |
Kerux |
1 |
Kerygma und Dogma |
15 |
Kiplinger's personal finance |
2 |
Klio |
2 |
Knowledge quest : Journal of the American Association of School Librarians |
1 |
L'Arca |
37 |
L'Express |
1 |
L'Osservatore romano. |
1 |
La voz del colegio [yearbook]|La voz de la UAP |
35 |
Laboratory medicine |
36 |
Ladies' home journal |
41 |
Lake union herald |
14 |
The lancet |
2 |
Landscape architecture |
2 |
Language and speech |
9 |
Language arts |
88 |
Language learning |
4 |
Language, speech & hearing services in schools |
13 |
Language |
7 |
Latin American music review. Revista de musica latinoamericana |
2 |
Latin American research review |
3 |
Laval theologique et philosophique |
4 |
Le Museon |
39 |
Leadership : a practical journal for church leaders |
1 |
The Leadership quarterly |
1 |
Learning & training innovations |
2 |
Learning and leading with technology : the ISTE journal of educational technology practice and policy |
1 |
Learning disability quarterly : journal of the Division for Children with Learning Disabilities |
4 |
Learning |
18 |
Levant |
2 |
Lexington theological quarterly |
14 |
Liber annuus |
3 |
Liberal education |
21 |
Liberty |
2 |
Library administration & management |
14 |
Library journal |
1 |
Library mosaics |
1 |
Library of Congress information bulletin |
14 |
Library technology reports |
3 |
Library trends |
4 |
Lifelong learning |
192 |
Life |
1 |
Linguistics |
4 |
Listen |
2 |
The Living pulpit. |
2 |
Long range planning |
3 |
Loss, grief & care |
4 |
Louvain studies |
1 |
Lutheran education |
2 |
Lutheran forum. |
3 |
Lutheran quarterly |
1 |
Lutheran theological journal.|Lutheran theol. j |
2 |
LWF documentation |
18 |
Machine design |
32 |
Maclean's |
82 |
Macworld |
1 |
Magazine of history / Organization of American Historians |
2 |
Magazines career directory |
6 |
The mailbox teacher |
1 |
Making a difference college guide |
6 |
Man-environment systems |
2 |
Managed care quarterly. |
7 |
Management review |
10 |
Management science |
1 |
Manual of nursing diagnosis / Marjory Gordon |
1 |
Man |
3 |
Marketing news / American Marketing Association |
4 |
Marriage & family : a Christian journal |
13 |
Marriage & family review |
1 |
Mass communication & society |
1 |
The Massachusetts review |
6 |
The Master's seminary journal.|Master's semin. j |
1 |
Masterguide. Northeast : the official specifying and buying directory of the American Institute of Architects |
1 |
Maternal-child nursing journal |
1 |
Mathematics magazine |
6 |
The Mathematics teacher |
2 |
McCall's |
5 |
MCN, the American journal of maternal child nursing |
6 |
MEA voice |
3 |
Means assemblies cost data |
2 |
Means landscape cost data |
2 |
Means mechanical cost data |
12 |
Means square foot costs : residential, commercial, industrial, institutional |
4 |
Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development |
1 |
Measurement and evaluation in guidance |
11 |
Mechanical engineering |
23 |
Mediaweek |
11 |
Medical care |
5 |
The Medical clinics of North America |
1 |
Medical economics |
6 |
Medical school admission requirements, United States and Canada |
2 |
Medicine and science in sports and exercise |
1 |
Medieval philosophy and theology |
3 |
Meet Germany |
1 |
Melanges de l'Universite Saint-Joseph |
2 |
Melita theologica : the review of the Royal University Students' Theological Association, Malta. |
2 |
Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada |
1 |
Memphis Theological Seminary journal |
54 |
The Mennonite quarterly review |
35 |
The ... Mental measurements yearbook |
2 |
The Merck index |
1 |
Mergent transportation manual |
1 |
Mergent's industry review |
2 |
Merrill-Palmer quarterly, behavior and development |
3 |
Messages on evangelism / delivered at Florida Baptist Evangelistic Conference |
15 |
Message |
1 |
Method & theory in the study of religion |
1 |
Methodist history |
3 |
Michigan academician |
3 |
Michigan archaeologist |
19 |
Michigan botanist |
4 |
Michigan natural resources |
7 |
Michigan nurse |
1 |
Michigan official directory and legislative manual |
1 |
Michigan quarterly review |
1 |
Michigan senior resource directory |
1 |
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification study guide. Early, elementary, and middle level education |
