Campus Chapel

   Thu, October 1, 2009 @ 11:30 pm - 12:20 pm
    Pioneer Memorial Church

Timothy Nixon, senior pastor at New Life Fellowship on the Andrews University campus, will speak to students at Thursday's 11:30 a.m. chapel service on October 1, 2009. The chapel will be held at Pioneer Memorial Church.

In his message, titled "I Can Make You Famous," Nixon will explore how the Christian should pursue fame in a Facebook/YouTube era where anyone can be famous overnight.
Originally from Brooklyn, N.Y., he has served as a pastor for 28 years in three conferences and has worked at Andrews since 1998. Nixon is a graduate of Oakwood University (BA) and Andrews University (MDiv) and is currently completing his Doctor of Ministry. Chaplain Nixon and his wife, Sandria, have two children, Michael, age 21, and Camille, age 14. He is beginning his twelfth year as Inreach chaplain at Andrews.

"I live with the assurance that I am where God wants me to be and am doing what God wants me to do," he says of his ministry.

A speaker meet & greet is scheduled for Thursday evening at 5 p.m.