Madaba Plains Project
Data Distribution Page
M.C.K. Mattingly, Pottery Registrar


DOWNLOADING: You will want to download files and then use them with your own applications rather than opening them over the web. Most are LARGE files and could bog down unless you copy them over to your system first.To download a file to your own computer, press your shift key while you click on the link itself, then follow the prompts to specify where you want the file put in your computer.

PDF FILES: To view pdf files, you must use Acrobat Reader or equivalent. This is a free program available from

ACCESS FILES: The databases are in Microsoft ACCESS. You must have this installed on your own computer. Then you must make your own copy of the file here before your can run the database. Make sure you know what version you are using. If you make changes in the database, make sure you send them in so the master can be updated.

PHOTOS: The photo files are in jpg format which can be read by most word processors and browsers.

Locus sheets (scans of originals, in pdf format readable with Acrobat Reader)

Square A5 L1 L2 L5 M4 M5 N1 N2


Database (in MS Access format)

Version Distribution date Included Not included
all loci sheets
pottery for square N1


Registries (registration numbers, distinctive features, ownership, location, destinations, cross references; last updated July 2001, in MS Access format)

Pottery, Artifacts, Objects


Photos (This is the link to Andrews' ftp site. Each picture file is in jpg format readable with web browser and most word processors)