1 |
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification study guide. Fine arts, healt, and physical education |
1 |
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification study guide. Foreign languages |
1 |
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification study guide. Mathematics and sciences |
1 |
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification study guide. Social sciences |
1 |
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification study guide. Special education |
1 |
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification study guide. Technical and vocational education |
2 |
Microbiology and molecular biology reviews : MMBR |
2 |
Mid-America adventist outlook |
1 |
Mid-America journal of theology |
1 |
Mid-stream |
1 |
The Middle East journal |
15 |
Midwest living |
8 |
The Midwest quarterly |
3 |
Military chaplains' review |
1 |
Mimar |
1 |
The Ministers manual (Doran's) |
128 |
Ministry |
1 |
Minority student opportunities in United States medical schools |
1 |
Miscelanea de estudios arabes y hebraicos |
1 |
Miscellaneous publications / University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology |
4 |
Missiology |
1 |
Mission handbook. U.S. and Canadian Christian ministries overseas |
1 |
Mission studies : journal of the International Association for Mission Studies / IAMS |
6 |
Missionalia/ the South African Missiological Society |
2 |
MIT Sloan management review |
3 |
Mitteilungen |
1 |
5 |
16 |
Model airplane news |
2 |
Model railroader |
52 |
Modern bride |
1 |
The Modern churchman |
19 |
Modern fiction studies |
1 |
Modern healthcare |
1 |
Modern hospital |
8 |
The Modern language journal |
2 |
Modern language notes |
5 |
Modern language quarterly |
2 |
The Modern language review |
1 |
Modern plastics |
4 |
Modern theology |
24 |
Money |
1 |
The Monist.|Monist |
1 |
Monumenta monodica medii aevi. Hrsg. im Auftrag des Instituts fur Musikforschung Regensburg mit Unterstutzung der Musikgeschichtlichen Kommission von Bruno Stablein |
2 |
Moody monthly |
1 |
Moral education forum |
32 |
The Mother earth news |
5 |
Mother Jones |
14 |
Motor boating |
113 |
Motor trend |
2 |
Mountain Echo |
16 |
Ms |
5 |
Music & letters |
24 |
Music educators journal |
1 |
Music theory spectrum|Spectrum |
2 |
Music therapy; book of proceedings |
22 |
Musical America. International directory of the performing arts |
8 |
The Musical quarterly |
1 |
Nachrichten von der Konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der G.A. Universitat zu Gottingen |
8 |
NASSP bulletin |
1 |
National building cost manual |
1 |
National civic review |
1 |
National directory of children, youth & families services |
1 |
The National faculty directory |
24 |
National geographic kids |
73 |
National geographic traveler |
2 |
National geographic world |
144 |
National geographic |
1 |
The National guide to educational credit for training programs |
1 |
The national job hotline directory / Marcia P. Williams, Sue A. Cubbage |
29 |
National parks : [the magazine of the National Parks & Conservation Association] |
5 |
National review |
1 |
National union catalog of manuscript collections |
8 |
National wildlife |
36 |
The nation |
1 |
The Natural healing annual |
7 |
Natural history |
4 |
Natural home |
1 |
The Naturalist |
5 |
Nature study |
122 |
Nature |
1 |
NEA handbook |
3 |
NEA today : a newspaper for members of the National Education Association |
3 |
Near East Archaeological Society bulletin |
5 |
Nederlands theologisch tijdschrift |
1 |
Need a lift? |
1 |
The Negro educational review |
5 |
Negro history bulletin |
4 |
Neotestamentica |
1 |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik : NZ |
3 |
Neue Zeitschrift fur systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie |
17 |
New African |
80 |
The new American |
2 |
New documents illustrating early Christianity |
105 |
The New England journal of medicine |
2 |
The New England quarterly |
12 |
New literary history |
1 |
New Oxford review |
7 |
The new republic |
23 |
New statesman |
5 |
New Testament abstracts |
93 |
New Testament studies |
14 |
The New York review of books |
5 |
New York State conservationist |
1 |
