AUSA Vespers

   Fri, October 24, 2008 @ 07:30 pm - 08:45 pm
    Lamson Hall
Topic: "The Relationship Between Service and Health: How to Improve on Traditional Evangelism."
Speaker: Gary L. Hopkins, MD


                Gary L. Hopkins is currently an associate research professor at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan where he is also associate director of the Institute for Prevention of Addictions, Director of the Center for Prevention Research and Director of the Center for Media Impact Research.
               Gary holds doctorates both in medicine and public health and a Master of Public Health Degree with an emphasis in International Health.  He has extensive experience in international research particularly in the area of AIDS risk of adolescents having completed research in Armenia, Ukraine, Romania, South Africa, Philippines, Caribbean, Peru and North America.  His current research includes a study designed to measure the impact of the Internet on families in the Pacific Northwest and also how drugs are impacting the lives of youth in North Idaho with am emphasis on methamphetamine use.  
               Gary presented his research findings in approximately 60 countries where he works with communities and governmental agencies to design effective programs to prevent high-risk behaviors among adolescents.  He has written two books encouraging faith communities to become involved in community-based prevention along with many scholarly publications.  He serves as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals.