© Please note: Rita Van Horn owns the copyright for the dissertation below. You may download and print one copy for educational purposes only. These pages may not be duplicated, distributed, redistributed or republished in any manner without express permission from the author.
Nursing education, like any other professional education process,
needs to develop tools to assist the student in thinking, whether
in the classroom setting or the clinical experience. "Neither
the hand nor the mind alone would amount to much without aids
and tools to perfect them" (Bacon, 1623, cited in Brown,
1994, p. 4). This task is not always easy, but developing tools
supported by theories can assist students to be active constructors
of knowledge within their educational experience (Brown, 1994).
In this case study, that is what I set out to do—develop
tools that will assist nursing students to reflect on problems
in the clinical experience. I endeavored to do this by having
the students journal in response to focused questions related
to problem solving. Because I wondered if collaboration and journal
writing were "tools" that might influence reflection
and problem solving, I set up two different scenarios: (1) clinical
nursing students using journals as individuals and (2) clinical
nursing students functioning as pairs both on the hospital floors
and in the reflective/journaling process. In this chapter, I answer
the research questions by describing how the two case studies
are alike and different in the use of reflection as a critical
component of the learning process.
The Clinical Experience
In this section, I answer Research Question 1: How does the journaling
process influence reflection on problem solving in the clinical
With the belief that problem solving, reflection, and critical
thinking are related, I implemented journal-writing strategies
with unpaired and paired nursing students to promote these processes.
In the following paragraphs, I describe the expected and unexpected
results of the case studies I observed.
One of the first things I noticed in the case study where students
functioned both on the floor and in journaling as independent
individuals was the high anxiety level on the 1st day of the clinical
assignment. Repeatedly, anxiety, fear, intimidation, and overwhelming
feelings of doubt were described in the unpaired journals. Over
the 9-week period there were 46 expressions of emotions stated
in the unpaired journals. Fifty percent were classified as negative,
and the other 50% were classified as positive emotions. In my
personal notes while studying the unpaired group, I wondered if
there would be less anxiety or negative feelings in the paired
group. When reviewing the writing of the paired students' journals
of the 28 expressions of emotions, 30% of the comments were negative.
Students exhibiting anxious feelings was not new to me. I have
observed it in previous clinical experiences. It is documented
in research studies in nursing that anxiety in students is present
in the clinical setting (Chamberlain, 1997; Erler, 1995; Oermann
& Standfest, 1998; Wilson, 1994).
The relationship between emotions and the ability to think is
described by Goleman (1994). When an individual is in a good mood,
it enhances the "ability to think flexibly and with more
complexity, thus making it easier to find solutions to problems,
whether intellectual or interpersonal" (p. 85). The opposite
is true for "bad moods." Moods such as moderate to high
anxiety, fear or rage shut down the thinking processes of the
brain and impede the intellect. Negative emotions (bad moods)
then become barriers to learning (Goleman, 1994). Caine and Caine
(1997) calls this process "downshifting" of the brain.
According to Boud and Walker (1993) there are two key factors
that help an individual overcome barriers to learning which negative
emotions create. These factors are previous experience and assistance
from another individual. Perhaps this explains why there was a
decreased amount of negative emotions in the paired students'
responses. The paired students felt support from each other and
were able to describe their feelings to each other. This explanation
was supported by a comment from Diane and Rogenia. We supported
each other. When we thought things were getting rough during a
shift, we would take a breather and talk about it and what would
be the best way to approach the problem (Journal 122, p. 18).
Carol and Matt also stated: It is stress relieving not to be alone
in the clinical setting (Journal 128, p. 8). Crystal particular
noticed the difference when she was working by herself when her
partner was sick. I'm feeling a little lonely tonight with out
my partner. Bouncing ideas off each other is fun and helpful.
Working with Michael is good because we check each other and cover
needs that might otherwise go unmet temporarily or at all. I will
look forward to working with Michael next Wednesday (Journal 124,
p. 9).
One of the benefits of paired collaboration is the affective effect
that develops. Through shared experience, students are more likely
to identify with and support each other. This appeared to happen
in the paired situation. Tracia and Marie represented this decreased
anxiety in their statement: Working with a partner makes learning
more fun and less stressful (Journal 123, p. 9). For Crystal and
Michael, teamwork created a positive reinforcement for each other
(Journal 124, p. 13). The process of journaling and working together
decreased negative feelings in an intimidating environment. These
comments connect with Johnson, Johnson, et al.'s (1998) description
of increased psychological health and self-esteem when students
are working together in a learning environment.