The New York times index |
10 |
The New York times magazine |
1 |
The New York Times Upfront |
24 |
The New York times [microfilm] |
50 |
The New Yorker |
23 |
New York |
2 |
The Newberry Library bulletin |
253 |
Newsweek |
2 |
Nineteenth-century fiction |
3 |
Nineteenth-century literature |
20 |
Non-Barcoded Bound Periodical |
1 |
The Noncom's guide |
1 |
Norsk teologisk tidsskrift |
3 |
The North American review |
224 |
North Pacific Union gleaner |
10 |
Notes and queries |
8 |
Notes |
1 |
Nouvelle revue theologique |
3 |
Nova religio : NR : the journal of alternative and emergent religions. |
1 |
Novel; a forum on fiction |
46 |
Novum Testamentum |
3 |
Numen |
3 |
Nurse educator |
4 |
The Nurse practitioner |
1 |
Nursing & health care : the supplement |
1 |
Nursing ... drug handbook |
6 |
Nursing administration quarterly |
6 |
The Nursing clinics of North America |
1 |
Nursing data review |
3 |
Nursing economic$ |
4 |
Nursing education perspectives |
1 |
Nursing forum |
1 |
Nursing homes : long term care management |
18 |
Nursing management |
5 |
Nursing mirror and midwives journal |
11 |
Nursing outlook |
33 |
Nursing research |
8 |
Nursing RSA = Verpleging RSA |
7 |
Nursing science quarterly |
11 |
Nursing times : NT |
1 |
Nursing times |
21 |
Nursing |
3 |
Nutrition reports international |
1 |
Nutrition research reviews |
22 |
Nutrition reviews |
31 |
Nutrition today |
92 |
O : the Oprah magazine |
1 |
Obsidian II |
2 |
Occupational outlook handbook |
1 |
Oceania |
5 |
The OECD observer |
3 |
Official American Bar Association guide to approved law schools / prepared by the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar in cooperation with the Office of the Consultant on Legal Education to the American Bar Association |
1 |
Official basketball and officials rating guide for women and girls |
2 |
Official guide to undergraduate and graduate nursing schools / National League for Nursing |
12 |
Ogonek |
3 |
Okumenische Rundschau |
8 |
Old Testament essays / by the Dept. of Old Testament, University of South Africa |
3 |
The Old-house journal |
1 |
Omega |
9 |
Oncology nursing forum |
9 |
One in Christ |
1 |
One world |
5 |
Online |
1 |
Ontario archaeology |
2 |
The Organ yearbook |
4 |
Organic gardening and farming |
1 |
Organic gardening |
10 |
Organic gardening |
3 |
Organizational dynamics |
1 |
Oriens Christianus |
1 |
Orientalia Suecana |
10 |
Orientalia |
1 |
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung |
19 |
Origins / CNS documentary service |
7 |
Origins : journal of the Biblical Creation Society. |
51 |
Origins |
1 |
Ornis Scandinavica |
1 |
The Orthodox word. |
6 |
The Orthopedic clinics of North America |
6 |
Orthopedic nursing/ National Association of Orthopedic Nurses |
7 |
Orthopedics |
2 |
The Other side |
1 |
Oudheidkundige mededeelingen |
26 |
Outdoor photographer. |
39 |
Outlook / Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists |
1 |
Oz / College of Architecture and Design, Kansas State University |
2 |
Pacific historical review |
1 |
Pacific marine fishes. [By] Warren Burgess and Herbert R. Axelrod |
292 |
Pacific Union recorder |
2 |
Pacifica : journal of the Melbourne College of Divinity. |
1 |
Paleobiology |
19 |
Palestine exploration quarterly |
2 |
Papers of the American Society of Church History |
1 |
Parabola |
7 |
Parasitology |
2 |
Parents magazine |
49 |
Paris-match |
2 |
Past & present |
13 |
Pastoral psychology |
2 |
Patterson's American education |
1 |
Patterson's elementary education |
85 |
PC magazine : the independent guide to IBM-standard personal computing |
79 |
PC world |
24 |
PCphoto. |
9 |
Peabody journal of education |
2 |
The Pediatric clinics of North America |
2 |
Pediatric nursing |
3 |
Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association |
22 |
Pediatrics |
1 |
The Penguin guide to compact discs and cassettes |
1 |
The Penrose annual; review of the graphic arts |
8 |
People weekly |
237 |
People |
44 |
Perceptual and motor skills |
1 |
Performance practice review |
6 |
Perkins journal |
5 |
The Personnel and guidance journal |
3 |
Personnel journal |
12 |
Personnel psychology |
3 |
Personnel |
1 |
Perspecta |
67 |
Perspective digest |
3 |
Perspectives in psychiatric care |
9 |
