Algebra 2 by Richard Wright

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1-02 Solve Linear Systems Algebraically

Mr. Wright teaches the lesson.


SDA NAD Content Standards (2018): AII.4.1, AII.6.1

This chart says it all
Figure 1: This chart says it all. (Public Domain)

Solving by graphing has problems. A couple of these are that graphing takes a long time and it is not always accurate so the solution is estimated. Conveniently, there are two algebraic methods that can be used to solve a system of linear equations exactly: substitution and elimination.


Substitution involves replacing a variable in an equation with an expression or value that it equals. This is a general method and works all the time.

Solve a System of Equations by Substitution

To solve a system by substitution,

  1. Solve one of the equations for one of its variables.
  2. Substitute the expression from Step 1 into the other equation and solve for the other variable.
  3. Substitute the value from Step 2 into the revised equation from Step 1 and solve.

Example 1

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} 2x+5y=-5 \\ x=3-3y \end{align} \right.\).


Equation 2 is solved for x already.

x = 3 − 3y

Substitute this into the first equation.

2x + 5y = −5

2(3 − 3y) + 5y = −5


6 - 6y + 5y = −5

Combine like terms and solve for y.

6 − y = −5

y = −11

y = 11

Substitute that back into 1st equation.

x = 3 − 3y

x = 3 − 3(11) = −30

The solution is (−30, 11).

Try It 1

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x+2y=1 \\ y=2x+4 \end{align} \right.\).


The solution is (−1, 2).

Example 2

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} x-2y & =4 \\ 3x-6y & = 9 \end{align} \right.\).


Solve the 1st equation for x.

x − 2y = 4

x = 2y + 4

Substitute this into the other equation.

3x − 6y = 8

3(2y + 4) − 6y = 8

Distribute the 3 and solve for y.

6y + 12 − 6y = 8

12 = 8

Notice that all the y's disappeared. Look at the equation 12 = 8. This is never true. That means there is no solution.

No Solution/Many Solutions

A system of equations has no solution or infinitely many solutions if all the variables disappear while solving and what remains is a

Try It 2

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} x-y & =4 \\ -6x+6y & =-24 \end{align} \right.\).


All the variables disappeared and −24 = −24, so infinitely many solutions.


Substitution works all the time, but there are some short comings. For example, if none of the equations have a lone variable, then you will be working with fractions. Most people prefer not to deal with fractions if possible. The other method is elimination, but it only works for linear equations.

Solve a System of Linear Equations by Elimination

To solve by elimination,

  1. Line up the equations into columns of like terms.
  2. Multiply one or both of the equations by a constant to obtain coefficients that differ only in sign for one of the variables.
  3. Add the revised equations from Step 1. Combining like terms will eliminate one of the variables. Solve for the remaining variable.
  4. Substitute the value obtained in Step 2 into either of the original equations and solve for the other variable.

Example 3

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x-7y & =10 \\ 6x-8y & =8 \end{align} \right.\).


Notice that multiplying the 3x by −2 will produce −6x in the top equation and 6x in the bottom equation.

$$ \left\{ \begin{align} \color{red}{-2}\left(3x-7y\right) & = \color{red}{-2}\left(10\right) \\ 6x-8y & =8 \end{align} \right. $$

$$ \left\{ \begin{align} -6x+14y & =-20 \\ 6x-8y & =8 \end{align} \right. $$

Add the equations.

6y = −12

y = −2

Substitute this into one of the original equations.

3x − 7y = 10

3x − 7(−2) = 10

3x + 14 = 10

3x = −4

$$ x = -\frac{4}{3} $$

The solution is \(\left(-\frac{4}{3}, -2\right)\).

Try It 3

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} 8x+2y & =4 \\ -2x+3y & =13 \end{align} \right. \).


The solution is \(\left(-\frac{1}{2}, 4\right)\).

Example 4

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} 2x-3y & =8 \\ 3x+4y & =-5 \end{align} \right.\).


Neither x or y are convenient, so choose one. This example will use x.

