From Cynthiaburrill77@aol.comFri Apr 16 12:51:46 2004 Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 11:02:25 EDT From: To: Subject: Assignments due April 21 - Independent Study [Part 1, Unknown text "UTF-8" 40 lines] [Unable to print this part] [The following text is in the "UTF-8" character set] [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set] [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly]

Richard Kerns,


From the looks of it you need to complete the requirements for the following colloquia:

            Christian Education and Institutional Ministries

                        You have attended 3/5 classes and made up 2hours = 5/5

                        You have taken all the quizzes for this colloquium – 50/50 & 50/50

                        You have interviewed a teacher

                        *You still need to report on a chaplaincy visit

        to someone in need of comfort etc.

o       Write a paragraph or two in the log and hand it in April 21


            Church Planting

            You have attended all the classes 5/5

            You have taken the quiz 100/100

            *You need to hand in the reflection of the book in your log Due Apr. 21

                        Rekindling the Lost Passion



If this doesn’t match what I have handed back or you handed in to me, let me know. I have enjoyed getting to know you and appreciate so much what you did for my mother.


God bless,



Cynthia Burrill





*Assignments that need to be turned in