World Mission Publications

Bauer, Bruce L., DMiss
Professor of World Mission

Biblical Principles for Missiological Issues in Africa. Co-edited with Wagner Kuhn. Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University. 2015.

“Biblical Responses to Demonization.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

“Cultural Considerations and Women’s Ordination.” Co-authored with Boubakar Sanou. Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 1 (2015): 175–182.

“Cultural Considerations and Women’s Ordination.” Co-authored with Boubakar Sanou. Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 16, no. 2 (2013): 153–161. (Released in 2015.)

“The Impact of Culture, Worldview, and Experience on the Reading and Interpreting of Scripture.” Paper presented at the Conference on Culture, Adventist Theology and Mission in Africa at the Adventist University of Africa. Nairobi, Kenya, August 28, 2015.

“Should Dialoguing with Demons Be Used as an Approach to Setting People Free from Evil Spirits?” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 11, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 139–146.

“Should We Engage in Dialogue with Demons?” Paper presented at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference. Berrien Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.

Doss, Gorden R., DMin, PhD
Professor of World Mission

“The Adventist Missionary in the Public Square.” Paper presented at the Adventist Society for Religious Studies Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA, November 20, 2015.

“Animism, the Occult, and Mission.” Paper presented at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference. Berrien Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.

“Animism, the Occult, and Mission.” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 11, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 105–114.

“Faithful Contextualization: Crossing Boundaries of Culture with the Eternal Gospel.” Ministry (December 2015): 6–9.

Gonçalves, Kleber D., PhD
Associate Professor of World Mission

“Biblical/Theological Foundations for Discipleship.” Paper presented to the General Conference of SDA Global Mission Issues Committee. Silver Spring, MD, April 6, 2015.

“Princípios de uma igreja sensível à realidade pós-moderna.” (Principles of a church sensitive to the postmodern reality.) Pages 205–222 in Sociologia e adventismo: Desafios brasileiros para a missão (Sociology and Adventism: Brazilian mission challenges). Edited by R. Follis, A. Novaes, and A. Dias. Engenheiro Coelho, SP, Brazil: Unaspress - Imprensa Universitária Adventista, 2015.

Kuhn, Wagner, PhD
Professor of World Mission

“A Way Forward.” Panelist with Bruce Moyer, Tom Shepherd, and Hyveth Williams at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, September 26, 2015.

“Adventist Mission: From Awareness to Engagement—Part 1.” Co-authored with Marcelo Dias. Ministry 87, no. 7/8 (2015): 52–56.

“Adventist Mission: From Awareness to Engagement—Part 2.” Co-authored with Marcelo Dias. Ministry. Ministry 87, no. 9 (2015): 23–26.
Biblical Principles for Missiological Issues in Africa. Co-edited with Bruce Bauer. Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University. 2015.

¬¬¬¬“The Incarnation of Christ: Mystery and Model of Mission.” Co-authored with Adenilton T. Aguiar. Pages 257–283 in The Word: Searching, Living, Teaching. Edited by Artur A. Stele. Vol. 1. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.

“Mission as Holistic Transformation: Translating the Gospel into Meaningful Actions.” Plenary lecture presentation at the International Mission and Bible Conference. Novi Sad, Serbia, March 16, 2015.

“Partnership as Mission: Advancing Scholarship through Publications.” Plenary presentation at the Seventh Annual Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, October 30, 2015.

“Serviço e Discipulado no Ministério Adventista: Seguindo Princípios Fundamentais da Encarnação, Vida e Missão de Jesus Cristo.” Paper presented at the Lay Leadership Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 11, 2015. 

“Teologia e Missiologia Adventista: O Desafio da Contextualização na Missão da Igreja.” Plenary paper presented at the XI South-American Biblical-Theological Symposium. UNASP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 2, 2015.

“Two Inseparable Principles in the Mission of Jesus: Service and Discipleship.” Paper presented at the Global Mission Issues Committee. General Conference, Silver Spring, MD, April 6, 2015.

Vyhmeister, Nancy J., PhD
Professor of Mission, Emerita

“Junia the Apostle.” Pages 237–242 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.