Doctrine of the Sanctuary by Richard Davidson.


Day 1 - Overview and highpoints of course expectations.


Ps 27 - This one thing I desire of the LordÉ dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.  The Sanctuary? Or in the presence of the Lord - safe from danger, from self sinning.

God says to Nathan, You canŐt build me a house but I will build you a house.

On Mount Moriah

He gathered cedar, gold, silver, skilled people, appoints the priests, 4000 musicians paid by the tithe, and wrote the things to sing. Count the songs written by David, 2/3 of the book of Psalms.  He wrote the hymn book.  And God gave David the plans as the copy of the original.

His life passion was the sanctuary.

In the old testament, the other writers alongside David and the many chapters of the Torah (50 chapters) deal with the sanctuary.  It is the passion of the prophets too, 50 chapters.  Then the whole book of psalms saturated with images of the sanctuary.

Book of Joshua - the keys of each book focuses on the sanctuary.

1 -2 Samuel starts and finishes with sanctuary.

Prophets - full of information of it.

NT - Gospel of John centered around the festivals of the sanctuary as Jesus fulfills each

Revelation - each section starts with a scene in the sanctuary and key to understanding.

Pauline and other epistles also include priesthood and mercy seat and laver wordage.  Hebrews is loaded with it.

Sabbath 200 references here and there comparatively.

Look at the life of the Israelite.  The modern life centers around the mall, from one shrine to the other and offering our tithes to each clothing stores.  But ancient life centered around the Sanctuary where they came to celebrate. 91xŐs they were called to come to the Sanctuary (52 Sabbaths in those) .  The temple was the center of their life.  They found fellowship, joy and celebration, forgiveness, power and instruction from the priests.

Sanctuary isnŐt about doctrine but about life.


1844 The Adventist pioneers (GC 423) the doctrine of the Sanctuary was the key to understanding the times, Adventist theologies key to understand truth. 

Jesus is the center of the Sanctuary.  So the Adventist message should have the Sanctuary as center to their message for he is center and gives context to what he is doing - why any of it matters.


The spokes of a wheel considered apart may be symmetrical but their utility only realized when connected by a hub.  The great truths of revelation find their focal point.

The correct understanding of the ministry at the sanctuary is the foundation of our faith EGW.  Try teaching the Adventist message through the explanation of the Sanctuary.


Our understanding of the sanctuary is radically different from evangelical understanding of reality.  God had raised up the Adventists to take back the sanctuary message that we have a real God who lives in space and time in a sanctuary and that he invites us to live with him forever.


Back to David.  David wanted to be in the Sanctuary, why?  What is the sanctuary experience?  There are three parts (suggested). 

What is really of value, worth dying for in this world? 

Classical philosophers say : Beauty, Truth and Goodness.

                                                     Esthetics, Dogmatics and Ethics

PP595 - EGW speaks of how our schools should be like the schools of the prophets.  There should be a radical change in educational philosophy.  Teachers should endeavor to awaken desire for goodness, truth and beauty. 

Davidson suggests those things are there in the sanctuary.  Ps 27:4 To behold the beauty of the Lord.  (NoŐam) - rare word; so lovely and attractive, it draws you to it, moves you within and you say WOW!

The sanctuary message uplifts the beauty of the Lord.  DonŐt get wrapped up in the theory of the truth that we donŐt get wrapped up in the beauty.  ŇWorship me in the beauty of holiness.Ó  PS 96:6  Strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.  Let His character immerse us in His beauty, we fall in love.  But beauty alone can be deceptive.  Look at Buddhist monasteries and Catholic Cathedrals - it is no guarantee of truth.  We must have the guarantee of truth. 

(Baqar) =seek or inquire, rare word= to not just seek but to intellectually reflect on it and search out the truth of something, examine the evidence.  To dig deep to find if something is true.  David said he wants to go to the sanctuary to dig deep. 

Have you had a Baqar experience?

Is it a doctrine to be charted or one that changes your life.

Sanctuary doctrine the heart of Adventism.  And if it isnŐt true then you have to walk away from Adventism.

Not only is it Biblical but it was life-changing and he fell in love with it. 

David.  vs. 5-6 for in the time of trouble, he shall hide me in his pavillion and lifted up above his enemies (vindicated from false charges) investigative judgment a vindication from the lies of Satan.  CanŐt help to sing about it.  David says he would offer sacrifices of joy ŇShouts of joyÓ. 

vs. 13 - I would have lost heart had I not found the (Tov) goodness of the Lord. 

Last verse, David looks forward when he looks forward to being in GodŐs sanctuary.  Wait (Tikva) to hope and wait in the Lord.  The dead wait, but they cannot tikva.  It means to wait on tiptoes.  The center verse in this chapter is what?

High verse - most crucial point vs. 8 - your face Lord will I seek.  He is in the Heavenly sanctuary.  Calvary was the altar of the heavenly sanctuary.  He will come to take us to the Heavenly Sanctuary.  In my FatherŐs house (Sanctuary) are many mansions, and I am preparing one for you and I will take you home to live with you for eternity.

Can we say, Ň I will be there!Ó

Issues and Personalities of the sanctuary doctrine out there.


Alive and well today in and without Adventism.


A. Historical overview of personalities and positions.

B. systematic enumeration


A. Four major eras in the Adventist movement

               Concerning the crisis of sanctuary doctrine post 1844

Heirum Edson saw the vision Oct 23, 1844. - breakthrough

1.  1860Ős


                              BF Snook - Conference President of Iowa Conf.

                              WH Brinkerhoff - His secretary, a lawyer

                              Both didnŐt like organization of the church.  EGW supported organization so they had problems with her as a spokesman of God and then rejected the sanctuary message and the investigative judgment. (These come as a package deal you will notice.)                    1865 open crisis started and they started the Marion Party after the name of the town.  They grew into the Church of God, Seventh-day.  5000 members in 2002.

The Sabbath has power in the sanctuary message.  They donŐt have it. Out of this came the World Wide Church of God, Garner Ted Armstrong and Herbert Armstrong (Radio). This church recently rejected the seventh day Sabbath.



               James White

               Uriah Smith

               JN Andrews


2.  Turn of the 20th century


                              Dudley Canright: Seventh-day Adventism Renounced;

                                                                           I was CanrightŐs Secretary.

                              John Harvey Kellogg: Sanctuary is everywhere, God is everywhere - pantheism in everything.  EGW paid his way into medical school and pled with him not to follow into these ways of error.

                              A.F. Ballenger: the theologian, missionary, president of conf. But as he studied the topic he saw things different; he was encouraged to study more but not print it, he did anyway and wrote Cast Our for the Cross of Christ and Forty Fatal Errors.

7 points of deviation.

1) Heb 6:19-20 as point of departure ŇChrist has entered into the veilÓ when did Jesus go into the Holy of Holies.  Christ entered into the Most Holy Place on the day of ascension. - current today

 2) The holy place work was in the Old Testament by angels and Melshezadek.

 3) In the sanctuary service sin entered once sin was committed  - automatic contamination. Sin comes out when asked for forgiveness.   - current today

4) Two atonements, one the atonement for iniquity for the world - on the cross.  Then the atonement for judgment for Satan only.

5) Work of cleansing of the sanctuary was judgment on the scapegoat - Satan

6) Rejects an investigative judgment on GodŐs people. - current today

7) You canŐt have the investigative judgment and assurance of salvation.  He said that SDA doctrine robs you of assurance of salvation. - current today

But the judgment brings deliverance and the judge brings vindication for the good people. Within the veil does mean going into the Holy of Holies.  But why did he go there is the question  - He went there to start the sanctuary services on the inauguration day.


