Business Education Conference

   Thu, June 26, 2008 @ 12:00 am - Sat, June 28 @ - 11:59 pm
    Chan Shun Hall

The School of Business Administration will be hosting the 6th Seventh-day Adventist Business Teachers Conference, June 26–28. The focus of this year's conference is “Business Education: The Future”. Where are we headed and how do we get there? Find out by attending this informative conference dedicated to Seventh-day Adventist Business Teachers.

There will be six plenary sessions as well as break-out sessions where professors will present research papers (20 papers in total). The conference will conclude with Sabbath services followed by a potluck dinner on Sabbath, June 28. For a copy of the brochure listing the plenary presenters as well as conference details, visit (Please scroll down for the second page)

Attendees are coming from as far away as Australia, South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Philippines and England as well as from nine sister institutions in the United States and Canada.

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   Allen Stembridge