Perspectives in religious studies |
2 |
Perspectives on science and Christian faith : journal of the American Scientific Affiliation |
2 |
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health |
7 |
Perspectives |
98 |
Petersen's photographic |
1 |
Peterson's college money handbook |
1 |
Peterson's directory of college & university administrators |
7 |
Peterson's GMAT CAT success |
9 |
Peterson's grants for graduate & postdoctoral study |
1 |
Peterson's guide to four-year colleges |
4 |
Peterson's guide to nursing programs |
2 |
Peterson's internships |
1 |
Peterson's job opportunities for engineering and computer science majors |
2 |
Peterson's scholarship almanac |
2 |
Peterson's scholarships, grants & prizes |
1 |
Peterson's study abroad : a guide to semester and yearlong academic programs |
13 |
Phi Delta Kappan |
10 |
Philological quarterly |
1 |
Philosophical magazine letters |
1 |
Philosophical magazine. A, Physics of condensed matter, defects and mechanical properties |
3 |
The Philosophical quarterly |
1 |
Philosophy & public affairs |
2 |
Philosophy & rhetoric |
5 |
Philosophy and phenomenological research |
9 |
Philosophy of music education review. |
2 |
Philosophy |
13 |
Photo electronic imaging |
3 |
Photochemistry and photobiology |
1 |
Photomethods |
7 |
Physical & occupational therapy in geriatrics |
3 |
Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics |
8 |
Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America |
35 |
Physical medicine and rehabilitation |
1 |
Physical review. A, General physics |
1 |
Physical review. D, Particles and fields |
8 |
The Physical therapy review |
66 |
Physical therapy |
4 |
The Physician and sportsmedicine |
5 |
Physics education |
8 |
Physics world |
4 |
Physiologia plantarum |
2 |
Physiological and biochemical zoology : PBZ |
8 |
Physiotherapy (British) |
3 |
Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada |
4 |
Physiotherapy practice |
2 |
Physiotherapy theory and practice |
1 |
The Plain truth |
8 |
Planning & changing |
8 |
Planning for higher education |
2 |
Plant and cell physiology |
2 |
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture |
1 |
The Plant cell |
3 |
Plant physiology |
1 |
Plants & gardens |
1 |
Pneuma; the journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies |
2 |
Poet lore |
2 |
Poetics |
6 |
Poetry |
1 |
Policy & practice of public human services : the journal of the American Public Human Services Association |
8 |
Political science quarterly |
5 |
Political theory |
30 |
Popular mechanics |
144 |
Popular photography & imaging |
23 |
Popular photography |
96 |
Popular science |
3 |
Popular song index. Supplement |
1 |
Power |
2 |
The Practical accountant |
1 |
Prairie schooner |
3 |
Preaching |
4 |
Prevention in human services |
2 |
Priests & people |
12 |
The Princeton Seminary bulletin |
5 |
The Princeton theological review |
2 |
Principal leadership: high school ed. |
2 |
Principal |
2 |
Print's best letterheads & business cards |
9 |
Print |
3 |
Pro file : the official directory of the American Institute of Architects |
11 |
Proceedings / Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society |
1 |
Proceedings of ... annual conference academic chairpersons |
2 |
Proceedings of the ... annual convention / Religious Education Association |
1 |
Proceedings of the ... International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) |
1 |
Proceedings of the ... World Congress of Jewish Studies |
2 |
Proceedings of the annual meeting : National Association of Schools of Music |
2 |
Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association |
8 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
1 |
Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles |
1 |
Process studies |
1 |
Professional and occupational licensing directory |
1 |
Professional ethics |
15 |
Professional psychology, research and practice |
1 |
Professional roofing/ National Roofing Contractors Association |
13 |
Professional school counseling |
7 |
Progressive architecture |
5 |
The Progressive |
1 |
Prooftexts. |
5 |
Provider / American Health Care Association. |
1 |
PS, political science & politics |
3 |
Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association. |