                              S.N. Haskell

                              F.C. Gilbert

                              E.E. Andross

3.  1930Ős        


                              L.R. Conradi - born in Germany, to US then to Europe as missionary and against righteousness by faith (and Jones and Waggoner).  HasselŐs dad conversed with Conradi, he expected to be president; he planned to publish a view and destroy EGWŐs voice in the church.  He didnŐt get elected and became a Seventh-day Baptist.  EGW had rebuked him for things and he hated her for it.  Still there is a sting in Europe against EGW.

                              WW Fletcher - from Australia same as Conradi summarized in 3 pts.

1) Christ immediately began his Most Holy Place ministry when he ascended to Heaven.

2)  The Sprinkling of the blood in the sanctuary wasnŐt to transfer sin but to forgive, expiate, sin.

3)  (Both above are contrary to EGW) Therefore rejecting EGW authority as direct revelation from God. 



                              ML Andreasen - wrote The Sanctuary Service, setting forth the basic picture of the sanctuary service.  He said there would be an end time sinless generation that would vindicate the character of God.


4.  1980Ős


                              Robert Brinsmead - Australia

50-60Ős perfectionist phase

70Ős righteousness by faith phase, wrote Present Truth, then Verdict Magazine

80Ős he wrote 1844 Re-examined. June 1981 he published, ŇSabbatarianism Re-Examined.Ó Soon after he left the SDA church. He presented universalism in the next issue - that it doesnŐt matter what you believe, you will be saved.  He is now in Australia and runs a night club (dancing and unclean meat served special on Friday nights) and an avocado farm. 

                              Desmond Ford - Australia never took the perfectionist stage, He argued against BrinsmeadŐs perfectionist stage and converted him and they preached together justification by faith.  Yet from the get go he had questions about the sanctuary doctrine and esp. the book of Hebrews. An exchange teacher at PUC in Oct 27, 1979 he gave a lecture at an open meeting saying he couldnŐt accept the investigative judgment and 1844 sanctuary message.  He wrote the 991 page document. Aug 1980 115 leaders and teachers called to Lake View to discuss the manuscript that he wrote.  At the end meeting it was determined he wasnŐt in harmony with SDA teachings and asked not to teach those things.  He ended up loosing his credentials but stayed on at the PUC church membership until this last year went back to Australia and had his membership removed.  He had started up his own ministry, ŇGood News Unlimited.Ó Over 100 ministers left the SDA church in the months following 1980.   1/3 of ministerial force in Australia were gutted when they followed Des Ford in 1980.  After 1980 the GC set up the DAR Com (the Daniel and Revelation Committee.) They brought out the hard questions and wrestled with them for 10 years and produced 7 volumes.  (Digging into the sanctuary message.)

Dec 27, 2002 by Des Ford: He writes Ň I am in so much in sympathy of your efforts, I too attempted the impossible, to support the investigative judgment.  It became impossible.. I either had to ..(leave it) or deny my SaviorÉ.the sooner you (let go) the sooner you will be happyÉ.consider you may be mistaken.

               Bill Shea would debate with Ford.  A good friend of them both was Hepenstal.  His wife said to Ford, you act like the pope, like you never make mistakes.  He said he has made thousands of mistakes but never in theology.  That is his one big hang up.  He wonŐt listen to others. 

                              Dale Ratliff - left the SDA church and publishes a journal in Glendale, Calif.  Proclamation devoted to getting Adventist ministers out of the church.  Anti-SDAŐs.  Produced a video, taking it to evangelical churches.  He wrote The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventists.

                              Raymond Cottrell - on the internet is doing the same thing right now.  Internet address:  /AssetOrLiability . He used to be and editor of the Adventist review.  He thought the sanctuary doctrine wasnŐt biblical but only from EGW.  That didnŐt last long.  EGW said we must not believe because she said but because it is in the Bible. 


                              DARcom  - Daniel and Revelation Committee.   


The basic issues that come out here:

1)  No Heavenly Sanctuary, is there one?  Is it two part, is it reality or abstraction?

2)  Christ enters the Most Holy Place in 31 AD to start the Day of Atonement.

3)  Automatic defilement of the Sanctuary when sin is committed.

4)  Azazel (scapegoat) doesnŐt represent Satan but Christ.

5)  The Investigative Judgment isnŐt Biblical.

6)  The idea of the investigative judgment is legalistic and contradicts assurance of salv.

7)  No historicist view of interpretation - it is wrong.

8)  The Year-Day principal - NOT

9)  Dan 8:14 = A. Epiphanies is the fulfillment not 1844

10) Rejection of EGWŐs authority.


If you get all this you still will miss the Sanctuary doctrine- even when showing all these points are wrong.  The question in the 3rd millennium: So What?  What difference does the Sanctuary Doctrine impact my life?



Testimony : I was a legalist and I didnŐt know it. I took the class on righteousness by faith with an A+.  But I didnŐt get it.  Yet I didnŐt understand or have the assurance of salvation.  I read the magazine by Brinsmead who was at that time in a 1950-60Ős perfectionist view that we had to have the perfect acts and character of Christ before he can come.  For and Brinsmead helped him to understand the issues and brought him to an understanding of the gospel. 

Brinsmead is now an agnostic and Universalist that everyone will be saved.



January 22, 2003


The cherubim in Gen 3 describes a cherubim with a flaming sword.

God makes skins for Adam and Eve.

Gen 3 structured around the sanctuary

               The sinner kills the animal.  EGW says that Adam took the life of the animal.

               And realizes and learns the plan of salvation right there.

Gen 2:24,25 they were naked and not ashamed. (Arome =naked, not clothed in the normal manner). They were clothed in robes of light. Check the creation story.  It says that He made them in his own image and in his likeness.  Demute= inner lightness, and outward appearance (image).

               Third creation account, Ps 104 goes through the 7 days of creation.  Instead of saying, let there be light, it says that God clothed -- with garments of light.  Implying that they were covered with robes of light. 

               When Adam and Eve sinned, they realized that they were naked (shamefully naked, exposed in Hebrew) (Aroom) Gen 3:7.  They tried to cover themselves with fig leaves.  Adam still said he was naked (even though they were covered with fig leaves, yet still naked - more than physical nudity (unmasked and exposed before God)) . 

Nakedness of soul = guilt.  Fig leaves couldnŐt cover the inward nakedness.  Then what is the clothing when they were clothed.  If it was inward nakedness, then they got inward clothing.  God covered them with Ketonet = garments, lbs = clothe.   When you see these two words together we only see them together when Moses clothed the priests and Levites in the sanctuary.  Language for appointing someone for priestly ministry. 

We now then have the priestly inauguration of this couple to officiate there.   This would be the first womenŐs ordination. (even in a sinful world).

GodŐs plan was to have a kingdom of priests 1 Peter 2:9. 


Cain and Able bring offerings.  Gen 4:7 - after they bring them (fruit and blood) based on the blood he is accepted.  Cain depends on his works like the fig leaves were works of Adam and Eve.  He didnŐt immediately reject him.  Grammer of the text supports not sin is crouching at the door.  Instead can mean Ňsin offeringÓ.  It means a sin offering is lying at the gate of the garden, donŐt trust in your own works but the sin offering I made available for you. Talking of the door into Eden.

Gate of the garden = door (an opening)    there it is, the sin offering.


Sequence: 2nd temple, Solomonic temple, mosaic tabernacle, Garden of Eden after sin and then before sin. (see one page article in packet).

               Which way is the garden oriented - toward the east.

               Which way is the sanctuary oriented - toward the east.

               The tree of life was in the midst of the garden.

               His presence is in the midst of Israel

               God was walking around the garden in the midst of the day.

               Deut 23 - God walking around the temple.

               The river that flows from the throne of God

               The river that flows from the garden.

               Same precious metals listed in the garden of Eden and in the sanctuary

               Same spheres of space, courtyard, holy and most holy place

               Garden, midst of garden?

