University Workshops

   Tue, March 4, 2014 @ 11:30 am - 12:20 pm

FeelWell Workshop
What’s Love Got to Do with It? Understanding and Preventing Date/Acquaintance Rape – by Ed Brennan and Kristina Johnson
Buller Hall, Room 208

ThinkWell Workshop
Thinking Outside the (Career) Box – by Mark Moreno
Mr. Moreno will discuss creative alternative careers for the arts and for the rest of us.
Buller Hall, Room 251

ThinkWell Workshop
Isaac Newton: Early Adventist Pioneer? – by Gary Burdick
Although Isaac Newton is better known for his development of physics than for biblical prophecy, Newton’s work had a substantial impact upon the prophetic interpretations of early Adventist pioneers.  We will also look at our 334-year-old manuscript of Newton’s on biblical prophecy.
Science Complex, Haughey Hall, Room 133.

TrustWell Workshop
Environmental Stewardship, by Dan Gonzalez
Newbold Auditorium, Buller Hall

LeadWell Workshop
How to Lose a Job in 10 Ways: The Art of Professional Communication – by Dave Ferguson and Enoch Lopez
Leadership Lab, Campus Center

WorkWell Workshop
Advanced Connections for Student Employees
Administration Building, Room 307
(only for students registered for Advanced Connections)

   Steve Yeagley