15 |
Psychological bulletin |
39 |
Psychological reports |
18 |
Psychological review |
8 |
Psychology & marketing |
12 |
Psychology in the schools |
7 |
Psychology of women quarterly |
33 |
Psychology today |
1 |
Psychosomatic medicine |
18 |
Psychotherapy networker |
2 |
Public administration review |
2 |
Public health reports |
1 |
Public opinion quarterly |
2 |
Public relations career directory |
7 |
The Public relations journal |
27 |
Public relations quarterly |
1 |
Public relations research annual |
25 |
Public relations review |
1 |
Public welfare |
12 |
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America |
2 |
Publish! |
10 |
Publishers weekly |
1 |
Pulpit digest |
4 |
Purchasing |
1 |
QOL : revista Mecicana de estudios Biblicos |
15 |
1 |
The Quarterly journal of economics |
2 |
The Quarterly journal of speech |
29 |
Quarterly review : QR |
5 |
Quarterly statement - Palestine Exploration Fund |
4 |
Queen's quarterly |
2 |
Radiologic technology |
1 |
RE:view |
18 |
Reaching today's youth. |
34 |
Reader's digest : das beste fur Deutschland |
86 |
The Reader's digest |
5 |
Readers' guide to periodical literature |
3 |
Reading research quarterly |
10 |
The Reading teacher |
1 |
Readings in psychology |
1 |
Recherches augustiniennes |
210 |
Record |
1 |
Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et a l'archeologie egyptiennes et assyriennes |
49 |
Redbook : the magazine for young adults |
3 |
Reference & user services quarterly |
20 |
Reformation & revival. |
2 |
The Reformed journal |
6 |
The Reformed review; a journal of the seminaries of the Reformed Church in America |
5 |
The Reformed theological review |
2 |
Reformed world |
2 |
Rehab management |
11 |
Rehabilitation nursing |
2 |
Religion & literature |
1 |
Religion & theology = Religie & teologie : R & T. |
1 |
Religion in communist lands |
7 |
Religion in life |
4 |
Religion index one. Periodicals. |
1 |
Religion, state & society : the Keston journal |
5 |
Religion |
14 |
Religious education |
1 |
Religious humanism |
3 |
Religious studies and theology. |
6 |
Religious studies review |
15 |
Religious studies |
1 |
Remedial and special education : RASE |
3 |
Renaissance and Reformation |
1 |
Report of the Department of Public Improvements of the State of Maryland |
5 |
Report on the ... annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Teaching |
3 |
Reproduction, fertility, and development |
2 |
Republic of China |
5 |
Research and theory for nursing practice |
1 |
Research in consumer behavior |
41 |
Research in higher education |
3 |
Research in nursing & health |
1 |
Research in organizational behavior |
1 |
Research in organizational change and development |
1 |
Research in parapsychology |
1 |
Research in the social scientific study of religion |
2 |
Research management |
5 |
Research on aging |
10 |
Research on social work practice. |
2 |
Research program - National Research Council Canada, Division of Building Research |
7 |
Research quarterly for exercise and sport |
5 |
Restaurants & institutions |
13 |
Restoration quarterly |
3 |
Review - Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations |
34 |
Review and expositor |
18 |
Review and herald |
1 |
The Review of Black political economy |
4 |
Review of educational research |
1 |
The Review of English studies |
9 |
Review of higher education : a bulletin of the Association for the Study of Higher Education |
2 |
The Review of radical political economics |
19 |
Review of religious research |
2 |
Review of research in education |
2 |
Review of scientific instruments |
3 |
Revista biblica |
1 |
Revista iberoamericana |
3 |
Revue benedictine |
33 |
Revue biblique/ publiee par l'Ecole pratique d'etudes bibliques |
1 |
Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale |
2 |
Revue d'egyptologie |
5 |
Revue d'histoire de l'Eglise de France |
1 |
Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique |
5 |
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses |
8 |
Revue de Qumran |
1 |
Revue de theologie et de philosophie |
6 |
Revue des sciences religieuses |
6 |
Revue theologique de Louvain |
1 |
Rhetoric review |
3 |
Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America |
2 |
Rivista biblica (italiana) |
1 |
RN-CAT exam [computer file] |
15 |
RN |
117 |
Road and track |
3 |
Roeper review |
123 |
Rolling stone |
3 |
Romance notes |
2 |
RSP funding for nursing students and nurses |
157 |
Runner's world |
3 |
The Rural educator |
2 |
Rural sociology |
8 |
S D : space design |
1 |
SA. Sociological analysis |
2 |
Sage |
31 |
Sailing world |
1 |
The Saint Luke's journal of theology |
3 |
Sales & marketing management |
1 |
Sardis; publications of the American Society for the Excavation of Sardis |
21 |
The Saturday evening post |
2 |
Saturday night |
1 |
Saudi Aramco world |
15 |
Scandinavian journal of the Old Testament : SJOT |
4 |
Scholarly inquiry for nursing practice |
4 |
The Scholarship book : the complete guide to private-sector scholarships, grants, and loans for undergraduates |
1 |
Scholarships and loans for nursing education |
2 |
Scholarships, fellowships, and loans |
3 |
Scholastic coach and athletic director |
1 |
Scholastic update |
7 |
The School counselor |
3 |
School food service journal |
6 |
School library journal |
3 |
School library media quarterly : journal of the American Association of School Librarians |
6 |
School psychology quarterly : the official journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. |
11 |
School psychology review |
1 |
School science and mathematics |
1 |
Science & Christian belief |
4 |
Science & theology news |
37 |
Science and children |
5 |
Science digest |
16 |
Science education |
8 |
Science et esprit/ Les Facultes de theologie et de philosophie de la Compagnie de Jesus de Montreal et des Trois-Rivieres |
15 |
Science news |
27 |
The Science teacher |
144 |
Science |
69 |
Scientific American |
41 |
Scottish journal of theology |
1 |
Scribner's magazine |
7 |
Scriptura : tydskrif vir bybelkunde.|Scriptura |
7 |
Scripture |
2 |
Searching together |
1 |
The Second century |
18 |
Semeia |
6 |
Semitica |
17 |
Semitics |
1 |
Senior scholastic |
1 |
The Serials librarian |
1 |
The Sermon builder |
96 |
Seventeen |
13 |
Sex roles |
67 |
Shakespeare quarterly |
2 |
Shenandoah |
2 |
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis |
7 |
Sierra |
49 |
Signs of the times |
3 |
Signs|Signs |
9 |
The Sixteenth century journal |
1 |
The Skeptic. |
4 |
Skiing |
1 |
Ski |
4 |
Sky and telescope |
1 |
Sleep |
6 |
Sloan management review |
31 |
SmartMoney. |
32 |
Smithsonian |
26 |
Social behavior and personality |
1 |
Social biology |
9 |
Social casework |
1 |
Social compass |
11 |
Social education |
2 |
Social forces |
2 |
Social indicators of development |
3 |
Social policy |
2 |
Social problems |
8 |
Social psychology quarterly |
4 |
Social research |
1 |
Social science quarterly |
1 |
The Social service review |
16 |
The social studies : a periodical for teachers and administrators |
5 |
Social work in health care |
6 |
Social work with groups |
11 |
Social work |
1 |
Society for Ethnomusicology membership directory with index to membership interests |
5 |
Society |
1 |
Sociological quarterly |
1 |
Sociology and social research |
8 |
Sociology of education |
8 |
Sociology of religion |
3 |
Sojourners |
1 |
Solar age |
10 |
Sound & vision |
4 |
Sourozh |
1 |
The South East Asia journal of theology |
7 |
The Southern Baptist journal of theology. |
3 |
The Southern review |
22 |
Southern tidings |
3 |
Southwest review |
24 |
Southwestern journal of theology |
98 |
Southwestern Union record |
1 |
Spazio e societa|Espaces et scoetes |
1 |
Specification tested products guide |
98 |
Spectrum : journal of the Association of Adventist Forums |
1 |
Spectrum |
3 |
Speculum |
49 |
Spine |
1 |
Spiritus |
15 |
The Sporting news |
100 |
Sports illustrated |
1 |
The Springfielder |
6 |
St. Vladimir's theological quarterly |
3 |
Standard & Poor's 500 guide / Standard & Poor's |
1 |
Standard & Poor's industry surveys |
2 |
Standards for safety, catalog |
3 |
State legislative report |
3 |
State nursing legislation quarterly |
1 |
State of the world : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society |
2 |
State-approved schools of nursing-R.N |
1 |
The Statesman's year-book |
1 |
Statistical abstract of the United States |
3 |
Statistical yearbook. Annuaire statistique |
1 |
The Status of children, youth, and families |
2 |
Steinbeck quarterly |
1 |
Step inside design |
2 |
Stocks, bonds, bills, and inflation ... yearbook |
3 |
Stone-Campbell journal : SCJ |
4 |
The Strad directory |
25 |
The Strad |
2 |
Strategic finance |
3 |
Strategic management journal |
5 |
Strength and conditioning journal |
6 |
Strings |
7 |
Stroke |
1 |
The student from school to college|College admissions |
11 |
Student movement |
3 |
Studia biblica et theologica |
2 |
Studia islamica |
1 |
Studia liturgica |
1 |
Studia musicologica Norvegica |
2 |
Studia orientalia Christiana. Collectanea |
6 |
Studia Swedenborgiana |
6 |
Studia theologica |
2 |
Studies in American fiction |
8 |
Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 |
1 |
Studies in literature |
3 |
Studies in philology |
3 |
Studies in religion. Sciences religieuses |
1 |
Studies in romanticism |
5 |
Studies in short fiction |
1 |
Studies in the history and archaeology of Jordan |
17 |
Studies in the novel |
2 |
Studies in third world societies |
1 |
Studio photography & design |
1 |
Studio work |
9 |
Style |
3 |
Successful farming |
9 |
Suicide & life-threatening behavior |
3 |
Sumer |
1 |
Summary of proceedings. Annual conference / American Theological Library Association |
1 |
Summer jobs USA |
1 |
Summit |
1 |
The Sunday school times |
23 |
Sunset |
1 |
Supervisor nurse |
5 |
The Supplement to the ... Mental measurements yearbook |
1 |
Supreme Court reporter |
2 |
Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics |
3 |
The Surgical clinics of North America |
3 |
Survey of arts administration training / Center for Arts Administration, Graduate School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Association of Arts Administration Educators |
1 |
The survey of distance learning programs in higher education |
4 |
Svensk exegetisk arsbok |
8 |
Syllabus |
1 |
Symposium on creation |
6 |
Systematic biology |
17 |
Systematic botany |
2 |
Systems research and behavioral science |
1 |
T+D : better performance through workplace learning / ASTD |
1 |
T.S. Eliot review |
6 |
Taiwan review |
30 |
Taxon |
5 |
Teacher education quarterly |
5 |
Teaching children mathematics |
4 |
Teaching elementary physical education : TEPE |
8 |
Teaching exceptional children |
4 |
Teaching history |
5 |
Teaching music |
7 |
Teaching pre-K-8 |
1 |
Teaching theology & religion |
1 |
The ... team and organization development sourcebook |
3 |
Tech directions |
6 |
Technology & learning |
14 |
The Technology teacher : a journal of the American Industrial Arts Association |
2 |
TechTrends : for leaders in education & training |
3 |
Tel Aviv |
12 |
Television quarterly |
1 |
Temenos |
1 |
Tempo |
25 |
Tennis |
48 |
TESOL journal |
42 |
TESOL quarterly/ Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages |
3 |
Texas studies in literature and language |
1 |
Text and performance quarterly : TPQ |
1 |
Theatre journal |
9 |
Themelios |
1 |
Theological education in America |
52 |
Theological education |
3 |
The Theological educator |
4 |
Theological review/ the Near East School of Theology |
15 |
Theological studies |
4 |
Theologika |
8 |
Theologische Literaturzeitung |
1 |
Theologische Quartalschrift |
4 |
Theologische Rundschau |
7 |
Theologische Zeitschrift |
5 |
Theology & sexuality : the journal of the Institute for the Study of Christianity and Sexuality. |
2 |
Theology digest |
11 |
Theology today |
13 |
Theology |
1 |
Theory into practice |
11 |
These times |
1 |
The Thomist |
2 |
The Thoreau quarterly |
4 |
The Thoreau Society bulletin |
3 |
Thresholds |
4 |
Thrust for educational leadership |
50 |
Tied/Boxed Periodical |
2 |
The Time almanac |
7 |
The Times educational supplement |
294 |
Time |
12 |
TLS, the Times literary supplement |
1 |
Today's Christian doctor |
15 |
TOEFL success |
10 |
Topics in language disorders |
4 |
The Torah u-madda journal |
2 |
Total health |
10 |
Touchstone/ Heritage and Theology in a New Age |
43 |
Town & country |
2 |
Toxicon |
4 |
Track & field coaches review : official publication, United States Track Coaches Association |
12 |
Track & field quarterly review/ the United States Track Coaches Association |
4 |
Tradition |
1 |
Traditio |
1 |
Training and development journal |
2 |
Training |
1 |
Transformation |
