ISSUES IN ORIGINS GSEM 539 Mid Term REVIEW Dr. Younker Possible Essay Questions: p21 1. What are some examples of non-literal interpretive approaches to Genesis 1 - 11? see: Mythological, Poetic, Saga, Parable, Theological only, Combination of above. [a liberal view] 2. What are the arguments for a "recent" creation? What are some of the problems in working out a Biblical chronology? More than 200 Biblical chronologies have been devised with calculations of less than 10,000 years. (somewhere between 6,000 to 10,000 years) 3. What are the arguments for the creation taking 6 literal days? The word used: "yom" means day, and the Biblical account lists the creation activity each day by evening and morning. The first five days were declared "tov" good, and the sixth day was "tov meod" very good. 4. What evidence is there in the Hebrew text that the stars existed prior to creation week? The use of the term "et" meaning: in addition to. The stars were made in creation week, in addition to already existing stars. 5. What is the PASSIVE Gap Theory? The theorized non-existence of life or death before man's fall. Then after a long period [millions of years] life came into being. 6. What are the theological problems that result if one assumes the fossils had an existence prior to creation week? The inability ot the theorists to account for death before the appearance of the sin problem. 7. What Biblical evidence suggests that the author intended to describe a world-wide flood? What other considerations support this interpretation? [a] v11 "mabbul" the destruction of creation [undoing creation] [catastrophic] [grandisimo]. [b] v11 heavens erupt. [c] v11 fountains of the deep burst out. [d] v23 from the face of all the earth. [universal scope] [e] v7, 8 all the animals went into the ark. [universal migration] 8. Does Genesis 2 offer a second contradictory creation account? Why, or why not? No contradiction. [a] The Bible never contradicts itself. It is Holy Spirit sustained. [b] The reference to things "not yet" is to those effects brought about by man's fall into sin. They were not intended in God's original scheme of things, but were secondary eventualities to fit the then degraded state of affairs, and not a contending creation. 9. What is the goal of most modern Biblical historians? How do they achieve this? They propose to write the true history of the Bible, but resort to tactics not found in the Bible, through employment of man made Historical Critism. [under the choreography of Satanic influences] 10. What evidence suggests that Genesis 1-2 (or 1-3 is one literary unit?) The use of the Hebrew words for "not yet" referring to: [a] plants of the field [b] shrubs of the field [c] man to till the soil [d] rain. These texts span a continuous narrative [with accomodation for the sin problem state] culminated in Genesis 3. They are in no way, even suggestive, of two separate creations. Identification: Explain the significance in a sentence, or be able to associate the term with a definition (the professor) will provide. Romans 5:12, 18; Romans 8:19-23 [37] Sin and death came into the world by Adam & Eve's fall. The consecuences affected the animals as well. There was no death before sin. Ruin and Restoration Theory [23, 24] [Classical Gap Theory] [ACTIVE Gap Theory] The proposition that there was an initial creation, then destruction, then the passage of millions of years before a second creation. ["bahu" form, & "tohu" void were made by Satan is a theorist view.] NOTE: PASSIVE Gap Theory: There was no life or death on the planet [lay bare] for millions of years, then a recent six-day creation. ACTIVE Gap Theory: There was life and death for millions of years before creation and then the fall. mabbul [26] A special word for God's flood. A violent, catastrophic universal [un-doing of creation.] World wide eruptive inundation, designed to reverse the state of God's orderly creation. Historical-critical interpretation [24] Assumption that Genesis 1, and Genesis 2 are contradictory, based on the theorist's interpretation of "JE" Yawist-Elohist writings or "P" Priestly version. [a] it denies Mosaic authorship 1450 BCE [b] questions Biblical inspiration [c] questions reliability of the Scriptures [d] denies the historicity of the Genesis creation account. #### see Younger's book. Accomodative Interpretative Approaches [21, 22] [a] Liberal [b] Accomodations: made to have the Bible fit Science. [Fundamentalist view that the Bible is unreliable]. [Creation not of six literal days] [c] Literalists: Take the Bible AS IS on its own word and merit. ####"earth" [26] "all the earth" [26] "the face of all the earth" [26] 'kol ha' ares see Gen 