Teacher's Report of Performance
Marking Period: 1, 2, 3, 4
Date of Report: ________________
Student's Name: __________________________
Teacher's Name: __________________________
Subject: _________________________________
Grade in School: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Estimated Grade _____
- Class Performance Comments:
_____ | Excellent Student | _____ | Low Test Scores
_____ | Capable of better work | _____ | Work Quality is Poor
_____ | Fails to do assigned work
| _____ | Work is Incomplete
- Behavior/Attitude Comments:
_____ | Pleasant and Cooperative
| _____ | Disruptive Behavior
_____ | Poor use of class time | _____ | Talking in Class
_____ | Cheating | _____ | Horseplay in or out of class
- Attendance:
_____ | Absences this 9 weeks | _____ | Tardies this 9 weeks
_____ | Absences affecting grade?
| _____ | Excuses current?
- _____ See additional teacher comments on back of this sheet
TO THE PARENTS: This report is prepared, in all sincerity, for the benefit
of the student. A student's success depends largely on teamworkthe parents,
the student, and the school. Among the qualities that make a student a success
are honesty, neatness, organization, accuracy, initiative, courtesy, and a sense
of responsibility. This success will also depend on the interest and cooperation
of the parents with the school. We suggest that you seriously discuss these
comments with your child and contact the teacher through the
phone numbers/e-mail addresses listed in the student handbook.
The Center office number is 471-7725.