Dialogue in a social environment was important to both unpaired
and paired students. In the unpaired case study, the students
appreciated their fellow students more when they could dialogue
with them in problem solving. Dialogue with the nurse was equated
to learning if the dialogue was beneficial. To Kathy talking with
the nurse helped her to gain knowledge and to feel comfortable
in contributing her own thoughts: The nurse and I had a long talk
about comfort care and keeping the patient comfortable. I really
enjoyed talking to her and gaining her knowledge, thoughts, and
being able to contribute my thoughts to the conversation (Journal
101, p. 4). For Steve talking with the nurse helped him learn
many nursing activities. The nurse Ann was extremely helpful.
She took time to help me out and taught me a lot of new procedures
(Journal 104, p. 2). If the dialogue, however, was hostile or
the student felt he or she was in the way, the student did not
perceive that she or he had learned or communicated well. Linda
wrote: I had a hard time communicating with one of my early shift
nurses. She seemed to ignore me and gave me the impression that
I was in the way. So I got timid around her which I shouldn't
have (Journal 106, p. 10). This student was normally quite talkative
in class and very inquisitive, being unable to communicate probably
decreased the opportunity of learning through dialogue. In my
personal notes, I noted that students from the unpaired group
would rather talk with each other at post-conference regarding
activities of the evening than write in their journal.
For the paired students, dialogue early on was important in solving
problems. First, students preferred to talk with each other before
discussing the issue with the nurse. Ching and Abe wrote: When
we came into the problem we consult our partner first then with
the RN or Rita [which was me] (Journal 120, p. 4). Abe and Ching
wrote this statement on the 2nd week of the quarter. They used
each other as resources for knowledge needed in solving the problem.
Nora and Rhonda when faced with what they felt was an overwhelming
situation and needed to organize their time wrote: First we stopped,
we communicated with each other to figure out what we needed to
do and better ways to prioritize our time so that we could get
everything accomplished correctly. Then we implemented our plan
and correctly accomplished our goals regarding everything we had
to do (Journal 121, p. 7). They were able to successfully complete
the care because they had each other to plan and the lab became
an enjoyable experience for them. Michael and Crystal during the
second week wrote: We planned out our care for both patients and
discussed our progress frequently (Journal 124, p. 3).
One of the most recognized proponents of dialogue in a social
context is Vygotsky (Cole et al., 1978) . He believed that children
arrive at a common understanding by socially negotiating meaning
via problem-solving activities. When a person collaborates with
a more competent peer or adult, the distance between this potential
for development through problem solving determines his zone of
proximal development. Through social interaction with peers, students
gain different perspectives about a problem. In analyzing Vygotsky's
work, Jaramillo (1996) felt that his conceptual framework contributed
to the development of constructivist theory. Constructivists believe
that the mind creates its own reality, based on experiences and
interaction with the environment (Piaget, 1932).
Baxter Magolda (1992) concluded that the "ways of knowing
and patterns within individuals are socially constructed"
(p. 20). Depending on the stage of knowing, peers are important
in "explaining what they have learned from each other; providing
active exchanges; being a source of knowledge; and enhancing learning
via quality contributions" (p. 106). Caine and Caine (1997)
emphasize in their research on the brain that learning is influenced
by social relationships.
Johnson et al. (1994) believe that through the process of dialogue
in a group, new ideas or solutions are generated more frequently
than if the individual were working alone. In cooperative learning
classrooms, beside having students talking together when working
with projects, the teacher encourages the students at the end
of a lesson to process with each other what they learned.
A number of specific studies have recently documented the importance
of "talk" in a learning situation. In Cicala's (1997)
study on the relationships between involvement and reflective
judgment, the statistical analysis showed significant positive
correlation between reflective judgment and the frequency with
which students participated in asking questions concerning points
learned in the reading or discussed in class. It appears dialogue
is important in problem solving and construction of knowledge.
When using a social-constructive framework for students in social
work to assist in understanding culture and self, Lee and Greene
(1999) concluded that there is an increase in reflective learning
when there is dialogue. Through social interaction, individuals
co-construct different ways of categorizing reality.
In studying the significance of talk, Teasley (1995) concluded
in his research that talk dyads produced more talk overall and
more interpretive types of talk than when the child was encouraged
to talk aloud when by him or herself. Children with partners produced
more highly rated hypotheses than did children alone. His research
was consistent with the research on talking aloud and its positive
effect on learning and problem solving. He states: "The answer
to the question, ‘Why are two heads better than one?' may
fundamentally rest on the interdependency of cognition and social
relations in communication" (p. 219). Land (1998) further
supports the importance of talk among children. Kindergarten children
who talked and shared journals in story formation were able to
develop an understanding of a story with an increase of ability
over time.
