Spiritual Formation Seminar
Learning To Enjoy The Presence of God
Fri, October 31, 2008 @ 08:30 am - 03:30 pm
Fri, October 31, 2008 @ 08:30 am - 03:30 pm
PMC Commons
Dates/Times: Friday, Oct. 31, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 1:30–3:30 p.m.
Instructor: Allan Walshe, associate professor in Christian Ministry
Location: PMC Commons
Materials: None required. Lunch provided.
Many Christians feel like they are on a treadmill of religious activity...They are looking for something more. Learning to enjoy the presence of God will allow you to discover profound ways of seeking God that will turn “quiet times” into joy, days into manageable journeys of peace, and prayer into an interactive conversation with God. This seminar will be full of practical activities, experiences and “how to’s,”–not only for you, but as a package you can take back to your church. Gain some refreshing insights and practices that will lead you and your congregation to a deeper journey of intimacy and enjoyment with God. Have your relationship with God confirmed and renewed at this seminar...come...relax and enjoy it... your life may be profoundly changed. All students, families, faculty and staff are invited to attend. Seating is limited. Stop by Bonnie Beres’ desk or call 471-3408 to sign up. (For co-curricular chapel credit, complete evaluation at end of seminar, including your name, ID number and hours attended.)