1 |
The Travel magazine |
1 |
Trends in ecology & evolution (Reference ed.) |
2 |
Trends in ecology & evolution |
16 |
Trends in neurosciences |
1 |
Tri-quarterly/ Northwestern University |
10 |
Trial/ the American Trial Lawyers Association |
10 |
Trinity journal |
9 |
Trinity Seminary review |
3 |
TSF bulletin |
39 |
TV guide |
6 |
Twentieth century literature |
4 |
Twentieth-century literary criticism |
30 |
Tyndale bulletin |
1 |
U.S. Catholic |
148 |
U.S. news & world report |
11 |
Ugarit-Forschungen |
3 |
UN chronicle |
1 |
The Unesco courier |
6 |
Union Seminary quarterly review |
1 |
United States banker |
1 |
The United States in world affairs |
1 |
United States treaties and other international agreements |
2 |
University business |
16 |
USA today |
9 |
The Utne reader |
7 |
Utne |
4 |
The Value line investment survey |
52 |
Vegetarian times |
25 |
Veja |
118 |
Vetus Testamentum |
15 |
Vibrant Life |
1 |
The Victorian newsletter |
1 |
Victorian poetry |
1 |
Victorian studies |
5 |
The Video librarian |
2 |
Vidyajyoti |
1 |
Viewpoints in teaching and learning |
4 |
Vigiliae Christianae |
1 |
The Virginia quarterly review |
25 |
Visitor (Columbia Union) |
1 |
Vital speeches of the day |
4 |
The Vocational guidance quarterly |
2 |
VocEd |
79 |
Vogue |
7 |
The Volta review |
1 |
Volume of proceedings of the Music teachers' national association ... Annual meeting of the year .. |
1 |
Vox evangelica |
12 |
The Wall Street journal (microfilm) |
5 |
Washington information directory |
4 |
Weatherwise |
1 |
WEFA industrial monitor |
4 |
Wesleyan theological journal |
7 |
West Africa |
17 |
West's education law reporter |
1 |
Western humanities review |
3 |
Western journal of nursing research |
32 |
The Westminster theological journal |
1 |
What color is your parachute? / Richard Nelson Bolles |
1 |
Who's who of American women; a biographical dictionary of notable living American women |
2 |
Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes |
3 |
The William and Mary quarterly |
3 |
The Wilson bulletin |
3 |
Wilson library bulletin |
1 |
Wind energy systems; program summary |
63 |
Wired. |
5 |
Women & health |
1 |
Women in business/ American Business Women's Association |
15 |
Women of spirit |
1 |
Women's studies quarterly |
13 |
Women's studies |
1 |
Wood design manual |
2 |
The Woodbook |
1 |
Woolf studies annual |
9 |
Word & world |
1 |
The Wordsworth circle |
2 |
Work your way around the world / by Susan Griffith ; with David Woodworth, Charles James and Simon Calder |
27 |
Workbench |
7 |
Working mother |
8 |
Working woman |
2 |
World affairs |
3 |
The World almanac & book of facts |
1 |
World archaeology |
1 |
World architecture |
2 |
World architecture|World architecture (London. 1989) |
3 |
The world around us |
3 |
World development report |
1 |
World literature today |
1 |
World policy journal |
5 |
World press review |
1 |
The World radio and television annual |
2 |
The World year book of education |
20 |
Worship |
31 |
The Writer's digest |
7 |
The Writer's market |
54 |
The Writer |
7 |
Written communication |
1 |
Yale French studies |
3 |
The Yale law journal |
8 |
The Yale review |
4 |
YC young children / journal of the National Assocation for the Education of Young Children |
3 |
Yearbook of American and Canadian churches |
1 |
Yearbook of liturgical studies |
1 |
The Yearbook of school law |
68 |
Yearbook of the Seventh-day Adventist Church |
7 |
Yeats Eliot review |
1 |
Young children |
1 |
Youth & society |
5 |
Youth studies Australia. |
1 |
Youth's instructor |
1 |
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins |
1 |
Zeitschrift fuer Althebraistik |
8 |
Zeitschrift fur agyptische sprache und altertumskunde |
2 |
Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archaologie |
84 |
Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft |
14 |
Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde des Urchristentums |
1 |
Zeitschrift fur evangelische Ethik |
1 |
Zeitschrift fur Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft |
1 |
Zeitschrift fur Religions- und Geistesgeschichte |
5 |
Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche |
1 |
Ziff Davis smart business |
1 |
The Zoological record |
8 |
Zygon |