
When I was a little boy, I used to be on the swim team. I actually wasn't too bad. Some MSC kids were on the team with me, like Cassie, Connor, Caleb, and Marika. The coach was my grandmother, and my cousins encouraged me to keep swimming. My dad, even though he taught me to focus on baseball over other sports, also encouraged me to keep swimming. After a while, I learned to enjoy the sport, and I dreamt of becoming Michael Phelps.


When I was little, I finally became old enough to play baseball at Howard. I came from watching my brother hit for his travel teams to playing in the game myself. I was on the Bulls at Pepper Martin Park run by Howard Township. I was absolutely horrible, but it was hands-down the best season to be apart of due to how much I looked forward to practices and games. The best part about it all is the close relationship that I have developed with all the kids that is still lasting today.

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