1:29, Gen 7:2, Gen 8:9 All these texts attest to a universal destruction by the flood, and can be extended to relate to universal judgment for violation of God's principles. Day-Age Theory [22] The unfounded ideation that each each day of creation compassed indefinite periods of years. [It presupposes that God could not create the world in 6 days, hours, minutes, or split seconds, according to His will.] Historical / literal interpretation [23] Is the position that the text means what it says, as read on the surface. Passive Gap Theory [23]: see [above] Four things that were "not yet" in Genesis 2 [24] [a] Plant of the field [24] [b] Shrub of the field [24] [c] Man to till the soil [25] [d] Rain [25] There is NO contradiction between Gen 1, and Gen 2 [There is an adaptation to the elemental modifications leading to the introduction of sin] example: before sin, there was no rain, but the earth was watered by a mist, Gen 2: 10 four rivers: Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, Euphrates went out of Eden. C. I. Scofield [22] mistakenly advocated the ACTIVE Gap Theory, and the Day Age Theory, asserting that each day of creation was of long periods of time. Mosaic authorship [24] Questions the authorship of Gen 1 & 2, whether by "JEP" interpretation of Moses. The Bible indicates that Moses is the rightful author. Jesus Himself quoted Moses as writing the Law [Lk 14: 44] Literary bridge [25, 26] Is the Biblical characterization of the history from PERFECTION in chapter 1 "tov meod", to the FALL "sin" in chapter 3. Global flood [26] relates to "mabbul", fountains of waters bursting forth, heavens erupting, all the face of the earth, [all the created world], animals going into the ark, are EQUIVALENT to Judgment. ####Des Vignolles [28] surveyed more than 200 Biblical chronologies, ####6,000 years [30] less than 10,000 years [29] "recent" creation [Younker] Death before sin [37] Rom 5: 12 "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." v 18 "Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of One the free Gift came upon all men unto justification of life." Rom 8: 19-23 "For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope. For the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body." NOTE: the existence of fossils in the geologic column points to death after the fall. Not before. "stars also" [23] Gen 1: 16 the Hebrew word "et" means in addition to. Indicates that the stars existed before the creation of our earth. #### Younker p22 "yom" [23] The Hebrew word for day ( erev vabo) is a period of 24 literal hours. Gen 1: 5 1. 2. 3. plants, 4. 5. birds 6. animals ####mythical, poetic, saga, parable, theological [ ] are liberal scholar's explanations of their approaches to Genesis, as NOT History. heavens and earth [23] refers to the ENTIRE UNIVERSE [inclusio] with Yaweh as the indisputable Creator. ####merisim [23] means: the whole ball. air - birds, land - animals, water - fish. God created all, and then man, and pronounced his creation: "tov meod" ####universal themes [26] From Gen chapter 1 thru 11, there is a UNIVERSAL CREATION [global]. Sin affected all creation. The flood [judgment] affected all the earth. JEPD [24] Is the theorists alternative versions to the Mosaic authorship of Genesis. "hames" [37] Hebrew word means: violence [shedding of blood]. Men killing men. Animals killing men. The earth became violent because of man's sin. God's flood was to purify the earth of "hames" [violence] Dr. Baldwin ####4. Identify JAMES HUTTON, the title of his famous work, the correct date of its publication, a famous line from his work, also the significance of this line and significance of the book, in view of similar books that had been written before this particular work by HUTTON. "Theory of the Earth" 1785 / 88 "no sign of beginning, no sign of end" Claims to have discovered: DEEP TIME. ####5. Identify CHARLES LYELL, the title of his word, the date of its publication and its significance in the life of CHARLES DARWIN. "Principles of Geology" 1833 It was written aboard the Beagle as he and DARWIN sailed around the world. It expanded the concept of DEEP TIME. ####6. Identify the title and date of a key manuscript that DARWIN wrote several years before the publication of the Origin of Species. Explain the theological significance of this manuscript which DARWIN wrote, in terms of the exact time of its writing, and in terms of what happened in another part of the world on that date. "Darwin's Sketch" 189 pages, 1844 It allowed that there was a 6-day creation, but Darwin said not 6-days recently.