In reviewing my personal notes, I observed how I was a facilitator
of dialogue with the students. I would remind myself to talk aloud
when I was problem solving with the unpaired students, as well
as with the paired students. I felt that I could role model problem-solving
techniques if they could "hear" me think. With the paired
students, not only did I try to remember to think aloud, I also
tried to remember to turn the question back to one of the members
of the pairs instead of answering the question directly. I felt
that would facilitate the process of learning when they listened
to each other's reflections. When the partner could not answer
the question, then I would ask related questions to encourage
his or her thought processes. When a student seemed to have a
greater understanding than her partner and it was difficult to
stimulate answers to questions from the partner, I then attempted
to further facilitate the learning by trying to respond to the
student's questions.
This practice was consistent with Vygotsky's belief in experiential
learning—the teacher is the facilitator of experiential learning
within the social context. Brookfield (1993) in describing his
own journey in teaching, describes experience as a transaction
between the learner and the milieu in which he or she operates—it
is relational. Teachers need to acknowledge the agency of the
learner and construction-learning activities that will assist
the students in the learning process.
In summary, dialogue emerged as a theme for students in the unpaired
and paired setting. What is surprising is that this aspect of
the clinical experience has not been previously ascertained.
For this study, I developed a set of questions that could act
as a tool to facilitate student reflection on the clinical experience–in
particular, what problems they had faced that day and how they
had resolved them. A rubric was developed to evaluate two components,
one related specifically to problem solving (the A part) and the
other to reflection about the process (the B part). In this section
I discuss the responses given to the reflection component (B).
There was a total of 7 possible points–1 point for each reflective
component in questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9. When I began the
study, I anticipated that the "tool" of structured journaling
would increase the students' ability to reflect as the quarter
progressed. However, this did not happen with the unpaired students.
When evaluating reflection of unpaired students with the use of
journals, there was a drop in the class mean reflective score
from 3.5 to 2.2 by the 5th week and then a gradual increase to
3.25 by the 9th week. The score however did not return to the
level of 3.5, which was the first score. The possible reason for
reflection not increasing to a higher level than the beginning
score may be that students did not journal conscientiously because
they felt they did not have time or they lacked interest in writing
in their journals. One student commented, You must know when we
are writing well and when we are not. She pointed to her journal
and asked me to look at it. As I did, she remarked, Now, can you
see I did not do a very good job last time. She then stated to
me that she would try to do better in the future.
Although there was a drop in reflection by the 5th week for the
unpaired students, when I read their journals looking for themes
that were emerging, over time their comments revealed that there
were changes in their behaviors or performance in clinical practice.
This represented the last stage of Boud et al.'s reflective model
(1985): outcome and action. During this stage a new ability that
they had planned for in the previous stage is ready to be incorporated
into the learning and applied to the next activity. This was represented
when the student's weakness became strengths later in the quarter.
For instance at week 2, Joan stated that my weakness is time management.
I can do better in this area. I will be more prepared (Journal
102, p. 5). At week 8 she stated My strength for this clinical
experience was my organizational skills (Journal 102, p. 21).
Joan's self assessment on this point demonstrates that she changed.
Carol had not gotten a report about her patient because she felt
intimidated by the nurse. She reflected about the experience in
her journal. This lab and the previous lab I am using as a learning
experience. I am not happy to have 2 unsatisfactory labs. I will
not, on the other hand, let it slow me down in any way. I am not
disappointed in myself. I was at the time and I have chosen to
learn from it and keep going. Actually, honestly, I consider myself
lucky because if this didn't happen now, who would know how much
later it will have happened. I'm also lucky my patient did not
get hurt (Journal 107, p. 13). The next week Carol felt she had
made strides to meeting her goal to overcoming her shyness. I'm
proud of this lab. Like I said, I fearlessly approached my RN
and got report and started with my work. I found myself being
more assertive with my patients—less timid, less shy. I think
I took good care of my patient (Journal 107, p.15).
Reflection levels for paired students did show an increase over
time. The 1st weeks mean reflective score for the group was 2.7
and by the 8th week there was a gradual rise to 6.2. Paired students
also demonstrated changes in behavior as the result of reflecting
with dialogue. During the first week, Becky and Lauri had problems
with communication. One of our weaknesses was not understanding
that assessments, treatments, procedures, etc., were to be done
together (Journal 129, p. 3). I had noticed that they were having
difficulty communicating. We discussed a plan for improving their
communication with each other. The next week their journal statement
was, We were able to work together at a higher level because of
the better communication we have learned to do (Journal 129, p.
Diane and Rogenia faced the frustration of spending quality time
with patients and getting charting and reporting done on time.
Our weakness for this evening was not being able to chart on time
and give report at the end of the shift. Maybe by giving medication
at one time rather than multiple specific times we would make
our shift more efficient. We felt we should have spent more quality
time with each patient than we were able to do (Journal 122, p.
5). The students asked my advice as to planning the care and I
reviewed with them first their own plan before giving suggestions.