               6 days, 7th is Sabbath

               Seven sections ŇAnd God said to MosesÓ 6 times regarding the sanctuary

                              The seventh is the Sabbath

               In the garden:  Gen 2: The work assigned to man is to Avad and Shamar, to serve and to guard. They were not there to usurp and pervert or exploit the environment but to protect it.  These two words together only in one other place, in the ordination of the priests and Levites to serve and guard the sanctuary.  Num 3:7-8; Num 18:3-7

They are given the priestly duties.

               Greater light and lesser light and for the light of the sanctuary

               The nature - almond tree, and lilly work, palm trees and open flowers in the sanctuary.  Why?  You are in a garden!!  He links the two.

               God saw, finished his work, then blessed (what happens when he finished the sanctuary.  Moses saw, finished his work, then blessed it. 

               Terminological, Structural, Verbal

               Is there an even more original sanctuary?  The Heavenly Sanctuary.


How far back can you go and still find it.  Is it there before sin or after. Ezekiel 28: Is 14.

The fall of Lucifer (Jose BertoluciŐs dissertation on this! In the library)

Isaiah 14 - to the Heavenly realm  - Satan says he will sit on the mount of the congregation on the furthest north.

Ez 28:12,13 take a lamintation to the King of Tyre (behind the scenes)

God appointed judges but He was the king.  He calls Saul a prince, but says he will still be king.  King is the one behind the rulers. 

Satan was in Eden, the garden of God.  (context) Every precious stone your covering.  The Heavenly garden of Eden -

You are the anointed cherub that covers, you were on the holy mountain of God - in the Holy of Holies on the mountain of God.  He walked among the firey stones.  Until iniquity or better ˆ injustice was found in you.  <<Scripture presents Jesus already coming down as the Angel of the Lord, He is like God but appears as the arch-angel. 

See the equivilant between the two trees - perhaps Jesus was the other covering cherub.  How do you tell the difference?

Son - is the word, the living word that comes down to be close to your creatures - the risk you may be misunderstood.  There is a test of whether you trust what God says or not.  You cannot tell which is the tree of life and a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 


Now you look at the days, two days, Sabbath and any other day.  They look the same.  All the other commandments you can prove work but not the 4th.  You can prove 1 in seven but not which one. 


Heavenly sanctuary is made out of Heavenly Stuff. 


One looks like a garden, a tent, a structure - look for the commonalities to understand the original. Hebrews 9 picks out the commonalities. 


In ancient Near East, someone dressing someone else is to set them aside for a special work; to appoint them for a special job.  . See the links.


Notice it says he was the covering cherub on the holy mountain of God.  It was the mt of the Assembly.  (the original purpose of the sanctuary - even before sin) Refering to the holy mountain.  The mountain of the assembly.  The ultimate purpose isnŐtŐ to solve the sin problem.  Place to come to worship.

DonŐt look at types and antitypes to resolve sin - miss the point.

Before soteriology is doxology. The place of worship. In revelation 21 - no more temple in the city because God was there.  It doesnŐt say there is no sanctuary but that John didnŐt see a sanctuary for God was there.  There was no need for the sun and moon for GodŐs light was enough.  So a sanctuary IS there.  Rev 21:2,3 ŇThen I John saw the holy City coming a brideÉAnd I heard a loud voice, Behold the Scane  (tabernacle, sanctuary) of God is with men. The sanctuary - Is it in the city?  It IS the city!!

***The shape of the city is a cube, what else is a cube but the Most Holy Place!!

Ezekiel temple has a river flowing from it too.

The sanctuary doesnŐt go away but continues to remain for eternity.



We see various sanctuaries over the ages.  Back to post-sin to solve the sin problem; then the pre-fall Eden; but the original is in Heaven.  (Ezekiel 28, Isa 14 purpose Doxological, the Mount of the Congregation or of the Assembly).  The ultimate question is, how far back can you go- Jeremiah 17:12 ŇA glorious high throne, from the beginning, from the very beginning is the place of our sanctuary.Ó The earthly sanctuary never had a high and glorious throne.  God had a place for his creatures to come to meet. 

Do you vision a place of judgment?

Helical in Hebrew; in Sumerian = EGAL; means Great House.  The house of the king. And if that king is divine then it is a temple.  Where God lives.  It is the house of the Lord.  ((Deonna, think how people come to eat together to sup and celebrate and fellowship). 

Exodus 25:8 - still primarily a place to enter into fellowship with God. 

Question: When you say ŇworshipÓ, do you mean fellowship or what?


Exodus 15:17 - The song of Moses ŇGod has delivered them, they are heading to the promised land, to the place of their sanctuary.  He will bring them in and plant themÉ.

Tense of the verb (perfect, already made - already established, as good as done, even before it has been done.)


Exodus 25:8-9 Is this the first mention of the building of the sanctuary? ŇLet them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. (Intimate fellowship) Ňand see that you make everything like the pattern (Tabnit)É.Ó vs. 40 - And see that you make everything according to the patternÉ..

What is that pattern?  What did God show Moses on the Mountain?  Can we know?

Tabnit is related to the word bana, ŇbuildÓ (verb).  What is the first thing on earth that God built?  Women.  (Men were on a potters wheel, crackpots;>) that word used with the creation of women. 

Tabnit (noun) refers to Ňminiature model of an original; pattern of the original for another copy. Look at 2 Kings 16:10,11.  When King AhazÉsaw the altar that was at Damascus and sent a pattern  (a miniature model) with the plans. The priest Uriah built the altarÉa copy/  Tabnit is an intermediately of what is original and what will be.

So what Moses saw on the mountain was a Tabnit of the original.  He took down the instructions. He built it like what he had seen. 

So there is an original Heavenly Sanctuary that is vast and made of Heavenly Stuff - real.  If Moses had seen the original and told to copy that - it would be overwhelming.  Pavement of sapphire - glimpse of it when the elders where there the chapter before. 

Tabnit found 20 times in the OT


Heb 8:5 quotes from this text (Ex 25:40); the greek equivilent  = tuthos = ŇtypeÓ. He was shown a type and told to make the earthly like the heavenly had he seen.

Ex 25: 8 - use

               9 and 40 is to understand what is going on in the Heavenly.

Vol4 Spiritual Gifts - p. 4A -5 God presented before Moses a miniture model of the Heavenly Sanctuary. How could she come to that conclusion when she didnŐt do a Hebrew, Sumerian, Greek study of this word? 


The foundation of typology in Exodus 25.

Tupos =type occurs 20 xŐs in the NT having to do with hermeneutical approach to the OT. 1: Romans 5:14 - Adam a type of Christ

2. 1 Corinthians 10:6,7 Exodus events as types

3. 1 Peter 3:21 - the flood and baptism (anti-tupos (in place of) of the flood) compared

4. Hebrews 8:5 - tupos

5. Hebrews 9:24 - anti-tupos

Anti- most often means = corresponding to - the type. Is it just a way of thinking or is there a divine design?  The same characteristics tie together as in the handout.

Illustration:  jelly mold of a bird, hollow mold.

Tupos = literally means hollow mold

1. It is real.

What is in it is real - not anagogical.

Relationship between the earthly and the heavenly.

2. It is not the original.

They happened typologically - designed and in its very happening created to be a type.

3. Functions are to make the end product. To shape.

4.  We know what the end product will look like. The water will conform to the basic contours of the reality.  Jesus life - no human could make his life shaped as the types of the OT. The new Moses, Adam, Elijah.  Thus it must happen as it is written.

