Pre-Dent Presenation/Vespers

   Fri, November 21, 2008 @ 04:30 pm - 04:30 pm
    Fireside Fellowship - (Whitehouse across from PMC)
This Friday, November 21, will be our last meeting/vespers before the

semester ends. It will be at the Fireside Fellowship (White house across

from PMC parking lot) at will start at 4:30pm.

Our featured speaker will be Dr. Conklin. Dr. Conklin is General Dentist

who has a practice attached to the University Medical Center right next to

Apple Valley. He is also a graduate from Loma Linda School of Dentistry.

His practice has some of the newest technological innovations in

Dentistry. He also performs a variety procedures. Dr. Conklin also teaches

a Topics in Dentistry class in the Biology Department at AU during second

semester. He is very knowledgeable in Dentistry and will provide a lively

talk for us.

I strongly encourage that each of you attend this meeting, it will be

extremely beneficial and informative if your still considering a field in


We will be providing Supper from PANERA BREAD to the Pre-Dentistry

students that sign up in the Biology office by Thursday afternoon. Soup,

Bread, Brownies, Cookies, Hot Chocolate, and Decaf Mochas await those who

join us this Friday.

After the presentation we will have a guest speaker lead us out in worship

and praise to welcome the Sabbath. I really hope all of you can join us

and don't forget to sign up in the Biology office (this is a MUST in order

to order enough food).

Sponsors: Dr. Hayward
Related Website(s): RSVP @ Bio Office

   Raj Swamidass