What does being a dad means to me?

Being a dad means that God has entrusted me with the task of training my child in the way she should go (Prov. 22:6). He has given me the duty to teach her the fear of the Lord (Ps. 128). He has asked me to bring her up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord without exasperating her (Eph. 6:4). He has allowed me to share the heritage of faith.

And for my effort, I get lots of hugs and kisses, really neat Father's Day cards, and the chance to hear, "Hey, Dad!"

God knows the responsibilities and joys of fatherhood because He's our heavenly Father. And as our Father He will give us what we need to care for our children.

Our children are a gift from God

On loan from heaven above

To train and nourish in the Lord

And show to them His love.

Abstract from Our Daily Bread, June 20 1999