Pizza Palace is a Practice Website

Welcome to the Pizza Palace Menu page where there is always a smiling face waiting to serve you.

When we say we deliver what you want fast we mean fast!!

Here are our prices of the delicious pizzas that we serve baked fresh daily!! PIZZA PALACE MENU
CHEESE $9.99 $11.99 $13.99
PINEAPPLE $10.99 $12.99 $14.99
BLACK OLIVE $1.99 $0.99 $0.50
RED PEPPER $5.00 7.00 $9.00

Don't worry about biting off the head of camel from eating our pizza!

WE here at the Pizza Palace strongly believe in the American dream, and you can even check out our other Pizza Palace website by clicking the flag:

To show all of our customers just how much we care, we have given you the option to email us your orders and reuests at: MIKE MURRILL