5. The end product (anti-type)  is greater than the type .



January 29, 2003

Heavenly Sanctuary

1.  Before SIN

a) Jeremiah 17:12 ŇFrom the beginningÉ(Merishom and Makom) it takes us back to the beginning.  God was from eternity.  But the sanctuary referred to - from the beginning. So God doesnŐt need it but made it for us.  Since there were creatures, God made a place to dwell among them. Then sanctuary is more for us than for God.  It is a house to meet with him in time and space.  However God isnŐt limited to time and space but can come into it.

b) Isaiah 14:13  The Mountain of the Congregation

c) Ezekiel 28:14 Holy Mountain of God.ˆHeavenly Eden

2) Eden (earthly a sanctuary) - Gen 1-2  a replication of a Heavenly Eden?

3)           Exodus 25:9,40 Tovnit ˆ1 Chronicles 28:11,12,19

               Tovnit => copy of the heavenly


1)  Job 1-2 Picture of un-fallen worlds leaders meet.  Satan comes with them to represent earth.  If Adam hadnŐt fallen, he would have been there.-Divine Assembly

2)  Psalms 11:4; 18:6; 60:6; 108:7; 63:2 (?); 68:35; 96:6(?); 102:19; 150:1  (Hecal)

3) Isaiah 6:1-5  The picture of the Heavenly Sanctuary and the 4 creatures singing Holy, Holy, Holy and they take a coal and touch IsaiahŐs lip.

4) Jonah 2:7 - you have heard my cry É

5) Micah 1:2

6) Habakkuk 2:20

7) Zechariah 6:12-13

8) Daniel 7:9-11; 13-14  The crowns cast at his feat and millions ministering to him; the heavenly court room and the son of man comes to the Ancient of Days. Fire and wheels.

9) Ezekiel 1; 10 and 11.  The chariot comes from the North to the earthly sanctuary.

10) Revelation 4 (like Isaiah 6) and Rev 11:19 and the tabernacle of God in heaven was opened.  The tabernacle isnŐt heaven but heaven has the tabernacle in it.; Rev 15:5,8 same.

11) 1 Kings 22: 19; 2 Chronicles 18:18  Picture of the divine assembly in session.

12) Hebrews 7-10

What do we make of this information? Is it literal or symbolic?  When found in the historical books and the legal material as well as the prophetic books it helps to see it is literal.  It is in the psalms and even more in Hebrews 7-10!!!


EGW: Strongest statements

GC 414-5, 421, 424


Why have such a hard time with the idea of the sanctuary.

This society is infected with platonic dualism.  What is unseen and thinking abstractly is more intelligent.  Things that are eternal are grand and what is on earth is unimportant. (?) We also donŐt like the idea of God being boxed up.  God is not a god of boxes but breaks the boxes.

Why do we think of the Heavenly Sanctuary is a box for God.  But my house isnŐt a box for me.  It is my home and I am free to go where I want to go.  But he has a house for our sake; he has chosen  to live in space and time to meet with him.  God limits himself to join with us.

Heaven isnŐt less real than this earth but MORE real than this earth.


Not hyper spiritualizing the ŇsymbolismÓ of the sanctuary and also not hyper liberalizing it that it is only just the size as the earthly one and that God is confined to it. 

Biblical realism - something can symbolize things and still be real.  He is a God of visual aids, audio and visual people.  The communion service was real in that there was bread and juice/wine and washing of feet but they were also symbolizing greater things. 


If God is infinite and he makes finite creatures he must condensed and come down to be with us. 


Good Book : ?Henry Cloud and Townsand on ŇBoundariesÓ

ŇChanges that HealÓ about obstacles in the past and what to do now.



Taking a different approach to preaching the investigative judgment.  Doing a disservice by going right to Daniel because the context is mixed.  The context is the entire scripture.  Is investigative judgment scriptural?  In Hebrew it is there: Rib.=covenant lawsuit or investigative judgment.  Can see and read SheaŐs list of texts. 

What confirmed DavidsonŐs belief.  He started in Genesis.  IS it Biblical? Do GodŐs people come under investigative judgment? 

1) Genesis 3 - description of Adam and Eve and their fall.  God comes and asks where are you.  God asks questions.  Same questions as though questioning witnesses and interrogating them and allowing them to testify and then a verdict É

Leading theologian (German) says what you have there is a legal investigative trial.

The first gospel judgment is there too. GodŐs heart isnŐt in judging but in saving!  The heart of the message is in saving.  (Ezekiel 28 - the fallen cherib - describes a legal trial and investigative judgment - the first trial.) First on earth is Genesis 3.

2) Next is in the story of Cain and Able (Genesis 4) After the murder, God comes again and in verse 9 - he asks where is Able, your brother - and invites him to testify.   The verdict as murderer and the judgment. Climax of the story, instead of destroying him, he puts a mark on him to protect him.  Investigative judgment centered on GodŐs grace.


This is the regular procedure of God in dealing with God .  Before he closes probation he first conducts an investigative judgment for all to see the evidence, pleading with the guilty and offering vindication instead of condemnation.


3) Gen 6 - the flood story.  Katuto calls it a legal trial and judgment.  God sees the evil, God has determined to destroy manÉ.but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6-9 a chiastic structure, the climax is Chapter 8:1 ŇAnd God remembered Noah and all the animals in the ark.  Ň  His ultimate purpose was salvation.  He had wanted to save them all. Offering redemption and not destruction.


4) Gen 11 the tower of Babel. Investigative judgment . vs. 5 ŇThe Lord came down to see the city.ÓÓ Does God have myopia and need glasses to see something?  What is happening.  He comes down to investigate something, to look at the evidence.  He doesnŐt just pronounce ŇGuilty, not Guilty!Ó  But he comes down to see and display the evidence.  They defy God to spread throughout the earth.  So God cuts off the top of the tower and changes their languages and they spread out.  He is a God of the second chance. 

               If you want to know what a judge is- go to judges ŇDelivererÓ.  He wants to bring vindication of scripture.

5) Genesis 18 to Sodom and Gomorrah - the same language.  vs. 21.  And I will go down and see if the cries that have come to me É.and he comes down in human form. AbrahamŐs comment, shall not the judge of all the earthÉ.(investigative judgment)É

GodŐs regular procedure.

6) Psalm 11:4 in chiastic arrangement with vs. 4 the key verse: The Lord is in his holy temple in heaven.  His eyes behold, His eyelids. .BAHHAN=test or investigate. He investigates the sons of men. The Lord, Bahhan the righteous.    This is an investigation not to condemn but to vindicate. 

7) Ps 50 -

8) Deut 19:15-19 the earthly sanctuary but a description too.  There were disputes brought there and the priests served as the court room. Their work was to DARASH = to investigate the matter.  Conduct the trial at the sanctuary, the verdict and sentence.

9) Isaiah 3:13-14

10) Hosea 4:1

11) Micah 6:1-2; 7:9  Here were the best of illustrations how the trial develops.

Micah lives in what period of IsraelŐs history.  8th cen. Before going into captivity.

Time almost up.  Micah is like a prosecuting attorney.  (Mic 6)


1.  WITNESSES:  Plead your case, let the hills hear your voice.  For the Lord has a Rib against his people (3xŐs rib) mountains, hills are the witnesses.  .  Other gods are not existing to have as witness.  Mountains donŐt move. Yahweh brings the lawsuit.

2.  PREAMBLE (vs. 1,2)

3.  HISTORICAL PROLOGUE - (vs. 3-4) God tells all he has done for them.

               God puts himself on the witness stand and asks for their questions.

                ŇWhat more could I have done.Ó

4. INDICTMENTS - vs. 8-12 He talks about the wicked balances, ref to 10 commandments.   


6.  SENTENCE:  Therefore I will make you sickÉÉ.vs. 13-16 (language of Lev 27 and Dt 27-28)

Chapter 7 and vs. 9 - For the repentant sinnerÉuntil he pleads my case (ribs my rib)

Conducts a trial - and he will bring me forth to the light and I will see his righteousness. 




