First Stop and Residence Hall Move-in

   Sun, August 17, 2008 @ 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
    Howard Performing Arts Center Lobby and Residence Halls
First Stop
Don't go to the dorms...                                                                                     Don't collect $200...
Go straight to FIRST STOP!

You (and your parents) will be . . .

* Greeted by our First Stop Team
* Treated to refreshments
* Able to check your registration status and ask important questions
* Given an updated Orientation Week Schedule and other important materials

You'll also . . .

* Confirm contact details and your privacy preferences
* Have your Cast photo taken
* Receive your ID Card
* Receive help from Student Health and Student Financial Services personnel

It'll be the smartest stop you make all day!
First Stop Hours

Sunday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Located in the Howard Performing Arts Center                                                   at the end of J.N. Andrews Boulevard

Sponsors: Student Life
