
Love's Trust Lost

Windows on the World

Light the World

I Feel Like Something Is Chasing Me

Love's Trust Lost

Oh what am I to do without thee now?
Friends come to trust and me to trust returned
But trust returned be not returned anew;
And now what is there left of me unburned?
At this the last true friend be gone away
And all before I knew what had took place;
I looked here and there both night and day,
But friend there found I not a glimpse or trace.
Real love it be a glorious, wondrous thing
Until love's love be love's side turned and thrust
With blunt sharp horrid dreaded evil ring --
Oh, crying forth the sound of trust untrust.
  Yet life is more and more is still to live
  With love yet still to find and more to give.
-Richard Wright
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Windows on the World

Windows that look out on the World
Tell of things to come.
People we know by looking out our windows
Become part of our lives even though never a word was exchanged.
We live our lives through windows,
Never experiencing what's really there.
-Richard Wright
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Light the World

Light the world oh little light.
You are weak, but you have power.
Show everyone that you are bright
And give courage to every flower.
You're the dimmest of everything,
Yet you will double or triple
With help from the loving king.
He will not let you falter
Or give up on your questing.
For the king of lights unfurled
Will fill you up to live again,
And you will light the world.
-Richard Wright
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I Feel Like Something Is Chasing Me

I feel like something is chasing me.
I know not what nor why.
Everything is distant and unfamiliar,
Yet everything is the same.

I feel like something is chasing me.
It is closing in on me,
Yet nothing is seen.

I feel like something is chasing me.
I do not understand why or how.
Anger and fear push me onward,
Yet I go nowhere.

Where I am is not real,
Everything familiar is unknown.
I must break free,
But I do not know how.

I am alone in a crowded house.
No one can help me
But one that is absent.

I feel like something is chasing me.
I will overcome,
And I will lose.
For I am running from me.

I feel like something is chasing me.
I have become prey.
Sleep has stalked me.
Good night.
-Richard Wright
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Richard Wright Copyright 1999