Non of the investigative judgments are for GodŐs sake for he knows everything.  It is for our sake.  So is the sanctuary, for our sake.  As God asks questions, Adam and Eve show their guilt.  The on looking universe can see.  It is for him to reveal and see that he is a fair God.

He doesnŐt just go around zapping people.  WeŐd all wonder when it would happen to us and think that it was arbitrary.  With the legal procedure we can see why and even our own guilt.


For 15 years the ark was in UzzahŐs living room.  He could demonstrate during that period of time that he was irreverent.   There is a period of probation.

Nahab and Abihu - Moses leads people into respect for God.  ?


12) Ezekiel investigative judgment

               The last vision given on the Day of Atonement, a day of judgment and cleansing.  Ezekiel isnŐt about God judging but his reluctance. The final pause on the mount of Olives.  5 Centuries later Jesus comes to the mount of Olives and weeps and says, Jerusalem I have longed to save you.

13) (Deonna bringing up this one) - Job

14) Acts 7 - Stephen  (last OT prophet)  are conducting a lawsuit.  Before they can kill him, ŇHeaven opens and the son of man (Hebrews says he sat at the hand of his father) standing. The verdict is announced (Daniel)


So now in your Bible study - they can see that at the end of time, there is an investigative judgment with power as good news.


Feb 5                   Joanne Davidson


Ex 25:1-9 Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.


Fundamental Theology: ŇThe thinking behind the thinkingÓ

Assumptions and presuppositions that help us interpret realityÉ.the ideas and concepts

And that leads to our implications.

These presuppositions can change but mostly figured out.

Kanole has contributed to this deeply.


These presuppositions help make the doctrine take shape.

Book, DarwinŐs God. In constructing the system of evolution, biologists have assumptions:

About God, human nature, sinÉ..affect ideas about scripture, creation..

Never do the Bible writers try to prove that God exists, that just talk about him assuming he can communicate, enter time and spaceÉ.he exists.

God created time, a week and the cycles of the objects in space.


Greeks set up the concept of timelessness.

Bible said that he is eternal. What does timelessness include.

Greeks set up thinking that influenced this.

SDAŐs unique in their concept of timelessness. Helps to understand who God is.

Greeks, early church fathers, Catholics and Protestants think otherwise, that God never changes (change would be imperfection); canŐt be angry, because the day before he wouldnŐt be and that suggests changeÉ.




Three great thinkers: About Ex 25 about timelessness.

To study the basic essence of something is called ontology.  

No history, history not important because God is always present in timelessnessÉ

But the Bible says that God works in history and that God is involved in history (Exodus, Sanctuary, prophets, fully God and fully man as Jesus, (continued stages of working in history) not any problem for God.

Timelessness and eternity have a precise definition in scripture.


I. Philo, a Jew in 1st century contemporary of Christ with Greek influence in philosophy. 

He says about God and timelessness: God is excluded from the world and its history, not future.  He is not in time but in eternity where there is only present existence.  All those things that happens in history really doesnŐt matter.  Real reality is found in Heaven where there is timelessness. 

But the Bible stresses on how important things going on here are important and when he created the earth, It was so good and John 3:16 life is so important that he was willing to give his own life for it.

Timelessness in scripture - God has not past present or future.  God can see all time at the same moment.  God can enter our time zones freely.  (ETERNAL)

Philo interprets then about dwelling in the tabernacle.  He dismisses the surface meaning of the text.  ŇGod dwells with us when the soul has an intelligent glimpse of his intellectual manifestations.Ó  God doesnŐt need space and time for him to dwell in, only a soul aware of him. Not literal reality. No building, jewels, priests, etc.


II. Thomas Aquinas: Catholic. 1200 years later. In the 13th century.  Theology is God.  His understanding of God isnŐt Biblical.  God is without space, spirit; we have body.  We are in time, God isnŐt.  Since god has no body or exists in time, he needs no sanctuary.  It was only needed that God may make him self known there.  He says that the sanctuary isnŐt necessary because only what happens in the mind matters that has contact with what happens in Heaven. 

Bible writers say how important history is, at specific times and events and how he interacts with individuals.


III. John Calvin: Protestant. Not yet understanding the Greek influence.  He didnŐt understand that the sanctuary of exodus was real.  God is defused all over space.  No place can be defined for God.  God doesnŐt have a place, without body or time.  So he cannot even be in heaven (Father, which art in Heaven..) It is a metaphor for GodŐs glory.

He designed it to testify of his grace only. Live on a higher rational plane.


Nobody except Christ that had perfect theology.  Learn from all those before us. 


Modern/Secular mind  - it is a myth; money, power and will to power matter only.

Process theology - timelessness of God. Yet, God is in the world with us, but that he learns with us. So closely identified with us, he learns like we do and processes with us. He is in time. Manipulated by time like we are. Matures in his thinking like we do.

Thus when the SDA church comes along and believes in a sanctuary.

It isnŐt mystical, time is real, space is real, history is progressing and involved though not manipulated by it.  God is in control of the stages of history. The sanctuary doctrine is important.  Affirming human history, matter, using the mind and senses to teach theological truth.  A unique dynamic system.  God is really involved in us.  He wanŐts to be with us. 


In studying the sanctuary we see assumptions of the bible writers. 

It isnŐt a systematic theology, God working in history, making his ways known. 

What is he doing, who he is and how he identifies himself with us.

It isnŐt just a study of feasts and festivals.  It reminds us that God wants to dwell with us, though not easy because we are sinners.  It reminds us of what he does to make this possible.  Moses links it to time and space Ňjust like I told you.Ó 

ŇHeaven is not less real, but more real.Ó CS Louis.


True we should take our presuppositions from scripture. 

Biblical reality = time, space, matter

Greek reality = spiritual realm; Catholic reality = cultivating that spark in a person that hasnŐt fallen yet that must be developed. 

God loves matter, even fallen matter.  What is going on here is radical, important.  Sinfulness is  a barrier but God has done everything to show that he wants to break down that barrier.  No one ever saw the inside of the sanctuary, ugly with skins on the outside.


The Study of Beauty/Aesthetics (principals of beauty) in the Sanctuary.

Mostly done within the Catholic denomination.

However, looking at the Biblical definitions and orientation.

God gave strong stipulations to care for the poor AND make me a sanctuary.

God wasnŐt to be worshipped in an unfurnished tent.

Lots of chapters based on sanctuary talk.

               Mt Sinai - must make it exactly like I tell you.  Even tedious regarding hooks, nails and curtains, dies, colors, woods, gems, É.see that you make it exactly like I have told you. The liturgy, robes, garment - detailed. Ex 28:2.É garments for glory and for beauty.  X2.

               Even SolomonŐs temple (EGW: most beautiful building by human hands). Plans given to him by David, given by the spirit.  Tons of details!! ŇThe Lord, made me understandÉ..and the work is great because the palace is not for man but for the Lord God. God put in it tons of gold, bronze, tapestry, wood, etc.  God didnŐt say, I give you the plans and you do the best you can - NO. Ex 35, the Lord has called by name so and so and so and so and has filled him with the spirit of God with knowledge and ..put in his heart the ability to teach and skill to do all manner of work.  He provides the artisans to construct it.  It is GodŐs will that things be beautiful. God was pleased to have a place to dwell and that it was beautiful. 

               Learn from this passage that being an artisan is a sacred occupation.  He was filled with the Holy Spirit.  (on a prophet or priest for sacred work okay but an artist? YES.)  Art can express the mind of God.  He was given wisdom and understanding. (not just playing around with colors and paints) it takes skill to hammer gold without being torn.  To know how to work with silver and make a musical instrument.  You carve a guitar with a chainsaw, cutting with the grain to make it work.  The knowledge of how to make a tapestry, how to depict Seraphim (the burning ones) in a tapestry? What about the songs they sang? 2 Sam 23:1-2 David said, ..the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and His word was on his tongue.  God inspired.   Not to come into GodŐs presence with any olŐ thing  but with beautiful. 