Later in the quarter because they had planned together they made
progress toward meeting the needs of the patients and getting
procedures and medications done on time. Our strengths for this
clinical experience was being able to get our procedures done
on time, handling orders and accommodating our patients needs
(Journal 122, p. 15).
In reviewing the research in ERIC, Dissertation Abstracts, and
Medline there are no studies or reports on journaling while talking
with another individual; however, according to Boud et al. (1985),
reflection is enriched when it is not a solitary act:
Reflection is not just an individual activity; engaging in the
process with another person or with a group can change the meanings
we draw from experience. When a group participates in a common
event, each person will experience it in a particular way and
will have an interpretation of aspects of that event which may
differ from that of others. Formulating and articulating experience
transforms it in ways that can allow us to see it anew. (p. 11)
The use of journals as a method for promoting reflection is well-studied (Saylor, 1990; Sedlak, 1997). "Dialogue" journaling (Mower, 1995; Paterson, 1994) consists of exchanging ideas in writing between the instructor and the student. Deloney, Carey, and Beeman (1998) advocated the use of electronic journal writing to foster reflection and provide feedback in an introduction to a clinical medicine course. Journaling is considered a self process in promoting reflective practitioners (Moss, 1997) and journal writing and then discussion with a group promoted critical thinking reflection (Farrell, 1996). Journaling can be one of the methods a nurse educator uses to help promote reflection and critical thinking within students.
One of the reasons for instituting journals as a method for reflection
is to assist students in making a connection between theoretical
knowledge and observations made in the clinical setting. Both
case studies demonstrated incidents where students were able to
specifically make connections between what they had learned in
class and what they were observing and doing in the clinical setting.
Connection statements were not only seen in response to question
three—What knowledge was required for you to solve the problem?—but
were described in response to questions 1 and 9. For instance,
when Kim was answering question 9, she struggled with what she
had learned in Fundamentals of Nursing Class regarding decisions
that health care providers are to render in allowing patients
to live or die and what she was observing about her patient. I
learned about a doctor's moral obligation to a patient. The patient
who was having congestive heart failure would have probably gone
peacefully but the patient was a full code. There were not family
members to change the code status for her so the patient was transported
to ICU and put on a ventilator. I wish she was left off the ventilator–her
quality of life will probably not improve. This reminds me that
so many times we are so driven to make people better if they die
it could seem like a failure, but sometimes I feel we as health
care providers need to step back and let nature take its course
(Journal 101, pp. 15, 16). To me, she was trying to connect what
she had learned and her feelings to what she was observing. Ellen
made the connection between forms of communication. Words are
not the only communication that exists in the world. Using body
language, talking with action, and using the most simple words
will help everyone a lot with communication (Journal 103, p. 2).
Her patient has Spanish speaking and knew only a few words of
In answering question 1, Anita made a connection with what she
was observing and what she had learned from studying denial. My
patient was short of breath when in bed and while ambulating.
Her respirations were shallow and slightly labored. I noticed
while with her she didn't know why she was in the hospital. She
felt like she was in the dark on her condition. She is in denial
of having any serious physical problems. She realizes she gets
short of breath, but doesn't think it is such a big deal (Journal
110, p. 1).
The paired students made connections as the result of reflecting
about the problem that they had identified. Mrs. F. was experiencing
anxiety and depression that could be causing insomnia. She wanted
to leave the hospital and go back home. She stared crying and
sobbing when we came into the room and asked how she was doing.
She told us that the doctor might be sending her to ICU [intensive
care unit]. She had psychosocial needs even more than her relative
visits and phone calls. We think if we had asked her to pray,
she could have experienced some peace and then go to sleep (Journal
123, p. 6).
This indicates to me that structured journal writing is an effective
pedagogical tool to assist students to make connections as part
of cognitive development.
Being able to connect previous experience or previous learned
knowledge/theory from class is a goal in making reflection a part
of the individual's learning experience. Being able to make the
connection or links becomes a part of the reflective process.
From this process old knowledge gives way to new knowledge and
ideas (Boud et al., 1985).
One of the outcomes of reflection is that learning has taken place.
In both unpaired and paired students learning emerged as a theme.
Learning for the unpaired students was mostly related to the psychomotor
skills. I learned how to give report correctly and assisted the
respiratory therapist in suctioning my patient (Journal 103, p.
12). Carol wrote about what she had discussed with the group in
post-conference. Like I said in post-conference, I really was
excited to see placement of a tracheostomy tube.
The respiratory therapist really explained everything to me that
I probably wouldn't have had a clue about with out him. It was
fun (Journal 107, p. 11).
An unpaired student learned from dialogue with health personnel.
I learned so much today. The respiratory therapist and the RN
explained many, many things to me that I didn't understand before.
