Since I was a missionary for this year, there was the religious aspect. During the year several students started Bible studies, and more than one student asked me questions about what I believed. Then, near the end of the year one very troublesome student, Kallis, was baptised. From the way he acted in class, he was the last person we expected to be baptised. But a more amazing story was Tarkwon's experience.
Sunday April 15, 2001
Last night after vespers, Ben came up to Rudholm and me and told us that Tarkwon had been kicked out of his house. Tarkwon had been baptized into the SDA church a year ago but didn't go to church very much. I guess his parents had told him not to go to church on Sabbath. This week he went to church anyway. When he came home he found that his parents kicked him out. That evening Tarkwon was sitting up in Crawford's apartment crying. Rudholm and I went up there too to be with him. We sat for about a half-hour. Then Tarkwon left. I think he went and slept at Onesimus's house.
Monday April 16, 2001
Tarkwon made it through school today even though he didn't have a uniform or paper or pencil. I gave him paper to use for the day. I hear that his parents called him to get him to come back home. The grandfather, which Tarkwon takes care of, convinced the parents to bring him back home. Tarkwon is going back under the condition that he can go to church. Apparently on Sabbaths before this happened, Tarkwon refused to work so his parents refused to let him eat. So, Tarkwon spent the day reading his Bible while laying on his bed.Tarkwon's faithfulness was a lesson to us all.
Now that you've seen some of the experience that I had in Majuro, it's time to say good-bye. I will always remember the experience and the friends that I made.
The Journey is Over
Back to Majuro
Richard Wright Copyright 2001