First breast-


Eliana’s Hand
OOPS!  This is not me.  Due to the possible exposure of mom, dad decided
to include the above picture as an example of a bad "latch-on".
        It occured to dad that the One who would rather die than live without me--
Jesus, was breast fed.  The reason that he gives for this is the reference in Psalm 69
where the prophecy states that "I learnt to trust on my mothers breast".  What a
wonderful thought that Jesus bonded with Mary, while Joseph probably helped burp
        Well!  Mom says that she is the "Dairy Queen".  "Milky Lane" is what I would call
the store.  The thrill is that my little immunity is being bolstered by this wonderful
ritual.  There are some difficulties that we are facing, but the La Leiche League
is a wonderful resource.  I am growing, so something must be working alright.

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