Now that I have seen these things (like ventilators), I now have
much more knowledge stored in my brain. I am a visual and doing
kind of learner and the lab experiences have helped me learn so
much into my long-term memory bank. I really appreciated the respiratory
therapist who put in the extra time to really explain things to
me in detail. This is how I really learn well (Journal 110, p.
Students in the paired case study conveyed that learning came
from the social context. Matt and Carol stated: As the result
of being paired, we are learning from each other (Journal 128,
p. 8). One day when Jim was working alone, he wrote that it is
much better to work with a partner. We can point out problems
and we can discuss important information with each other (Journal
127, p. 10).
Mari and Tracia wrote that: We were very inquisitive, therefore,
we learned a lot. We learned about feeding tubes, blood sugar
tests, suctioning a sore mouth, hanging of blood and crushing
medications to be put down a feeding tube (Journal 123, p. 12).
Because of the reflective process, the paired students were able
to identify that they were learning from each other.
Although combining the two pedagogical tools—journaling and
dialogue pairs—to promote reflection is not addressed in
the literature, my findings support the importance of dialogue
and journaling in the construction of knowledge. By combining
the two methods this study showed increases in reflection over
a 9-week period.
Problem Solving
Problem solving is a skill, and since the clinical setting involves
problems that students encounter daily, it is important that instructors
use strategies that will guide students in this process (Cholowski
& Chan, 1995; Klaassens, 1992). In this study, although both
groups were consistent in problem solving by the way they wrote
in their journals, in the unpaired group I identified 27 times
that they did not write the correct steps for the problem-solving
process. In evaluating the scores of the A criteria at week five
(this was the lowest mean score for the group), question 3 at
57% and question 5 at 78.5% were the lowest percentage in response
to the journal questions (see Appendix A10) by the group. These
two questions remained the lowest throughout the 9 weeks. This
indicated to me that there may be a relationship between knowledge
and interventions in problem solving. I had reflected about two
of the students in the unpaired group at the end of the quarter.
Although they seemed to have performed safely, I felt that the
knowledge they needed for problem solving was weak thus connections
were not made many times when they were faced with a problem.
As an instructor I need to continue to evaluate strategies that
would strengthen the problem-solving process in students.
In the paired group, the details of the problem, identification
of urgency, and steps to take in the interventions were readily
identifiable. I identified three times that students had not written
the correct steps for the problem-solving process. In evaluating
the scores to criteria A, the paired students were consistent
throughout the quarter (see Appendix A9). For these students question
3 was also the lowest measured response at an average of 90% over
the 9 weeks. This indicated to me the pairs had competent problem
solving ability. This corresponds with Osana's (1998) study that
students in small groups devoted more time to metacognitive activities
such as reflection, developed greater cognitive flexibility, and
used a larger number of solution strategies than students taught
the direct instructional way. Cholowski and Chan (1995) further
documented that a "think aloud" strategy and interactive
dialogue with an expert nurse assists students in promoting an
interconnected knowledge base with problem solving.
Although the independent t-test showed the unpaired and paired
group were significantly different t(202)=3.72, p=.00 (see appendix
A11), this difference is small which means that practically they
are the same. In reading the journals, I noticed both groups used
previous problem solving incidents to solve problems they faced
in a later clinical experience. This indicated they were internalizing
what they had learned by reflecting on their knowledge base (Burrows,
1995; Cholowski & Chan, 1995).
Linking Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Reflection
In the literature there are times when critical thinking, problem
solving, and reflection seem unrelated. Definitions are not clear.
One of my assumptions in this research is that critical thinking,
problem solving and reflection are linked together. I also assume
that methods can be developed in experiential environments that
would promote these three processes. Sedlak (1997), in her study
of 1st-year nursing students, linked critical thinking and reflection
together in her definition.
Critical thinking is a reasoning process in which the nursing
students reflect on ideas, actions and decisions of oneself and
others related to clinical experiences. Reflection is recall of
clinical experiences that seemed to lead toward critical thinking
to gain insights into ones learning, decisions, and professional
development (p. 16).
Sedlak concluded that reflection does prompt first-year nursing
students to think critically.
Baker (1996) also concluded that reflection improves critical
thinking. She believes "reflective journaling offers a teaching
strategy which helps provide balance to the objectification and
linear thinking skills that we currently have developed in students"
(p. 21). Additionally, she states, "reflective journal writing
nurtures many dimensions of critical thinking—e.g., affective
and cognitive skills—open-minded, flexible and honest that
are important to nursing practice" (p. 22).