#### 7. Fully explain God's response to DARWIN's manuscript as God's response appears in the last portion of the FIRST Angel's Message just like the one which Dr. Baldwin shared on the white board in class. Please build the parallel listing of terms from the Bible using the proper references and Biblical terms. Explain the significance of this listing. Then draw a box around a certain phrase in the words from the Old Testament that yhou have used in your chart, and then draw a dotted line just like the dotted line used on the chart on the white board. Use arrows showing the direction of the line. Extend the dotted line to a special place on the RIGHT hand side of your chart. Enter the words which you have brought into this portion of the text, and explain their implied meaning in the context. Explain how this implied meaning directly answers DARWIN's claim. ####see: separate DIAGRAM. Worship the Creator worship Him WHO................................Rev 14: 6 created: .................................................6 days heaven earth sea fountains of water. Then Ex 20: 1 - 11 created: .................................................6 days heaven [above] earth [beneath] the sea water [under the earth] The idea is that God created, but Darwin tells how He did it. NOTE: the First Angel's Message, and the Ten Commandments are God's answers to Darwin. 8. Identify and explain a charge which evolutionists will bring against your newly implied claim which you have developed in the FIRST ANGEL's MESSAGE. Identify a word in the last part of the First Angel's Message, which can be seen as God's geological response to this charge. Identify the term in GREEK, and explain its use in the LXX (Septuagint) with Proverbs 8: 28 and Genesis 7: 11 Develop the possible deeper meaning of this term by first extablishing the possible meaning of this term by reference to the theme of divine judgment in another setting, and explain how this term can help to show that God is indeed a God of judgment, and that we should listen to the judgment message of the FIRST ANGEL's MESSAGE. Then show that by recalling to our thinking a divine judgment in the past, this particular word as used in the FIRST ANGEL's MESSAGE means that the FIRST ANGEL's MESSAGE is , in this fashion, underscoring for us today the reality of that of that divine, watery judgment, the global flood, and that therefore, the use of this term in the FIRST ANGEL's MESSAGE can be seen to be God's end-time endorsement of the reality of the global flood. Then explain how this is God's geologic answer to the challenge of a six-day creation week, which evolutionists will bring against pastors today. Be sure to link the concept "fountains of waters" or the flood, to the geologic column. The geologic column is the so-called proof, by which the evolutionists deny a six-day creation. They claim that now we know that there has been deep time as shown, they say, by the existence of the fossil-filled geologic column. Their claim shows how important the special language of the FIRST ANGEL's MESSAGE is for us today. God's timing and language is brillant and deeply profound. This shows some of the significance of the text which has been placed upon the new entrance of the Seminary building. ####For additional information about the concept "fountains of waters" see: Creation, Catastrophe, & Calvary, pp26-28 God had justly claimed His 6 -day creation. Geologists claim that a 6-day creation was impossible, as proven by the geologic column, and further that there is no alternative. "pege" = fountains of water [fountain of the deep] Prov 8: 28 "When He established the clouds above; when he strengthened the fountains of the deep" {this means: made in God's wisdom}. Gen 7: 11 "In the six hundreth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were the fountains of the GREAT deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." = mabbul [both of these texts show that the First Angel's Message is from the mind of God. The global flood was a judgment [by water] which was warned for 120 years, and the First Angel's Message is a coming judgment [by fire] -another un-doing of creation. [Its execution is soon to occur.] It is God's endorsement of a global flood in the 21st century, in the context of JUDGMENT. Jesus heard the geologists' challenge. His response: The first part of the First Angel's Message specifies a 6-day creation. NOTE: without a literal 6-day creation, Sabbath would be non-existent. God says that the global flood produced the geologic column. The fountains of the deep were broken up: mabbul. Creation was un-done: thrown in havoc: made topsy turvy. That's what happened. [so are the secular geologists]. They are upside DOWN, and NOT to be taken seriously. 