GodŐs prophetic truth was in poetry (40%).  Poetic pronouncement.  Why did God speak through poetry.  Samuel tells Saul: when you come to the hill of GodÉyou will meet a group of prophets with instruments  and they will be (1 Sam 10:5) prophesying.


2 King 3 - music with prophecy

EGW - curriculum of prophets: law of God, instructions given to Moses, sacred history, sacred music and poetry.  PP 593.  How often the psalmists speak of the beauty of the Lord.   PS 27 :One thing I desire of the Lord, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord, to behold the beauty of the Lord.  Beauty a vital part of his character.

Why is God interested in beauty?  Is it just to make our lives happier?  What can God convey with it?  Why did God make the sanctuary so beautiful and no one worshipped in it.  But it was lavishly beautiful.  What does God teach about himself? 

Part of his nature.

It gives value to life.

CanŐt judge a book by his cover - inside is full of beautiful light.

Poetry intensifies language and the feelings and truths and strengthened. 

If God is in the work of changing lives, he would want the language to impress us.

All the minor prophets, all the judgment stuff is in poetry.

Some wonder if beauty isnŐt able to convey truth that words fail at.

Have you heard a song and you feel such yet you cannot express it.

Another level of communication - superior layer of communication.

It reminds us that we are not just a mind but holistic.  Mind, soul and spirit and we can learn through our sense that words cannot express.


NT: Paul writes the esthetic mandate. Whatsoever things are good, honest, pure, true and good report think on those things.  Written to multi-cultural church. 

OT: Mt Sinai - Joshua said, I hear the sound of war, Moses said I hear the sound of worship.  How would he be able to distinguish.  HeŐd been in GodŐs presence.   Moses had lived in a palace and the priests there had wanted to initiate him into the cults of Egypt.  He knew Egyptian worship.  He was able to evaluate. 


Taste and See that the Lord is good.  Look at that combination of senses.  That is how we experience God.


The mind perceives truth and the senses are more suspect - we think. But God demonstrates that he wishes that we would come into a personal relationship with him with our senses. 


There are dangers with esthetic understanding:

God later condemns the vary worship services he inspired.  It became noise and stench. 

What happened in Micah 6.  Did God make a mistake, no.  The  power of beauty is so strong that then people think that all that is important is what things look like. 

God wants a transparent expression of what I am doing in you.  

He says he is sick of their worship even though they follow it to the T, they missed the point with only the externals in place. The heart isnŐt committed to him. 



Seventy Week Prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) @ Jiri Moskala, Th.D., Ph.D.

vs. 24

Seventy weeks are cut off for your people (2)                            and your holy city (3)

A1 to finish (end, put down) rebellion (2)

A2 to seal sins (to bring an end to sinning) (2)

A3 to atone for iniquity (2)                                                                    B1 to bring in everlasting righteousness (3)

                                                                                                                                                                                    B2 to seal (to put to end/to confirm) vision

                                                                                                                                                                                    {How the rest of the vision will also be                                                                                                                                                                                              fulfilled} and prophet (prophetic vision) (2),

                                                                                                                                                                                    B3 and to anoint holy of holies (3).

vs. 25 Therefore know and understand (this):

A1 The Coming of the Messiah

>From the issuing of the decree (command, word)

To restore and build Jerusalem until the Messiah Prince

There will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks.                         B1 The Rebuilding of the City

                                                                                                                                                                                    It will be rebuilt with square and moat, but in                                                                                                                                                                                perilous times (in times of trouble)

vs. 26

A2 The Death of the Messiah

After sixty-two weeks, the Messiah will be killed

and none will be for Him (He will have nothing.)           B2 The Destruction of the City and the Temple

                                                                                                                                                              And the people of the Prince who will come, will cause

                                                                                                                                                              the destruction of the city and the sanctuary.  The (its)

                                                                                                                                                              end will come in a flood; and till the end there will be

                                                                                                                                                              war.  It is decreed about desolations.

vs. 27

A3 The Fulfillment of the Sacrificial System by

 the Messiah. He will make strong (confirm)

a covenant with many in the last (one) week;

and in the midst of this week, He will cause

sacrifice and offerings to cease.

                                                                                                                                                              B3 The Destruction of the City and the Destroyer

                                                                                                                                                              And upon the wing of desolation comes a destroyer,

                                                                                                                                                              until the end that has been decreed is pouring out on the







Daniel 7 - 9


Effect ˆ CAUSE

Visible ˆ invisible

Results ˆ roots

Ÿ       The order of these chapters is unlike modern or Hellenistic thinking which from cause to effect while Hebrew thinking is from the effect -to-cause.

Ÿ       The basic contour is a progression or further elaboration from the chapter 2-7-8-9

Ÿ       Chapter 9 starts with a prayer and then it moves to Gabriel explaining things to Daniel

Ÿ       See handout (Seventy Week Prophecy as above)

Ÿ       6 phases with 6 Hebrew infinitives


Holy of holies uses a principle of PARS PRO TOTO - description of one part of the house to represent the whole house.


Why 70 weeks given for the anointing of the sanctuary - speaking of the anointing of the heavenly sanctuary after his going to heaven. 

Anointing of the sanctuary 539/8 - which sanctuary is the question? Because the Solomonic temple was destroyed in 587/6.  HerodŐs Temple from 515-70 AD.

Sacrifices will cease as recorded in Matthew.


I People                                            II City

Messiah - time related time- never here


Tearing of the veil when Jesus died on the cross = the fulfillment of everything predicted of the Messiah through the sanctuary services - now end and cease.  After his death you donŐt have to sacrifice the animals.


                7 weeks                      62 weeks                          +

547 BC               408BC                               27 AD                 34 AD                 70 AD


1. Mareh + been in Hebrew

2. Gabriel           chapter 9:21 & 8:16

3.  Time interpretation - position

Hazon - the whole vision, Heben? - part of the vision

Chapter 8 time element at the end

Chapter 9 the time element at the beginning (unusual)

4. Cut off nehtach -only time used in scripture; (Dan 8:24) for your people and the holy city   ((((would this refer to the branch and the Gentiles get grafted in - vision time period only)))) - Dan 9:24.  Is not about the rejection of GodŐs people but about the Messiah and his activity.

How do we know it was at the end/beginning and not somewhere else. 

2300 evening and mornings, part cut for a purposes;

The sanctuary to be purified: volume 6 Anchor Bible Dictionary, publish. 1992 page 739.

                              David Wright not SDA scholar, saying this word = be purified.

Same as cleansed in KJV.

Septuagint in the Greek language = to purify

Vulgate - Latin translation of the Hebrew = purify and cleanse

Seriac Pershita = purify and cleanse


In Job 4:17 - connects between justify and purify.  Hebrew parallelism, just tsadak = beautification, purify NASDAQ (Dan 8:14)

To cleanse,

To justify, to make right.

To restore, To put to the original state

To vindicate


Chapter 7

Lion/Bear/Leopard/horned beast/ 10 horns/ one horn/judgment; then the kingdom of God.

Chapter 8

Two animals, ram and goat. Used only in the day of atonement!!! Dealing in chapter 8 with cleansing of the sanctuary.  Goat has a horn.  Cleansing of sanctuary; then the kingdom of God

In bold - they correspond and parallel

Then in the terms of the word what is judgment? To cleanse, justify, make right, restore and vindicate.

Chapter 8:13,14 - main points: How long before the rebellion etcÉ.2300 evenings and mornings. To understand the question. The literal translation:

Until when the vision (Hazon), the daily (continual) -Tamid and the transgression desolating to give both the sanctuary and the host a trampling. When the vision will come to an end and what will follow?