Mezirow (1990) feels that reflection is generally used as a synonym
for high-order mental processes (critical thinking), and reflection
corrects distortions in our beliefs and errors in our problem
When we engage in task-oriented problem solving–how to do
something or how to perform–we are engaged in instrumental
learning; reflection is significantly involved when we look back
on content or procedural assumptions guiding the problem-solving
process to reassess the efficacy of the strategies and tactics
used. This type of learning leads to reflective action. (p. 7)
In his later book Mezirow (1991) further affirms the link between
reflection and problem solving. "As we assess our assumptions
about the content or process of problem solving and find them
unjustified, we create new ones or transform our old assumptions
and hence our interpretations of experience. This is the dynamic
of every day reflective learning" (p. 200).
The Lewinian Model (Kolb, 1984) of experiential learning describes
the process that students experience. The model begins with a
concrete experience and moves through observation and reflection,
conceptualization and generalization, testing implications of
concepts in new situations and finally back to concrete experience
in an ongoing spiraling fashion. In this study students had concrete
experiences as they worked in a clinical setting. These experiences
were the focal points of their learning. The next step in the
Lewinian Model is observation and reflection. In this study the
use of journals in the clinical setting focused the students on
the problem experienced. In the paired situation, because they
were talking with each other, participants received immediate
feedback regarding their thoughts. This is an important step in
this experiential process. Via this process of reflection, nursing
students were primed for procedural steps three and four.
Following reflection students moved toward developing ability
to conceptualize and generalize. These concepts and generalizations
are then tested when the students were again in the clinical setting.
In both case studies, students were able to use the information
that they had processed in their journals to solve problems they
encountered in the next clinical experience. This is the application
phase of Lewin's model.
Assessing Reflection
In this section, I answer Research Question 2: How can the clinical
experience be evaluated for the presence of reflective processes?
In reviewing previous research, I heard concerned voices of educators
calling for methods that would assist students with critical thinking,
problem solving, and reflection in the clinical setting and for
tools to evaluate these processes (Alexander & Giguere, 1996;
Beck, 1995; Burrows, 1995; Colucciello, 1997; Infante, 1981; Jinks,
1991; Oermann, 1997; Tanner, 1994). Evaluation instruments that
have been developed to assess for reflection and critical thinking
have often proven ineffective.
Because I wanted to promote reflection and thinking in my students
in the clinical setting, I chose journal writing as a method to
stimulate reflection. The questions for the journal were specifically
developed to provide structure to the reflective process. Other
wise, the journal would be a mere catalogue of events (Van Gyn,
1996). Second, a rubric was developed to meet the NLN recommendation
for assessment criteria for critical thinking. This rubric yeilded
a holistic score (Herman, Gearhart, & Aschbacker, 1996) giving
me specific feedback as to the progress of reflection. The criteria
were adapted from Boud et al.'s (1985) stages of reflection (see
chapter 3) and definition from Mezirow (1991) as to what constitutes
a reflector. Mezirow defines non reflector, reflector and critical
reflector. The written answers to the journal questions where
students only listed the events were considered non reflective.
When a student answered with connections or thoughtful ideas,
the answers was considered reflective element. To maintain reliability
of the rubric, it was used by a professor of education and a nursing
faculty at the college where I am employed (Miles & Huberman,
1994). Inter-rater reliability for the nursing faculty and I was
The results of the rubric showed the unpaired students decreased
in reflection over time. The total reflective score possible was
7. The first week reflective class mean was 3.5. There was a decrease
to 2.2 by the 5th week and then a gradual rise to 3.25 by the
9th week, however, the linear change was not significant. The
paired students, however, had a progressive increase in the reflective
score which was significant. The beginning class mean was 2.7
and the last score of 5.8. The highest class mean of 6.2 occurred
at the 8th week. An independent t-test was performed to determine
if there was a difference between the unpaired and paired case
study groups. The over all mean for the unpaired group was 3.02
and the overall mean for the paired group was 4.59. The independent
t-test showed a significant difference with t(202) = 5.94, p =.00
indicating there was an increase in the reflection in the paired
group (see Appendix A11). This simple process–specific question
and rubric—indicated levels of reflection in both settings
and an increase in reflection over time with the paired students.
By developing specific questions and a rubric, I am meeting the
National League for Nursing (NLN) for the Associate Degree of
Nursing (ADN) mandates by the year 2000 ADN programs to be accountable
for assessing critical thinking in their curriculum and perhaps
answering concerns for authentic assessment for evaluating thinking
by other health professions such as dentistry (Lim & Chen,
1999) and medicine (Carney et al., 1999), and education (Darling-Hammond,
1994; Malbry, 1999). Traditional methods for assessing the presence
of critical thinking have fallen short of their expectations (Scott,
Markert, & Dunn, 1998). Facione and Facione (1996b) call for
multiple method designs with evaluation that address the diverse
contexts present in critical thinking and judgment made by the
nurse. Oermann (1997) furthers emphasizes the importance of evaluation
of critical thinking in the clinical setting. "Clinical evaluation
strategies are also needed to monitor the development of students'
thinking skills over time" (p. 25). Thus the development
of this rubric will assist me in monitoring the development of
students' thinking.
