Not by Faith Alone : A Biblical Study of the Catholic Doctrine of Justification by Robert A. Sungenis List Price: [DEL: $24.95 :DEL] Our Price: $19.96 You Save: $4.99 (20%) Queenship Pub Co; ISBN: 1579180086 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.68 x 8.47 x 5.51 Sales Rank: 26,166 Avg. Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars Number of Reviews: 10 _________________________________________________________________ Write an online review and share your thoughts with other readers! Customers who bought this book also bought: * Not by Scripture Alone; A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura; Robert A. Sungenis, Peter Kreeft (Foreword) * Jesus, Peter & the Keys : A Scriptural Handbook on the Papacy; Scott Butler, et al * By What Authority? : An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition; Mark P. Shea * Upon This Rock : St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church (Modern Apologetics Library); Stephen K. Ray, Steven K. Ray _________________________________________________________________ Reviews Customer Reviews (10) Customer Reviews Write an online review and share your thoughts with other readers! 5 out of 5 stars Great Book! Strengthens Understanding - Builds Faith & Love Reviewer: from Memphis, Tennessee November 3, 1999 I've been a Catholic all my life, and have believed with all my heart and soul! Unfortunately, the last few years I've been confronted with the concept of "Faith Alone" like never before. Having married a very god loving faithful Protestant -- I've had difficulty reconciling the the Catholic and Protestant doctrines of Justification. I found myself uncomfortable with the notion of "Faith Alone" from the first time I heard it and I began seeking the theological evidence for the Catholic Doctrine of Justification which I felt so strongly in my heart. "Not by faith alone", answered my questions, gave me respect for the Protestant position but strenghtened my belief in the Catholic Doctrine, helped me connect my faith, love and feelings with the evidence, and helped me explain the Catholic Doctrine to my Protestant husband in terms he could understand too. 5 people found this review helpful. 2 did not. Was it helpful to you? [yes.gif]-Submit [NO.gif]-Submit 5 out of 5 stars I am a Protestant no more. Reviewer: A reader from Beech Mountain, North Carolina October 2, 1999 Never has anything so jarred my belief system off of its foundation, as this book did. Engaging, scholarly, thorough, accurate, and abundantly fair. I never imagined ANYTHING could make me join the Catholic Church. But the truths contained in this superb work, were much too convincing to ignore and those truths pryed open a closed mind and a distrustful heart. God has helped me remove life-long blinders. Now, I am truly home. To Mr. Sungenis - THANK YOU! To my Protestant brethren, I bid you, COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. 8 people found this review helpful. 2 did not. Was it helpful to you? [yes.gif]-Submit [NO.gif]-Submit 3 out of 5 stars Quite Good Reviewer: A reader September 22, 1999 I am a Protestant who read this book. I was very impressed with Mr. Sungenis' scholarship, clarity, and knowlege. He has provided a fine case against justification by faith alone. This book however did not completely convince me, but it will take a while for all of it to sink in. His arguments will continually haunt my Protestant convictions for probably quite a while. However, there are three critques I would give of this volume. Two is historical and one is theological. First of all, I do not believe he provided a good case against the fact that St. Augustine held to unconditional predestination as opposed to free will. See the quotes Norman Geisler gives in his book "Chosen but Free."(The book is not that great, nor are his reasons concerning why Augustine was a "Calvinist", but he provides many quotes from the mature Augustine that are quite conclusive.) Secondly, I am not too sure that the doctrine of justification by faith alone was a "novel" idea. See the historical section of "The Doctrine of Justification" by James Buchanan for at least a fair argument that some pre-reformation fathers held to the reformed view. My second critique is theological. I believe Mr. Sungenis' weakest chapter was on predestination and free will. I believe that to be the central issue. When Luther debated Erasmus, who wrote a book in favor of free will, Luther told him that he had gotten to the real issue. It is not faith alone(sola fide) but grace alone.(sola gratia) The real issue is "Does God save, or does He enable man to save himself?" To this, I believe many of the historical figures would answer that God alone saves sinners through Christ. For a thorough refutation of Mr. Sungenis' ideas on free will and predestination, see "The Cause of God and Truth" by John Gill, "Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism" by John L. Girardeau, "Predestination" and "Religion, Reason and Revelation" by Gordon Clark, "No Place for Sovereignty" by R.K. McGreggor Wright, "The Freedom of the Will" by Jonathan Edwards, "The Death of Death in the Death of Christ" by John Owen, and "The Bondage of the Will" by Martin Luther. I would encourage all my Protestant brethren to read this book with an open mind, not to man, but to God. We are all fallible men. We must be willing to depart from tradition for the sake of truth. Though maybe Mr. Sungenis won't convince you, he will challenge you. May God grant us all discernment with an open mind to be corrected. 1 people found this review helpful. 2 did not. Was it helpful to you? [yes.gif]-Submit [NO.gif]-Submit 4 out of 5 stars No stone unturned! Reviewer: from Dallas, Tx June 26, 1999 "Not by Faith Alone" is a comprehensive study revealing the errors in the Protestant teaching of justification by faith alone. This book does a great job explaining the Catholic position as well as showing how Protestant apologists have errored in their interpretation of the Bible. One by one, Protestant arguements are dispelled using Scripture, history, and plain logic. As a professional apologist, I spend alot of time explaining (or typing) the true biblical teaching of justification. Well, those days are over. Instead of exhausting myself, I simply say, "Purchase a copy of 'Not By Faith Alone!'" I hope that those who read this book read it with an open mind and open heart. If so, they should find their way back to the Catholic Church. Reviewed by Gospel Truth Ministries. 5 people found this review helpful. 2 did not. Was it helpful to you? 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