Call for Papers

   Agenda | Posted on October 21, 2014

The Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters will be held on Friday, March 13, 2015 on the campus of Andrews University. Faculty and students are encouraged to present at the conference, which has over 30 sections in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.

The call for papers has been issued and abstracts will be accepted until December 3, 2014. Please view the instructions below:

CALL FOR PAPERS: Go to our and click on the blue tab labeled "Conference" at the top of the page. Under the Conference tab are links to the Call for Papers, Section Information, etc.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 3, 2014. If you submit an abstract by 12/3/14, you will have a chance to win free conference registration ($65 value for faculty/others or $75 for students).

SUBMIT A 200 WORD ABSTRACT: Note: We are using a new abstract submission system. If you had a login/password in previous years, it will not work. You will need to create a login/password in the new system.
Use this link to submit your abstract or go to and select "Submit Your Abstract" on the left toolbar.

PROGRAM: Over 30 sections (disciplines) in the sciences, humanities and social sciences are holding programs. Follow the link under Call for Papers to see all sections.

PRESENTERS: Primarily higher education faculty, administrators, librarians, graduate and undergraduate students. (Undergrads must have faculty sponsors!).

Also invited to present papers: employees of non-profit and for-profit research organizations, public libraries, governmental agencies, K-12 faculty/administration, etc.

SPECIAL BENEFIT: Abstracts of papers presented at the conference are published in our interdisciplinary, academic journal, "Michigan Academician."