"What characterizes human selfhood is the construction of a conceptual system that organizes, as it were, a 'record' of agentive encounters with the world, a record that is related to the past (that is 'autobiographical memory', so-called) but that is also extrapolated into the future - self with history and possibility. Jerome Bruner, 36

*Required Readings and Activities

Module Two: Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation

2.4 Explores the use of other heuristic devices in data collection: life lines, photographs, journals etc. and other sources of data such as documents

A. Readings: Merriam, Chap 6 & 7; Clandinin & Connelly, Chap 7

*Richardson, Laurel. 2000. Writing: A Method of Inquiry. In Qualitative Research. (incomplete reference! sorry!)



B. Web and Other Links:


C. Discussion Starters/Reflective Journal Topics: (Choose one topic and start or continue a discussion thread.)

***1. Using the Organizational Charts or Refugee Pictures , discuss similarities and differences in the various portrayals. What might be the value of these data collection techniques?

2. Discuss ways in which reliability and validity issues are addresssed by using a data collection and analysis process involving Multiple Heuristic Devices.

D. Experiences/Activities:

***1. Browse through the various Data Collection Techniques from the pulldown menu on the left. Choose one or two and use them (or adapt them) to collect some data for your study.


E. Portfolio Documentation:

1. Devise a data collection process that has multiple sources of data. Reflect on why these choices might be productive in terms of identifying the 'human self'. (see above quote)