Participation in mathematical contests is a good way to prepare
for and enhance standardize test scores. Extra credit practice contests
will be available as appropriate to faciliate preparation. All students
are expected to make an honest effort to attempt each and every contest
question. Contest material is considered an integral part of the course.
It is expected that students receiving a grade of A will have fully
participated in most contests.The contests already scheduled to be
administered are as follows.
- Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition
(MMPC) (Wed., Oct. 5, 2005).
This competition consists of 40 multiple-choice questions with
5 answers to be answered in 100 minutes, with no guessing penalty.
Students with more than about 17 correct (top 510%) advance to part II
of the competition on Wed., Dec. 7, 2005. Most years we have 3-14
students achieve this. Current
plans are to again request a special afternoon testing session (12:25-2:05)
to also accomodate our Center Juniors and Seniors, so please do not take it in
your home school. The Math & Science Center pays the $3 fee and
requires all Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors to participate. Except for
accelerated students, Freshmen participation is voluntary
but limited. Scores above a
reasonable threshhold may be awarded as extra credit test points for
freshmen and sophomores, but considered part of the Precalculus and Calculus
In 2000 (GB, MS), 2003 (JL, GA), and 2004 (JL) our students made it into
the top 100 or even top 50 and had opportunity to join the celebration.
- American Mathematics Contest
(AMC-10, AMC-12) (Tue., Jan. 31, 2006). This contest
is a feeder exam for the International Math Olympiad. It consists of 25
multiple-choice questions with 5 answers to be answered in 75 minutes.
The scoring is notable in that there are 6 points for a correct answer,
2.5 points for a blank answer, and 0 points for a wrong answer
i.e. a significant guessing penalty. Students receiving a score
of 100 (top 3-5%) or more on the AMC-12 or in the top 1%
(over 120) on the AMC-10 are invited to take the American Invitational
Mathematics Examination (AIME) (Tue., March 7, 2006). Only grade 10
or below may take the AMC-10, and only one of the two tests may be taken.
The AIME is a 15 question, 3 hour, 3 digit integer answer exam.
A handful of our students qualify each year.
Sophomores will miss part of chemistry and Seniors
will all have science the following(?) day. In the past,
freshmen and sophomores were given the higher of their AMC score or their
test grade for the test given within about a week of the exam. For
Precalculus and Calculus, the AMC-12 may be considered a test grade.
- Michigan Mathematics
League (Oct. 25, Nov. 29, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, Mar. 14, and April 11all Tuesdays,
but given on Oct. 21, Nov. 29, Jan. 10, Feb. 10, Mar. 10, and April 11half Fridays).
For this series of 6 contests, all students take the same 6 question contest.
Answers are either right or wrong, i.e. there is no partial credit.
When Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks do not interfere, the contest
will generally be administered on the Friday before since "all" math sections
Special permission will be secured to allow testing in the morning and afternoon
to accomodate our Center's schedule. It shall be understood that the contest
is not to be discussed with anyone until after the next Tuesday to ensure
fairness nationwide. The Berrien County Math & Science Center
was awarded top in region for all Math & Science Centers in Michigan
in 1997, 1998, 2003, and 2004 and was 8th statewide in 2005! Five times the Michigan Mathematics League contest points will be added
to the contestants test points (with 10 as the possible) for grade calculation
(potentially extra credit).
For many years perfect Michigan
Math League contests have been rewarded with $20 at awards night. Be sure to
take the contest at the appropriate time so it can be officially recognized.