Calculator Policy for the 200506 School Year
The TI-89 handheld instrument is more than a graphing calculator, such as
the TI-83+ or TI-86. It can perform symbolic algebra and symbolic
calculus like the TI-92. Unlike the TI-92, it does not have a QWERTY
keyboard and is in fact housed in a case very similar to others in the
TI-8x series. The TI-89s started arriving in the Math and Science Center
classrooms in October 1998. Usage policy has been formed as follows,
based on the following major considerations.
Note: the TI-84+, TI-84+SE, and TI-89 Titanium were new fall 2004.
No associated policy changes have been needed.
- The TI-89 "calculator" does not have a QWERTY keyboard, but performs
symbolic algebra/calculus like the TI-92 which does have a QWERTY keyboard.
Historically, this difference was used to distinguish between allowed and
disallowed electronic devices.
- The TI-89 will be allowed during 200506 on the MMPC, AMS-10,
AMS-12, and the MML contests. (The AMCs will not allow the TI-92.)
- The AP Calculus (and AP Statistics) tests of May 2006 will again allow the
TI-89 for those portions of the test allowing a calculator. The AP Calculus
test has two equally weighted parts: multiple choice and free response.
Each half is further divided into a calculator and no calculator portion.
The free response portion that allows calculators is heavily graded
on the written set-up and application of the calculator
not on the resultant answer. Calculatorese is graded harshly.
- All students with a TI-89 or similar device must make known its presence
in the classroom. We will gladly record the serial number as we already
do with graphing calculators.
- The TI-89 and similar symbolic devices will not generally be allowed
on any test or quiz except in our AP Calculus (or beyond) courses.
- The TI-89 and TI-92 are not to be used for homework, chapter reviews,
or other similar activities, except for those problems specifically
specifying use of a symbolic utility. Just as we expect you to be able to do basic
arithmetic without a calculator, we expect you to be able to do basic
algebra/calculus without a TI-89.
- Since one of the goals of the AP Calculus course is to prepare
students for the AP Calculus test, the pattern of a no calculator/calculator
portion will be implemented not only for the final test in May, but also
any other test or quest.
- Students with TI-89's or similar symbolic devices should be prepared to
use a graphing calculator on contests and test portions disallowing use
of a symbolic device. Please bring an allowed calculator, if possible, since
we have very few to loan.
- On classroom test portions where a TI-89 is allowed, a TI-92 will also be allowed.