A Picnic to Laura Point

Our TruckOnce a year each class gets to go on a picnic. My class, the sophomores, went to Laura Point, thirty miles away at the other end of the island. One of the students was supposed to bring transportation for all of us, but they didn't. So, one of the parents took me to the local car dealership where I rented a flatbed truck even though I didn't have a Marshallese drivers license. We loaded everyone on the truck and started off only a few hours late.

Cooking FoodDriving the truck was an interesting experience since it was stick shift, but after a few rough starts I figured it out. However, the kids thought I was going rather slow. Then I noticed that the speedometer was in km/h instead of mph.

VolleyballWhen we arrived at Laura Point, the girls went off to cook lunch while the guys just hung out. Some of the kids enjoyed the ever popular sport of volleyball that goes with any Marshallese party. After lunch we played in the ocean and went back home.

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Richard Wright Copyright 2001