In reading the literature on rubrics, they seem to develop over
time as they are used by the teacher and reviewed for validity
of information being measured (Herman et al., 1996; Martin-Kniep,
1998). In reviewing the results of the rubric and the qualitative
analysis of themes, I asked myself where changes were needed.
As a result of using this rubric, I have adapted one question
in an effort to probe for the outcome of the problem: "Was
it solved? Why or why not?" I also plan to develop questions
that would ask the paired students to review their weaknesses
from the week before and tell how they have progressed in their
plan of action. I feel that the rubric did assess the presence
of reflection and growth over time and I continue to use it.
Secondary Purpose
The primary purpose of my study was to develop tools that assist
students in linking theoretical knowledge with clinical problem
solving. The secondary purpose was to tell my experience as I
try to facilitate increased reflection in the clinical setting.
I felt that I needed to bring theory together with my own practice
and then describe what I learned from implementing methods for
promoting reflection in the clinical setting.
As an educator faced with demands of accrediting bodies to evaluate
the presence of critical thinking, I used journal writing and
paired students in the clinical setting to promote reflection.
I developed structured questions and a rubric to facilitate and
evaluate the process of thinking. Like the students, I kept a
journal of my thoughts and actions so that when I reviewed the
material that I studied I could decide what to maintain or what
areas to change to strengthen the process of problem solving and
For both case studies, dialogue was important in learning from
the environment. In the unpaired students, I changed the journaling
time from the end of post-conference to the middle because I was
concerned that students would not have enough time writing in
their journals. Past experience had taught me that I needed to
allow enough time for journal writing otherwise I would receive
journals with unanswered questions. Inspite of the change in journaling
time the students enjoyed telling each other about their experience
and asking questions that they still did not spend as much time
writing. From these students I learned the importance of dialogue.
The next quarter I allocated the journal writing at the end of
post-conference and encouraged students to talk about their experience
with the whole group before they journaled. I noticed also after
the paired students had been writing and talking together they
would share a thought with the group that had just come out of
the dialogue that was taking place.
For the unpaired students, dialogue with their fellow classmates
was important to gather information and for decreasing the stress
that they felt. Later in the quarter, I noticed that the unpaired
students were spontaneously collaborating with each other regarding
problems or activities that needed to be done.
I have used cooperative learning in my classroom for 5 years even
though many educators told me that cooperative learning in college
classrooms was not feasible. I wanted to expand this method to
the clinical setting. As a result I conducted a pilot study, I
concluded that cooperative/collaborative learning opportunities
should be provided for all of the students in the clinical setting.
The process in bringing a new method into the clinical setting
was not an easy one. Change is challenging. I discovered that
although I gave what I thought were clear explanations, because
this process was new to both students and staff, it was important
to repeat the explanation and expectations frequently. During
my discussion time with the staff, they began to see the importance
of students learning to collaborate with each other. It seemed
that my explanation of the process was getting through to them.
In the intensive care unit the registered nurses mentioned to
me that the collaborative experience of the students seemed to
decrease the students' anxiety as they entered the critical care
For the students, learning to trust each other's knowledge was
a new concept, and as a teacher, I worked at facilitating this
process by returning the questions asked by a student back to
the other member of the pair. If the student told me that he or
she had already dialogued with the partner then, I would use questioning
techniques to elicit a response as opposed to just giving an answer.
This was not always easy for me to do. I noticed in my personal
notes that it was easier to slip back into a telling mode or into
just answering the questions. For me this experience helped to
build skills and reinforce what I had learned previously in educational
methods classes.
In trying to apply learning strategies, it was easier to be rigid
in what I had learned than it was to be creative in solving a
problem that arose. I had to remind myself to be flexible. This
flexibility was used when paired nursing students had difficulty
getting along with each other as they worked together. I did not
want this difficult time to be a barrier to learning, so I collaborated
with someone who had used paired strategies to solve the problem
I felt that because students were paired I was able to spend more
time with more students because of the close proximity and because
I was dialoguing with two individuals at once. It was easier to
pull students together for learning moments or for viewing infrequent
procedures because they were working together. Students had to
learn to share new procedures and felt that it would be better
for them if they could individually perform the procedures. I
would remind the students that because they were working together
it increased the opportunity of observing a procedure that they
would probably not get to do or even view if they had been working
Most of the time having two student care givers created an atmosphere
of comfort and support for the patients. Patients liked the attention
that students were giving them. I found that I needed to ask the
students about how the patient was perceiving their attention.