Multiply the 1st equation by 3 and the 2nd equation by −2 to get 6x and −6x.

$$ \left\{ \begin{align} \color{red}{3}\left(2x-3y\right) & =\color{red}{3}\left(8\right) \\ \color{red}{-2}\left(3x+4y\right) & =\color{red}{-2}\left(-5\right) \end{align} \right. $$

$$ \left\{ \begin{align} 6x-9y & =24 \\ -6x-8y & =10 \end{align} \right. $$

Add the equation together.

−17y = 34

y = −2

Substitute this into one of the original equations.

2x − 3y = 8

2x − 3(−2) = 8

2x = 2

x = 1

The solution is (1, −2).

Try It 4

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} 4x-2y & =8 \\ 3x-7y & =-5 \end{align} \right.\).


The solution is (3, 2).

Example 5

Solve \(\left\{ \begin{align} 4x-6y & =10 \\ -6x+9y & =-9 \end{align} \right.\).


Multiply the 1st equation by 3 and the 2nd equation by 2 to get 12x and −12x.

$$ \left\{ \begin{align} \color{red}{3}\left(4x-6y\right) & =\color{red}{3}\left(10\right) \\ \color{red}{2}\left(-6x+9y\right) & =\color{red}{2}\left(-9\right) \end{align} \right. $$

$$ \left\{ \begin{align} 12x-18y & =30 \\ -12x+18y & =-18 \end{align} \right. $$

Add the equations together.

0 = 12

All the variables disappeared and false statement, so there is no solution.

Practice Problems

    Solve the system using substitution.

  1. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 2x+5y & =7 \\ x+4y & =2 \end{align} \right.\)
  2. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 6x-2y & =5 \\ -3x+y & =7 \end{align} \right.\)
  3. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x-y & =2 \\ 6x+3y & =14 \end{align} \right.\)
  4. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x+2y & =6 \\ x-4y & =-12 \end{align} \right.\)
  5. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x+y & =-1 \\ 2x+3y & =18 \end{align} \right.\)
  6. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x+7y & =13 \\ x+3y & =-7 \end{align} \right.\)
  7. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x-y & =-2 \\ 5x+2y & =15 \end{align} \right.\)
  8. Solve the system using elimination.

  9. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 4x-2y & =-16 \\ -3x+4y & =12 \end{align} \right.\)
  10. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x-4y & =-10 \\ 6x+3y & =-42 \end{align} \right.\)
  11. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 4x-3y & =10 \\ 8x-6y & =20 \end{align} \right.\)
  12. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 2x+5y & =14 \\ 3x-2y & =-36 \end{align} \right.\)
  13. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 7x+2y & =11 \\ -2x+3y & =29 \end{align} \right.\)
  14. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 3x+4y & =18 \\ 6x+8y & =18 \end{align} \right.\)
  15. \(\left\{ \begin{align} 4x-5y & =13 \\ 6x+2y & =48 \end{align} \right.\)
  16. Problem Solving

  17. Tulips (RW)
    In Lily's garden, there are 5 rose bushes the first year. Each year, she adds two new rose bushes. She has 20 tulip plants the first year and loses 3 each year. When will the number of rose bushes equal the number of tulip plants?
  18. Mixed Review

  19. (1-01) Solve by graphing: \(\left\{ \begin{align} y & =2x-6 \\ y & =-\frac{1}{2}x-1 \end{align} \right.\).
  20. (0-07) Graph \(y > \frac{1}{3}x-\frac{2}{3}\).
  21. (0-04) Find the slope of the line passing through (2, 4) and (–3, 2).
  22. (0-03) Solve \(\left|\frac{1}{2}x-1\right|=5\).
  23. (0-01) Solve 3x + 5 = 11.


  1. (6, –1)
  2. No solution
  3. \(\left(\frac{4}{3}, 2\right)\)
  4. (0, 3)
  5. (–3, 8)
  6. (44, –17)
  7. (1, 5)
  8. (−4, 0)
  9. (−6, −2)
  10. Infinitely many solutions
  11. (−8, 6)
  12. (−1, 9)
  13. No solution
  14. (7, 3)
  15. In 3 years
  16. (2, −2)
  17. \(\frac{2}{5}\)
  18. −8, 12
  19. 2