Answer: until evening - morning 2 thousand and three hundred, then the sanctuary will be Nitdaq cleansed. (cleansed, justified, made right, restored, ..)


What does it mean?  Judgment happening in heaven chapter 7, the heavenly sanctuary. What God is doing in heaven, helping his people. 


Showing Daniel 7,8,9 linked. This is key because we are the only denomination that thinks so.  Others think A. Epiphanies cleansed it.


Lecture by Dr. Gane--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Feb 19


Offerings before the tabernacle is built

burnt offerings

               Job atones for his friends (sin offering)

friendship offering/.Peace

After the tabernacle is built

Sin and guilt offerings.

Grain offering (in different forms)


Is it right?  But does that make it important, of extreme value.

What is most important about the sanctuary?

               The colors, pins, etc.

               The play/drama is the thing of important and the people.

The priest represents Christ, the victim = Christ, veil, incense, offerings = Christ.


Leviticus structure:

Lev 1 - Burnt offering (voluntary/private)

Lev 2 - Grain offering  (voluntary/private)

Lev 3 - Well-being offering (voluntary /private)

Lev 4:1-5:13 - Sin offering (mandatory)

Lev 5:14-17 - Reparation offering (mandatory)

Lev 6 & 7 - Supplementary instructions for the priests

Lev 8 to 10 - Consecration & Inauguration

               Includes Nadab and Abihu

               They dance to the calf

Lev 11 to 15 - Physical ritual and Impurities

               Things to do with death.

               12:6-8 woman gives birth to a child, brings a sin offering. Why?

                              About physical impurity, the state of mortality

               Lepercy, in contact with mortality, discharges have to do with mortality

                              As a state of fallen sin.  To redeem from that state of sin.

               Does Christ die for our acts of sin only?

                               But what of our state of mortality and impurity.

               John 3:16.. that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish

                              but have everlasting life.

Lev 16 Day of Atonement

Lev 17 to 27 - Holy Life


Jews emphasized holy life all week. 

Are we seven day Adventists or are we confined to the Seventh Day Adventists

Jesus: be holy as I am holy.

Then we get several laws: what does that have to do with being holy -

Love your neighbor as your self at the heart of the book of Lev.

What = holiness and = love ˆ God

Holiness is centered on God and he defines holiness.  That helps to understand the sacrificial service and ?

God was located in the most Holy Place enthroned above the cherubim. 

Shikina (Ex  29:8) Mishkan, Shikan in Hebrew;


Purpose of the sanctuary - in order that God may dwell among them.

Adventists think sanctuary means judgment and atonement and getting rid of sin.

                                                            But it is about presence. 

                                                            Why did God create me? (Looking in the mirror)

God must have had me for the same reason I had a child. For company, to walk along the beach and interact with.  God is an extravert.  He wants to be with his people as close as he can get (for them) and project his right image.  A god of immortality.  He doesnŐt want to destroy his people.  Like a bubble (bubble boy)

                                                            It was GodŐs palace.


For those who got married, When you say ŇI Do.Ó it isnŐt just information but it changed reality.  Lev 9 - fire consumed the sacrifice.  Showing that you can interact with God.


Voluntary sacrifices may have been whenever they went to the temple (1x year like in SamuelŐs fatherŐs case)

For a sin offering:  it had a cost.  They couldnŐt pay for forgiveness but instead they were tokens, God paid the cost.

Come buy milk, without money - a transaction of value; but the price to you is free; to God is priceless.


Minor impurities - menstruation (water)

Having a child - requires blood

Numbers 28-29 calendar of sacrifices.

Morning and evening, Sabbath, once a month, yearly feasts.

All points to Christ and how he saves us.



Questions : Why the liver? The thigh (covenant)

               Cleansing? Heavy in blood and produces sugar (energy)

               Diaphram or peritoneum


Sin offering of high priests (Lev 4:3-12)

               Offers a special sin offering:  Blood has to go all the way inside the tent.

Ordinary priests - cannot eat the flesh of his own sacrifice.

               Paying a debt and getting some back isnŐt right.

At the inauguration - the sacrifice gets consumed in fire.


Lev 16 - This is the way Aaron can go into the Most Holy Place so that he doesnŐt die.  The whole procedure had to be done properly. He confesses over the goat.

Attitude of giving all to God.  Attitude towards God.

Relational - Do you love him and loyal to him; not do you have a perfect memory?

There is a sacrifice for those that donŐt know what they did, with the most significant offering.  Guilt takes people to drinking, extreme sports, psychologist.  Bible said : Take it to me. 


Woman couldnŐt be priests:

1) military role

2) men can be impure through nocturnal imitation vs. woman doesnŐt know when onset is.  Therefore could be ritually impure without knowing it. It isnŐt that woman couldnŐt represent Christ.

3) Sin offering had to be a female.

4) Patriarchal culture, lineage traced through the male line.

Ancient priesthood and modern ministry - which isnŐt modern priesthood.

Jesus is our priest.  Daniel 9 - those that try to replace those that he removed, those that carry on - that is the little horn.


Instruments of the temple:

One hand on the head by the offered. Not giving full responsibility.

Slit the throat, animal quickly looses consciousness.

Blood collected.

Priest at the jugular (not pretty)

               Mortality isnŐt pretty

Priest takes blood and splashes it around the sides of the altar.

Meanwhile the offered is doing what? It has to be skinned (belongs to the priest Lev 7:8)

Then quarter it, priests lift the heavy bull onto the altar. Except shins, entrals have to get washed. (Feeces on both) DonŐt give a food gift with dung on it.  It must be a proper food gift to the lord. 

3 beings came to Abraham, he gave a fatted calf and grain.  Then Abraham discovers that it was a sacrifice to God. 

If you offer a meal - friendship.  You donŐt eat with your enemy.  Jesus did. (Tax collectors, IRS people, sinners)

Then he made smoke, the sacrifice ends up being burned to get smoke like incense.  God doesnŐt need it but it is pleasing.  What was pleasing - the merits of ChristŐs sacrifice and the honor to God.  Otherwise it is all impractical.  At the ugliness of the cross, we see the beauty of Christ and what he did.

Cubit - length of mans forearm (elbow to fingertip)


Grain - on altar

Well-being (no spoken confession), blood around the altar

               Then the hard fat is taken off (kidneys etc) gets burnt (all blood and fat)

               Prohibition of eating blood,

                              Do we  have to do it now, (roasting, salting)

                                             Basic thing, slit throat and leave hanging.

                                             God is creator, guardian of life.  He never gives right to humans

                                             Helps to respect the sanctity of life

                                             Interesting that those that respect animal life respects human life.

               Moral issue - respect for life. Way more serious than drinking alcohol.

                              Acts 15:20-29 Cannot be a Christian and ingest blood.

Shalom - well being Jacob sends to find the well being of JosephŐs brothers.

The offered could eat.  (What of the Passover offering)

Not even God consumes the blood in the offering.

Priest gets the shoulder and right thigh.


Mandatory sacrifices:

Priest takes the blood, officiates. Takes blood with finger - sprinkles 7 times before the veil (in the area, in front of the veil) Then once on each horn of the incense altar. 


For the sin of the community - instead of the priest laying on hands, the elders lay hands on the head of the animal.  Then everything else is the same.


Why is the ritual for the High Priest as serious as the sin of the whole community.  Because he represents all Israel to God.  So when he sins it has a communal responsibility and representative.  Is 9:6 ŇThe government will rest on His shoulders.Ó


If you get burnt by the church, remember Is 9:6 it all rests on His shoulders, you just work here. 

Leaning on the head of the animal - he has born our sin and carried our sorrows.

Purification offering - better name, from acts of sin or from physical ritual impurity (2 types of evils (Ps 103:1-3) dealing with acts and state.


