Your fellow descendants of:
Betsey Lucy Bullen (born Dec. 18, 1824, died June 3, 1899) and
Erastus John Fox (born Mar. 3, 1817, died Jan. 31, 1901),
who married (June 20, 1842)
invite you to the 70th Annual FOX-BULLEN REUNION
to be held on the second Sunday in August: August 11, 1996, 1-5pm
at the Sherman Township Hall, Tustin, MI
Keith G. Calkins, 616 473-2572
Fox-Bullen Family Reunion, Secretary/Treasurer
610 N. Main St.
Berrien Springs, MI 49103-1013
Forwarding and Address Correction Requested
address label here
The Fox-Bullen Family Reunion will be held this year at the
Sherman Township Hall where it met in 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966,
1968, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1975, and 1976. The Sherman Township Hall is near
Tustin about 12 miles south of Cadillac and 85 miles north of Grand Rapids.
From the west: Exit 168 off US131 at Tustin; go East on Marion Road
5.5 miles.
From the east: Exit M-115 on Marion Road, go West 6.5 miles.
Go north 1 miles on 140th Avenue (gravel).
Turn left (west) on 21 Mile Rd, observing north east corner of the
intersection where the Sherman Methodist Episcopal church was located.
George Fox had his membership there, until he wrote asking to be removed
from membership...
Go west 0.9 miles observing on the north the 2nd 40 acres which was
George Fox's place (no buildings remain). The Sherman Township Hall
(old Grange Hall) is located across the street from the Sherman Township
Cemetery where George Fox and his sister Olive Irene (Fox) Rees were buried.
Early attendees will start to gather about 12:00.
Coffee and family chat will rev up about 1:00 with dinner served by 2:00.
Please bring a dish to pass, your own table setting, and refreshments.
PLEASE! Pass the word and join us, we're hoping you will all be able to attend.
Come and share the excitement as we try to figure out how everyone is related,
or just come and share in the good food and games.
Following please find the births/deaths/marriages, preliminary
minutes to our last meeting,
- Keara Emily Campbell Fox (granddaughter of Richard Fox) (redacted date) (corrected spelling)
- Tabatha Terpstra (great-granddaughter of Loyd Darling)
- Victoria Rose Frechette (great-granddaughter of Loyd Darling) (Aug. 10, 1995)
- Pearl A. (Rees) Williams (dau. of Clarence) (Dec. 3, 1920-Aug. 15, 1995)
- Mollie K. Baker (granddaughter of Charles Fox) and Gregarey J. Longcare (born Sep. 6, 1958) on July 8, 1995.
- Patricia J. Baker (granddaughter of Charles Fox) and Bradley J. Eft (born Feb. 12, 1956) on June 17, 1995.
- Tracy Jackson (granddaughter of Lydia (McQueen) Rife) and Andrew Leary on March 25, 1995.
Addresses Added/Changed
- Sandra Truax, 3091 E. 32 Rd., Cadillac, MI 49601. (added)
- Nellye Greenman, 6830 W 22 Mile Rd., Tustin, MI, 49688-9767 (was Cadillac).
- Clark & Jacqueline Williams, 14243 Landings Way, Fenton, MI, 48430 (Pearl's obituary/info.)
- Norman Williams, 227 W. Osceola Ave., Reed City, MI, 49677 (was Pearl's address)
Preliminary Minutes for the 1995 Fox-Bullen Reunion
The business meeting for the 69th annual Fox-Bullen Reunion convened at
Albright United Methodist Camp, Reed City, MI on August 13, 1995.
The meeting was called to order by president Chuck Hill.
The roll call of officers revealed
president Chuck Hill, secretary/treasurer
Keith Calkins, and games cochairs Vicky Steward and Vicky Meyers present,
but vice president Marta Baker absent.
The minutes were accepted for the 1994 meeting as read
and distributed in the 1995 invitation.
Attendance for last year was amended to 41.
Attendance this year was 46 including 1 visitor (Al Meyer).
There were no officer reports or further old business.
New business was as follows.
- Selection of a site for next year's reunion was discussed
at length with a motion by Janet Hill, seconded by Ruth Calkins to
revive the traditional alternation of reunion sites between a Cadillac/Tustin
area site and a Grand Rapids area site. The motion carried unanimously.
There was a motion by Vicki Steward seconded by Betty Fox to meet at
Richmond. (A $50 pavillion fee was noted). There was a motion by
Vina Moffit seconded by Mary Baker to meet near Tustin, specifically
the Sherman Township Hall. (A $25 rental fee was noted). The initial
vote of 13 (Sherman) to 6 (Richmond) was changed to 17 (Sherman) to
8 (Richmond) after the motion to alternate locations was passed.
The standard date of the second Sunday of August is to be retained.
- There was a motion by Ruth Calkins seconded by John Moffit to
reelect the current slate of officers. After a intense discussion, this
was amended to be a motion to reelect the current president and
secretary/treasurer which carried.
There was a motion by Vicki Steward seconded by Ruth Calkins to elect
Mary Beth Darling as our new vice president which carried.
There was a motion to elect Sandy Truax as games chair which carried.
- About $2+ per current/retired wage earner was collected.
A total of $82 was collected and added to the $17.68 cash on hand.
Bills were presented for $27.06 in postage (83x$0.32+$0.50 address
correction), $12 in copying (6x100x$0.02), $1 in labels,
and $45 for facilities rental. Payment of bills was authorized unanimously,
leaving a balance of $14.62 cash on hand.
- The correspondance report noted a letter received
from the Hollands in AZ with extensive genealogical information.
- Data regarding recent births, deaths, and marriages/divorces
was collected as listed above (with events since the reunion also added).
A motion to adjourn was made by Janet Hill and seconded by
Mary Baker. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 3:10.
Respectfully submitted: