Pre-Dent Meeting/Vespers

   Fri, February 20, 2009 @ 05:15 pm - 07:00 pm
    Integrated Marketing & Communications House
Our meeting/vespers is February 20 (Friday) starting at

5:15pm at the Integrated Marketing & Communication House (formerly

University Relations House) which is by the old AU entrance in front of

the PMC roundabout. Our speaker will be Dr. Steely a practicing Dentist

in Michigan. He will be giving an exciting presentation. Isaac Lee our AUSA

President will be having our sundown vespers after Dr. Steely's

presentation. And of course supper will be provided by the Club from Qdoba. We will also be

handing out the club t-shirts to those who haven't received theirs yet. We will also be discussing
other topics about upcoming events and important issues that Pre-Dent Students need to know.

Sponsors: Dr. Hayward
Related Website(s):