For a commoner, lean on head of animal is an unspoken confession (donŐt tell all nitty gritty)  It isnŐt the priest that had authority to forgive sins. Lev 4:31; 4:22; 4:35 Looking in Hebrew:  The priest will make atonement for him, (passive) and it shall be forgiven to him.



Instruction : Remove the fat. What it is all about: Thus the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be forgiven.

An interaction with God.

Atone: restore relationship, removing evil to restore relationship.

Who is the subject of the action?  The priest, no. God!!

God forgives.

Lev 4:26 - the priest shall make atonement for himÉ.

The priest removes the sin/evil from the offered.

Remainder of the animal is the priests after sprinkling blood on the horns.

The person commits sin (knowing or not) and transfers the guilt to GodŐs realm, the priest and the altar.  The blood (if it splatters on a garment, must be washed off) Evil transfers to the sanctuary and that is why there is a need of the Day of Atonement.

Some ask how could the blood (ChristŐs blood) would defile the sanctuary.  But it is a medium.  When you wash your clothes does it look the same, the wash takes off the dirt.  Washed in the blood, it takes the evil from the person.


For cases of sacrilege (eats holy food without knowing or misuses tithe) misappropriation of tithe = embezzling.  If not knowing you were doing wrong or the consequences.

               Vacuuming past Friday night, Sabbath.  Did I know it is wrong, did I intend to be disloyal to God? No What about deliberate sins?  Serious ones, not much Lev 5:1 (withholding testimony - you are required to testify and not to is perjury for the community and grave sin.) RobberyÉdeliberate.  Civil cases, fine, death payment. Numbers 15:22-31: if the community or individual commits a sin- - - high handed sin (a hand that is lifted up, the person is cut off.) Cutting off the line of descendents.  No opportunity for offering sacrifice.  If you commit a defiant sin against God and sever the relation with God. 

Apparent contradiction 2 Chronicles 6:23? Manassah was evil, sacrificed kids in fire (should have been cut off and his descendents.  After being in Babylon he calls out to God, he repents.)    You donŐt legislate mercy. Mercy is over and above the law.

Christ is able to do what the sacrifices of the law of Moses could not do.

Manassah had to be saved, and David had to be saved through Christ.


Grace isnŐt cheap.  The standard is high.  Even inadvertent sin is costly.  Even more so the deliberate sin. 


Our concept of sin is filtered through the sermon on the mount.  We think of sin as hate, retaliation, lust of the eyes.  Jesus raises the standard.

The Jews counted sin as concrete overt actions.


EGW : Even our praise and prayers to God requires the merit of ChristŐs sacrifice.

Much incense was given to mingle with the prayers of the saints.


Part for all principal : if the priest receives blood on his head, his thumb and big toe, how much of the priest is consecrated: the whole.

Lev 16:16 - unpurities are removed from the Most Holy Place, how did it get there?  Part is touched and the whole is affected. 

Sanctuary is about GodŐs character, authority. 

Daniel:  GodŐs authority, reputation is legally cleansed.  The dynamics of how our sins are dwelt with. 



Cont. Dr. Ganes presentation:


Am I forgiven in 31 AD?  No, because I am not born yet and so need a priest on my behalf when I sin and then ask forgiveness.

We start out lost, in seaÉ.a lifeboat rescues us, Christ is the salvation - abundantly. The only way, the only name that people can be saved. Act 12

Under obligation once sinned.

What to do and how to respond?

Numb 19:13, 20 if a person refuses atonement, he is cut off.  Because he didnŐt take the opportunity God gave him for cleansing. 

Romans 2 - those who donŐt know Christ.

Person may not know Christ as Christ, but still listened to the Holy Spirit.


These rituals didnŐt accomplish anything in and of themselves.  IT was an expression.  It was like acting out their prayers and transactions on the spiritual plane. 


Blood applications in the Holy Place during the year, Lev 4


What I donŐt get: people that reject Christ in the distorted view that has been presented by a non-loving, misrepresenting Christian or Muslim.  But they listen to the HS and live a life of love. 

Can there be a person that lives in love, Christian or not - and gains eternal life under JesusŐ blood and 1) ignores law, but lives in love, or 2) does good deeds for self- or 3) a mix of self and others? Self answering. Self, no. Others, yes.


Hebrews 11:13


Jacob Milgrom (pomegranate) is most written on Leviticus.

When a person commits a sin unintentionally it transfers to the alter automatically affecting the sanctuary.  The sin of the community affects the altar of incense.  The brazen and unrepented offenses affect the ark.  Lev 20:3 and Num 19:13, 20.  Altar Call, chapter ŇWasteÓ  The offering acts as a ritual detergent.


We confess our sins (phase 1) and investigativeÉ(phase 2) 


Milgrom missed the reversal concept and how the person can be cut off.


We donŐt need to be ashamed of what we believe.  What we believe stands up to the test of the text.  DonŐt be afraid of what you will find.  The Bible doesnŐt need you to defend it.  For those that donŐt agree with SDA thought on the Sanctuary just donŐt know enough about it.  We can be amazed that the pioneers, not having computers, came up with the same results that we can get today.

Mercy the operative word.

What and when of the Judgment

Or the SO what?  In the altar call, what difference does it make.  God is setting our confidence in concrete. It tells me the seriousness of the times we live in.  It makes a difference to the way we live. 

If we knew that Hitler was on the rampage, would it make a difference?

IF we knew that the terrorists were setting off bombs of poison in my city, would that matter to me. 



Why is the sanctuary important

45 in prophets on sanctuary

45 booksÉ.?

3 fold sanct. Ps 27 and handout. The goodness , beauty and truth of the sanctuary - understand.

Major disputed issues, list names, detractors and advocates. Not to reproduce but to know who is for or against.  Can you place the person in one of the four eras.

Where they belong in history.

Esp on BalangerŐs theology - foundational.

Major modern figure - Brinsmead and his phases

               ÉÉand rejection of the Sabbath.

Essay: major points on Sanctuary debated and rejected todayÉfrom the destractors.

Typological relationships:

               Greek work tupos antitypes, where found, 5 characteristics on typol,ogy

               Ex 25:9,40

               Penguin mold, typology concept and tupos.

Where is the heavenly sanctuary mentioned in the Bible - references, know them

What is the nature of the sanctuary, function before sin

Handout - basic idea of Garden of Eden as the first sanctuary:   Underlining is okay.

               Investigative judgment - Gen 3:15 Sodom/Gomorrah

Evidence of investigative judgment.

Is 3: Mich 6, Hos 4 - ?

Ezekiel pattern - spend time on this one.  Confirmation of the sanctuary.

               The type,

               William Shae - mull over it.

               The most clear type of the investigative judgment going on in Heaven

               Essay on this.

Essay - write the esthetics of the sanctuary. Principals of beauty

               Sanctuary and fundamental theology.

               The place the Sanctuary doctrine plays on other systems, Catholics

                              About investigative judgment and radical way of thinking about God

                              They cannot see the sanctuary in heaven.  They need a conversion on the idea of biblical realism and God can come into space and time,.  

Dan 7 - 9

               Going through these chapters, over the notes and basic notes crucial to set forth the sanctuary message from these chapters. 

>From the reading:  briefly review the evidence for the Year date : not Ez, or Num.

               Confirmation of the sanctuary doctrine - from Daniel and others.


Moskil/ Nizdock - can mean restore, vindicate,  and ?  vs. 14 is an answer to 13. How long will the transgression be, and giving over to be trampelled.  2300 days the sanctuary will be restored - the tomid, gospel, the sins accumulated in the sanctuary, cleansed,

Trampling under feet, meaningn GodŐs people and God is being accused falsely.  Basic problems in 13 is solved in 14 - Not must talk on by Moskil.


Not covered: Biblical reasons why Azazel isnŐt Christ but Satan.  Look at chapter in the book for 3-4 reasons.



Read notes.