9. Identify the Beagle and its significance. The name of the boat, on which Darwin sailed around the world. His Sketches lead to the writing of "Origin of Species" 10. Identify and discuss the specific argument of the Origins, and the date of its publication. 1859 [a] chance variation over Deep Time. [b] Random change. [c] Natural selection. the evolution from filament to man. ####11. Identify and explain the five steps, which DARWIN outlines for the development of the human eye. What did DARWIN start with? [1] Transparent tissue with a nerve sensitive to light [rudimentary eye] [2] Random change. [millions of years] #### 12. [p103] Identify and discuss RICHARD GOLDSCHMIDT and his work, and its significance. "The Material Basis for Evolution" 1939. He refutes Darwin's theory of Natural Selection. He contends that Darwin's theory needs a HOPEFUL MONSTER to explain gaps in the ascending change of animal forms. 13. Identify three items that GOLDSCHMIDT mentioned that he thinks cannot be accounted for on strictly DARWINIAN principles. [notes: 103, 104 a] [1] hair [2] feathers [3] nerves [4] muscles [5] teeth [6] compound eyes [7] blood circulation [8] poison in snakes Darwin Theory: imperceptibly SLOW changes over millions of years. 14. p104 Explain GOLDSCHMIDT's exposition of the difficulty of the evolution of specialized types of mosquitoes on a strictly DARWINIAN point of view. The mouth parts with SLOW gradations between generalized and specialized types would have died of starvation. 15. Explain ELDRIDGE's Trilobite research, and its significance. [notes: 105, 106] He tried in vain to document any evolution in them. He found no MACROevolution [over 8 million years], THEREFORE: stasis and abrupt change were thus documented giving birth to a new theory of evolution to fit the findings. 16. p108 Identify WILLIAM PALEY, his famous book and its date. "The Natural Theology" 1802 17. Identify a body part PALEY used to illustrate what is now the argument from perfection. Explain how he used this body part in his argument. Give your own assessment of the force of his argument. The epiglottis. That it evolved over a long period of time. [no satisfactory response to functional shift. Assessment: Slow development [gradual formation] would preclude survival of the organism. [It would die from congestive pneumonia] [food particles in the lungs via the trachea]. p109 18. Identify ALFRED R. WALLACE, and his significance. Explain why he rejected evolution. Give his argumentation. Present your own assessment of his point . wrote: "Geological Climates and the Origin of Species" Co-founder of the Origin of Species. He studied children, and asked: HOW WAS THE HUMAN BRAIN DEVELOPED SO FAR BEYOND THE NEEDS OF ITS POSSESSORS? Darwin was never able to answer that question. Wallace argued that in human development, a Higher Intelligence guided laws for nobler ends. Monteso: I have diagnosed Darwin as a male hysteric, who revelled in sensational adulation. He was never really concerned about the accuracy of his pronouncements, but of his personal, euphoric gratification, as he led the world to wander after the beast. That's it! Darwin is dead. p109 19. Identify MARJORIE GREENE, her book, and her major point. wrote "The Knower and the Known" 1966 Macro evolution is simply NOT possible. Darwin's book: "Origin of Species" is not about the origin of species, but moves to extinction. p110 20. Identify ALVIN PLANTINGA, his article and his point. Explain his major point. World class philosopher of Religion at Notre Dame University. wrote "When Faith and Reason Clash; Evolution and the Bible" 1991 Argument from Perfection. Darwin's assumptions are incorrect path of mutations. Natural creatures owe their original creation to God's activity. 21. Explain how a global flood is necessary for the blood of Jesus on Calvary to have continuing power to forgive our sins. In other words, explain the rainbow connection (flood connection) between how the geologic column was formed and Calvary. Use [Romans 5 :12], and [Romans 8: 20, 21] This issue speaks directly to the issue of death before sin in the evolutionary paradigm. see: Creation, Catastrophe, & Calvary pp112-116, & 119-121. -Baldwin. Fig 5 p129 The geologic column, formed by a catastrophic worldwide deluge "mabbul" testifies to death after man's fall in sin. This led to Calvary's role through the atonement of Christ [His payment of our sin debt]. The rainbow is a reminder of the covenant God made to never again destroy the world by water. It as well reminds us of His salvation. ref: Rom 5: 12 & 8: 20, 21 NOTE: Three ideas personally discovered ####see Younker mabbul bk Baldwin rainbow bridge bk Behe Darwin Black Names of Textbooks and Authors