If a patient was feeling uncomfortable, the students and I problem-solved
to meet that patient's needs. If there was a new procedure that
needed to be performed on a patient who was not their assigned
patient, I would secure permission from the patient to have more
than one student in the room. This was to protect the patient's
right for privacy.
During post-conference I observed the students dialoguing together
while writing in their journal. This was important because I needed
to know that both students were doing the work and that dialogue
was occurring. The process of dialoguing seemed to energize the
room. I noticed that students wanted to share with the group what
they were discussing and what they had learned.
Like many others who conduct research using qualitative methods,
I often had doubts concerning what I was observing. However, D.
Schön (1983) emphasizes in the following statement the importance
of going into the "swamp":
In the varied topography of professional practice, there is a
high, hard ground where practitioners can make effective use of
research-based theory and techniques, and there is a swampy lowland
where situations are confusing "messes" incapable of
technical rationality. The difficulty is that the problems of
the high ground, however great their technical interest, are often
relatively unimportant to clients or to the larger society, while
in the swamp are the problems of greatest human concern. (p. 42)
When individuals add to their epistemology of practice the use of reflection-in-action, a relevancy to the research emerges (Schön, 1983). This has been my experience throughout this study. As I reflected, made changes, and reflected again, the importance of what I am practicing and learning became relevant to me.
Suggestions for Clinical Instructors
The experience and knowledge I gained from this research allows
me to make the following recommendations to the reader.
1. There is a richness of knowledge when people come together
and share their experiences to plan for better pedagogical methods.
As educators we need to have a "good talk about good teaching"
(Palmer, 1998, p. 144). These talks should include ways of knowing,
definitions of critical thinking, and classroom environment.
2. Nursing educators need to identify and analyze the components
of critical thinking and their relationship to reflection and
problem solving (nursing process). Often nursing has general objectives
for critical thinking and problem solving; these objectives are
not specific to the each level the students are presently in.
Nursing educators should establish at which level of nursing education
that specific components of critical thinking should be emphasized,
and then build on each level as the student progresses through
the program.
3. In talking aloud as instructors we should be naming the processes
that we are using. This will assist the students to establish
the habits of the mind and promote understanding of the processes
they are performing.
4. We should give feedback in students journals. I had deliberately
chosen not to give much feedback in the journals. As the result
of assessing and analyzing the journals, this turned out to be
a weakness in the refection process. Because of this realization,
I have started giving feedback in the journals.
A second weakness I feel I found in the journaling process used
in my study was not having the students review their journals
and comment on their growth. Therefore, in the future I will have
the paired students review their journals at the end of the quarter
and dialogue with each other as to how they view their growth
in thinking and problem solving. They will then submit a summary
of their thoughts to me.
5. Even though students were paired, sometimes mistakes were made.
This meant that two people were making the error. Nursing educator
could spend time teaching students how to check each other for
accuracy. This includes how to communicate in such a way that
one individual is not just giving in to his or her partner with
the stronger opinion. Learning to negotiate is an important skill
when students are paired and a decision needs to be made.
6. When I was asked if pairing the nursing students should be
used every nursing class in the Associate Degree program, I gave
an emphatic "Yes!" As students would advance they could
build upon the different components of teamwork, critical thinking,
and reflection.
Recommendation for Further Research
As the result of this study, the following are recommendations
for further research:
1. Further development of rubrics that would assess the level
of reflection as students progress through the nursing program
is needed.
2. There is a need for longitudinal studies assessing for the
qualities of reflection and critical thinking.
3. Faculty need to continue to conduct research on methods that
can be used in the clinical setting that would assist students
in problem solving, reflection, and critical thinking.
4. Broader methods should be developed that encourage multiple
ways of viewing a problem.
5. There is a need for further study on how reflecting together
in the form of journal writing promotes higher-order thinking.
6. There is a need for further study with triads or a pair of
pairs on how reflecting together increases reflection.
My findings are:
1. The problem-solving process was documented in reflective journals
in both cases.
2. The rubric indicated the presence of reflection in unpaired
students and paired students.
3. Paired nursing students had a growth in reflection when they
journaled and worked together.
4. Themes emerging from the journals demonstrate dialogue effectively
reduced anxiety and increased perception of learning.
5. Journal writing as unpaired and with paired classmates assists
students to link theoretical knowledge with clinical experience.
6. Though reflection has been traditionally considered a self
process, this study indicated that benefits in reflecting together
in a journaling process appear to be greater.
This study suggests that students writing in a reflection journal
can be used as evidence for the presence reflective thinking.
The teacher can facilitate the process of reflection by pairing
students to create a dynamic, caring environment which promotes
feelings of connectiveness to the learning experience, thus increasing
the opportunities of reflection, critical thinking, and problem