INSY 335

Survey of Microcomputers and Applications

Winter 1996
Instructor:   	Ron Vyhmeister
Office:       	Chan Shun 215-A
Office Phone: 	471-3458
Home Phone: 	473-3732 (until 10 p.m.)
Office Hours: 	TTh 2:00-3:30, and by appointment. I will generally be in my office from 2:00-3				3:30.

Course Description:

A course covering microcomputer systems as might be found in a typical small-business environment. Includes a discussion of available hardware; introduction to general software packages; operating systems; networking; capabilities, limitations, and appropriate use; and industry trends.

Prerequisite: COSC 161


There is no textbook for this course.


1. To provide an understanding of microcomputer operating systems.

2. To provide an understanding of current microcomputer hardware.

3. To provide an understanding of the usage of networks.

4. To provide an in depth knowledge of word-processing tools.

5. To provide an in-depth knowledge of spreadsheets and their usage.

6. To discuss trends in information technology.

Grading and Course policies:

Grades will be assigned on the following scale:

A       95%
A-      90
B+      87
B       83
B-      80
C+      76
C       71
C-      65
D       55

These percentages may be lowered at the instructor's discretion. They will not be raised.

Grades will be distributed as follows:

Quizzes and Homework    40%
Midterm Exam            30%
Final Exam              30%

There will be required homework. In addition, there may be quizzes given at any time covering the prior lecture or the assigned reading material.

Late work receives a grade of 0. I will grade it for your edification, if you would like. If you must be late to (or miss) some class period or test, please make arrangements before-hand. I do not make arrangements after the fact, and missing a test of quiz means a 0. Quizzes will only be handed out to those who are there at the beginning of the quiz. If you are late, you will not be given the opportunity to take the quiz.

Except when specifically told otherwise by the instructor, everyone should work on their own. If you do work with a friend, make sure that your work is not a copy of theirs. If cheating does occur, a frade of "F" will be assigned for the quarter (not just the assignment/test). No withdrawal is allowed. Giving and receiving are equally punished.

Attendance is required by university policy. I will not generally take attendance, but I will notice who is there and who isn't. While I won't grade you down on attendance, students who are noticeably absent will receive no sympathy in a close call on grade levels.

You will not be required to hand in disks for this class. All homework submission will be in electronic format.

I will communicate any changes or announcements via e-mail. You are responsible for checking your e-mail daily.


Following is a tentative schedule. It will probably have to be modified, so pay attention, and if you miss class, make sure you check on any announcements.


Material Covered

March 26


March 28


April 2


April 4

Networking with Novell---Client configuration

April 9

Networking with Novell --System Admiistration

April 11

Working with WordProcessors

April 16

Working with WordProcessors

April 18

Windows 95

April 23

Windows 95

April 25


April 30


May 2

Networking with Microsoft Products

May 7

Internet Products

May 9

Internet Products

May 14


May 16


May 21

Windows NT

May 23

Windows NT

Finals Week